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Old 07-10-2010, 05:20 PM   #1  
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Talking Steel Magnolias -- #34

Good Afternoon, Flowers! It is hot and humid in my corner of the world today. We headed to Sioux City early this morning for Kolby's game. T-ball is hilarious if you pay attention at all. First of all they don't practice, and they didn't play last weekend. One little girl kept picking her shorts/underwear out of her crack and did a little dance in the process. A couple kids ran to 3rd base rather than 1st -- just silly things. It seemed everyone had to take a potty break whether they were next to bat or not. You can really tell the kids who have played catch with someone else. We dressed in jeans and tennies because the last time Beth said the mosquitoes were so bad. The city either sprayed or my Absorbine Jr. worked because we didn't see a one. We were both hot at the end of the game though. We ate lunch at Godfather's; Jason and Amanda came since Beth is keeping their kids tonight so they can go to some biker night celebration. Next we went to SAM's to pick up the pasta for the church supper being put on for the RAGBRAI (Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa) riders the end of the month. We need 72#s of mostacholi -- SAM's didn't have it so stopped at WM and took all they had which was 36#s. Then we stopped at Menards and bought a new outside door for the cabin. I should get started on laundry, but thought I'd "rest" here first.

"Gma" -- I have lost a few posts and it's usually when I've typed way too much, and don't feel like starting over! I love the colors in your sock!

Susan -- You will have the tiny gain off by next week. Sometimes I just don't feel like "thinking" what I should or shouldn't eat, journaling, or anything to do with WW. I usually pay for it in the end but enjoy what I ate in the meantime. I know planning is the key, but sometimes I just don't plan very well.

I think I will go read for awhile and then do a couple loads of laundry. Enjoy the rest of your day!

Jean -- from Iowa!
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Old 07-11-2010, 07:59 AM   #2  
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Good morning ladies. I am going to post a quick one as I have half a disaster on my hands and at the moment I have no way to fix it. I think the morons next door moved out in the middle of the night and they somehow left the washer water connection running. My floor in my bathroom is flooded and I can hardly keep up with it. No one answers next door, the number I could find for the landlords rolls over to voicemail when I call it and the water just keep coming in under the wall. I am running out of dry towels to sop up the mess. I am very angry as this is the second time this has happened. It happened a couple years ago when they moved out in the middle of the night and bent the connection trying to get the hose off. I couldn't get any headway until I happen to see his contractor coming. I just pray I can get someone over here to fix it or turn off their water or something.

Here is what happens when you have too much vacation and not enough sleep!

I have to go grocery shopping at the commissary this morning, but I can't leave it like this. I am going to try again to find someone. I will talk to you later. Faye

PS: Finally got the neighors to open their door and sure enough she has water behind her washer. Sheesh you would think you would notice!
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Old 07-11-2010, 11:42 AM   #3  
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Faye, call the police and tell them what is happening. They can get in and get it turned off!
Good morning, ladies! Only in the 80s today but the humidity is still there.

I think I'm getting bronchitis - scratchy throat, coughing and hard to breath. I did a nebulizer treatment this morning but it didn't help much. If I don't feel better by morning, I'll be calling the doctor and going in.

I have laundry going and need to get some more housework done today so I can go to applique bee in the morning if I'm better.

Jean, did you ask the store manager about the pasta? For 72# they would probably give you a better price. Little kids playing sports are indeed quit cute and funny.

Enjoy your day!
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Old 07-11-2010, 01:31 PM   #4  
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Good Afternoon, Flowers! The sun is playing hide 'n seek with the clouds; it's cooler and the humidity is down again. My windows are open and Ernie is happily watching the birds, squirrels, and bunnies in the back yard. We've been to church -- delivered the mostacholi and spaghetti sauce before the service started. Bob just left for the lake to mow and measure for another new window -- one that hasn't locked or closed completely for years, but is on the opposite side from the others. He just didn't think about that one at the time he did the others. I'm working on the laundry and sorting through the piles again . . . yet.

"Gma" -- What a mess you have! Will you have to pay the repair expense (if any) to your side or will the management be required to do that? I think it should be the neighbor if she is too stupid to realize water is running!

