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LittleKiwi 05-11-2009 04:39 PM

Last night I worked so hard at the gym that I thought I was going to be sick! I did a spin class with the gyms hardest instructor (who is a real d!ck by the way!) and boy it hurt. I kept up as much as I could but have got a lot of fitness and strength to build up before I can totally keep up with it all.

I did weights first and am determined to get back into the swing of doing 3 weights sessions a week.

Plan for today is to go to the gym tonight and do 40 minutes cardio.


PerthChick 05-12-2009 08:52 PM

Julia the thought of spin class scares me :D. Great to see you sounding so determined.

All is good here - I have just over two weeks to go before I start a fortnight of holidays. YAY! No plans to do anything - just to have a rest from work.

Where is everyone?

amouse 05-13-2009 04:41 AM

im here .. did a pilates class today the yoga lady was sick so had pilates instead.... omg i was going ok then she started doing alot of leg work and now my knee is really playing up :( .. i dont do squats or lunges becuase of my knee.. and alot of her class was in those sort of postions.

Other then that im going good.. blew my cals on the week end in a magor way but have worked them all off just about with 2 hours on the elliptical on top of my other exercise . So im feeling very happy within myself atm. I wasn't even mad for doing it this time it was mothers day and i got on top of it .. so hoping for a loss this week .worked out every day of the last week plus the extra so im pleased with myself :)

My neighbour said to me this morning she is going to call me the amazing shrinking woman... lol... Which kinda made me happy..

this weeks exercise plan is
thusrday aqua
friday elliptical
saturday wii fit
sunday elliptical
monday wii fit
tuesday lap swimming
wednesday yoga ( i hope )

my cals are set to 1560 a day.. lets see how i go.. :)

Last week my cals a day after taking off exercise was 1188 cals a day ( after i fixed it anyway lol) the week b4 worked out to 1109 cals a day and i lost 900 grams.. so fingers crossed for a loss this week too . will know on friday.

im not so hard on myself as i was i wont regrett slip ups i will fix them.... do the crime do the time. this weeks slip up meant 2 extra hours on the elliptical and i did it too :) lol

smylie 05-13-2009 07:13 PM

barb - i hope sunday went ok
ani - cant believe you are walking accross the nullabour - i really should get the pedometer of mine out and see what kind of walking a housewife/mummy does
amy - 900 grams woohoo :carrot: and under 110 - **** you are going to catch up with me soon!!! woo hoo hoo
julia - how are things going with the boy?? you are so on track too

and me
remember MONTHS ago i lost weight by sensibly eating LMAO i couldnt believe how easy it was
then i stopped
back to it
weetbix, banana and a juice for brekky 3 days in a row now
lunch on tuesday was good, monday and yesterday lunch not cool and today treat - pub lunch
and dinner lowcarb not no carb
and mindframe FANTASTIC

weight was the same as last week on monday so i hope for a little improvement there but will think of last week as maintenance.... sigh

been doing a little exercise every day - trying to at least walk the dogs - yesterday though was too tired and jem and i had big nap in front of telly

where is lindor?
how is gen and her mum?
vonni came to my house on saturday with her girls - she is awesome

barbegirl71 05-13-2009 07:49 PM

Sunday was difficuly, but then I think for the next twelve months celebrating all of the things in life for the first time without mum will be. I tried really hard to stay happy for my kids sake but once they were in bed I lost it completely.

Its also little silly things that get to me. Last week I made a big pot of chichen soup and said to my husband I should get mums huge pot and use that next time, well that set me off knowing that mum will never do stuff like that again.

My weight has come down from 105 to 103.6 and I'm hoping keep slowly progressing in the right direction, not really doing anything to help it along just eating sensibly.

Its really great to see you're all doing well, I love reading about what everyone's getting up to.

Take care. :)


LittleKiwi 05-14-2009 06:20 PM

Yay Kel sounds like you're back on track. Way to go! :carrot:

Things with the boy are going really well. We're having a dvd night tonight :D

Today at work we're having a big morning tea and my god, you should see all the chocolate out there!! Knowing this was going to happen, I've packed my gym gear and will be hitting the treadmill after work to compensate.


amouse 05-14-2009 06:30 PM

WEigh in day im down another 900 grams.. i cant beleive it i dont think i have ever lost this much in 2 weeks .. 1.8 kilos over 2 weeks .. i think that is my normal monthly loss.. http://images.calorieking.com.au/bra...es/icons/3.gif i couldnt be happier http://images.calorieking.com.au/bra...es/icons/3.gif

so yup 108.7 kilos now.. and im bloated with TOM.. my hips and legs are both 8 cms more then last week .. from the bloat.. and im still showing 900 grams. http://images.calorieking.com.au/bra...es/icons/3.gif im over the moon

7senuf 05-15-2009 05:08 PM

WTF????? Last I weighed myself I was 77kg. yesterday the scales say 69??? Awesome! but alas ,maybe they were frozen with the frost. This morning they say 77. oh well, i had excitement for one day.

