3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Ellen 10-10-2005 08:19 AM

Sugarbusters Weekly Support Board 10/10 - 10/16
Welcome to Sugarbusters!

This is the Sugarbusters support board, where anyone following, or interested in following, Sugarbusters is welcome to come for discussion, and support. We hope you will become a part of our great group!

We try to have different themes for different days of the week.

MONDAY: MMM, or Metal Monster Monday, is when we weigh in, and post our progress. This is voluntary.

TUESDAY: Is tip day- we try to share a tip, or two to help each other.

WEDNESDAY: Is Wonderful Wednesday. On Wednesdays, we share something wonderful about our selves, or our lives.

THURSDAY: Is Thirst Day! A reminder to drink your water! Its a good day to share a recipe too! :)

FRIDAY: Is FF, for Friday funnies. Everyone needs a laugh on Friday!

You are welcome to post questions, vent frustrations, whatever, but please be respectful of others and their beliefs.

Please take some time to check out our extensive recipe boards. Our RECIPE BOARDS can be located at the link below:


Look for our QUARTERLY RECIPE BOARDS to post your favorite recipes and to see the most recently posted recipes. Recipes from the quarterly boards will be archived in proper categories at some point.

We have SEVEN INFORMATIVE BOARDS!!!! Please take a few minutes to visit them! New information is continually being posted, so please make sure you visit them often!!! The boards are listed below as well as the link that will take you to the boards:



We also have a SB WEEKLY EXERCISE BOARD that you can log your daily/weekly exercises on which is located on our weekly support board:


NEWBIES: To post a reply, please hit reply and NOT new thread

Ellen 10-10-2005 08:25 AM


1. Stay on program totally, no cheats for as many days as you can this week. Report how you do!

2. What do you do when temptation strikes? Think of a plan, or plans, and share them.

3. Get your exercise in...and post it!

4. Drink your water!

Now, MAKE this a good week! You CAN do it!

Ellen 10-10-2005 08:28 AM

Good morning! I almost over slept. I have a dentist appointment this morning, so I need to get going. Its rainy looking again...how depressing! :(

I will be back after my dentist appointment...then I have a friend coming over for lunch and to visit, so I might not be able to get on until later this afternoon. I hope everyone is doing well!

Later! :wave:

Ellen 10-10-2005 09:12 AM

I hopped on the Metal Monster this morning...I stayed the same. I may try again later, and see if I lose a 1/2 pound...but I will be very surprised if I do! It was not a great week of sticking to the rules... and I had Mexican Saturday night. All in all, though, I have lost 16 pounds since I started this Leptin stuff. I feel pretty encouraged. I wish it were faster, but 16 in three months is pretty good for me, and much better than staying the same or gaining....

Hope everyone else has a good MMM....

Fillise 10-10-2005 11:18 AM

Good Monday Morning!
Good morning all!

I hope everyone is poised for a good week! I've been out of town a lot and that will continue for most of the month. I got back in from a conference last night and am headed out again this afternoon. For a non-election year this fall is busier that I thought it would be. Which means my eating is not doing so good. I haven't been prepared and have been eating almost all my meals out--not good.

I need to get my head back into a healthy eating mode--for some reason that seems to be very hard right now.

I haven't had a chance to check last week's board, but I hope everyone is doing well!


Talitha 10-10-2005 11:24 AM

I'm back :) I had a great time in Louisville. Learned new stuff about toxins, hormones and even time management. I'm ready to take on the world.

I was able to go to lunch with Jackie on Friday. It was great to get to meet another SB buddy. Poor thing had to deal with a little more Arbonne enthusiasm that I meant to give out. It's hard when you are hearing it 24/7 for a few days. I needed the break. :) I got a picture of the two of us on my picture phone. I'll try to post it later...

We got in after midnight on Saturday. I had to go wake up my babies for a kiss. When I woke up yesterday morning Trav informed me that we had a picnic to go to after church, and he had invited some guests over for dinner, too. So by the time I dropped into bed last night I was dead. I haven't been able to catch up on you guys yet, but thought that I would go ahead and post.

I did water aerobic this morning, but had to keep it low key. My back is killing me from the driving and sitting all day for 3 days. I did make myself get up and use the exercise equipment at the hotel every day while I was there. It helped to start the day off right.

I'm not going to weigh today. It's the wrong time of the month to be worrying about an extra lb. I started last night and I'm really cramping.

This week is going to be crazy. I'll try to keep on with you guys. :)

MONET- How about Friday? I'll call you.

