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ladyrider72472 08-31-2009 10:36 AM

Well, I don't discuss food a lot with them--- except just like I do with you all.... I suck at eating OP on the weekends. But, one thing I forgot to tell you is one of the girls did Lap Band in April and is not losing like she should. She has not really changed her eating in the way she does not count calories, points, carbs, or anything. The other started the same time I did and was doing really well just cutting back on her eating and walking with me in the afternoons..... but she quit in January and gained it all back. Now, I do tell them when I go down a size. I can get in my goal size of 12 now.... they are just not ready for public..... So, I am not saying much about that anymore. I did tell them when I exercised and tried to get the one who gained the weight back to go to BC with me..... or walk like we used to..... but no such luck. I am not discussing that anymore either. As far as my bosses wife..... I do talk about it more than I should.... but it is b/c I am in need of another wardrobe of scrubs..... I guess bottom line, I need to watch what I say?

Holly, I bet all that will fit in a compact car..... girl, you are used to packing a bike..... you can make it work!

CC- I hope you had a good weekend.

ChopperChick355 08-31-2009 05:24 PM

Hi girlies :) Made it home last night well early this morning like 2 am

My son actually won the Worthington Nationals he has only raced their a few times but everyone there kept telling him to come back and beat this 7J guy who wins week after week well it finally happened last night but not till the last lap... :) And the best part is the winner takes home $1000 bucks :) He got a 5foot trophy and all. Anyways we were all excited and now we keep telling him Boone Nationals here we come, that is next week starting Wednesday, it sure would be nice to pull it off there to. I didn't get to many pics on regular camera to post but got a few with phone camera that I posted on Facebook

Well eating wasn't so great because we were staying in a motel and eating out all weekend, tonight we are going for a ride and eating HuHot yummmmy.

Holly great deal on the car - This one will probably make it for quite some time for you, our friends have one and bought it brand new back in 1984 and still have it and it runs great for them.
You leave like day after tomorrow - I am jealous but I will wait to see all the pics when you get back :)

Ok better get my butt in gear and get the bikes ready for tonight-Hope everyone is having a great Monday

VermontMom 09-01-2009 03:04 PM

Tammy - well now I think that maybe the other ladies are possibly slightly jealous of your success...but it doesn't sound like too much of a problem, if they mention it in the future, like "you aren't still trying to lose weight are you?" you can reply, "I'm just doing what I feel I need to do" or something vague like that.

CChick, CONGRATS to your son on winning that title!! :carrot: Your whole fam must be on Cloud Nine :)

Yes, we leave tomorrow, after I finish cooking breakfast at work. LOL Tammy you're right, I'm used to packing a bike, I can cram a car! :D

Can you chicks believe the beautiful weather??? Day after day after day is forecast of clear skies, sun, temps in the 70's to low 80. beautiful!!!! all i can say is, we've earned it!! this will be our first rally of the year with no rain. Woohoooo! :carrot::carrot::carrot:

well I will check in with cha's before I leave ;)

ChopperChick355 09-02-2009 08:29 AM

Holly have a blast and be safe on your trip there and back- but Have Fun while you are there :)

Tammy I would just tell them that you are doing what you feel is right for you- I agree with Holly they are jealous that you made it this far and have succeeded and keeping off what you have lost :)

Well at least it is hump day so getting half way thru the week- Not much going on over Labor Day weekend but racing. We had a BBQ last night for
the crew everyone was there so of course everyone had to watch the race as I did record all but the last lap and a half.

Ok Well talk to you later again have lots of fun and especially with all that great weather you are suppose to get

ladyrider72472 09-02-2009 09:12 AM

Holly, Have a BLAST! Be careful!

CC, I am soooo happy your son is doing so well in racing. You know there are some boys that I used to go to church with that are going semi pro.


ChopperChick355 09-02-2009 04:42 PM

Tammy really that is great about those that you know going semi pro- Some have said that he should go to NC and go to the school but I don't think he would do well away from home, not that he is a mamas boy but I think he would be lost without his family and friends :)

Well I know Holy is probably already off on her travels hope all goes well and will have to wait to hear about it when she gets back.

Have a great day only 2 more work days left :)

ladyrider72472 09-02-2009 04:45 PM

You know.. my son is not a momma's boy either, but everytime he has to go away with the military that he cannot come "home" on the weekend it tears him up..... I NEVER thought he would be that way b/c he is not an emotional person, but he sure shocked me.