I get some excercise at work. not only walking back and forward between nurse station, wards and bedsides, and showering people - when i have my breaks i go down and up 5 flights of stairs.... 12 stairs each flight. thats gotta be doing something right. Right???? once on way to work 12 stairs, down and up on morning tea 36 stairs, down and up lunch 48 stairs down again when i leave 60 stairs..... then anything in between if i go between floors to get stuff.

A friend i hadnt seen in a while said to me yesterday "yr losin weight girl" I said naaa, but then it occured to me with the walking and 'stairing' probably building muscle. my jeans are loser that much i know so yayyyy

smylie 05-16-2009 07:12 PM

vonni - i have to use y our scales next time i am at your place

amy - woohoo again :carrot:

ani - did you end up treating yourself to anything exciting once you got under 70??

me - very anxious about what the scales say tomorrow - having burritos tonight which is a heavy meal but i hope to have lost enough that even heavy meal will still show a small loss

LittleKiwi 05-17-2009 04:58 PM

My weight is not budging and I know that is because I'm not being very strict with my diet. At least I'm not gaining anything I suppose.

Went to the gym on Friday night and I ran for an hour! Non stop!! Covered 8km and was so proud of myself :D

I was pretty achy all weekend so haven't done any other exercise since. Got a comedy evening to attend tonight so there'll be no gym today either.


LittleKiwi 05-18-2009 04:50 PM

Helloooooo ...... where is everyone?

It looks like my gym work won't be happening this week, I'm getting an ingrown toenail :( Ouch!

I can't afford to get it seen to anytime soon so I'm just trying to keep it really clean and hope that the infection dies down a bit.

Last night I cooked a lovely big pot of veggie soup so am enjoying that.


7senuf 05-18-2009 06:04 PM

Don't pick at it Julia lol. Hard to resist I know.
I'm travelling ok. Still trying to get house organised but no motivation. Been a bit hohum with food. Been having an iceblock or chocolate a day. That reall scars me. Watched some current affair show the other day it said a bar of choc a day puts on 13.7 kilos a year :o

amouse 05-19-2009 04:41 AM

well here we go time to show some progress again .. i decided to take some pictures today since i have well and truely shrunk out of my clothes again and had to buy more i thought it might be time for pictures too ( im down 6-7 dress sizes )



Im very happy with these pictures.. in them is 27 kilos of hard work and determination.. :) and 27 kilos i didnt give up on.. :) Im proud to be looking so.. so .. normal.. lol

7senuf 05-19-2009 06:20 AM

:flame: AMY yr on fire girl. Looking awesome!!!

smylie 05-19-2009 08:49 AM

i dont want to sound like a copy cat but AWESOME is definately how you look!!!

julia - i hate ingrown nails - i used to get them when my neighbour used to do my nails - definate hygiene issues there!

PerthChick 05-19-2009 04:43 PM

WOW Amy! What a fantastic result for all that hard work - it is SO worth it.

Vonni I reckon I've eaten chocolate every day in the last three years - and I've lost 35kg. I think that statement is a broad generalisation, because it's all about calories eaten versus calories consumed.

Julia isn't it funny how something as small as an ingrown toenail can completely stuff you up. I hate them!

Kel how are you travelling?

All good here. I'm managing to hold my own with the maintenance thing - although I want to keep chipping away at these last few kilos. I'm feeling physically exhausted, but only have just over a week to go until I have two weeks holiday. I can't wait!!!

LittleKiwi 05-19-2009 05:07 PM

Amy, you look absolutely amazing. Good for you, those photos show just how much hard work you've put into this and it's all been worth it.


My toenail is feeling a lot better today. I can't afford to go to the doctor about it so I've been soaking it in hot salt water and been putting a wee bit of dettol on it and wrapping it up to keep it clean. That seems to have had an effect on the infection so here's hoping it's going to fix itself!