Gator- I'm back :) How's the weather down there. Have you been riding with the top down? My sister has a CD changer. They are really great. I tend to use alot of trunk space with strollers, etc.. I think I'll get one when I earn my Mercedes :)

Toni48 10-10-2005 12:02 PM

Sorry I haven't been posting but I'm not doing well with my eating. I've just been lurking. Maybe this week will be better. Good luck everyone with MMM.

Solly 10-10-2005 12:02 PM

Good morning Ladies,

Not much time to post. I have to leave for a meeting which will last all afternoon. It was a busy weekend. We had a big church social yesterday. Eating was not good.

Monet I like your challenges this week. I'll do my best. It is rainy here too.

Susan, glad you could pop in. Hope you slow down soon.

Talitha, glad you had a nice trip.

Got to run.

GatorGal 10-10-2005 12:32 PM

Monet--Thanks for the challenges this week. Right now I can't think of what I do when temptation strikes, because I had a very bad week last week. My plan was just to give in to it!!! LOL :D So MMM was not good to me this week, but it's all my own fault.

But today is a new week, and I have started journaling again a/o this morning. I have lentil soup on the stove, and will eat healthy today. I have French class tonight and I always meet my DH for supper at a Chinese restaurant. We don't get a big meal, and in fact, share one meal. But I don't think Chinese is all that healthy. Too many calories for what you get, because of the oil they use. Might have to switch restaurants.

Talitha--Glad you had a great trip. I sent you an email. Bet it was fun meeting Jackie. We sure miss her on the board, don't we.

BOB--Be sure to read my post to you on page 5 of last week's board. Again, I commiserate with you over the loss to the dang Dawgs at Neyland on Saturday.

Frog--Hope your week is great. Do you still do any running?

Gotta go. Talk to y'all later.

Ellen 10-10-2005 04:16 PM

Its been hectic so far today. Had my dentist appointment, and got a gold star for both the upper and lower teeth...hardly any plaque and still no cavities! Not eating sugar helps a LOT.

I made a beef vegetable soup for lunch, and had a friend over for lunch and coffee. We vent together, and commiserate. I have known her for almost 20 years...so its nice to get together.

Breakfast was crustless quiche, lunch was a large bowl of the vegetable beef soup, dinner will be more soup. :)

The second grade teacher called and asked me to sub for her tomorrow. She sounds awful...she has laryngitis, and can barely speak. The headmistress said they would cover the class for me since I teach art tomorrow afternoon too...

Oh, and I finished the baby afghan! It turned out nicely. I need to call the fella I made it for so he can come get it to take to his new nephew. :)

I will check in later! :wave:

THE BIG ORANGE BABE 10-10-2005 06:49 PM


Had a good Monday, but could have done a little more work than I did!
Tomorrow is a nother day!

TALITHA...glad to hear you had a good trip. HOpe you told JACKIE that we miss her!

SUSAN....WELL....we were wondering where you were....now we know! Glad you popped in...we miss you when you're not around!

GATOR....I saw the post, and I'll do my best to pull for the GATORS, but you know how hard that is for me...it's just something I can't let go of! VANDY is coming up in the ranks...watch out!http://bestsmileys.com/sports1/18.gif

MONET...I take it that you were off from school today because of the holiday?

SOLLY...it's good to be busy, but weekends at for YOU!!!

:wave: TONI!!!

Supper tonight was meatloaf and fresh yellow squash....YUM YUM YUM!!!!

Got to run..still doing laundry!http://bestsmileys.com/cleaning/12.gif


Frog Lover 10-10-2005 07:25 PM

I need some advice from my fellow SBers. I posted a long message this afternoon and after reviewing it I must have forgotten to press "submit!" DUH! I rushed in here to read your responses and realized that you didn't ever get my reply. :dizzy:

I need help with getting the scale moving. I'm as stagnant as an algae covered pond! :mad: I have been OP with a very, very few minor exceptions for 3 full weeks and the scale hasn't moved except doen and back up again. I've not exercised any except for some light walks, but I'm not able to do anything that requires exertion. I'm in pain tonight just from pushing the cart around Wal-Mart. It's all related to my C-Section and will take time to heal.

When I first engaged in this WOE eating 5 years ago I lost weight like gang busters without ever exercising. Is the pregnancy causing me to have problems? Does anyone have a similar experience with beginning SB?

I eat 99% of my meals at home. Last week was the exception since I was away from home, but my mom and dad cooked and we ate in quite a bit.

I'm not ready to throw in the towel. Just confused about why things are going so slow.


