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VermontMom 09-15-2009 07:50 PM

Oh Tammy, I am sorry :( that he decided not to go. The flooding may be an excuse, maybe not...all you can do is keep doing what you're doing and let him know you would welcome him anytime to join in with you :hug:

I have had the seasonal job for 9 years now! wow. I still havent found something alternate for winter yet. I guess the worst part of the winter job, was the personal snipes and comments from the owners, about us workers. And that I don't get a lunch break. Those are two things I could actually speak to them about, and say that unless things change, I won't be back. Now I just have to get the backbone to do that!

CChick, I meant to comment about your ride that you mentioned you had so many bike in the group...so kewl to see all those headlamps in your mirrors, isn't it!!

Well I was SORE today from my Cathe workout yesterday!! which is good 8) And even though I really really really didn't want to, I did 30 Day Shred, Level 3, argh!!

ladyrider72472 09-16-2009 07:47 AM

It was a complete bail..... after the flooding issue, there was an escapee in another county, and then it was my son's motorcycle pipe gasket (?)..... so it was one thing after another...... I was very bummed..... but I am going on for me. I will stay within my points, I will cook healthy, and if he loses great.... if not..... at least I will feel better about me. Ya know..... I guess even though I have been married before this is the first time I have come across this problem. See when we met, eating was our thing.... that was what we did..... well, now that we dieted.... I am closer to goal than he is, I exercise, and well--- he is a man who won't walk across the room if he does not have to...... that is all I can say. We were the "same", and did everything together.... now, not so much. Oh well.... it is what it is.

Holly, I hope you are either able to find another winter employment or tell them what you think (in a respectful way). You don't deserve to not love what you do! You are very dedicated!

CC, I hope your week is going well. I need to get dressed and off to work. I could not walk Jake this AM b/c of the rain... no bootcamp either-- so I cleaned house :mad:

VermontMom 09-16-2009 09:00 PM

Tammy, cute new avatar!! :) and I am a jack*ss for not commenting on your son's deployment to Europe...Kosovo...that is Bosnia, correct? bless you for having the strength to not fall apart about that, you might have already done that :D but you seem to be very strong to me.

We had young people from Bosnia for one season, at the Club, for workers. They told us harrowing stories of what they had gone through. Pretty awful, awful for ANY civilians caught in their country's civil war...but this was the first time I had talked to anyone about it. Anyway, didn't mean to get off topic about YOUR personal hurdle of saying goodbye to him for a while.

And I just don't know what to do for my DH health wise. He is not a person to do anything he doesnt want to do, and that means don't ever go to a doctor or get bp checked, or try to do some movement for exercise or portion control with food. I can only continue with what I do and hope he is motivated someday.

ChopperChick355 09-16-2009 11:02 PM

Hello Ladies

Tammy sorry to hear about your son as well, that would be very hard, not to sure that I could deal with it, but I guess like many you have to learn to... Just remember we are here if you need anything even if it is to vent, we all need that sometimes.

Well for the bad, really bad news- Last night on our supper run we got 10 miles out of town going about 72 shifted into 6th gear, heard a little clunk, then didn't hear another thing we were coming up to an intersection and had to turn so I started slowing down and went to shift down and I was stuck in 6th gear it would not shift at all. Call DS to bring trailer got it home and then we got it to shift but something is not right so of course
news gets around fast about my bike and there were about 8 guys here tonight, trying to help but none of them have a Baker 6 speed for a transmission and then they were saying oh you have to take this off and some were like no you have to take this off because it could be this and so on--- So after about an hour we decided that we were just going to take it the closest Ironhorse certified technician to look at it and tell us what is wrong- We will feel much better paying 70 bucks an hour then to take a chance with none of us knowing anything about it..... I have to ride this bike so don't want any uncertainty(spelling)

So right we are totally bikeless well besides the Yamaha R6 sport bike. Still hoping DH's bike gets here Friday :)

Holly I would just talk to your winter boss but after visiting with you over the what last 2 winters I really don't think that would matter with him anyways...... Are you looking for something else through the winter, I am sure it is probably hard because you would want to go back to your summer job and lots of places aren't always willing to let someone take a whole winter off, how about a school do they ever hire for their breakfast and lunch times? Just an idea

Well ok this has gotten long but I will post more when I find something out

Hope everyone has a great Thursday

ChopperChick355 09-17-2009 04:57 PM

Well got an appointment made but not till the 29th - so far away :( but hoping it is not going to have to be a new one because that is $4000.00 before labor costs.......

