South Beach Diet Fat Chicks on the Beach!

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Old 05-28-2005, 05:58 AM   #1  
Come on Spring!
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Default Memorial Day Weekend - May 28, 29 and 30

The weather person was wrong! The sun is shining so it means another nice day. It didn't rain a drop here yesterday so I did get some gardening done. Today was supposed to be rainy but it sure looks nice right now!

I'm off to work in the Greenhouse today but thought I'd get the coffee going for you chickies. The deck is quite pleasant this morning so come and sip and chat for a while.

To all our American chickies, have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend.

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Old 05-28-2005, 08:28 AM   #2  
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Yes!! Happy Memorial Day Weekend!!
You're all still sleeping, eh?

You've got the whole sun, Ruthie! It's not here! Dampish and cool.
Hey, the Glebe Garage Sale is on today. (huge neighbourhood garage sale in downtown Ottawa) My mom has just taken DS. He's pretty excited to spend some bucks.

I know this not the pets thread, but whatever.
We lost one of our guinea pigs yesterday. Charlotte, my DD's pig. She's all bundled up to go beneath the lilac bush.
Anyhow, we went to a pet store last night to pick up a replacement. Ted, my DS's guinea pig was very lonely and bewildered at losing her friend. (yes, Ted is a girl. According to my son, she was named after Ted Sullivan. )
We got two lovely little girls. Poppy is a tiny little fluffy white and grey thing. And Cacao is black and brown with hair sticking up all over, in particular on her bum. She looks like a little skunk!

Anyhow, I'm just going out to dig a hole... back later...
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Old 05-28-2005, 08:34 AM   #3  
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BTW, thanks for the hugs yesterday, girls. I had another bad eating day, and am up another damned pound (CURSES!!!), but I'm feeling good this morning, and am planning an OP day!!
Hugs for the rest of you who had grumpy days yesterday, too. Let's have a wonderful day today!!

RNMom, don't fall off your bike, eh?
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Old 05-28-2005, 08:47 AM   #4  
Come on Spring!
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Ellis, I live in paradise. Not a drop of rain yesterday and today is glorious. They will be lined up to get into the Greenhouse when I get there.

So sorry to hear about Charlotte's demise. Under the lilac tree sounds like a lovely place to be put to rest, especially at this time of year.

I have a huge bunch of lily-of-the valley beside me? Can you smell them? It's a birthday gift for Eve down at the Long Horn. I'll drop them off on my way to the Greenhouse.

Have a great weekend, Ellis, and the sleepyheads. (Sounds like a rock group.)
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Old 05-28-2005, 08:57 AM   #5  
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Talking Good Morning!

Hey! I'm not a sleepyhead! I was just busy reading the posts on the Buyer Beware Page. This is such a huge forum. Just to read SB can take me over an hour. The sun is shining and it's time to go play.

I was thinking how kids just go play and they don't think about calories burned. That's what I've been trying to do...just keep active and in motion. But I do have to gloat because I ran 5k yesterday! I'm not a runner, but I want to be able to run that distance at least once a week, plus I think it will help with weight loss. Well I was excited. Today, lots of weeding and mowing and a big walk.

Ellis So sorry about the guinea pig...the new ones sound really cute!

Happy Memorial Day Americans! Enjoy the weekend everyone!!

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Old 05-28-2005, 09:07 AM   #6  
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YEY!!!!!!!!!!! I lost an other Pound FINALLY!...and today is the start of Phase 2 for me...hello strawberries!!! i cut up a few of them and tossed them into my nofat plain yogart

thats the only Phase two thing i am eating today....gotta start slow!!

have a great weekend chicas
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Old 05-28-2005, 09:14 AM   #7  
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Morning, Chicklets!

Happy Memorial Weekend! And thank you, Ruth, for remembering us! After I get dressed, I need to go put our flag up. Actually, think I'll do that now... be right back

*************dododododododo dodododoDOdododododo (theme from jeopardy)*******************

okay i'm back.....