Ellen 10-10-2005 08:16 PM

FROG: I can SO relate to your frustrations. I am going to recommend you read Mastering Leptin, by Byron Richards. (Is anyone surprised???) Pregnancy CAN throw your metabolic processes a curve, and mess things up. And having a C-section will doubly so. These are the five rules I started following from the Leptin book that have made a difference for me: 1. Do not eat inbetween meals- eat three meals a day with five hours between meals. This gives your liver the opportunity to recharge for the next wave of digesting. 2. Eat protein for breakfast. ( this sets the pace for the day) 3. Do not eat large meals. 4. Cut down on carbs. (you are already doing this...) 5. Don't eat after dinner...allow three hours after dinner before you go to bed. I started following these rules, AND using SB, and I lost 16 pounds the past three months. The only weight I lost before, I needed phentermine to lose. Are you drinking plenty of fluids? Especially if you are breastfeeding...you need more than the recommended eight glasses of water a day. Exercise really helps, but until you are totally healed, you are only going to do damage if you work out and strain yourself. (I had a hysterectomy almost exactly one year ago, and it took me a long time to feel 'normal', so don't despair! ) Why don't you post some menus, and see if anyone has some ideas for you?

BOB: I only teach on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Its a lovely job... Tomorrow I am subbing for the second grade teacher which ought to be interesting...

FILLISE: Good to see you! Post when you can. We DO miss you!

GATOR: Chinese can be ok...would they steam stuff for you instead of frying? If they stir fry right, it should not use much oil....its the rice and egg rolls that get me. :)

TALITHA: I am sorry your back is bothering you! I think Friday should be good for me! I don't even need to do the worship guides! We did them this past week so the admin can take the day off and go fishing!

TONI: When you are NOT doing well is when you need to get on here the most! It honestly helps to have someone to be accountable to. We miss you!

I need to go clean up the kitchen...I will be back later! :wave:

Talitha 10-11-2005 12:22 AM

It's late, I'm tired. I've worked my rear off today.

I just wanted to tell you guys that I was thinking today, and I suddenly realised that this board is JUST as good for me as my exercising at the Y and getting counseling at church. The support I find here really keeps me going, regardless of weight loss or gain. Especially with how crazy my life is. I don't tend to have much time to 'hang out' with friends. But here you are.

Travis is out of town all this week again. I'm getting used to it a bit more. And I know that I can tlak about it here it and no one will tell me to ' Get over it' or say that they WISH their man would go away 3 weeks out of the month. I am so thaqnkful for his job, I just wish I could have him here every night, too.

So I just wanted to say a big thank you, and send you all a hug before I go to bed alone.

Goodnight :)

Ellen 10-11-2005 06:59 AM

Good morning! I am subbing today for the second grade teacher. If you think of me today, please pray for me! This is the worst class in the whole school! They are ALL ADD, and hyper, and several talk constantly...its going to be a battle of wills all day, until I can escape to my quiet art room. I don't feel totally great either. I am afraid this bit of a cold I have had is going into my chest....

TALITHA: Aw, thanks. I am sorry you are having to be alone so much. I remember those days, when Tom was in Chicago for weeks on end...it was hard! BIG hugs...

Ok, off to play school teacher! :wave:

Toni48 10-11-2005 07:57 AM

Morning everyone.... Couldn't sleep and so I got up, oh so early!!!! I love being on the internet really early and drinking my morning coffee while I type away. Pretty soon it will be time for me to have a piece of peanut butter toast and start my day. The weather is getting cool enough for me to start walking. Maybe that will help spur me on and get me out of this awful slump I'm in.

Monet- Will be thinking of you as you have your hectic day and will say a little prayer that all goes well. I sure don't envy you. I was a grade school teacher's aide for years.

Talitha- I'm sorry your DH has to work away from home. I worry allot about my DH having to do this if his job shuts down. I live in a small rural town and theres no other job in his field here. I had to be the stay at home Mom while he worked out of town. And its sure not fun. I'll be thinking of you.

Gatorgal- Your pot of lentil soup made me sure hungry for some. I've never tried that kind before. EEEEKKKKK I love chinese food. And its the egg rolls that do me in.

Frog Lover- I'm so sorry your scale isn't moving. That has to be so dishearting. Its so great you continue to eat right and its just got to come down soon. Hang in there gal.....

Bob- Yum meatloaf. I might have to make one tonight.

Solly- Hope your meeting was a good one.....

Fillise- Howdy girlfriend... You sure are a busy one...

Well hope I haven't forgotten anyone. Will check back later....

GatorGal 10-11-2005 08:41 AM

Frog--When was your baby born? I ask that to get more info as I consider your question.
It could be that with your reduced activity you just don't have a balance between energy (calories) taken in and energy expended. So you might try journaling for a week or so to monitor exactly what your caloric intake is, even though you are eating very healthily. Also, make sure that every calorie counts: if you decide to cut back on your caloric intake a bit, make sure that what you eat is supercharged with vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein, etc. Monet's suggestions about not snacking between meals, not eating after dinner, eating smaller meals, etc. are just basic good sense and are an easy way to keep the calories down. Also, my doctor told me that for some women, giving birth or going through menopause sometimes triggers hormonal changes with thyroid and losing weight becomes harder. So the leptin thing might help bring tht back into balance for you. Finally, don't lose hope. Just keep on keeping on doing the right thing and you will eventually see success. As you heal from the caesarian you will be able to become more active which should help. Keep posting and using this board as a support group. It's harder to go it alone.