On a good note tonight is wings and a few beers night :) Yay I am thinking a could really use a beer ok I should say want a beer......

Hope you ladies are having a great day

VermontMom 09-17-2009 09:51 PM

OMG ChopperChick, that is awful about your bike!! :( :( :( such a long time to wait, and you finally have good riding weather..and ugh, so expensive!! I sure hope things turn out for you. Tomorrow's Friday, is DH"s bike coming then??sure hope so.

again, so sorry and thinking of you :hug: I would be #@^%&*($% if my bike was laid up :(

ChopperChick355 09-18-2009 08:55 AM

Happy Friday Morning :)

Well pretty sure DH's bike will not be here today- it will probably be next week, oh darn so that means no riding this weekend......

DS is racing again this weekend tonight and tomorrow night, so hope all goes good there and we will be home to go now.

Tammy how did your first night of WW go for you?

ladyrider72472 09-18-2009 01:46 PM

Thought I would drop in for just a sec. I am interviewing people for a job and waiting for my next victim..... Lol. Holly, too bad you are not close and in the medical field!

CC: I am sorry you won't be able to ride this weekend..... you should be here...... RAIN, RAIN, RAIN. It has rained all week and is not supposed to clear up until Sunday.

My first night of WW was great. I know I am going to have to stay in the meetings to stay motivated..... and that is okay. I have a great leader and it is very encouraging. DH swears he is going next week. He has been kissing butt since Tuesday. He keeps asking how many points everything is. I am not getting my hopes up again of him going, but if he does..... he is welcome!

Holly, I sure wish you could find a good winter job where the boss appreciates you. It means a lot when a boss is good to you.

I have to run..... she should be here any minute.

Will gab more later.

ChopperChick355 09-18-2009 06:28 PM

Tammy glad to hear meeting went well for you and that DH is still telling you that he is going and him asking about points is great encouragement that just possibly he will go :)

Hope the interviews went good for you???

Getting ready to take off for the races- Go Karl

VermontMom 09-20-2009 07:14 AM

good Morning chicks :)

Tammy, how did the interview(s) go? thank you, i wish I could work for you too! :D and sorry to hear about your rain! :(

CChick, how did Karl do in races? Hope he smoked everybody! :cool:

We did not have a frost last night but it is chilly out there! 36 degrees. But it will be sunny later (it is now, I just LOVE morning sunshine!! well I love sunshine any time, lol) and high 60's, so I hope DH and I can have another ride this afternoon when it is a bit warmer. Good news weather wise, it is supposed to warm up to mid 70's for Wednes. and Thursday.

Even though I haven't ridden to work in 3 days (either rain or COLD) I am enjoying driving my new-to-me car :D and I have been trying to keep it almost spotlessly clean inside, that means NO eating or drinking in car which is a bad habit anyway but sometimes inevitable. And trying to keep it clean outside also. Since our motorcycles have entered our lives I haven't really cared about 4 wheeled vehicles except for starting and stopping when they should :devil: but this is nice to enjoy your cage, even though she was a cheapie!

Well I skipped two days of working out, but I got up on time today and just finished 30 Day Shred level 3. AND weighed myself which I haven't done in well over a month...I have been having bites, licks and nibbles, ice cream, tastes of treats at work...and I am HAPPY to report I am only a little over, I am 151, so I should change my ticket to be honest and open, but I am letting you girls know :D

ChopperChick355 09-20-2009 01:24 PM

Well happy to report that Karl got 10th Friday night actually he was in 5th but then he got a flat tire on last lap but he continued and ended up 10th so not bad at all
Last night with 22 cars and he started in the middle of the pack 10th he fought his way to 3rd- WTG one more week of racing and then we will be done for the winter- good and bad thing- always had something to do on weekends which is always alot in the summer but by the end of winter we are bored out of our minds being home every weekend :(

Holly you are doing so awesome at maintaining even with little nibbles and missing a couple of days of exercise..... You still look hot in your pics :)

Well last night we were talking to some friends and they have a good buddy that has a chopper shop (called chop shop) and we called him and he can get my bike in tomorrow and maybe even have it done for our All Summer Long End of Summer Bash on Saturday so I am hoping and praying that he can get it done :) and he is cheaper than our HD dealership which is money in my pocket :)

Hope you get to ride today Holly it is turning out to be a great day but with no bikes can't go riding so instead doing laundry - smoking pork loin - and cleaning out the gutters around the house.