ELLIS: I'm sorry to hear about your little gp passing away... I hope your daughter was okay... but congrats on the new babies! you know, being buried under some lilac sounds good to me... I had told my mother that when I die, I want to be cremated and have my ashes scattered over her and daddy (they are buried stacked on top of one another). She said (and this is a direct quote) "EWWWWW that is so gross! What is wrong with you?" here i thought it was a nice gesture (came from them, going back with them kind of thing).... she responded with "when all of you are moved out of the house, we are selling the house, buying a mobile home, getting a post office box, and running away" my mom was a nut...

I had a bad eating day yesterday, too. You know, I was so excited this morning because I got on the scale and it was down 2 pounds. I thought OOO I get to change my ticker! so then I decide I'm going to move the scale into the kitchen and put it next to my fridge...kind of as a "don't eat that" reminder. So I get BACK on the scale, and it put the 2 pounds back! GRRRR Guess I shouldn't have moved it...

RUTH: I really think you need to take a vacation and come to NC and bring a bunch of those beautiful flowers with you... my yard needs help! I'm so envious of your green thumb! The honeysuckle is in bloom big time around here and you can smell it in the air... just awesome...

My best friend is coming in for the weekend tonight. She lives just outside of Atlanta... I can't wait to see her! other than that, we aren't doing much this weekend. What plans do ya'll have?

I'm sure there are a bunch of ya'll pecking away at the keyboard as I post this, so for those of you I missed, GOOD MORNING!
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Old 05-28-2005, 09:39 AM   #8  
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Aileen, your story about your parents is hilarious!!
Put the damned scale back, hon.
And have fun with your best friend!!

Angel, congratulations on the pound!! You're smart to add things back in slowly. Good luck!!

Sandi, I am SO impressed with you doing a 5k!!! You go, girl!!
I know what you mean about kids. My DS (9) is a skinny, muscular little guy because he's in constant motion!! He was playing floor hockey yesterday, and watching those kids effortlessly run up and down the arena made me long to get out there with them!!

Ruth, try to keep your pants up in the greenhouse, eh?
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Old 05-28-2005, 10:21 AM   #9  
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Default Good morning ladies!

Sheesh, I can't believe I'm here before afternoon. I've been up, done sit ups and push ups and will go on the bike later this afternoon. Draggin dh with me and we'll do the loop I did the other night, 16 miles. I need to really dedicate this week to doing some serious time on the bike!!!!

My MIL and newly weds are coming for the weekend. I'm planning all kinds of fun food to feed them. It was so nice to buy groceries for a crowd again! I know, I'm looney.

Ellis, sorry about the gp, pets just really get in your heart! Sounds like you are making sweet memories for the family though. Will be sending more hugs your way today. I haven't fallen off my bike yet......... Be sure to spend some time in a garden today. I'm telling ya'll that dirt is good for ya.

Ruth, glad your weatherman was wrong. There's nothing better than sunshine after a long dreary winter. This past week has been the nicest we've had for such a long time. Our spring has been pretty dreary. Thanks for the Memorial Day wishes.

loveluckycat, way to go on all the gardening plans, you'll burn a few calories and create some sore muscles that way!

angelshine, way to go on the pound!!!!! I love when the scale does that.

marinemomma, thanks for putting the Jeopardy song in my head for the day!!! Oh, and I suggest putting the scale in the place in the house where you get the best number!

Well, I need to get on with my day. I'm so going to enjoy the weekend! I'm not in the ER for the first time in years. This is such a huge weekend there. We live about 15 miles from hundreds of acres of sand dunes and people come from all over to camp and ride there ATV's. We've had people from Canada, Minnesota, Utah.....anyway, I'm going to listen to the sirens going and coming all day and be so happy I'm not in the middle of it!

Have a great day on the beach!
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Old 05-28-2005, 10:29 AM   #10  
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Default Just in case you're interested...

Here's one of the links to the Sand Dunes near here:

11,000 acres of the stuff! Personally I don't see the excitement.
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Old 05-28-2005, 10:46 AM   #11  
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Morning chicks!

