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VermontMom 07-23-2009 11:39 AM

good morning chicks! my first day off in 9 days. Yay! I slept late (well, 6 a.m. :rofl:) and got the garbage/recycling to top of driveway by 7 for our early recycling guy; then spent about an hour outside weeding, propping up the blackberry vines; repotting an ugly annual hanging pot, etc.

Then came inside and had second cuppa coffee, surfed the web a bit, and did a Major workout! the Cathe cardio/step/strength dvd, then some of her Ab work. A full hour! And I remember I used to do that dvd at least twice a week. I have dropped down to just doing 30 Day Shred so often, because it's so quick. But it felt "good" to sweat and breathe hard to the Cathe workout . I really need to force myself to do a variety of workouts.

I'm trying some new makeup. Usually I just go the cheapest drugstore route, I've never tried anything pricey (and probably much better quality) from a dept. store. I usually use a bottle of L'oreal or Revlon liquid foundation, powder blush/bronzer from Maybelline, etc.

I ordered some Smokey Mountain Minerals, I read about it in the Looking Good, Feeling Great thread. I got a kit of foundation, blushes, correctors, veils, bronzer, eye liner. A few brushes came but more were supposed to be included; I emailed them asking if a second shipment was coming. Haven't even opened up the jars yet but will let you know what I think after I shower today and try them.

I have not been eating smart lately and I'm afraid to get on the scale. I've haven't been strict with myself, I'm not buying the stuff but when DH brings it home, I've been indulging. Bad on me for no self control!

Well I want to plan a trip to a big Goodwill store that is about 45 miles from here, I have a list of things I need (jeans, t shirts for work) and want (separates to make themed costumes for our next big rally, EasyRiders Rodeo in Ohio over Labor Day weekend) But other things I need to do (and more important) is make appt. for eye exam for contact lens prescription change, and appt to have my car looked at, for a nagging problem. It's hard to be an adult, isn't it :rofl:

MsDiana 08 07-23-2009 11:46 AM

This is so awesome! I see I am in the right place!!

I used to ride a 2004 R6. I sold it last year when I was pregnant and had lost my job and needed to pay my mortgage :(
I miss my bike!

Anyways, now my son is 8 months old and being a single mom, I miss being out riding sooo much. I need it for the release.
So since I am broke and can't afford the bike I WANT, I had to get what I can afford...
SO I just recently picked up a 99 YZF600r. It's a lil old and heavy, but she still gets up and goes.

(I will post pics when I have 25 posts :) )

VermontMom 07-23-2009 12:09 PM

Hi MsDiana and welcome to our thread!! Your baby is a cutie and you are one pretty lady! looking forward to pics of your bike :cool: I'm glad you were able to get a bike even if it isn't your R6.

Most of us here ride cruisers, I would love to try a sportbike though. As long as I'm wishing, I want one of everything, a cruiser, a sportbike, a sport tourer, a cafe racer :D

we encourage each other with our working out and eating right and share our love of motorcycling!

ChopperChick355 07-23-2009 10:32 PM

Hello - well only have a bit before I am off to bed for the night- it has been a super long week. Well one bright thing is leave in a week for Stugis

That would be awesome if we could all meet in person but the chances that we ever go any where but Stugis for a week is slim- DH only gets 2 weeks a year vacation and one week is usually a warm weather vacation in the summer and then our week to Sturgis but if it ever comes that you or Holly make it this way that would be great

We are however talking about going to Branson MO maybe over Christmas break but it depends on how much we spend in Vegas over Halloween...
Tammy how far is Branson from where you live?

Holly that is awesome that you have been getting to ride so much, I haven't rode my bike since coming back from our 4th of July rally, I have been going on rides but I have been riding with DH

Well ladies I will talk to you later have a great weekend if not before then :)

ladyrider72472 07-24-2009 09:14 AM

Welcome Ms. Diana! I am sorry you had to sell your bike, but you did get a good trade off. He is soooo cute! And I am glad you got another. There is nothing better than a ride after a stressful day!

Holly, I know you can kick butt and get back OP. And you do good with your eating..... so don't beat yourself up for not being so strict.

CC: It is so close to your vacation....... wow. I am about 4 hours from Branson. It is sad.... but I have not been there. Heck, I am 70 miles from Memphis and go once a week normally, but I have NEVER been to Graceland---lol.

I weighted this AM at bootcamp I am up a pound, but since I lost 7.5 pounds last week it is to be expected. I am waiting for DH to go out of town next week and I may do bootcamp 2 times a day to kick the WL into gear again. I have to force myself to drink more water. Currently I am only getting in about 80oz of water--- so I have to step that up too.

Btw, you are not going to believe this.... I got the new tank and DH popped the dent right out of the other one! Oh well...... its only money, right?

I am going to get busy......

VermontMom 07-24-2009 07:56 PM

good evening chicks! this morning I did 30 Day Shred Level 3. Gawd, no matter how many times I do that, I am SOO glad when it is over!

Tammy, YAY to getting your new tank! and having a spare one now too ;)

yeah, your 7.5 loss last week was EPIC! :carrot:

CChick, what day do you leave for STurgis? And YES if we ever make it we WILL meet up! :)

how are you today, MsDiana?

I had to take the cage to work today, it was raining pretty hard. But it was like the first time in a month. That's pretty good!

I am having fun with some new makeup, it's Smokey Mountain Minerals, and there's a thread in the Looking Good, Feeling Great section under "Face Powders" where JerseyGyrl and I are blabbing about how great Smokey Mountain is, LOL. But I am impressed with it. It's sheer, but pretty, and very blend-able.

Tomorrow a local bike shop is having an open house, bikini bike wash, bbq, live music, should be fun! We'll be going after i finish work.

