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Old 12-31-2005, 06:30 AM   #1  
Come on Spring!
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Default 2005/2006 Weekend Chat - Dec. 31 & Jan. 1

Seven swans a swimmin' and eight maids a'milkin' are due any time so I decided to get this cranked up.

I need to crank up myself and get this day underway as I have a fancy dancy dessert to make for the party tonight. It's a white chocolate cranberry pistachio torte and will probably involve an hour of pistachio shelling as they didn't have the shelled ones! Oy!

Welcome to all the new and re-tread chicks. 2006 is going to be a great year for us all! Right?

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Old 12-31-2005, 08:52 AM   #2  
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Ruth, your dessert sounds delicious!!! I hope you have a fun time at your party!

Yes, I'm with you.... I'm praying that 2006 is a great year. Not gonna whine, but I have to say that 2005 was the worst year I can remember! Onward and upward though!!

We aren't doing too much today. I've convinced DH we "need" to rearrange our bedroom furniture.... hehe. Then I found a yummy recipe for roast so I'm going to throw that in the oven. It's basically just with a rub of chopped green chilis, garlic, etc. The recipe actually called for warm corn tortillas....(one of my FAVES)...but thankfully I don't have any of those. I do have a HUGE bag of broc and cauliflower that needs to be eaten, so we'll scarf that up.

Have a great day everyone!

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Old 12-31-2005, 09:43 AM   #3  
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Ruthie- That dessert sounds fabulous!!! My stomach is growling now. I wasn't going to eat anything but veggies and salad until lunch with MIL, but now I just don't know. Yum yum!

Cjane- Congrats on getting DH on board with moving furniture around. That roast rub sounds really good too. (I'm going to eat everything in the pantry now because everyone's talking about food!)

We have a busy morning planned. Dishes, I have to make more food for this afternoon and evening, work out, go to the store, get cleaned up, go to MIL's for lunch, come home, and get ready for the potluck tonight at the club. WHEW!

Hey, for a yummy Phase 2 recipe, here's what I did. I took a whole wheat pita, cut it in half long ways, cut each circle into 8 slices, sprayed with cooking spray, sprinkled season salt and then a southwestern seasoning (any seasoning would do though) and baked them for 8 minutes at 375. They're really crunchy and good. (The reason I have to make more is because DH got into them last night and apparently didn't realize that I made them for the potluck tonight.) Yummy pita chips!

Anyway, time to weigh myself and get in the shower for the first time today. Hope you all have a fabulous new year!!!!!

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Old 12-31-2005, 10:10 AM   #4  
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Smile happy weekend and new years

Good morning! I'm hungry after reading just the few posts in here. LOL! SO I guess I'd better write and quick get into something around the house so I don't eat.

I am so excited for this New Year to begin. I am happy I feel in control right now and that is an amazing and new feeling for me for sure! It's funny I'm a very controlling person but in the area of weight I hve totally allowed myself to lose it completely. Well that's a changin!!! SO far I am so happy with SBD. I'm thrilled tonight I'll make steak and lobster with a veggie and be totally OP with a glass of champagne and dh to celebrate with. We're celebrating our 10 year anniversary in 2 weeks, and even taking a trip alone to celebrate and then we're putting our house up for sale and moving to a new place near my sister so I just feel like this is a big year for us and I'm excited about it all.

So cheers to all of you for an amazing new year in 2006 for all of us!

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Old 12-31-2005, 10:13 AM   #5  
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Morning chicks!
Ruth, that dessert sounds fab! It has all the things in it that I love! Have fun at your swanky shindig tonight!
AMy- I totally understand the controlling thing sans the weight part. I am totally the same way. I too am trying to change the tide!
As for me I will probably just pop next door for a few minutes to grab a drink sometime tonight as they are having a party. Kylee goes to bed at 7:30 so we can't really go out persay. Unless, we get a sitter and we are too broke for that! We need to come up with 500 dollars to give the furniture deliverers so we can get our new furniture! I am excited.
Anyways, hope everyone has a great new years eve however you choose to ring in the new year!
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Old 12-31-2005, 10:19 AM   #6  
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I hope everyone has a wonderful wonderful new years- Josh and I are going to the grocery store pretty soon...I slept in till 10am!! usually I am up by 7 so I must have been TIRED! all day then class till 9 is taking its toll. Anyways i woke up to a nice surprise this morning...I am down to 133...when I was hanging out at 136 around christmas....So the working out extra hard and eating better is paying off.....
I am off to find delicious dessert recipes ....anyone have any suggestions for something to make tonight??
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Old 12-31-2005, 10:20 AM   #7  
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Want to wish everyone a a Happy New Year

We never do anything on NYE. I may go to a friends house,but 2 years in a row I down with a horrible head cold and don't want to eat or drink.. Maybe thats why I lost 1 lb. at this morning W-I. We couldn't complain about 2005 we had a happy & healthy year,so we're wishing for the same in 2006.

Ruth-hope it all right to ditto what cjane posted.Have wonderful time,and you're the queen of desserts YUMMMMMMMMMMM!! those tortes sound delish.

cjane-we're having our roast beef tomorrow,its easy to fix while watching foot ball.

Weezle-Happy to see you posting again welcome back,didn't have a chance to post the other day.You seem like a busy bee this morn.Have a wonderful time at your party.

Hugs BB
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Old 12-31-2005, 11:05 AM   #8  
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Wishing you all a year of positive change and growth in 2006!

