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Old 04-05-2005, 10:17 AM   #31  
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Good morning...

Another beautiful day here. Had a later start again with the family but it is totally okay with me. I am making a breakfast casserole for breakfast this morning and it is still in the oven. It should be ready in 20 mins. I had 1/2 cup of milk while waiting

Jess and I had a wonderful lunch with my neighbor yesterday. The pizzas were not good except the Taco pizza my neighbor loved was good. I had salad with 2 1/2 small pieces of pizza. I didn't feel full but that was enough to feel okay. After lunch, we went to the park and did burn some calories there, standing and Jess certainly burnt the most calories playing in the playground with some friends. Well, it was sure a nice warm day yesterday. In the evening, I went out in the yard for a walk and also pulled some weeds.

As for today, will be seeing the dentist in 1 1/2 hrs for my last fillings and then I am back to my regular general cleaning schedule. Gosh, I am so happy because last year my overall teeth health was terrible since I hadn't been to a dentist for over a decade and I mean more than a decade It feels good to be back on track plus having a good dentist really helps. I have some tidying and cleaning up to do around the house as I have invited few neighbors/friends up the street for a "Girls Night" at my house. I did that few months ago and somehow didn't continue with it on a regular basis but hopefully we will. One of my neighbors have an exchanged student staying with her so this gathering is organized for her as well. She is due to return to Switzerland in 2 months. Gosh, we are going to miss her Oh, it will be a potluck dinner and I am cooking the "meat". It will be my simple garlic, lemon and herbs marinate on some chicken breasts. My neighbors will bring a starch and a green. Oh, I will also make sauteed spinach with garlic and put them under the chicken once the chicken is done. There is never enough veggies anyway We might not have dessert unless it is fruits.

Menu for today :

Breakfast : Sausage, eggs and veggies casserole with 1/2 cup of milk.

No snack as I will be at the dentist.

Lunch : Baked salmon with Jamaican jerk marinate, sauteed or steamed broccoli and rice pilaf or plain basmati rice if I don't have time to make pilaf.

Snack : Fruits and some kind of protein.

Dinner : With mentioned above.

Some replies :

HEARTMOM : are you?

ARCAYNE : Sorry your mom is not coming to visit but a retreat sounds very good too. Hopefully someday she will feel at ease to fly, if not, you can always visit her first and then fly back with her. My mom wouldn't dare to fly alone mainly because she doesn't understand English well so she will need to have someone flying with her when she travels

SARAH : Oh my, have the wife heard anything from the "missing" husband yet? I would be so freak out. Hope the husband is fine. Your menu sounds yummy!!

MONET : Glad your dentist appointment went well. I am not as afraid to visit the dentist now that I do not have major dental I am not sure why I was light-headed but I knew I was short of breath while we were singing and praying. I also have breakfast that morning. My blood sugar testing strips are out so I didn't have any to test my bs now but am reordering them.

TECHWIFE : Sorry to hear about your flooded yard, must be quite a mess. We had quite a bit of rain too but luckily we managed to escape the flood.

BOB : Coughs usually take a while to get rid of. Are you able to get to work today?

JACK : Thanks for your concern. I will remember not to overdo again

PANCHO : So glad to "see" you. I am so sorry about your surgery but I am glad it is not life-threatening either. See what sacrifice mothers do to become one I will definitely keep you in my prayers. Congrats on reaching your goal weight again. You are such inspiration! LOL....that is exactly my thoughts about how fast everyone's elses pregnancy are going while mine is so However, I do feel that this pregnancy is moving much faster than my previous one maybe because I have Jess to take care of so I don't focus so much on the pregnancy. This pregnancy is also so much different that my previous one, the morning sickness is less intense and so are others changes that occurred with the hormones raging. My family kept telling me that I am having a boy since it is so different from Jess's We shall see. My due date is on Sept 7.

