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Old 01-16-2007, 10:13 AM   #1  
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Default Can't Weight to be THIN !!!!

Hi Girls ... I was actually down 18 pounds on Saturday from starting in the first week of December, I am so happy ... how did you guys do, when did you weigh? We could have a weigh in day if you would like?
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Old 01-16-2007, 10:40 AM   #2  
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Carri - 18 pounds! That's great! I am going to try to weigh in only once a month or so. I'm not sure if that is going to work for me or not. We'll see. My clothes do not seem to be getting any looser, so I'm a little nervous to weigh. I'm sorry you were sick this weekend. I hope you get to feeling better. It seems that when I get sick is usually when I go off plan BIG TIME! Hang in there! I didn't have a great weekend planwise due to the ice storm in my area. I wasn't sick, but I pretty much stayed in bed all weekend to keep warm!

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Old 01-16-2007, 12:12 PM   #3  
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Hi girls,
Carri thank you for starting this thread this is great! And sorry to hear about your cold, I hope you feel better soon! And on the 18 pound weight loss that is awesome!
I am going to start weighing myself on Sunday only because I have my cheat day on Sunday so I want to weigh myself before I have it. I am sure everyone has their own special day they want to weigh in and I guess we will just have to remember to post on our weigh in day to each other.
Karen don't get discouraged you may try something on next week and see a difference then, it will be when you least expect it! I hope you can get your car out of the ice soon!
Take care,
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Old 01-16-2007, 12:37 PM   #4  
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I just started back on the SBD I was on it before and lost 24 pounds. Then after a failed knee surgery and a revision I gained back 30 pounds. I am a diabetic too, so I really have to get this weight off. Maybe just reading how other people are doing will help me. I sure hope so, because I just can't seem to keep with it. thanks for listening, Joyce
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Old 01-17-2007, 10:20 AM   #5  
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Morning All ...I am still trying to get over this cold, it is really dragging me down...I was just told that there is mandatory overtime tonight and tomorrow here at work so that does not make me feel much better ...I work at a big insurance company and January ( tax time ) is a busy season for us.

I had hot wings for dinner last night, pretty good but my mouth is still burning, they were from Pizza Hut, they actually have good wings...I really wanted pan pizza with everything but I stayed away...for now dh made his great hot chili for tonights supper, which is great that I do not have to cook since I am working over ...

I am going to try and get under 200 by April ...I think it can be done ...I was actually around 188 before I started gaining all my weight back last year sad, but anyhow all I can do is move forward this year.

Granny - Hi, I am a diabetic too ...just on pills at this point, seems to be keeping everything in control along with my new diet, lower carb ...stick around we will encourage you, good luck !!

Stacey - yeah the weekend is a good time for cheat days...I usually weigh myself on Saturday mornings, that way ( like you said ) if I cheat maybe it will not effect the number so much.

Karen - thanks for the congrats on the 18 pounds ( and Stacey too ) - I do have friends that weigh themselves only once a month, and actually Oprah's guy, BoB Greene, says for the first month do not weigh yourself, it might actually give you more of a boost to see a months worse of loss...

Okay girls, have a good day, gotta get back to work ...
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Old 01-17-2007, 11:05 AM   #6  
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Hello Ladies!

My coworker stopped by Wal-Mart last night before dropping me off at home. We were looking for "Ice Melt" but they were all sold out. I did get a few boxes of Ice Cream Salt and put those around each tire to try to loosen up the ice. So far, it hasn't worked. I'll trying moving the car when I get home from work tonight. The best part of the Wal-Mart trip is that I was also able to grab some veggies and fruit! I made some hamburgers and ate one in a lettuce leaf instead of a bun (trying not to eat white flour products). I was really bummed though because I got a head of Romaine lettuce and all but 2 leaves had large bad (brown, icky) spots on them. I hate it when that happens. I did get my celery cut up last night too. I still didn't exercise last night. I know, not a good excuse, but I just can't get warm. I 'm sure the exercise would help, but it's been too easy to lie on the couch and cuddle with the girls (dogs)!

Carri - I think you can totally get under 200 by April! Sounds like a reasonable goal! I really want hot wings (and pan pizza) now! I guess my whole wheat toast was not enough this morning. Guess I need to go grab a piece of fruit!! I hope you feel better soon and hang in there! OT can be tough, but usually worth it on payday!

Stacey - thanks for the encouragement! I know I'll see a difference in the way things fit soon, I just want more immediate results! It's easier to believe it when it comes from someone else's mouth!

Joyce - you can do it! You are more than welcome to join our group. It's been helpful for me to have someone to be accountable to. How are you doing on your plan?

