January Club - 2010

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  • I've been back to work setting up my classroom, so I haven't had much time to get on here. I missed a few workouts this week and TOM is here. What a week. Hopefully TOM takes it's extra 3 pounds I've gained with it. I am trying to get myself back into a smooth routine. Looks like workouts at school will start very soon. 2 of my friends have been asking when we are going to start.

    Biggest news is that my son finaly got a job, after 6 months. YAY!!! That will be so nice...for him and me both. Now we have to get his car running ASAP.

    Susie- Congrats and good luck. Get your butt in gear and don't stop moving. I know how hard transition time cn be, since I am experiencing it my self. Do the best you can.

    Angela- Keep reaching for that goal.

    Kelly- Workouts are gonna be starting soon. hope you can fit some into your schedule.
  • Where did the weekend go?!

    We got the 1st bedroom painted yesterday--I can feel it today in my legs, arms and stomach.....wow...I didn't know that would be such of a workout!

    Mindy: It looks like you are quickly settling into a routine and I'm sure you are looking forward to the workouts at school. It' always fun to work out with others and I have found that I push myself harder sometimes in those situations. Hopefully Kelly will be able to join you for those workouts.

    So happy to hear that you son got a job! VERY ggod news..
  • Ladies,
    Well, I forgot to post yesterday. Not much to say, really. I gained a pound over the weekend. So I was at 204.5. I'm weighing like twice a week, so hopefully I'll be back on track in a couple of days. I'm sure the batch of brownies I made last week were a big part of the problem. Good news is they are all gone. Problem is I love to bake and unfortunately eat what I make. I need to find some more healthy low cal recipes so I can get my baking fix and dessert fix without feeling so bad or ruining my progress. I know it can be done. Until next time...
  • It's a new month ladies! I feel like it's a clean slate and time to set and reach new goals!

    I'm sitting a goal of 6 lbs to be lost this month. Anyone else want to set a new small goal with me?

    My father-in-law gave me some of his magazines last night and I am reading through the back issues of Redbook. I read an artilce on Jillian Michales and there was a small highlight in the article where she gives 4 unbreakable weight-loss rules

    They are: You must count calories, you must avoid processed foods at all costs (she said if the food had a mother or came from the ground that's a green-light food. A Cheeto or a Ding Dong, don't eat it!) You must do five intense 30 minute workouts a week, you must inspire yourself. (she said you must establish the why. That why is gonna carry you through).

    I'm going to try and stick to those as my guidelines this month and see where it takes me.

    Angela: I'm not one who can weigh more than once a week-it gets me off track but I know that for others it helps them. Do what you have to do to get to your 199 goal--I KNOW you can do it.

    This is my last day off work so I'm trying to get a lot done. Have a fantastic day!
  • Went back to work today. It felt good to be back but I really can't gage how I'm going to like the work because the person who will be training me was out today! I think I really wish they would have waited until next week to bring me in but oh well.

    I went to TOPS tonight and had a gain. The upside was that I walked to my meeting and back home so I got my 30 min of exercise in.

    I am also back to journaling and counting my calories there. So, I am already working for a loss next week.

    Yesterday I told you about those 4 rules that Jillian Michaels says we can not break, well I have my why (for now).

    My why I want to loose weight is so that my current winter clothes will fit and when I buy new things I will not have to buy a bigger size. At this point I am sure I am up a size and there is no way they would fit and I'm only buying clothes in the size that I was last year OR smaller...not going up in size...just NOT doing it!

    Looking forward to hearing from everyone.
  • 202.5, almost there!! Thanks for the encouragement, ladies.

    I also read that article in Redbook. My problem always is that I read so many different ones and see different stories/tips on TV(Biggest Loser, Dr. Oz, The Doctors, for example), they're all so overwhelming I don't know where to start. So, my good intentions tend to go out the window. But, I've been doing better at finding and following the commonalities, like eating more proteins, whole grains, fruits & veggies, and less sugars. I know the exercise is still my downfall, but I'm working on it.

    Susie-You're right! It is a new month and a clean slate. You've got a new job, new goal, new plan. Sounds like a winning combination. I wish you luck and look forward to reading your progress.
  • Yeah! It's a long weekend! My first thought this morning was...go for that walk...and I did. Also threw in some situps and stretching when I returned. We are having amazing weather here in Ohio. Lot's of sunshine and cool!

    We have a lot planned around food today. At family cookout at 1 and then dinner with a friend tonight. I plan to enjoy what I eat but keep it in control.

    Angela: It can become overwhelming when reading all that diet info. What I do is just take what I think I can incorportate for myself and do that. I figure it will give me better benefits than doing nothing at all.

    I LOVE what you said: " It is a new month and a clean slate. You've got a new job, new goal, new plan. Sounds like a winning combination"
    That is very inspiring to me. I think I will use that every day to keep me on track this month. Thank you!

    I'm glad to see that you feel encourged and that ONEderland is getting so close for you...I can't wait for that post where you say you are there...this is what I will be doing: lol.
    I know you can do it. Do you still have a date where you are trying to reach that number by?