COUNTRY : I don't like grapefruit so I usually go for pomelo since it is not as tart. I also grew up with it. You are certainly right about how pricey it is, that's why I don't get to eat it often

SEBRAY : Glad your exam went well and goodluck with your second exam today. I used to subsribe to flylady but couldn't keep up with the emails and finally during my mornign sickness time, I unsubcribed the emails. My mailbox was clogging That is why my house is still in a mess

I am not done with my replies yet but really have to go. Will check in later.

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Old 04-05-2005, 11:13 AM   #32  
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Well, I went to H/WF, and now I feel a bit depressed. I ran into a lady from my old church there. She used to act in my children's program there. Great lady..lots of fun. Her husband is a very low key, quiet man who also worked, but as crowd control. Did an excellent job too. She told me her husband has a malignant brain tumor. There are two others from that church who also had the same kind of brain tumor. One died about a year ago, and the other is not doing well, but is still living. There is another younger man there with it too, and another friends husband has it she said. About a month ago, the wife of a couple that used to be at that church died of the same brain cancer. That is like six people in that congregation, or once a part of it, that have that very rare brain cancer. Weird! She told me another friend's husband has melonoma is not doing well. So, I came home much subdued. I guess its to be expected to lose people you know when you get to my age, but its still kind of shocking to me. I have not lost any friends, except a couple who had moved away who were killed in a car accident. I am not sure I am ready to deal with losing friends. Its hard enough to lose parents and aunts and uncles, but wow...people my age?

Ok, sorry for the downer. Be back later!
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Old 04-05-2005, 12:54 PM   #33  
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One quickie to say I HAD THIS LOOOONNNNGGGG! response...and replies to EVERYONE!!! and the system went down and lost it! I don't have the energy to retype it now.

Darn technology!!!

Just a quickie to tell you all that I bought my detox stuff today and bought the Burroughs book.

I will check back later.

You are all in my thoughts...and my nice little replies would have made you all aware of words...

(can you tell I am a little bitter at this computer???)
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Old 04-05-2005, 01:07 PM   #34  
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Mmmmm I smell rain in the air! We're sure to get some today. DH was just home for lunch. I made chicken salad for us. Its a nice little break in the day somedays for him to come home for 30 min. and a pain in the butt other days. LOL. Well this is day two of no sugar. So far so good. Monet I love reading about your detox. Thats so wonderful you can do that. I have a friend coming over for tea so better hurry up and get things straightened around.
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Old 04-05-2005, 02:37 PM   #35  
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Default Thanks for your thoughts!

It's been a couple of roller coaster days with my mom. She's in the hospital with pneumonia, or that's what she started out with. Long story short= she is havein low blood pressure that they cannot get to rebound, but is alert and in good spirits. They've tried to do some tests but have not yet determined the cause. She is in ICU at Memorial Medical in Savannah which is a "teaching" hospital so we know she is in good hands. We are going down to see her on Thursday afternoon through the weekend, so hoping she is well enough to at least be in a step down room so we can visit her longer. Maybe the eating will not be too bad as there will be lots of opportunity for salads and seafood. Yummy! Please continue with the prayers/thoughts/good vibes. I'll check in tomorrow after my weigh in for the week!
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Old 04-05-2005, 02:49 PM   #36  
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Oh many prayers for you Thin. My DM was in the hospital last year with her blood very low. 4.8 hemoglobin...should be 12...I think...never did find out what caused it. Really scary and I understand what you are going through. My prayers....

As for that missing man....

It turns out, he is okay. He was okay...he was just being horrible and he ended up going drinking...of all things!!!! His wife, family and everyone else that was scared/nervous etc. (plus all of you guys) who said many prayers etc...are so angry with him!!! I guess his MIL said that she would string him up if he EVER did this again. If it were my husband, I wouldn't probably let him come home until he learned his lesson!!! So, he wasn't injured, stuck in the snow etc...he was just being stupid. Talk about playing with all of our emotions!!!

I will check back later. I am still ticked about my long email lost...well, letting it go screws up sometimes. Here at Allstate, last Friday, all of our systems crashed for over an hour...and that was massively terrible...