See you Next Year
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Old 12-31-2005, 11:39 AM   #9  
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DH is sick with some stomach thing so we're keeping everything simple. And I'm really saying a prayer that Brian and I don't get it. I slept with Brian last night so DH could have the bed and I'd be less exposed and all I can say is that Brian hogs the covers and is a restless sleeper. I had to get up and get a blanket for myself.

I did make it to the gym yesterday but other than that spent most of the day reading a JD Robb book. I love Nora Roberts. I picked up a bunch of new ones at the used bookstore and love to read them on the stationary bike. I made double batch of Simple Eggplant Casserole and ate it without pasta last night (Brian just ate the pasta). I am finally back down to my Dec 1 weight but I still need to lose 2 pounds more to get back to where I was Nov 1. I'm actually losing more this time on phase 1 than I did the first time but I think a lot of the XMAS gain was water whereas I was on a diuretic the first time so I didn't have the water to lose.
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Old 12-31-2005, 11:41 AM   #10  
Come on Spring!
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Aaaaaarrrrrggggghhhhhh! I got off to a good start by deciding to use frozen pastry for the pies shell and got my 2 cups of pistachios shelled and the cranberries ready to go. Even the white chocolate filling worked out. Then I dropped the whole damned thing on the kitchen floor! What a ed up week I've had for cooking! I called Bob and we decided not to do another dessert as there is already plum pudding, blanc mange and his famous jellies gin! I just made a hard sauce for the plum pudding and managed to get that done with no disasters. Today was a day when I washed my kitchen floor twice as The Girls had a poop accident last night after getting into the garbage and munching on a failed spiced nuts recipe! Lysol and Pinesol are my friends!

I think I'll have an afternoon nap!
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Old 12-31-2005, 02:10 PM   #11  
Helloooo? Treats, please!
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Hey chicks! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! Ruth, that sucks about your dessert. After all that hard work!! I feel for ya.

BF's sink has been clogged for a few days now so no cooking. The plumber got the clog out but busted the pipe in the process so he's been trying to re pipe under the sink for the last few days. It should be done today b4 we go out for NY's eve.

Have a great day, everyone!!
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Old 12-31-2005, 02:25 PM   #12  
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Awwww, Ruth! You didn't have to clean the floor, that dessert sounded so yummy that I would have been willing to lick it up for you!

It's a gray, miserable day out today. Jake and I were out to get groceries at an Amish farm market about 20 miles west of here, and it started to drizzle and turned to freezing rain by the time we got back home. I'm glad we're staying in the rest of the day, it's going to be dangerous driving tonight. I'm going to make Pork & Sauerkraut for tomorrow's dinner. It's a Pa. Dutch tradition that's supposed to bring you good luck for the new year. We usually always have it New Year's Day, but I didn't make it last year, and it was a pretty bad year for us, so I'm DEFINETELY having it this year. I'm not taking any more chances! LOL! We were going to take down the tree today, but neither of us feels like it, so that will be the plan tomorrow. I did put some decorations away, though, so part of it is done.

Happy New Year, everyone!
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Old 12-31-2005, 03:50 PM   #13  
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Well chicks I've had exactly two really good OP days this week! That doesn't take into account the 10 before that were awful! And the last two have also been bad. Remember last year when I remained OP through most of the holiday except for my birthday on the 24th? Them were the days.

Last night I took DS and one of his friends to a motel with a super duper water park with slides and stuff. It was an expensive treat! His friend got homesick and I had to drive him home at midnight in a snowstorm!!!! I was trying to be patient but the kids parents didn't answer thier phone and this kid called them at least 30 times crying. He called cell phones, home phones etc. If they just would have answered he may have been ok. parents. DS and I were appalled that these parents didn't answer the phone. I mean what if that child was having a seziure (sp?) or drowned? When I pulled up I could see the television was on in the living room. So DS and I slept at home after driving him home because I couldn't really drive back in the storm. Then went back this morning and had our breakfast and swam in the pools until check out.

Tonight will be another night of terrible eating! But I'm going to whoop it up as my last hurrah! I've set some very serious goals for next year and I'm posting here and now - I'm giving up winos until I reach my weight goals! The calories are killing me. It is easier for me to have a small vanilla vodka and diet gingerale then wine.

Has anyone read Kevin Trudeau's (sp?) book on natural cures? I'm half way through it. And like Fast Food Nation - I'm appalled. Even if you take everything he says with a grain of salt - I'm appalled. So I'm going to try to do SBD with more organic food items. I went to the health food store and bought organic milk, cottage cheese, salad, coffee etc. I'm ready chicks! Let's make this the best year ever for weight loss!

Ruth - can you link me to a picture of the dogs that are like your girls and some info? I remember them being just darling. DS is pestering me for a puppy and I don't want to get what he wants. So maybe I can convince him of something better.

Here's to all us beautiful chicks! Happy New Year!
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Old 12-31-2005, 04:55 PM   #14  
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Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This Will Most Definitely Be A Fabulous Thin And Sexy Year!!!!!!!!!
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Old 12-31-2005, 04:58 PM   #15  
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Oh that is awful about dropping that on the floor!!! Cusswords were made for such a situation -- after all that work too.

When my husband was a bachelor he used to tie his laundry to the back of his motorcycle (didn't have a car back then) and once the pillowcase opened up and when he got home he realized it had all fallen out. He backtracked but found all the clothes had been redistributed out on the street already (Hollywood.)

He said if he had lost them on the way he wouldn't care because he only wore thrift store Ts and stuff, but after spending all his bar money at the coin-op and a whole evening fluffing and folding he was good aggravated to be sure, LOL....
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