Frog Lover 10-11-2005 10:30 AM

Better today
Things are a little better today. I'm down quite a bit, about 2.25 pounds from yesterday. :D Thanks for all the suggestions. I KNOW I'm not getting enough water. I used to drink nearly a gallon or more a day and I'm doing good if I get in 20 ounces. I drink the most when I have bottled water so I bought some at the store yesterday. Whatever it takes! The weather here is cool and drizzly and I want to take the Tad for a walk. I have 1 million things to get accomplished in my house today because our minister is dropping in this evening. At the very least I'd like to shower and vacuum! Perhaps my housework will have to serve as my exercise for today.

MONET - thanks for the book idea. I had a feeling that is what you'd suggest. I have absolutely NO time to read. I can't even get the reading done for the Bible study I'm in. :o I know that sounds lame, but it's the truth. I'm gonna keep a record of what I eat for a few days.

GATOR - I had Miss Baby on April 21. Hard for me to believe that she's almost 6 months old!!!!

Speaking of the baby, she's awake from her morning nap so I gotta go! :) More later!

Talitha 10-11-2005 01:06 PM

I'm back from the Y and checking in. I have a meeting with a new Business Builder at 4 and a group presentation at 6. My sister was coming over to watch the kids for me, but my mom just called. Apparentyl she turned her ankle in dance class and they are taking her to the emergency room. I"M FREAKING OUT!!!!! I am worried about her ankle, and I'm sorry that she's hurt,,,,But what the keck am I going to do with my kids!!! Alot of times I can take them with me, but it's just not appropriate for either of these instances. I'm making calls like crazy to figure something out.

Frog- I lost weight like crazy after my first csection. I was a mad woman. Out walking 4 miles a day when Selah was 3 weeks old. This one has been a different story. The weight's not budging. Jacob is already 9 months old, and I'm back up to the weight I was when I got pregnant with him. Sounds crazy, but I lost 20 lbs with each pregnancy, because I have it so bad. With this one, I've gained it back! So when he was 5 omnths old I was down to 175, and now I'm back up to 191! I hate it.

Toni- I was up early, too. I love the fallw eather coming in. Doesn't it feel great?!!

THE BIG ORANGE BABE 10-11-2005 07:08 PM

http://bestsmileys.com/hello/5.gif ALL YOU BUSTIN BUDDYS!!!

It's a HOT HUMID day down here in swampland!

Glad everyone had a good day !http://bestsmileys.com/happy/2.gif

I don't have anything to report, just dropping by to say hello.!http://bestsmileys.com/hello/6.gif

FROGGIE....Could you not have tried to have the TAD one day sooner ......MY BIRTHDAY!!http://bestsmileys.com/birthday1/3.gif
My advice to you about your stall....EAT MORE PROTEIN....the LEAN KIND....
http://bestsmileys.com/animals/3.gif http://bestsmileys.com/fish/4.gif but no http://bestsmileys.com/animals/5.gif

Hate to cut this short, but I've got some things to do....see y'all tomorrow!!



Ellen 10-11-2005 08:22 PM

Hey, everyone! School today was unbelievable. I need to remember to pray for the second grade teacher DAILY. The dynamics of the class are horrific, and she has three who are bonafide ADD, and almost impossible to control. I was SO ready to leave at 1:30 and go down to my quiet art room and teach art! I felt like I was released from prison. AND, the teacher is still sick and my neighbor will be subbing for her tomorrow.

Dinner tonight was country fried steak, made with brown rice flour. It turned out great! I also had brown rice, and made the kids some mashed potatoes, which I tasted. We had broccoli too. Lunch was chicken salad, carrots, broccoli, some macadamia nuts and a diet coke. Oh, and a banana. :)

I am SO tired...I also have a weird cramp in my foot that is driving me nuts. I am going to have to go fix Tom's smoothies and lunch soon, even though I really don't want to. :(

FROG: I am glad the scale moved some for you!