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Old 04-05-2005, 03:51 PM   #37  
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Hey, it's me again. Two times in two days....I'm on a roll.

I just got Lane down for a nap, but she is not sleeping yet, so we will see what happens. I took her to Wal-Mart to pick out some panties today, as she claims she is ready to start potty training. We'll see. She does so well for awhile and then absolutely refuses to go on the potty. She is three in July, and I'd like for her to be potty trained by then. I'm sick of buying diapers and changing them!

I was at 119# today. I've been kinda upset about a "falling out" with my parents, and when I get upset...I forget to eat, or don't have much of an appetite. I know I s/b glad as a lot of people eat when they are upset. I really don't need to lose anymore, and I am making myself eat.

Anyhow...on to some replies:

Country: thanks for the prayers. I am glad to see you are back on track, and trying out those new fruits/veggies.

Monet: Thanks so much for the website info; I will definately check it out. I think the doctor will try to do the surgery vaginally. I am going to ask him why he won't do it laparascopically. I'll let you all know how I am doing when I get back home. I definately won't overdo it. I remember having to take a lot of down time when I had my Breast Red. I know if I try to overdo it too soon that it will set me behind even more. I am going to walk as soon as I get the clearance and wait to do anything else until the 6-8 weeks are up. Good luck getting back on track with your eating once you break the fast; I still cannot believe that you are on day 7, and you haven't passed out yet. I am so bad without food in my system. That seems awfully strange that so many people at the church have the same "rare" type of cancer. Has anyone researched anything in the area?

Arcayne: Way to avoid that temptation. Give yourself a big pat on the back!

Sebray: Congrats on the loss; it sounds as if you are being very realistic about your weight loss goals.

Jack: I will have a pre-op and post-op appt with my doctor, so I will be able to find out a lot more before I go in. He did mention walking being o.k. at a certain point, so I will do that when I can. Thanks for the prayers. Keep up the awesome work with exercising and eating!!

Fillise: Thanks! I do intend to check out that website. Good job on dinner!

Ken: Good luck at the dentist. Have fun with the girls!! Thanks for the prayers. My pregs were completely different; I even carried them differently, and they were both girls.

Toni: Hi!!

Thin: Does your mom typically have low blood pressure? I will keep her in my prayers.

Sarah: Glad the "missing man" turned out to be alright! I can't stand it when I lose a long post....been there, done that!

Well, Lane never did go to sleep and now she is crying to get up, which means we have a cranky evening in store for us.

Gotta run!
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Old 04-05-2005, 03:58 PM   #38  
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hey Nat..if you have any potty training questions..I have 2 kids and they are both trained (I don't know you well enough yet to know if you have gone through this before??) Well, my DD did it herself at 16 months. No forcing on my part at all...she wanted to be like her big brother. Oh my goodness, boys are more difficult than girls..and you would think it was the other way around..boys have their equipment so much easier to be trained...just stand there..ya know? haha!!!

I had both of mine in cloth diapers..I think that helped getting the training along quicker. Like I said before though DD just up and did backsliding at all.

Talk to you later,
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Old 04-05-2005, 04:42 PM   #39  
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hi guys!!!!!! just a quick pitstop between classes....boy am i EXHASTED today...and i got plenty of sleep too I told you guys that i had the master cleanse thing on my computer but couldnt remember where i got it from....well i found it there is a journal of a lady that did it and i got it from is quite insitful and fun to read...she talks about murdering her husband still searching for the link to the text i have but atm cant find it...will post that when i do....she gives a bulk recipe for the cleanse at the begining though...and even has some 'after' photos....

well im running late so if i find the other stuff ill let you know...ill do replies later


monet: let me know what you think of the cleanse that i found...see if you give it the 'OK'

Last edited by sebray; 04-05-2005 at 04:45 PM.
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Old 04-05-2005, 04:51 PM   #40  
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Just a quick check in before I head home. Have to stop at the nursing home to see my aunt and pack up her clothes. We are moving her to a new assisted living place which is really nice. Want to getted my dinner over and take a nice walk before the rains come.