    Mindy and Kelly: Where are you guys? We miss you!
  • You're welcome Susie. I only took your comment and expanded on it. I'm glad you like it and I hope it helps. And I also appreciate your support. Every bit helps. As far as my goal date, it's my birthday, a week from today, so I've got to step it up this week, but I know it's possible. Weigh -in tomorrow will show just how much I need to do. I am sooo looking forward to next weekend and making my goal would just be the icing on the cake, so to speak.
    I'm actually looking forward to next weekend. I'm going to the Hilton for the whole weekend (Fri-Sun) for Camp Crop-A-Lot. There will be 90 scrapbookers for the whole weekend and we will have all the amenities of the hotel (gym, pool, beach, etc.) Both of my roommates (best friend and a coworker of hers) just had meetings this week with a nutritionist from their place of employment and I'm hoping to learn a few things from them as well as take advantage of the amenities and keep each other on track with our goals. Breakfast and lunch are catered by Shula's Steakhouse at the hotel and are really nice buffets. I hope I can stick to the fruits, salads, lean meats, etc. and not go too crazy with the pastries and pastas. We're on our own for dinner Fri and Sat, but I'm already trying to figure out options that are healthy and low cost.
    I hope everyone is having a nice Labor Day weekend. I'll check in tomorrow with weigh-in results. Later...

    Kelly and Mindy- Are you still there?
  • I've not done much today, just got up, went for a 30 min walk and then went to church, then took a nap, and now I'm catching up on email and things.

    I'm going to have to clean my house tomorrow because I wasn't home on Saturday to do it and I didn't do it today. Oh well....

    Angela: I KNOW you can get to your goal weight by your birthday and wouldn't it feel GREAT to go away knowing you are under 200 lbs?! Your upcoming trip sounds so nice! You must exercise every day and stick to protein and veggies..I think that will take you to your goal..then you get to start practing maintence

    Mindy: You have been very quiet, is everything ok?
  • Well I am here. It has been really weird around here. I feel like a slug. It has been cold, nothing much happening on the weight loss front. I was hoping to get to a new low after TOM this time but that didn't happen. 174ish, I did see 173.2 though.

    I am kind of in a difficult frame of mind. Susie, you probably know my story about the ex-husband that lives with me. Well it is not the kind of relationship I really want and have been trying to figure out what to do about it. I kind of want him to move on and there is an opportunity for that to happen. He has been offered work in NC. Kind of a long ways away, not exactly what I had in mind. He wouldn't be around to fall back on if he goes.

    He really doesn't want to. I mean why would he. He is unemployed and gives me almost all his $$$. I am responsible for everything around here. He can watch tv, play on the computer and have all needs met. Good for him, not so much for me. I think I want him to go but I am a little freaked out by it. I have never been totally on my own. There has always been him or children. Needless to say my emotions and thoughts are all over the board and consuming all my time.

    Don't know if he will even go. Just need to have some things settled in my life. Sorry for the long story, but you girls are really good sounding boards and can be so helpful. I'll keep you posted. Thanks for listening.
  • Ladies,
    I hope you all enjoyed your Labor Day! Also, Kelly and Mindy, I hope the first day of school went well for you.
    Still 202.5, but hopeful. I ate a nice healthy salad and yogurt for lunch today and getting ready to workout. Also, it seems to be cooling a little in the evening, so I think I'll go for a walk after dinner, too.

    Susie-Thanks for the vote of confidence. I am hoping to meet my goal by this weekend. It is just a starting goal, so I won't quite be ready for maintenance yet. I'm thinking about my next goal and thinking 175, but haven't decided on a date yet. I don't want to get too far ahead of myself. I need to meet the goal first.
    Mindy- Welcome back and I'm sorry you're in such a "difficult frame of mind.". It is an unusual situation and I'm sure you will find your answers, whether from us or other closer friends. I'm not sure what to tell you, but I'm glad you value our opinions. I'm here to listen and support if I can. Keep your chin up and things will get better.

    Oh my, it is POURING down rain here all of a sudden. I guess it's time to pop in a dvd and get moving!!
  • trying to pop in everyday. School went well. Brought home work though. Need to workout.

    Angela- Keep working. you will meet your goal.
  • Hi Ladies! I got WAY off track on Monday but got right back on yesterday and feeling better about myself for it! I don't do well when I am out of my daily routine and Monday sure was....timing was off for meals and I kept grazing, started healthy but then started going downhill from there.

    I went to Zumba last night. I haven't been to class in like 6 weeks..it felt good to do it and today I can tell I worked out. Tonight is treadmill and weights.

    Mindy: You do have a unusual situation. I'm not sure what advice to give to you other than any sort of change is hard and a bit scary at times but change is necessary if you want something than what you already have.
    I, like Angela, am hear to listen and give you my take on the situation if you want it. Thank you for sharing this with us.

    Angela: Did you get your evening walk in last night? We had some severe pop-up storms last night as well but all sunny today!
  • Hey ladies,
    Got tht walk in last night! YAY! I'm not sure how long it is. I need to measure it with the car, I guess. I'm sure it's probably not long, but it can be easily adjusted. It's a loop in my neighborhood. Last night I did one loop at a pretty good pace, where my calves and shins were kind of burning, then I did another loop at a more leisurely pace. It felt pretty good and wasn't too humid. I'm hoping the weather stays that way and just keeps getting cooler throughout the fall and winter. That would be a nice long time to keep walking. I'm planning on walking again tonight. It's thundering now, so hopefully the storm passes before that time. I was 201 this morning, so right on track. 2 lbs to go until the 100s. YAY!

    Mindy- Don't work too hard. Did you get a workout in last night? Have you and Kelly been able to plan any workouts together? I'm happy she has you and you her to go with through this journey.

    Susie-Good job not letting that 1 day off track turn into more. I know it's tough when your routine is messed up and you feel like you don't have control.
  • I did Jillians kickboxing DVD last night/ God workout always. No real change lately..just hanging around 174. Dang!!

    No news on the ex and job. Just waiting to hear a verdict is kind of unsettling.
    I am going for a walk tonight. Susie- Good job getting back with it. Ange- Good job on the workout.

    Thanks girls!!!