I'm procrastinating on exercising. But I did get to sleep in until 10 am this morning. DS is with his dad this weekend. I have a little shopping to do today (since I spent all my money on bills - Dang Dave Ramsey) and hopefully will be going to the flea market on Monday. I did manage to save some spending money but very little. My SIL said there is a woman who owns an antique shop near her that is selling all her antique perfume bottles for $8.00 a box just to get rid of them at the flea market. Just more crap I don't need but I can't resist antique perfume bottles. Also antique - mason jars - I have the blue, brown and green - I need the light green/yellowish and the elusive purple. Also antique oars - I used to paint them and hang them for outside decorations when I lived on the lake. I don't live on the lake anymore but I still like to look for them.

Bami - When you get a chance let us know how your mom is doing.

Aileen - Whenever you move a scale you have to reset it to 0. With a digital you just stand on it and get off it and let it go back to zero. I'm not sure how to do the manual scales.

Ruth - Ellis is right! Keep those knickers up today.

Ellis - So sad about the GP. Sorry you had another bad eating day. You'll come around.

Kissy - Hang in there. Try to focus on the positive things that happen.

Sandi - Congrats on the 5K. Gloat away sister.

Angel - Welcome to Phase II - Just remember to not stray far from the beach and you won't have to repeat PI again.

RNMOM - Have a super weekend! Sounds like you deserve it. Just don't answer your home phone! They may try to call you in.

I'm still doing my SBD/counting the calories to stay 3500 under my caloric break point. I love testing peoples theories. I have 1338 to go before I lose a pound. I'm now aiming to lose 1 pound a week. Which doesn't sound like that much but I haven't really lost anything since (well I gained 10 and lost 10) March so a pound a week sounds pretty good.

Ok - I have to go make myself exercise. Have a safe holiday chicks!
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Old 05-28-2005, 11:17 AM   #12  
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Default No more Mrs Cranky Pants

Good Morning All!
Well it's Day 4 on SoBe and on this forum! Finally I'm not wearing Cranky Pants... Those first 3 days were hard: headaches, Stomach cramps but today I'm feeling great! I can tell I'm loosing, as I am actually sitting here with my pants zipped and buttoned and feel comfortable LOL..
Have a great day everyone!
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Old 05-28-2005, 11:53 AM   #13  
gotta lose it!
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Godd morning - & yes I'm a sleepy head today! I got up at 5am yesterday, so I earned sleeping in today. I spoke with my father yesterday, he has to bring mom home on June 22 because that's when the insurance runs out & he can not afford the $250/per day charges (that's just staying there - no therapy, no meds) So after hearing that & the homemade chili dogs (from calorie commando) my stomach wasn't being nice to me.
I'm going down today to see my mother, maybe my baby sister will be there & I can kick her for all the things she has & hasn't done lately.....
Anyway, everyone have a great Memorial Day!!!
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Old 05-28-2005, 01:09 PM   #14  
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Ok - I'm done exercising. And after posting it on the webpage - I'm over my exercise goal for the month of May - way to squeek it out Amy.

I even cleaned my room. I had to put away the down comforter in one of those space bags (the one you vacuum the air out of) and put a new ironing board cover on the ironing board. My mom got the ironing board when they were first married. By the way it is their 41st wedding anniversary this weekend. I swear it has the same ironing board cover on it. DM says noooo it doesn't but maaaannn I swear - it sure looked like it. So anyhow I've been using the iron and board getting my stuff ready to put on ebay so I splurged at Walmart and bought a new one. DM says - what is wrong with the old one? Someday I will learn those penny pinching secrets from her.
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Old 05-28-2005, 02:50 PM   #15  
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Good afternoon, everyone! Work has been absolutely crazy lately. They did let us off early yesterday but I spent the time talking with my sister and booking a trip to visit her in August. She lives in South Carolina and its been a couple of years since we were last there. She hasn't seem me since I lost the weight. she was always the skinny one but now we weigh almost the same but I am a smaller size from the exercise. I really want to work on toning up even more before I visit her. I'd like to lose more weight but I have enough muscle that I'd be okay even at this weight.

I got in a good two hour workout at the gym today. Ginger was teaching both the hour long Kwando class and the hour of Powerflex today. I've never done so many pushups in my life! But at least we didn't do deep squats like when JB teaches. It's been pouring rain but I think it is going to clear up so I can go out and take a nice long walk. I'm enjoying the cooler temperatures. 80's are so much nicer than 99 was.
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