Going back to the beautician tonight for my second session of IPL to remove the hair from my upper lip. Can't wait for it to disappear!


7senuf 05-20-2009 05:43 AM

OK I have some money left to stimulate the economy. How shall I spend it..... a home gym, a china cabinet (to get the crap out of boxes) or a desk for my laptop instead of sitting at kitchen table?

barbegirl71 05-20-2009 08:11 PM

I think you should get the desk! A home gym sounds great but we both know you'll use it for a little while then it'll end up sitting in a corner somewhere taking up space!!! :)

LittleKiwi 05-21-2009 04:44 PM

Vonni I'd go for either the china cabinet or desk. As Barb says, home exercise equipment almost always ends up unused!

As for me, I've got my period this week and seriously, I am eating like a maniac!! I know I'm doing it and I just can't stop myself. It doesn't help that it's freezing cold and very rainy here so just the right kind of weather for curling up and comfort eating.

I'm going to Wellington this afternoon to spend the weekend with my sister and the kids so very much looking forward to that :D

Hope everyone has a great weekend.


amouse 05-21-2009 04:49 PM

Thanks guys.. :) im on some sort of roll atm... weigh in again and yet another 900 grams .... i seem to have found what works for me..

And that is i work out my cals for the week put it on a spread sheet 1550 a day x7 = 10850

then i put in my exercise goal for the week which atm i have set to 2700 calories to burn .
everyday i put my food calories in and then subtract my exercise calories .

Ansd i dont behave everyday that for me just deosnt work.. and i got so sick of getting pissed at myself.. i can behave for a few days then i have something then im good again. but what i have figured out is my calories over the whole week work out to less then my goal and that is now making me loose weight..

I have taken the pressure off and enjoying myself every now and then.. and its working ... if i eat it i work it off buy reducing my calories to 1200 or so for the next day or two or by getting on the elliptical ...

It really is a case iof calories in versus calories out.

barbegirl71 05-21-2009 08:02 PM

Yay Amy! You've found your groove!! Keep it up. :)

Julia make a great big pot of vegie soup, eat as much as you want and feel satisfied at the same time!

I'm down 200g this week, not bad considering I'm not really doing anything to make it happen.

smylie 05-22-2009 01:25 AM

:carrot::carrot::carrot:woohoo amy and barb!:carrot::carrot::carrot:
amy another 900! wow you are reallly going to pass me soon (not that it is a competition........)
ani - woohoo maintenance and holidays..... good plan....... are you "just" going to relax on your holidays?
my garden is going good - however today i realised the spinich is doing pretty well, i think it is baby spinich (i guess it would be until it grows up) but that i prefer silverbeat..... i think......... maybe the baby appearance is tricking me

i lost 600 grams last week and i had EVERY meal.... woo me.... i am proud of me, i ate food and lost weight, hope for the same this week

on saturday i have a baby shower to go to which is a high tea at the city botanical gardens cafe i have been advised not to eat lunch before i go.......

tonight toss up - steak and 3 veg, tacos or hungry jacks
i understand there are 2 right answers and one very wrong answer
the way i am feeling though it may end up the wrong answer, i am just mentally exhausted as jem and i hang out EVERY day now and i have had no mental break with all saints today....... hmmmmmmmm waistline or sanity?

7senuf 05-22-2009 05:04 AM

Sanity all the way :p

PerthChick 05-22-2009 07:13 PM

Amy I am really happy you have found what works for you, and are reaping the rewards from it. I have found that no matter how much I re-jig things to alleviate boredom or experiment with different things, it all comes down to calories in/calories out. Over the course of the last few years I have done some experimenting - mainly to find a way I can work this for the rest of my life.

Barb how are you travelling? You're in my thoughts a lot, and I hope you're managing OK :hug:.

Kel I have no plans for holidays. I decided to take two weeks off because my body is sore, and I just want to give it a rest. My job is pretty hard on my body because of the amount of lifting and moving I do, and I have a few niggling injuries that will benefit from a break.