I saw that Bob Greene on Oprah the other day. It was interesting that he recommended that you only weigh after the first month is over. Another thing that he said that really struck a cord with me was on the topic of getting motivated to get on a plan or stick with a plan. He said that you just have to do it and the motivation comes later. I think that is a valid point. I've struggled with motivation for years. It does seem that now that I've started, I get more motivated each day. You girls are definitely helping me with that! Thanks!!!!
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Old 01-17-2007, 12:31 PM   #7  
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I think he is exactly right on the motivation thing just make yourself do it and once you start seeing the results you start getting the motivation to keep going with it ...once I start seeing the weight loss I am keep going.
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Old 01-17-2007, 02:59 PM   #8  
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Granny this is my 3rd day on SBD and I am going crazy with the craving almost gave in but did not. I hope the craving go in the next day or 2. I have tried SBD before and did very well but the weight has gone back on plus some more ksk and satine you are right with the motivation part that is my biggest fault. Hope everyone stays on track and have a great day
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Old 01-17-2007, 03:25 PM   #9  
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Hello all,

Well the sun is out here today and it is melting all the ice woo woo, still cold though.
I guess I better fess up to the bad and the good I do, on Monday I had such cravings I wanted chocolate, I even had my cheat day on Sunday you think that would have made me happy! Anyways after thinking about it ALL day I ended up pigging out on chocolate Monday night. I hadn't gone to the gym that night because of the ice storm so I spent it eating instead But Tuesday I went back on track and I am good to go until my weigh in on Sunday.
Joyce welcome, I hope we can motivate you, but don't read my story above it won't help you out *LOL*
Carri, I hear you I am working overtime too, though I come in early and work. I work for a promotional company in the contest department. As for the under 200 pound goal, keep it up I am sure you will reach it!
Karen, I hate when you buy lettuce and it ends up brown in the middle then you end up throwing out half of the lettuce. I understand about wanting to see immediate results, I am not a patient person so it is hard for me to wait to see any difference in my body. Just keep up the good work! As for exercise, I am great for excuses...its too hot.....oh its too late to workout now I am about to have dinner *L* Good thing I have my sister now to make sure we get to the gym 3 days a week!
Motivation is a big thing to keep going, that is why I am glad I have this group to talk to now and we can all motivate each other to continue on!
Take care,
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Old 01-18-2007, 10:18 AM   #10  
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Default Morning Girls !!!

Hope you all had a good evening last night...I am so frustrated with my dh this morning...he made this big pot of chili the other night and I had some last night, it was soooooooooooo good, and then he came home later and had some...I plainly told him to make sure he put the whole pot back in the fridge before he went to bed - now I come downstairs this morning and guess what? whole pot of chili still out ...I call him and he advises that he didnt put in in the fridge this morning either, and he says we can still eat it, so tonight it would have been sitting out for about 24 hours...I tell ya he is on my list big time today...okay rant over ...but geez!!!

Stacey - Do not feel so bad about giving in and cheating, as long as you got back on track the next day ...we can only move forward I guess.

Hommer - I went on a similar diet to SBD, well the diabetic diet, when I was diagnosed - the sugar wdl was maddening ...just hang on, you will get through it !!!

Karen - Hi !!!

Hope you all have a good OP day ...I am already hungry for lunch and I have two hours to wait ...
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Old 01-19-2007, 10:12 AM   #11  
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Default Morning Everyone

Bumping us to the top

I am feeling a little guilty this morning, my boss brought in Einstein bagels and I had a whole plain one ( 320 calories and 71 grams of carbs !!! ) with some cream cheese ...I usally dont have near that amount of calories and carbs...but oh well I guess now I eat less during the rest of the day.

How are you all doing?

I weigh in tomorrow, so keeping my fingers crossed.
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Old 01-19-2007, 12:38 PM   #12  
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Hello everyone its finally Friday!
Carri don't feel guilty (yeah I know easier said than done!) but you will make up for it during the rest of the day. So I am curious did you eat the left out chili? *L*
Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow, let us know how you did, good or bad! I am going to wait until Sunday so that I don't have a cheat weekend again!
Hope everyone is having a good week.
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Old 01-19-2007, 12:59 PM   #13  
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Hello ladies!