Susan -- I hope you are feeling better as the day goes along. If not you are wise to visit your doctor! I have my you can go to your applique bee tomorrow. No, I didn't ask the WM manager about the pasta. He seems to be awol from our local store more than he is there, or else he just isn't into the PR part of his job. The Sioux City WM, where we got the pasta yesterday, was so busy we just wanted to get out of there asap. The lady "in charge" was in church this morning and gave a brief talk about the items still needed; they mostly need money to buy the fresh food items and workers; we will be babysitting at the lake that weekend so won't be here. That doesn't hurt my feelings a bit.

I'm going to finish reading the paper and then get busy! Enjoy your day!

Jean -- from Iowa!
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Old 07-12-2010, 09:20 AM   #5  
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Good morning gals! I have been able to take off the snorkeling mask and flippers and have my house back to normal.... Thank goodness I am one of those people when I buy new towels I keep the old ones to use to paint, to color my hair, stuff like that so I had old towels to sop up all the water. I did use them all, which amount to about 30 towels so I washed them all and we ran them over to the laundromat to get them all dried at once and brought them back home. I sprayed tilex around the bottom of my side of the wall to kill any mildew, I just hope we won't have rotting inside the wall anywhere sometime down the road. Her landlord's contractor didn't show up until lunchtime and then it was because she called her landlord not because I kept leaving frantic messages on their answering machine. If you have a business like they do where you have a lot of rental properties, you should have some kind of emergency number or answering service so that people can reach you for heaven's sake.

The kids will be home tonight sometime. You get bored with one more picture of Thomas. That kid will do anything I think. I am just not camel material. They are smelly, they spit, and just not my thing, but I imagine he had fun riding on it.

Jean: If I had damage, I would be nagging them about fixing it. His contractor said the landlord would absolutely be responsible and fix anything, but there is nothing they can do in my bathroom. If anything shows up, it will be much later I would think. Whew, dodged by being up at the lake and not having to stand for hours feeding people. You did help, you bought all the pasta and sauce and took it to the church. Sometimes small things are just as good as big ones.

Susan: Our police department would sit on their hands and never go in to the condo unless they thought someone is inside. I would be lucky to get them to even show up here once I told them why I wanted the police. We had vandals at the pool a few years back and I called wanting them removed by the police and waited outside 3 hours and no one ever showed up!

I have errands to run today, post office, gotta get Fortune some heart guard at the vets and such. I am waiting until the end of the week then will go get my hair cut and my nails done then color my hair at home. I still have plenty of time, but I am starting my famous list as I think of things that will have to be done, like stopping mail and such.

Guess what, the bandit struck again! He stole the cover off our garage door opener that hangs on the outside of the garage! We are almost positive it is the nutcase that vandalized Jack's car. He saw him a week or so ago wandering around the property and told him if he touched his car again he would have him arrested this time. The guy denied touching Jack's car even though there was a street full of witnesses when it happened. So, I figure since he knows where we live he is trying to get even with Jack getting mad at him. I am going to call the cops every time I see him on the property from now on. No more mr nice guy. I am fed up! The thing is, the cops know him and know him well. They just pick him up and return him to the group home and then off he goes again. There isn't a whole lot they can do or will do.

Well friends, I need to go upstairs and finish my chores, get showered and dressed and out the door. It is pouring down rain here this morning, but we needed it badly so I don't mind. Have a great start to your week. Faye

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Old 07-12-2010, 12:27 PM   #6  
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Good Morning, Flowers! My internet is REALLY slow this morning. It's cloudy and we've had a few rain drops scattered around. I've been to church to help with the ESL breakfast; I think 1 out of 20+ kids said "thank you." I felt like saying, "you're welcome" as they walked away. Maybe I will do just that tomorrow. I need to call and make my mammogram appt. and then work on the kitchen floor.

"Gma" -- I'm glad you are "dry" once again! I hope the water didn't stand long enough to cause mold. I'll bet Thomas enjoyed his camel ride -- I don't think I would do that nor an elephant ride either. Maybe if I was 40 years younger I would. It's too bad your condos aren't gated to keep the vandals on the outside and your property safe. How aggravating! Did the pool ever open this summer?

I better get busy or the morning will slip by before I know it. Have a marvelous day!