It's very stormy in Perth at the moment. The sky is black, the wind is doing some damage… today I am going to sit in front of the TV (as long as we don't lose power) and watch footy :D.

smylie 05-22-2009 07:15 PM

tee hee i went sanity - by the time i spoke to benji in the arvo i was just so tired.... will work on that next friday

vonni - go the china cabinet but get the funky one we saw at the opshop... also think about the stuff you are going to keep in it.... are you keeping it on display because YOU like to look at it or because you think you have to because of who owned it?? would that person really care if you didnt have it on display?? do you think it would really worry them if you got rid of it? the less stuff you have around the house the better
but in saying that being surronded by "special" things that hold a special message for you is completly different......
i am decluttering big time.... even wedding present are going, if i have not used them i am getting rid of them, i dont have room around here to keep things "just because"
i just logged out of facebook, but i was going to ask you when you wanted to catch up.... i might be free this coming tuesday to come and visit? or the next tuesday?? or i am home most days if you want to come to my world?

ok, must go and get ready for huge weekend...... all surronding food too..... i can do this weekend in moderation i know i can

pacman12 05-23-2009 10:32 AM

Hi ladies. Thank goodness, it's a long weekend here - I need one. I feel like I haven't stopped since I got back from Aus! My housemate is all moved out (sniff) but I have the cat until Monday. I will miss them both.. it's a bit lonely here now! Once I sort out the new lease etc, I'll have to get a new housemate. Bit scary, since I got along SO well with the current one, but what can ya do. Luckily, she has left me a whole houseful of stuff - furniture, dishes, appliances, etc. Lucky, because I only had a bed and a dresser!

School is full-on already this term, and having missed the first week I still feel like I'm behind, but plan to get caught up this weekend.

Went to the docs last weekend, had to get her to sign off on a school physical. She gave me new happy pills and made me an appointment with their counsellor to talk about stuff since I have been so miserable, esp with mum's illness.

Mum was doing ok, but got readmitted this past week with some clots in her good lung, so she's on blood thinners and stuff... just bad luck, probably happened after her last operation.

Anyhow. I am massively fat and dreading 2 weeks away - my boss & good friend is getting married, and I have no clothes to wear and don't know where to get any at this size. Ugh. I have had a good last week - since i got back from Aus, I just haven't really been hungry. Ate fresh fruit for breakfast each day, salad for lunch (except Friday pizza!) and a sandwich for dinner for most days. Have lost a couple of kilos. Dr did support me going to the info session for the lapband, so I am going to check it out next week.

Hope you're all doing well. Amy, I hope you are proud of yourself and take the time to realize what an incredible achievement that is. You look great.

7senuf 05-23-2009 10:32 PM

Hey Gen didnt know u were heading back to the USA. Hope everything turns out well for you. Miss yr chats. Dnt be a stranger and feel our hugs over cables and air. {{{GEN}}}

PerthChick 05-24-2009 07:59 PM

Gen I've been wondering how things are going. I hope you have some decent support over there, because things don't sound great :hug:.

I'm counting down to my holiday - just four days to go - and I cannot wait. All I really want to do is potter around in the garden and read a few books - I'm SO looking forward to a break from work.

I had a bad, bad week with food last week, so this week I am setting myself some basic goals:

• Eat no more than 1850 calories/day;
• Drink 2L water/day; and
• Keep a food diary every day.

I need to figure out what's going on in my head, and what's causing me to go back to bad habits. If I haven't got it sorted by next Monday I am going to go back to 'weight loss' mode, and see if I can't fix it that way.

smylie 05-24-2009 08:23 PM

i've put on weight - somehow (ok i know i know why)
and i just got in a argument with the eletricity department

pacman12 05-24-2009 09:08 PM

Well, I got a dress for the wedding today - first one I tried on.

LittleKiwi 05-25-2009 04:40 PM

Hey Gen I'm so glad you've popped in. I have been thinking about you and wondering how you and your mum are. That's great that you found a dress for the wedding, one less thing to stress about eh! Is there a shop called Torrid near you? When I was larger I used to love shopping there when I went to the States. They have funky clothes in bigger sizes and decent variety.

As for me, I've come to realise that I'm on a VERY slippery slope. My weight has been creeping back up and if I don't do something about it now, I'm going to be back in the 90's before I know it.

I get paid on Thursday so can't afford to buy much in the way of food before then so over the next couple of days I will write a grocery list and start thinking about a plan of attack.

For some unknown reason I stopped eating breakfast a while ago so I need to start that up again. Get some fruit and stuff for snacks and start measuring portions again.

I also need to get back into some sort of routine with the gym. Over the past few months it's been really sporadic - I'll go lots one week and not at all the next.

I also need to stop drinking wine during the week.

So there's clearly lots for me to think about. I'll look forward to checking in here more regularly and getting back on track.