TONI: Its good to see you posting! I bet the cooler weather and walking will help get you back on track! Someone was saying to committ to just doing ten minutes...and probably once you start you will keep going longer! :)

BOB: Good to see you posting! <<hugs>>

TALITHA: I am looking forward to Friday! Someone asked me to sub on Friday, and I told them no, I had plans! :)

ok, off to get my evening chores done. I fell asleep on the swing in the backyard by the pool when I got home from school, instead of doing them, so I am behind now! :(

CountryMom4Him 10-12-2005 12:27 AM

I didn't run away. :) I no longer have internet service. I'm visiting my mom and my new precious little grand daughter. :) I'm now a memaw! Sending love and hugs to everyone.


Cindylcing 10-12-2005 07:06 AM

We had a wonderful time at the falls. It was very beautiful and would of been more so if it was not such miserable weather. It drizzled the whole time and was so cold we had to buy gloves. We walked from NY to Canada ! HA. I can actually say that ! We walked so much I dont think Ive ever walked that much in one day. But it was very invigorating. We did not ride the "maid of the Mist" but we did go up in a big thing that raises way above everything and you can see all around that part of Canada and Ny. We went to two casinos at night and .. darn... didnt win a thing. LOL. This was DH's first time gambling and last time.. he says... He didnt like giving his hard earned money away. I wanted to get some pics in the casinos but they did not allow cameras. We ate at this buffet that had more food than you could hardly believe! We visited the Hersey's store and I drooled over all the chocolate.
There were tons of people there at the Falls and most were all from outside the US. It was very exciting hearing all the different languages and accents.

I ate way too much. Dh and my friends kept saying "your on vacation stop worrying so much" And I caved in. Though I really didnt eat anything I shouldnt of just too much of what I did eat. They all ate desserts and sweets and I managed to stay clear of that. I just devoured too many calories and way too much fat. I am not weighing until Monday to give me a chance to get back to my schedule of eating over the next 5 days.
Heres our pics ( hope Im putting them on here correctly)
This is going over the bridge towards Canada and looking at where you board the "Maid of the Mist "

That tall lookout station in on the US side.

About halfway over the bridge looking at Canada

The US falls is on the left and the Candana one is on the right.

Another pic of both falls

Rick and I ( after walking in the rain for hours lol )

American falls ( our hotel is the tall building to the left in the background)

Talitha 10-12-2005 08:01 AM

My kids are crazy. Up at 5:30 this morning. THey've had breakfast, read books and now Jake is taking his morning nap. It's 7:30!!! I can see that today is going to be all out of wack, but I'm going to do as much as I can.

I have to go to the post office to mail out some samples. Mailing stuff intimidates me. Between The USPS, UPS and FedEx, I don't know who is the cheapest and easiest. There is a UPS store nearby, but do they have the legal size envelope that is a flat rate, or is that FedEx? I guess I should take one of the packets to the USPS and see what they would mail it for, then I can just mail it with stamps from home in the future, right?

I have my second appt with a coach at the Y today. I'm excited about it. I've been pretty consistent with my exercise for 3 weeks now. I feel good, but I don't think my weight is showing progress.

I broke down and bought a digital scale at Target yesterday. The one I have was the cheapest one I could find, and it is so inconsistent. I can step on it 3 different times and get 3 different weights. The digital seems to be better, and I'm not guessing on where it really is.

Monet- I will need groceries on Friday (Pay Day). How about Harry's?

Country- We miss you :( Will you be able to check in every now and then?

Cindy- Great pictures!!!! I've never been to Niagra, and honestly never felt interested until I saw your pictures. IT's gorgeous!!! I want to go!!

Ellen 10-12-2005 08:23 AM

Today is art day at school! :) I am dressed and about ready to run out the door. I stopped in to read while I drank my coffee.

TALITHA: Harry's? That is ok, but I was thinking DFM...if you prefer Harry's, its ok by me. You may be disappointed though... We could always re-enact our last meet up and have lunch at Sweet Tomatoes! LOL

CINDY: The pix are great! Thanks for sharing! I have never been there either, but I would love to go! Thanks for the warning on the Hershey's...I won't eat any since you drooled all over it! :lol3:

Ok, I gotta go. I have a sore throat slightly, and my nose is stopped up. I am afraid its going to be a long day! :(

See ya all this afternoon!

Fillise 10-12-2005 11:32 AM

Hello all--a quick fly-by to say hey and I'm still around.

I may be headed to the beach this weekend (just for fun) and then next week to NC where I am leading a women's retreat over the weekend. That will be three weekends in a row at a beach. Two of them are working weekends, but still working at the beach is better than time off anywhere else, as far as I'm concerend!!!!

Cindy--My DN and I visited the hershey store on Times Square daily while in NYC last summer! So much fun (so much chocolate!). I'm glad you had a good trip.

Talitha--sounds like you are really working your business hard--good for you!!! Baby weight sounds like it is maddening--but aren't those little ones so worth it?