Monet, is doing the detox more than 10 days safe? Please be careful. 14 pounds is awesome, but I couldn't do that. could there be a problem with a chemical or something at the church? it is very strange that so many people would have the same thing.

Susan, I read that article. Duh! That's what we have been saying for a long time. They say no matter what diet you do, calories count. That's where your portion sizes come in. We have to learn to eat less. :sad: Sounds like you are doing good on WW so far. Good luck.

Julia, your "girls night" sounds like fun. Enjoy the warm weather.

Sarah, it happens to all of us. I guess it's the price we pay for technology. Men!!

Toni, we are expecting rain tomorrow afternoon so you will probably get it sooner. Good job on day 2.

Thin, sending prayers for your mom. Hope they find the cause and fix it before you get there.

nat, lucky you, when I'm upset, I want to eat and eat. Wish I could forget to eat.

have a great evening everyone.
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Old 04-05-2005, 04:51 PM   #41  
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Old 04-05-2005, 05:35 PM   #42  
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Hey, guys. Only have a minute to post. I read that webpage the girl had set up about the Detox, sorry but I'm not interested. I'm afraid that some of you might want to do this just for the weight loss. Just my 2 cents, so no flames. Anyway, not much going on today. Been just kinda lazy today. The most I've done is laundry, which has been all day. Finally, I'm caught up with it. My weight is still up, depressing, but I know that I will see 160 again sometime in the near future. I just wanted to check in..need to get ready to leave for exercise class...

Pancho- I'm so sorry to hear that you need surgery. I hope that everything will go well for you and you'll have a smooth recovery. Good to hear from you.

BOB- loved the pics, glad you're feeling better.
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Old 04-05-2005, 06:32 PM   #43  
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Yeah, heartmom I agree...I read those websites before myself and I think some people just do do it for reduction. I am doing mine for the cleanse..I am getting ready now, spiritually, emotionally and finally, come Friday, physically. I have my ingredients, book etc. I have prepped the family etc.

I do agree with your sentiments though..but, just know that not all of us feel that way.

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Old 04-05-2005, 08:55 PM   #44  
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Hi everyone, Yesterday I was in " the land without a computer" well sort of. We had no connection for some reason. And for whatever reason it just popped back on today of course after I called and they were sending someone out today to check it.
I dont have much time tonight so just gonna post my menus for the past two days and hopefully I can get caught up reading posts by tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a great week so far!

b- oatmeal, 3 bacon
s- 4 strawberries
l- left over lamb meat, 1/2 cup cottage cheese LF
s-1/2 serving almonds
d- chicken breast with ham and swiss, romaine/spinach salad with carb well ranch
s- 1/2 cup lc icecream
exercise...2 hours thatching the yard

Tuesday menu
b- blueberry smoothie, 1 slice wwlc toast
s- 4 slices hard salami with chedder
l- leftover chicken breast, 3 strawberries
s- 3 triscuits
d-pork ribs with lc barbque sauce, steamed califlower
s- lc yogurt
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Old 04-05-2005, 09:05 PM   #45  
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Jack: BOY do they flood you lol....i dont mind though...i have mastered the art of the quick scan and delete :P

Fillise: I took a SPED exam yesterday and a bio exam pretty confident that i did good (A in SPED and B in Bio)

BOB: LMAO man i LOVE your pictures!!!!! glad u were able to go to work

Heart: i agree with you, no one should do the detox for weight loss....i was only posting those links for those of us who would want more info before they went out and bought anything im still debating on whether or not to do it...ive always wanted to try it...ive had several 'minor' health problems and gallstones (until my surgery in oct last year) but i was too scared to do it until i knew someone else who had done it (yeah i needed a guinea pig hehe)

well i have some homework to do and im dreading puting all my bad food into DP tonight...but i "should" be ok calorie wise (crosses fingers) and i need to drag my bum to the gazelle......funny that if i dont do it in the morning i dont feel like doing it at all

Last edited by sebray; 04-05-2005 at 09:19 PM.
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