Jean -- from Iowa!
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Old 07-12-2010, 01:18 PM   #7  
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Talking Marvelous Monday


It is another warm day here in the Heartland. My weigh in this day was a pleasant one for my scale showed me down 1 and a half pound. We had a great fun time this past weekend visiting with my bro in law from out in CA. He loved my home cooked meal. I am sure he would have liked anything I cooked since he has been eating out all during his trip. Plus he has been doing for himself for years during the time my sis was so ill and now that she has gone he is the chief cook and bottle washer. He is making a circuitous route of this country on his way home. What fun. We went for a ride in the country and what a nice ride it was. I am getting a bad case of the hick ups . . . be right back. Back now and got rid of them. My doc, when I was a kid, told me how to get rid of hick ups and it has always worked. He said to take a teaspoon and put a little vinegar in it and swallow it. Works for me every time and when I used to get them often just the smell of the vinegar when I opened the top cured me. I haven't had a case in so long I don't remember the last time so I just swallowed a teaspoon of vinegar. The nurse at school always kept a bottle of vinegar on her shelf for me and since it was mine I just took a sip right out of the bottle when needed. I am sure glad I don't get them as bad and as often as I did when a kid. It was just probably a negative attention getter. You can imagine how the teachers were glad to send me out to the nurse because they were garneing giggles from the class and it was disruptive. I am glad I didn't get them often though. I will never forget the time I got them and I had on my teachers high heels and she had on my moccasins. Nurse thought it strange ~ from the look on her face ~ to see a 6th grader wearing a nice pair of high heels. I think my bendie straw must have sprung a leak because it kinda whistles when I sip my soda. It's one of those WW ones and I have a spare thank goodness. This one has lasted a long time so it really isn't a tragedy that it isn't working so well anymore. For dinner I made grilled chicken breast over fettuccini alfredo along with a nice tossed green salad made largely of spinach leaves and home garden grown grape tomatoes. Those little tomatoes home grown pack a good flavor. Our crook neck squash is looking good but not quite ready to harvest. Will dried some apple slices outside and gave me a slice to sample and it was sure good. He got some of that black screening cloth to put over his outside racks and it is working out well. Food was dried that way before dehydrators hit the market. I remember when we lived in the valley where there was much produce grown out in CA and driving by the large drying lots put out by the packing plants. They certainly do it different now days but you can still do it the old way and might have to when the electricity is all used up. It's just nice to know how to do "stuff" the olden day way. We still on occasion do some out door dutch oven cooking. I like to make biscuits in my small 8 inch dutch oven. Today I am cooking inside though ~ a roast pierced with slivers of garlic inserted all over it then a package of dry onion soup sprinkled on top with red potatoes and onions placed all around the edges. I love the leftovers in a sandwich the next day. Ragg Mopp is at the groomers getting a bath and trim. Last night he slept with our guest down stairs. He loves that young man and will surely miss him when he leaves. The heal part of my right hand hurts slightly today and I don't have a clue why. Must have cramped it somehow in my sleep.

DONNA FAYE I do hope that water didn't wick up your wall when you got that neighbers flood come through. What a wonderful thing to have all those towels to sop it up with. My old ones end up being Wills "rags." The pic of the sox you posted are really neat. Love that picture of the camel fixin to get up with T hanging on. It shouldn't be much of a surpirse that the police wouldn't come for a water works problem since there is so much crime in the city there for them to deal with and they are short handed. That is going to happen more and more that we will have to take care of our own because when we call they say "no one's coming." Or don't even bother to say that and just don't show up.

SUSAN That wasn't too bad of a price to pay for your thowing caution to the wind now was it. You will have that gone in no time. Your bee sounds like a good time and I do hope your feeling well enough to participate. You know yourself well enough to get to the doctor when things get real rough don't you.

JEAN What a hoot T-ball players are. Precious kids are such a thrill to watch. I love kids. There are a couple of little girls at church that love their Maggie. One is 5 and her sis is 3. When we go out to eat after services they both want to sit next to me. I make sure I remember who sat next to me last time so we trade off. The 5 year old turns 6 in October and she is getting a silver bracelet for charms. She loves my charm bracelet. Every time I see her she asks if I am coming to her party.

Well ladies my main squeeze is coming home now with the roast and I need to go get out the large crock pot and put the liner in so I can start the cooking of it so it will be done by dinner time. I'll be smelling it all afternoon. OH and it does smell so good.

Have a great week Magnolias. Type at y'all later!

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Old 07-13-2010, 09:50 AM   #8  
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Good morning to all you gals! We are raining cats and dogs at the moment so of course, Fortune who wants outside can't go outside. Thank goodness for puppy pads and the fact I trained him when he was a puppy to use them too.