Frog--I have found that when I go off plan for an extended period of time, it takes me 2-3 weeks of eating on plan before I start losing again. Don't know why, but if I stay with it, it does start coming off again. Give the tadpole a hug from her Aunt Susu!

BOB--Great to hear from you! I'm working on my DM to make another trip to Tampa next spring to check on my Aunt. . .

Monet--On my way back from NC next week, I'm planning (right now) and going through up and down I-85. On my way back on Monday (the 28th), I'd love to meet you at Harry's if you have time. It will probably be about lunchtime, but I'll let you know.


Everyone else--Hey!

Got to go--Have a great OP day everyone!


Toni48 10-12-2005 11:39 AM

Hello SB gals..... Just got done putting the stuff in my bread maker to make a loaf of whole wheat bread. Have eggs on to make egg salad. So I've been busy in the kitchen. This evening I'm going to try and make some enchiladas with whole wheat tortillas. I hope they turn out good. I canned some chicken up a while back and I'm going to use that for the filling. I'm trying hard today to eat healthy.

Monet- Hope you have a great day with your class.

Talitha- What a long day you're going to have. But I sure miss those years when my kids were young and so easy to please.

Cindy- What a wonderful vacation. It looks beautiful there.

CountryMom- Miss you posting!!!!

Howdy Bob and Frog Lover......

Better go and fold laundry.......

Talitha 10-12-2005 01:33 PM

I'm back from the Y. I want a nap!!!!! Meeting was great. He gave me some more ab exercises that are safe for my back.

I think I may put hte kids donw and snooze for at least 15 minutes...

MONET- Ok, I thought you didn't want to drive that far. I absolutely prefer DFM I think I'm going to skip the latin cardio, because it hurt my back last time. How about meeting there at 10? We can shop for a bit then have lunch at the cafeteria. I love the DFM!!!! I haven't been in almost a month!

Toni- You can do it. I love those WW tortillas. I actually prefer them now! As much as I didn't want to get out of bed so early this morning, they were really sweet. Selah crawled into bed with me and was just singing and playing with my hair. Jake was calling to us fromt he other room with baby babble. It was precious...

Fillisi- I agree, working at the beach would be fine with me!! I am focused on working hard this month. I love this board as an outlet and a link to the outside world, expecially with Trav gone.

Solly 10-12-2005 02:29 PM

Hi Ladies

Sorry I have been MIA. I have been out all week working in our other office and didn't have time to get on the computer. Eating has not been good. Time to have a talk to myself again. I hurt my back and I have slacked big time on exercise this week. I guess bad eating and no exercise goes hand and hand.

Toni, glad to see you back at it. Take it one day at a time.

Frog, glad to see the scale moved for you.

Cindy, what beautiful pics. I have never been to NF, it is beautiful. SOrry the weather was so bad for you. Sounds like you made the most of it though.

Monet. Just count your blessings you don't have that class all the time. Sounds like you could sub pretty much full time.

Susan, Wow, working at the beach. Now that's my kind of job.

Talitha, You deserve a nap, getting up that early and getting to the gym. Sorry your DH is gone again. Have fun with Monet Friday. Give her a hug for me.

Country, no more internet??? Does that mean you won't be on here much. Give us the scoop on the new grandbaby? Pics please. Congratulations.

Bob, You are so crazy.

Gator, now you have me craving Chinese. How is your new car?

Is Techwife back yet?

Pancho 10-12-2005 02:41 PM

Hi everyone:

I just wanted to check in and say hi and bye (temporarily, at least). I need to take some time since I am busy with so many other things right now. I am in the process of planning my 20-yr. reunion for next year, trying to get all my ducks in a row for the personal training that I hope to start up next summer. AND, I need to spend more time with Lane. When Britt was a baby, I didn't have internet access and I spent all day playing and reading and doing fun stuff with her. I haven't done as much of that with Lane, and she is growing up quickly. I need to get my priorities straight, and not spend so much time on the computer. You all have been great, and I will definately come by to read posts when I can, and post occasionally. I know SB is a lifestyle for me as well as exercise, and I will be fine with my weight and "diet." I wish you all the best, for now, and I will check in down the road a bit.

Thanks for understanding!

Monet: Keep up the awesome job with this board; you are so dedicated and such an asset to this forum!

Cindy: It looks like you had a fantastic vacation.

Country: Congratulations MeMaw!!!

Have a great OP week.

Melf 10-12-2005 04:00 PM

:wave: Hi all you SB Gals!
Sorry I haven't been around but things are still hectic here since Rita's visit. We still have 2 of our church members living at our house, trying to get work done on the church, still no electricity or water there, going to therapy 3 x/ week & DD getting married this Saturday. It's just crazy!