7senuf 05-26-2009 04:56 AM

Julia sounds like even though yr on that slide.... you have a plan of attack. And that plan to me sounds awesome. I to need to get back into meal planning. At the moment I have been making my decision around 3 in the arvo what we r having. Thats not good for my waistline OR the kids. They've been asking for the family monthly menu to be back so tomorrow kid and work free I shall sit down and at least figure out the next 2 weeks. I will work on what I already have in the cupboard so i dont double up and spend needlessly.

Woo I am finally under 77. 69.9 to be exact if this mornings weigh in is anything to go by.

I am setting myself 2 goals this week,
ONE - to walk around the block on 2 days (baby steps)
TWO - eat breakfast grrrrr.

smylie 05-26-2009 05:40 AM

i desperately need meal plan as well!!!
especially now benji is working late a couple of nights a week, i need to know what is coming and pace myself etc.......
i have just been eating lots lately

pacman12 05-26-2009 05:45 AM

Kel, I have been decluttering as well. Helping my mum clean stuff out of the house has made me realize what a lot of crap we accumulate, and how little it means. I have always been a packrat, and found it hard to get rid of things, because I "might" need it one day... but no more! I am keeping things that are important to me, but no more "stuff". The house already looks a lot cleaner!

LittleKiwi 05-26-2009 05:36 PM

I need lunch ideas! So far I've got:

* Ham & salad wrap
* Pasta salad
* Rice salad
* Stir fry
* Soup
* Baked potato

What do you ladies have for your lunches?


7senuf 05-26-2009 05:40 PM

Coffee and a smoke!

amouse 05-26-2009 07:34 PM

Julia i like wraps a whole lot.. :)
but also buy the Hi fibre lo gi bread from bakers delight and might make a ham tomato and cheese toastie.. yum..

Tuna cucumber and betroot on crisp bread is nice..
peanut butter on corn thins..


home made pizza on the wrap bread with loads of veggies and a little ham and cheese

or home made dip made with avocado.. and some low fat mayo .. salt and pepper and some rise crackers..

and then of course there is always left overs from dinner the night b4..

alot of the time i will have a sandwich.

Gen Im suprised your back in the us didnt think you were going back.. but i bet you feel good to be getting back to normal.. great news on that dress :)

Kel IM a huge fan of decluttering i find it makes me feel alot better when i have less crapolla around me .. :)

Ani only 2 days to go....... woohooo .. hope your back incontroll of your calories

Vonni .... that is a terrible lunch... and considering you said your not having breakfast either.... when do you eat?

As for me.. im very happy my hubby is home now... for good .. and im over the moon ;) the only problem i can see is getting access to the internet... lol he is a computer hog... But its a very small price to pay to have him here. :) He took me out the lunch yesterday and i had grilled chicken breast with sundried tomato and pesto .. and salad it was lovely. :).

I went and did my hour of laps yesterday morning and am going to yoga today.. im just continuing my exercise plans.. with him home. :) not changing a thing.

But got this week off work again.. im a bit disappointed but thems the breaks.. she hasn't got much for me to do :( fingers crossed for next week .

anyway gotta run.. its amazing how dirty this houise is after hubby being home a day and a half.. gotta go clean up.. :) ..

barbegirl71 05-26-2009 08:35 PM

Julia, I usually have a salad with tuna or beans, a sandwitch with ham and salad on seedy bread or leftovers, soup is the new salad at the moment!

Amy, why's your husband home for good? Did he leave his job? Has he got another one to go to? My husband took a year off last year to finish his degree and is finding it really hard to get work now, making things really tight financially for us. I had to scrounge around today to find enough 5c pieces to buy a litre of milk!!

Vonni, your breakfast used to be mine too many years ago but I gave up smoking and took up eating!

I've been having big clean outs too, I volunteer in a place next to an op shop so I have no excuse to keep the stuff I pack away, it goes into the car and I drop it off the next day I'm in there so it gives me no chance to change my mind and bring the junk back in!

Anyone heard from Lndor?

pacman12 05-26-2009 11:18 PM

Makes me feel guilty when people say they are surprised I'm back... I couldn't really not come back, I have a job and contract and apartment, and I'm in the middle of school.. hanging out in melbourne just isn't an option, as much as I've love to spend more time with my mum. We talk most days, but she doesn't want me to quit my job, and I think I will need it when she is gone. Sucks being away from her, but life marches on...

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