Jack has another ortho appt today. His knee was really bothering him a lot yesterday so I hope they can help him feel better, but it may just be the rain combined with the fact he has had to climb up and down stairs a lot lately at work.

Marty went home last night and I think they are happy to have him back. They trade places next week and get to keep Fortune. He is a doll to have except for one thing and that is he won't jump up on their bed and she said sometimes on their furniture to sit down so they have to get up and put him on which is irritating. We only have problems with the bed and I can get him to jump up on the bed though Jack can't. I do feel for them, but I have worked with him and can't get him from being afraid to jump up. He won't use the dog stairs either he is afraid of them.

Thomas was all excited to show us his egyptian outfit. He put it on and was all grins. I told him I saw him swim in the Nile and made me afraid he would get eaten by crocodiles. His mom piped up and said there weren't any but Thomas said they were kept back by the dam. I asked him his favorite part, but he liked it all. We didn't stay since they were tired and I wasn't feeling well again the female stuff. I haven't ever heard back from the dr about doing that stupid test again, but I am just going to roll with it for 6 months and if it hasn't stopped by then will again make an appt to see the gyn. I mean not much can be done if they have tested everything and it is all normal. I may just have to wait it out.

I saw online this morning the president's approval rating is now only 40% and dropping and when he was elected it was flip flopped and was 60%. I can only laugh at the people who voted for this guy. A politician is a politician and they will tell you anything to get elected. He has made promises he had no way of being able to keep, ie employment for one. I read an article written by some high falutin' economic analyst that said we would have to put 3.5 million people to work today to bring the unemployment rate back to 5%. He said on the other hand even if we had a steady steam of jobs starting today, it would take until 2016 to bring it under 5%. Ahh well, they are saying that the fall elections may be a landslide for the republicans because there is so much decent in the ranks so to speak. What a mess, huh?

Maggie: I get horrible painful hiccups that can sometimes be hard to get rid of. I will have to try your trick next time. Mine really are so hard that they hurt. Jack, bless his heart always gets so concerned when he hears the first one because he knows they hurt me so bad. Glad you had a good visit with bil. It is always nice to see family you haven't seen in awhile. We have made plans to have breakfast with my sister when we are in Indiana. The trip is so very short that I just can't spend a whole day with her. We only have 2 full days there and one of them will be taken up the whole day with the bus trip to the baseball game. It is about 3 hours to get to Wrigley Field from my son's home so you figure 6 hours back and forth then a 3+ hour ballgame and that day is shot. We have only Saturday and I want to spend most of it with Jackson since I haven't seen him since Thanksgiving of last year.

Jean: I have had connection issues with my computer on and off, especially with facebook. I just check it to see what everyone is doing. I had a devil of a time getting in here yesterday. The pool did open this year. They didn't send out flyers, but I think it is opening everyday at noon. We haven't even ventured over there at all this year. We came home last night and the nut case was walking down our street. He saw us come around the corner and he hightailed it out of the condos! I guess Jack threatening to have him arrested stuck with him. lol

I guess I should get my morning chores done, shower and dress. I haven't decided whether to go with Jack to the dr's today or not. Have a good Tuesday everyone! Faye
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Old 07-13-2010, 12:07 PM   #9  
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Good Morning, Flowers! I've been to church to serve breakfast; we didn't have as many as yesterday. We have enough Eggos to have a waffle breakfast for the rest of the week. They also could have scrambled eggs and/or cereal, fruit, and juice or milk again today. It's a nice morning but warm in the sun. I think I will set the air to come on this afternoon since it is supposed to reach the high 80s. Tonight I am going with Bob's secretary to a "program" in a small town near us. It includes many different things like wine tasting, napkin folding, how to grow flowers, decorating, art, cooking, etc. It's held monthly and each month has new things mixed in with some of the previous popular things. I'm anxious to see what it is since it's $25 a ticket!

Maggie -- on losing another pound and a half! I hope they stay away and take some more friends with them! I'm sure your bil enjoyed your cooking. A roast sounds good since I haven't fixed one in awhile. If I sit just right in the recliner my hands will go to sleep. I've been having some leg cramps again during the night so guess I need to drink more water. I drink a lot when I'm not home for some reason, but get lax at home.