I lost 2 lbs but scale still going back & forth but at least not up. Some days I try & do well then other days are just not good. I had started back at the gym but just can't seem to find the time right now. Maybe when things settle down a bit.

Country, congrats on the new grandbaby!!

Cindy, thanks for sharing the pics of the falls. I went there over 40 years ago. Has changed some but I remember how beautiful to was. A memory I will always treasure!

Sorry I can't reply to all but I'll try to drop in when I can.

Ellen 10-12-2005 04:42 PM

I am home from school. My feet hurt. I really need to get new shoes. The classes went well, with the exception of the second grade and the sixth and seventh grade, which was split half and half on how they did. I need to move them along faster...but they are all SO good at talking...

I am so happy I don't have to go back until next Tuesday...uh oh! I just remembered I have a meeting with the headmistress and the other enrichment teachers tomorrow. Bummer! Its to present to us the form for doing grades for the upper grades. Fun! NOT!

I read the board, and I feel kind of depressed. It seems we are dropping like flies around here. Now Country doesn't have internet connection, and Pancho is pulling back - for great reasons, but she will be missed nonetheless. I think I will go take a nap. I just can't handle anything right now. :( Wake me up with some good news, ok?


GatorGal 10-12-2005 07:59 PM

Good News! God loves you.

Ellen 10-12-2005 10:24 PM

Well, now, Gator, that is good news that never gets old with me... :)

A short nap and two glasses of wine revived my spirits tremendously. My feet feel better, and I am feeling encouraged. :)

Not much going on...dinner was pecan crusted salmon fillet, and spinach. I did not eat all of it. I have to admit when I am honest with myself, that I really don't like salmon. I don't like the flavor...but its not too bad. So, I force myself to eat it now and then, because it is so healthy. I would much rather have a sole fillet! (and they are cheaper too! Well, at the Korean market where I shop they are!)

I only got about 8000 steps today. I did not walk around as much, as the students were doing assessment sheets, and I just sat at my table while they worked. The sheets were not easy and it amazed me how quiet they were while working! :)

Off to get ready for bed! Night!

Frog Lover 10-13-2005 12:17 AM

I'm still here!
I'm still here. Scale was down a few more ounces. I hate to weigh everyday, but I am for now to see if anything makes a difference. I've been working hard on trying to get in PLENTY of water. I have also tried to emlinate snacks and eat smaller portions.

I can't thank you guys enough for all the support and assistance you've given me over the past few days. Even though I wasn't about to give up or pull off the board, it was helpful to receive encouragement from y'all. Such a pleasant reminder of how much help you can get from this group when you need it. And the best part is, all you gotta do is ask! :grouphug:

It's a cool evening here tonight and I took Tad out with me to meet a friend for dinner. I dressed her in a butter yellow sweater I knitted her a few months ago. It was the first time she'd had an opportunity to wear it and she looked so adorable!!! I could just eat her up!

MONET - I'd be willing to bet that some of our other members that usually post are just away - Techie, Country etc. Semi-personal question and potential suggestion. Do you have to stand on your feet a lot in the classroom? Is that why your feet hurt? I have to recommend what I think are hands down the best shoes for ANY task that requires a great deal of standing or walking for hours on end. Dansko clogs! They come in a wide variety if styles and colors. I have MANY pairs and they are always the shoes I reach for when I'm going to be on my feet for a long period of time. A physical therapist suggested them to me because of my flat feet. That was about 8 years ago and I'm still buying them! They are the shoes that surgeons, chefs and nurses often wear. If you already know about them then good for you! :soap: If you want to find some at a great discount then go the their company-sponsored outlet at www.danskooutlet.com I have ordered several seconds and can't tell what makes them less than perfect. Forgive the unsolicited endorsement. Hope your feet are happy soon!

GATOR - Yes He does!

PANCHO - Thanks for the kind words. As a new mother I COMPLETELY understand how your must be feeling. I am proud of myself if I get my teeth brushed before noon or my own breakfast before 10:00. And I only have one! :tired: GOOD LUCK! We'll miss you!

MELF - Sorry to hear that your friends are still without basic essentials. I'm so pleased to know that you have been able to shelter them. Your DD is getting married this weekend? WOW!

SOLLY - Glad to see your post!

FILL - Thanks for those thoughts. I wonder if it will just take me a little longer to get things going. I'll just hang in there. I made one of your recipes. Crock-pot cabbage rolls. You suggested in the menu that these needed a great deal of seasoning when you made them. You weren't kidding! I liked the idea and the ingredient list... Will tweak with more spices and "gravy" next time!