Well better get off here and get back to work- TTYL

VermontMom 09-21-2009 07:58 AM

good morning, it's sunny and chilly here but is gonna warm up to mid 70's to maybe 80; I have off, and have some things to do, then I NEED to go for a little (or long) ride by myself this afternoon :carrot:

CChick, that is sooooo great that there is someone who can look at your bike and maybe get it fixed before your next ride! btw, that next event sounds great, can you tell us about it?

Hi Tammy :D Hope your weekend was good, and Happy Monday morning to you.

One of the things I have to do today is have another eye test, the optometrist (or optician whatever she is) had slight concern about something that showed up on my optic nerve last year, and she said it is a slight indication of glaucoma, but there are no other signs so I have to have a yearly test of it...and it is today ...it is kinda scary thinking of stuff like that but I guess I have to not ignore it and do what the doctor says.

If it warms up by then (leave at 9:25 or so) I will ride, otherwise I will drive, which as I said I don't mind as much as I'm enjoying this cage :D Oh and I figured out, from my last full tank of gas, that the Geo gets about 30 mpg. As my bike probably gets 40-45 mpg, that's pretty good. I remember my first bike, the little 600 VLX, got close to 60 mpg!! that was awesome.


ladyrider72472 09-21-2009 10:04 AM

Good Morning ladies.....

Here in Arkansas I am going to vote that we change our famed razorback to the Arkansas Rain waders....... It is still raining-- with a chance all week.

Holly, I wish you could work here too! We would sooooo have fun!
I hope your eye test goes well...... I am sure it will.

I agree with CC about your eating and exercise. You really do look HAWT!

CC: That is awesome about your husband..... and that shows tennasity (?) sp. I a soooo glad your bike may get to the doctor :D soon. I hope it is a minor problem!

I have a story to tell you all...... I knew this was coming..... but I did not expect it so soon. First let me say.... I trust my husband..... and I know he loves me. Anyone I speak with says he adores me and worships the ground I walk on (He better--- Lol)...... but, it appears I am having my first dealings with a "badge bunny". Someone put a bday card on his police car Friday night....... it was signed "a special friend". The thing that gets me madder than anything---- my car was home...... and she put it on there with it my car there. I laid down the law to him once again..... with me there are no 2nd chances.... and there is no need to cheat. I consider myself a generous wife (in every way)...... but if he decides he wants someone else, all he will have to do is tell me. I won't fight for someone who does not want me. With that being said, I have been going to boot camp for four months...... don't think I won't whip the snot (gotta love that southern saying) out of her..... or she will me. But, I won't put up with her stalking my man.

Whew, I got that off my chest. I am getting back to work. I have to train a new employee!


VermontMom 09-21-2009 07:36 PM

Tammy - :yikes: and :hug: about the birthday card person!! does DH know who it could be? do you? I would be pretty steamed myself!! I would either hope that DH tells this person to back off, and to apologize to you, or I would stomp off to the station to find said person and say, rather loudly, to stay away from a married man! :mad:

ladyrider72472 09-21-2009 07:53 PM

Holly, I don't think it is a person he works with.... it is someone in the public. Since he is a county officer, he covers 700square miles. It could be anyone.... however he has promised if he finds out who it is (which she obvisouly does not have a lot of sense) he will tell me. If I find her myself it will not be pretty! :tantrum::club::boxing: I have no tolerance for a woman messing with a married man. Like I said.... I knew it was coming b/c every cop has a badge bunny from time to time. Women just chase them b/c of the badge and the uniform. BUT, she is no classy woman b/c he wears his wedding band.....and to me that is trashy for her to even think of pursuing him.

I talked to another cop's wife who has known my husband for 20+ years. She said he would never do that to me.....so I am trusting in him.

How did your eye test go?

CC-- hope your week is good..... looking forward to bike updates.

Anyone ever hear from Mandy?

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