"Gma" -- I had to chuckle at Fortune being afraid of the dog stairs. Maybe he would prefer a ramp! We used to put a little stool by our bed so "Mom" could get up there. She had such short legs she wasn't a jumper. I am so sick of political calls! They just bad mouth each other rather than telling us what they plan to do to solve the problems. We had one candidate for govenor who openly said he would follow AZ's illegal immigartion lead if elected. He didn't win the primary so now he is thinking of running as an independent which will split the Republican votes, and almost assures a win for the loser we have now.

Susan -- I hope all is well with you!

I have a load of towels, from the cabin to fold, so better get a move on. Have a terrific Tuesday!

Jean -- from Iowa!
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Old 07-13-2010, 01:15 PM   #10  
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Talking Titilating Tuesday


I just know Ragg Mopp is really going to miss our guest big time when his work is done and he leaves. Ole Mopp has been sleeping downstairs with him. I shredded the roast I had cooked yesterday after we had a meal and have quite a bit to make burritos with. I cut up the onions and potatoes and added them to the shredded meat along with a jar of salsa. I'll cook up a batch of spanish rice to add to the other stuff. Now Will is out and about and will get us some cheese to shread and tortillas to roll it all up in. I think I will make it all up into burritos and stick some in the freezer. Sometimes our guest isn't home for dinner but last night I told him to save room for a burrito I will fix for him when he gets here. Since I know what amounts of what I put into them along with the tortillas ~ I can count the points and not just make a guess.

JEAN That is a lot of Eggo's! Good thing they freeze well. That program you will be going to sounds like a lot of fun packed with all sorts of good ideas. I freeze bananas so to have one on hand when I get cramps. I make a smoothine with it and some other "stuff" and it works when I don't have any fresh bananas in the house. The potassium in them does the trick. Just drinking more water didn't ever help me but if that is what helps you ~ drink up.

DONNA FAYE Thomas will have enough stories about that trip and his adventures to relate to you for quite a while now. Things are going to change in the looks of the govt with the T party folks influincing the vote the way they have been. Some of the "old guard" will be booted out and new faces will be in there and hopefull do a good job of it. Do try the vinegar for hick-ups. I do hope it works for you as it does for me.

SUSAN Hope all is well with you.

Have a wonderful day Magnolias. It is "supposed" to get up to 107 here today. I am staying inside! Type at y'all later.

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Old 07-14-2010, 07:47 AM   #11  
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Good morning to you all! I am hoping we have a rain free day today as I have some things to do away from the house. It is going to be scorching hot again and the humidity is something like 95% so it is totally miserable here.

Maggie: I sure understand that high heat. It wouldn't be as bad except the humidity here makes it hard to even breathe. Years and years ago I worked at a lady's plus size dress shop. This was in New Mexico when Jack was on recruiter duty. There was this little very old Mexican lady that would come to the shop everyday and sell her potato burritos. They were absolutely spectacular. I had never had Mexican food in any form until I married Jack (there weren't even Taco Bells in South Bend back then) and thought a potato burrito would be icky, but I felt sorry for the woman and bought one. Yours sound pretty good too, though. My favorite Mexican food to make is chicken green enchiladas. Jack doesn't like green enchiladas, but I do. In this case the green is green chiles.

Jean: I don't think he would use a ramp either because the sides are open. I think if you put a chair next to the bed with sides on it he would jump into it and jump on the bed. He will jump on the bed with encouragement and he jumps on our recliner and couch without any encouragement, but he won't jump on Kelly's couch or chairs for some reason. That seems awful steep, $25 a ticket, but who knows? Hope you had a good time. You couldn't beg the city to vote in a republican here. The city is 65% black and they never vote republican and hardly ever vote white democrat. It is sad really that no one cares about platforms just race around here.

I am working towards finishing Kelly's socks and I would like to finish the footies I am making for my sister before I go to Indiana too so who knows. I have been doing stuff during the day time then in the evening when we watch tv I get sleepy. I have gotten hooked on the different home style shows and watch them a lot, like the first time home buyers, those fixing up basements to rent out, stuff like that. I love "House Hunters" and "House Hunters International." It is kind of fun seeing the kind of houses people want to buy and what the housing market is like different places. You know, even when I was a young kid you could buy a house for what you buy a car nowadays. My parents paid $19,000 for a two bedroom, one bath house. Times sure have changed.

Well gals, I need to get chores done. I want to get out and about before it gets too too hot today. Have a good hump day! Hopefully my trash can won't get stolen again since today is trash day! lol Faye
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Old 07-14-2010, 09:48 AM   #12  
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Good Morning, Flowers! It is very windy this morning and 80 degrees already. The weatherman says it will be in the mid 90s today and then a cold front will move in bringing thunderstorms with it. I have "lunch bunch" this noon, but otherwise it is just more of the same picking up the clutter and chasing dust/fur bunnies today.