COUNTRY - Mmmmm a baby to love and cuddle. I had no idea how fabulous children are until I had my own. Miss Baby is dee-lish! I'll just bet it gets even better with the grands! Congratulations on the grandbaby! :cloud9:

Hey Cindy, Bob, Talitha and Toni - glad to read your posts! Bob, your's especially made me laugh!

Time for bed! Will check in again tomorrow!

Talitha 10-13-2005 08:00 AM

Good Morning Everyone. Kids were up at 6 this morning, getting a lottle closer to normal. I was up till midnight doing laundry. Selah got in bed with me about 3 and Jake woke up at 5, but went back to sleep with us. I swear when Trav comes home I'm sleeping on the couch and letting him take care of a night for me. :)

Today is going to be pretty full again. Off to the Gym at 8:30, Park date at 10 with the mom's group. I'm watching a friends son from 3-8 this afternoon, so I am planning on letting calls go to the answering machine. I'm going to spend the afternoon studying for my next test (in my Nutrition program) and just playing with my babies.
I should be getting my grade back form my first test soon. I'm sure I did ok, but I'm really curious. I have another to do on Monday.

Ok, got to get dressed for my workout. Have a great day!!!

Frog- Tad's sweater sounds so cute! I think I'll follow your lead and make an effort to drink more water. I haven't tracked it in a long time,b ut I know I'm not drinking as much as I used to...

Monet- See you tomorrow!!! I have an 8:30 meeting, so it may be more like 10:30/11. Is that ok? I had to reschedule meetings from the other day when my sister couldn't babysit.

Gator- you're awesome. I love your good news!!!

Melf- Keep us posted and drop in when you can!

Pancho- we understand. WE'll miss you.

Solly- Welcome back. DOn't worry about the eating. I didn't do as well as I wanted to last week when I went to KY. I'm jsut not letting myself dwell on it.

BOB- So, I had to go back and see what post everyone was talking about. I missed it skimming in sucha hurry. You absolutely crack me up!!!

Ellen 10-13-2005 08:18 AM

Morning! I woke up early this morning, but rolled over and went back to sleep. I just got up! The biggest bummer is that when I went to take my meds this morning, the Thursday slot was already empty! Idiot that I am, I think I took them twice yesterday! I am not sure if I should just take them today, or skip. What is the point of having a day by day container for your pills if you STILL take two on one day??? sigh...

TALITHA: Ok, now I am confused. Are you moving it back to 10:30, 11, or what? If I get there at 10, I will freak if you don't show up until 11..(well, probably not, but I do find waiting difficult...) Tell me what time to be there, and I will do my best to show up then! :) It takes me about 20 to 30 minutes to get there...

FROG: Thanks for the suggestion! I am going to check out that website. I am in the market for a better pair of shoes, and am certainly up for a recommendation! I am sure my foot pain is from my shoes. I used inserts yesterday, and while the shoes squished my toes, I did not get the painful cramp I had Tuesday night. Thankfully, I can wear my birks until next Tuesday now! :)

Ellen 10-13-2005 09:33 AM

FROG: I went and checked out the web site...I am going to try and find someplace around here that carries them, so I can see how they actually fit, then I will order some off the webpage! The prices are not too bad, and as long as I can find a plainish black loafer type, I am fine! :)

Cindylcing 10-13-2005 10:03 AM

Morning. Being Im still on vacation I can pop on and off during the day :) .
Ive got a few minutes before I have to get dressed and head to a eye dr appt so thought I would come say hi.
I got my carpets shampoo'd yesterday and even got to the gym. Today I cleaned out my closest and bagged up clothes going to the good will and now Im heading to the eye appt then another drs appt later in the afternoon.
Wish It wasnt so gloomy out and I could get some things done in the yard. Today looks like rain.
Well need to get myself up from here and get dressed for the day. Ill try to get back later and do some replies. :smug:

CountryMom4Him 10-13-2005 04:44 PM

Visiting mom again. :) Hopefully I can visit the board when I visit mom which is usually about twice a week. Sometimes more. The new little one is such a sweetheart. She honestly never cries or fusses. You think it could be because she is held 24/7...LOL Seriously she is a very happy baby so far.

Hopefully I'll be able to be a good participant when I can sneak on. :) The scales are the highest they have been in over 5 years.

Monet...Oh my gosh....did you noticed anything different when you took two days worth of meds? I see you survived the ADD children. Just having one has kept me on my toes. I can't imagine a whole class full.

Toni...I miss ya'll when I can visit. ((hugzz))

Talitha...Sounds you have a busy day planned today. Good job on getting in your workout.


Frog...it's so nice to be able to be able to love the new little one and then give her back...LOL Just teasing. I keep threating to sneak her out in my purse.

Melf...saying prayers for you and yours.

Bob....are things finally settling down at work? How is your shoulder?



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