Sorry I didn't check in yesterday. I really need to get internet at home! I woke up to find that my pipes were frozen even though I let them all drip overnight. After an hour or so, I heard water running to discover that I had yet another busted pipe. (I had a water leak at the end of November and a busted pipe in mid-December). I had to turn my water off and wait for a plumber. As I was sitting there waiting for the plumber, I kept thinking that if I had any water to wash my hands, I would probably be baking something definitely not on plan! I had bought some "bad" mixes the last time this happened on what I would describe as an anxiety attack w/a stress food run. I fixed several of the things I had bought over Christmas to take to family dinners and get them out of my house. The last time this happened it took 48 hours for me to get my water back on. Luckily this time, it was fixed within 4 hours!

I haven't been exercising lately. I did what I would consider 45 minutes of cardio and upper arm exercising by trying to chip the ice off of my front steps and shoveling away the ice that had finally melted around my car. It was a much more intense activity that when I do some of my exercise tapes!! AND I was able to finally get my car out of the ice! Yea! I took the opportunity to drive for the first time in a week to go to the grocery store and buy some more healthy food! I bought another head of lettuce that had fewer brown spots. Last night I made some taco meat used the Romaine lettuce leaves for my taco shell. They were yummy!

Carri - sorry about the chili. That would really frustrate me! I've done it before, and it drives me crazy! I'm a bit paranoid so I always throw out whatever I've forgotten to throw away. Actually my house is about as cold as the inside of the refrig lately, so I'd have to think that one through! Once I did leave my lunch in the car (without any ice packs). I was so discouraged because I was trying to eat on plan and there's not much to buy on campus that is healthy. (I work at a University). Don't let the minor misstep throw you off this morning. A lesson that I'm slowly learning is to accept the misstep and get right back on plan at the next meal. You can do it! I'll have my fingers crossed for you on the weigh in tomorrow!

Stacey - Congrats on getting back on track! It's easy to get off plan and for me has been a lot harder to get back on plan in the past. I used to try to keep a food diary. I found that on the days I would cheat, I would not record anything I ate and then never start back up recording again. It's nice to have a place to come that I feel more accountable to be honest even in the bad choices. It's nice to be able to come to someone who understands the struggle but also is able to give the encouragement to get back on plan. My food diary never did that for me!! Good luck on your weigh in day on Sunday!!

hommer - how are the cravings coming along. I find after a few days of getting back on plan, the cravings aren't as strong. Good luck and it's good to hear from you again!

grannyjc - how have you been doing?

On my day off yesterday, I was looking through my monthly calendar. I keep track of all sorts of of which is when I start back on plan. This would be the times that I went off plan and stayed off plan for a significant amount of time (weeks or even months of being extremely off plan) I counted and there were at least 4 different days I marked as "starting" again. I did have some dramatic events last year that played a role in my "stopping" in the first place. I'm looking for Jan 1st to be the only time that is written in my book this year!!!
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Old 01-21-2007, 10:35 AM   #14  
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Hello everyone,
I hope you are all enjoying your weekend!
Well it was my weigh in day, and my big weight loss was 0 pounds! I was a bit disappointed as I was hoping to hit the 40 pound weight loss mark but for some reason I cannot get there Oh well enough about my whining I will just have to keep trying.
Satine, how did you do on your weigh in? I hope you had better results than me!
Karen, sorry to hear about your pipes, I hope it didn't do too much damage! But I am glad to hear you didn't make any bad mixes, you will have to think of it a positive way that I am sure if you wanted to you would have made them so you were under control, good for you! Hey shovelling and chipping ice did burn calories, probably alot more than you think! And I hear you on the food diary, if I have a bad day I never record what I have eaten, I guess I figure if I don't write it down it doesn't count!
Take care everyone!
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Old 01-22-2007, 05:16 PM   #15  
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Stacey - I'm sorry about the weigh in. I know how frustrating it can be to stay the same. Don't worry, you'll hit that 40 pound mark! Hang in there! Staying the same is better than gaining (I know, if it were me, I'd want to smack the person who said this! - I like to lose!!) Keep at it, it will pay off!

I did break my exercising funk and did 45 minutes of my Biggest Loser dvd yesterday and I have Zumba tonight. I watched a program on the Discovery channel about You:On a Diet. It was kinda gross, but they showed the effects of obesity on your organs (heart, liver, etc) It was an eye opener and that little kick in the pants I needed to get back to exercising.

My sister called me yesterday and gave me a new goal event - not in a time frame yet, but enough to keep me on track. She is going to be getting married. Her first marriage was a total disaster and I (and she) didn't think that she'd ever get remarried. She's been with the most wonderful guy for 5 or so years. They are going to arrange a family vacation to someplace that has a beach (Florida, North Carolina, California, etc) and then just have a small wedding while we are there.

Have a good day, ladies! I'm off to Zumba!
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