Maggie -- I think your KS heat has moved into IA! The program last night had a Hawaiian theme which was fun since we have been there. It started with wine tasting and some munchies. The wine lady told about the different wines which are made here in Iowa. There was a jewelry display by someone who custom makes jewelry in the lakes area. She had a chart that we could figure out how to say and spell our names in Hawaiian. We tried different authentic foods and teas/coffees, but the "chef" told us what was in them first. Everything was in little sample size cups or paper plates so if one didn't like something, a whole serving wasn't wasted. The "chefferetts" gave us some history facts about the islands and did a hula dance while we ate. It was a 2 1/2 hour program; the time flew by. We ended by everyone standing in a circle, doing the hula, and then we could browse through the gift shop side if we chose.

"Gma" -- The political calls have become recordings rather than "real" people calling. That makes me even more if I am comfy and get up to answer the phone. Our first house was $8,900 in 1969. It was a tiny 2 BR bungalow but had all new carpet and central air. We thought we were on top of the world! Last evening was fun, (see above) but not something I would want to do every month. She plans the program theme a month before the holiday so the Christmas one will be in Nov. It is "decorating, cookies, and candies -- yum!" I don't bake much any more but that one sounds like a fun one to me.

Susan -- We are missing you!

I need to figure out what I am wearing for lunch. It is always cold where we eat so will take a sweater along -- that will probably look dumb walking in but "oh well." Have a great day and enjoy!

Jean -- from Iowa!
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Old 07-14-2010, 01:39 PM   #13  
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Talking Wonderful Wendsday ~ Humpday


Well ladies we are gonna get up to 110 this day if the weather folks are correct and we have a heat warning to stay inside. As if I need that warning! I am so glad that the humidity doesn't rise accordingly. Humidity is in the 40's as I type and very hot outside. The burritos turned out scrumptius and I have 8 in the freezer for a later day. We found a neat second hand entertainment center that has glass doors and glass shelving to put in the dining room to set my rotisserie and food dehydrator on. It really doesn't look like an entertainment center, just the bottom half of a hutch. Maybe the second hand shop just named it that. A nice narrow oak cabinet that fits in that spot and matches the dining set. On one of the shelves I put my place mats and cloth napkins. The others can house the parts for the rotisserie and other items that will fit. Anyway I am so happy to have found it and it being in new condition. Now when my rotisserie arrives it will have a home. For dinner I will be making hamburger steaks. I mix a packet of onion soup in @2 pounds of lean hamburger along with some other spices and make patties and bake them and they are yummy along and with veggies it makes a good meal.

JEAN Smart gal to take a sweater along. Don't worry about what the folks think for you will be nice and cosy while they shiver in the cold. What fun that sounds like ~ your Hawaiian do. I would love to be there and attend the next one with you in November. I am always ready to learn new ideas for holidays ~ especially Christmas.

DONNA FAYE I am so thankful that our humidity isn't as bad as yours. I don't do well at all in high humidity. I make those green enchiladas also make the traditional beef ones. Since my mother was from Texas she knew how to make all those yummy Mexican dishes and we grew up on them (Tacos, enchiladas, casa dias, chili verde) ~ YUM. Interspersed with all the other "traditional" regular foods CA offered. Makes me want to make a big pot of chili verde.

SUSAN Now you are beginning to worry me. Hope you are doing well.

Everyone stay cool. Oops my air conditioner just quit ~ wonder what gives with that. I'll go check to see if I can remidy that. Have a wonderfiul day. Type at y'all later.

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Old 07-14-2010, 03:06 PM   #14  
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Good afternoon ladies - hot and humid.

I've have bronchitis again and have been going across the street to my doctor's office for breathing treatments twice a day. Mostly I've been sleeping in my recliner (can't lay down in bed when I have this) and reading. I'm starting to feel better but it'll be a bit longer before I myself again.

I'll do personals when I get caught up and feel better.
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Old 07-14-2010, 03:11 PM   #15  
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Talking Back For A Tad Bit

SUSAN Girlfriend just take good care of yourself and don't worry about doing personals for we all do understand. I think you are fortunate to have your doc so close in times like these. Please just think of what you need now, be self centered.


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