ChopperChick355 07-25-2009 10:20 PM

Wow totally missed that we have a new friend- Welcome MsDiana
Glad to hear that you got a motorcycle to start riding again

Holly how was your outing today at the bike shop, sounded like it could be
fun :) I am going to have to check out the make up stuff it sounds good
I don't use foundation only powder but I have been using the mineral powder through Avon but the coverage isn't always the greatest

Well have a great night and nice Sunday

ChopperChick355 07-27-2009 05:10 PM

Hello Chickies :) Thought I would drop in and say HI !!

Well 4 days until we get to leave, pretty much ready to go just have to pack clothes, coolers, and snacks

It did get warm today but did have a little rain this morning. It was def a monday :(

Eating has still been going good but haven't had much time to exercise.


ladyrider72472 07-28-2009 09:54 AM

CC: I can't believe just 3 more days now...... I hope you have a safe blast! Congrats on your eating!

Has anyone heard from Mandy? I have not seen nor heard ANYTHING from her.

Holly: How are you?

It is raining here...... going to all week :( Oh well---- if I have to wade through the rain so CC can have a good time and pretty weather, so be it..... but I want someone else to take it back when that is over (lol).


ladyrider72472 07-29-2009 01:57 PM

Just a quick post to say "Hi" :wave: to the biker chicks! Hope you all are well.

Hope all of the MIA biker chicks are well also!

CC----- girl, it is close!

VermontMom 07-29-2009 08:22 PM

good evening!! wow I didn't realize it was sooo close for our CC to leave for Sturgis!!! woo hoo for you !!!!!!!!

Hi Tammy :) sorry about your rain! we have had 2 nice summery day sin a row, yay !!

I have seen Mandy on Facebook so she is around :)

ChopperChick355 07-29-2009 09:53 PM

Hey Girlies :) Yes leave in 2 days well less than 2 days but who's counting :) oh wait I have been

Well it has been rainy here all day but thats ok because the weather is looking good out west for us next week. Right now weather showing upper 70's low 80's which is a little cooler than I like but no rain I will take it. Not rushing it becuase I don't want next week to fly by even though it usually does.... :(

Tammy thanks for letting the rain fly this week so that it is nice next week- so you haven't been getting much riding in this week- I haven't really either been getting stuff ready every night, last night we help one couple pack wheel bearing in their camper, then tonight we (well DH) changed throttle cable on his moms trike so she will be ready to go as well.

Yes I do see Mandy on Facebook and it seems all is ok with her

Well ladies just in case I don't get on here before we leave I will try to check in while I am gone- I am taking my computer but not going to guarantee anything

Have a great week TTYL

ladyrider72472 07-30-2009 09:38 AM

CC: Have a fun and safe trip. I can't wait to hear from ya.

Did someone offend Mandy on here? I have not seen her in this thread or any others......

Holly, how is the exercise going?

I am struggling right now with the WL, after that 7.5 loss and then the pound gain..... I am having difficulties..... but I will make it. Sooner or later. I am bound and determined not to quit like all the many times before!

Y'all have a good day.

VermontMom 07-31-2009 07:59 PM

good evening :) chicks

so exciting to have one of our own girls off to Sturgis! :carrot:

Tammy, today I did level 2 of 30 Day Shred. I haven't been working out on Wednesdays at all; and sometimes I don't on Tuesday's, but yes to the other days :cool: I have been having some summer treats (soft serve ice cream, Smirnoff delicious bottled drinks) but not toooo overboard.

Maybe Mandy just is taking a little break from here? I would think that if she were offended by something, she'd let us know :hug:

Well I had a little bike trouble yesterday :( My clutch cable broke as I was sitting at a light. And I couldn't roll it because it was in gear, and I couldn't get it out of gear because the clutch not working.

So I tried to keep calm, put down the sidestand, told people behind me, Sorry! Go around me...and bent down to look at where the cable was. And I saw where it had broken. So I thought...okay, pull on the cable, and that will disingage the clutch, so I did that with right hand, held bike steady with left and shifted with left foot, while keeping right foot on ground and I shifted it into neutral! :carrot::D

and then JUST had to push my 500-ish pound bike up on the sidewalk. A man helped me :D and thank goodness there was a tiny little parking lot right there, with a deep shady space (one of the first days in Vermont that it was warm and sunny) and I called AAA on my cell (which I have been keeping charged) and they sent a flatbed with someone who knows bikes. I was pretty sure husband could fix it, once we got a new cable, so I had the guy take us home.

SOOO today I get on the phone to try to locate a clutch cable...called 3 places, two of them big Honda dealers, and no one has it in stock!!! The smallest place said the earliest would be Thursday...the other two offered expedited shipping, one was $25 extra and the other was $40 extra!!! for a $10 cable! :mad: so I went wtih the $25 extra, to get it Tuesday (the place is closed Sunday and Monday) .

I'm just feeling poopy and sorry for myself because besides being bikeless, my CAR is not driveable now with a big hole in the muffler, and the transmission is doing something weird, so I'm actually afraid to take it somewhere because I don't want to hear the bad news. Husband has his bike and his van, which I can use, but I hate this 'things are't smooth' feeling but I guess that's life.

ttyl :)

ladyrider72472 07-31-2009 08:52 PM

Hope CC made it to Sturgis okay and they have a fun time!

Holly, it is a bummer you are in a vehicle funk....... but girl, you keep your head up! Most women (including me) would have panicked if they would have been in your shoes!!! Those exercise tapes have paid off! You are a "lil bitty thing" to be pushing a bike that heavy! Kudos to you!

I have not been exercising on Wednesday either... but I am going to walk or something on Wednesdays. I had a crazy idea to ride my bicycle to work, but it is 17 miles. Not sure I could do it both ways.

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