Holly..... save trip wishes. Will say a prayer for ya.

Thank God there are only 2 more work days until the long weekend!

VermontMom 09-02-2009 07:38 PM

SURPRISE! :D I'm logging in courtesy the WiFi at a rest stop on 90West, we left our area about 1:30 pm and have just taken quick gas/restroom stops until now, I'm blowing my good eating on a S'barro meal that must have had about 2 billion carbs and calories, LOL!

The car is packed to the roof,almost, haha! I drove the first 4 hours, now hubster is and I'm reading a book until the light is gone.

I had a slight frustration this morning as I found out that my box of contact lenses from 1-800-CONTACTS is the wrong prescription!! they make my vision even worse than it is on it's own! :devil: thank goodness my optometrist had my prescription in stock, so I had to buy 2 boxes from them on our way out. I'll deal with 1-800-CONTACTS when we get back home.

sooo this might be the last message for a few days, thanks for your well-wishes girls :hug: I'll have a drink or two for you :D

ChopperChick355 09-02-2009 11:03 PM

I have to agree thank goodness 2 days left of work before the long weekend :)

Holly did you guys get to take you Geo or are you in the van? If the new Geo how is it running for ya?

Well Thursday is our night out for a couple of beers and wings so probably will not be able to log on tomorrow as I also have a meeting and hour away and will want to get all the sleep I can in the morning before getting up to get on the road... SO if you don't hear from me tomorrow just didn't get time to jump on computer....

So have a Great Thursday and Holly have a couple of Tequila shots for me, since I am really liking those.... :)

ChopperChick355 09-03-2009 10:17 PM

Hello, we made it home tonight, instead of wings I had chicken breast and not to many fries.

At work today we had a meeting and at the end of the meeting I got a piece of cheesecake with a sparkler for my 5 year work anniversay with the
company it was very nice, my boss also got me a necklace with 2 pair of earrings, very thoughtful of her :)

Tammy so do you have anything planned for Labor Day weekend? Not much going on around here but racing - Since we don't work Monday we may tailgate it on Sunday with a few beers....

Have a Great Friday :)

ladyrider72472 09-04-2009 08:52 AM

CC: We don't have many plans other than taking the new to us boat out and seeing what it will do. We took it out on the small lake nearby but we may take it out on the big lake. Other than that.... if the weather will be nice we may take a few small rides.

That was VERY thoughtful of your company to even acknowledge your presence there and to have you a chz cake and sparkler....your boss sounds really thoughtful. It makes it easier to work for good people.

Got to get to work...... be here until noon-- Woo Hoo! Thank goodness for the long weekend.

ChopperChick355 09-04-2009 06:43 PM

Tammy have a great weekend with the boat- I miss our boat but I only lasted an hour before getting sick - motion sickness not good for me :(

Holly I know you are having a Great Time, wish I was there :)

ChopperChick355 09-06-2009 10:11 AM

Good Morning :)

Sunday is here up doing laundry, then off to the races. Championship night tonight and hoping DS can pull it off another weekend :) GO Karl

ladyrider72472 09-06-2009 05:30 PM

We did take the boat out briefly. DH caught one fish..... the boat was not acting the way it should, so we brought it home. . He thinks it should go faster (guess it is the testosterone). So, I decided to take a nap..... didn't realize it was going to be a 3.5 hour one. I LOVE to nap..... it is "my time" where I don't have to think..... but I don't normally take that big of one. DH is outside now cleaning the carburators (?sp) in the boat. I am cleaning-- sorta. It has turned into a lazy rainy Sunday.

I hope Holly is having a good time..... and I hope your son does great!

Gonna get up for a few minutes...... and clean. TTYL

ChopperChick355 09-06-2009 05:43 PM

Oh ya speed is a man thing, go figure..... Well a guy called on DH motorcycle and wanted to come get it yesterday but when he said check DH was like well you know I really don't want a personal check can we meet a day next week with cashier check, the guy was fine with that, so we will see as we are suppose to meet on Thursday.

I only have one picture loaded on craigslist with listing and the guy said he didn't need any other pictures if there wasn't anything wrong with it and of course there isn't :) But DH talking about speed has found a new bike already a Boss Hoss with a 350 Chevy motor, all about speed.... :)

3.5 hour nap that is good usually I have intentions on napping at least a couple of hours but then it usually ends up being 1....

Well taking off for races I will check back in later but probably tomorrow on how DS did..

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