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Old 03-21-2018, 04:57 PM   #16  
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Debbie I’m sure you could use the extra help too. You are always burning the candle at both ends.
Kathy it just started to flurry here. So either the storm is way behind schedule or maybe I’ll be spared (fingers crossed) CONGRATULATIONS getting to onederland!!!! Great job!!!
Pearlrose what was the play DD was in? I was in a few in high school. I would have loved being a Broadway performer if I had talent!
Beth kudos on zig zagging down (I like that reference)

Quiet day at work so I was able to get my required ethics webinar out of the way. Even cleaned up my emails and a few other administrative tasks. Nothing thrilling here and that’s just fine with me.

Have a great night
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Old 03-21-2018, 05:48 PM   #17  
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Good afternoon chicks.

Don't know where the day went; I didn't get all the paperwork done at school that I wanted to and now the afternoon is slipping away. But I did prioritize my exercise and have an OP dinner in the oven. (nothing special; just split chicken breasts but still tasty)

Jennifer and Kathy, here's hoping the weather prognosticators were wrong about snowfall totals!

Debbie, it will be nice for you to have some extra house help.

Pearlrose, here's to another OP food day.

Jennifer, my fitness app has a graph of your progress and since I weigh daily it really shows how non-linear weight loss is. Zig-zag seems to fit.

Have a good Wednesday evening, all!
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Old 03-22-2018, 08:17 AM   #18  
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Good morning,

Today and tomorrow are both wfh so I can get caught up on paperwork. Today have to our cat to vet for annual checkup and then I have a dental teeth cleaning appt at 4 p.m. DD2 play opens tonight they are doing Sussical (not sure if I spelled that right) she has various parts in the play didn't want to try out for one of the leading roles. We are supposed to get more rain today and over the weekend as well. Food choices were not good in the evening so back on track today.

Kathy congrats on reaching onderland that is great!

Debbie that was nice of you to give the girl more work to do so you don't lose her.

Jekel hope the snow missed you.

Beth I find it very helpful to log both weight and exercise

Have a great day everyone!
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Old 03-22-2018, 09:32 AM   #19  
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So, the weathermen got it wrong! Good morning, ladies. I spent all day at work yesterday watching for the storm to start so I could go home early. That didn't happen. The snow started around 6 pm but even overnight we never got more than 3 inches. I had asked the young man who digs out cars for us to come early so my sister could leave on time for her dr appoint. He was out there right on time, but didn't want to take my money since the snow was so little. He's such a great kid! But I insisted on paying him. It was a huge load off our minds when were expecting a foot to know that he would have the cars ready to go on time.

Debbie, I'm so sorry to hear about your sister's cancer. Thank you for sharing as it helps me with my situation. <3 My sister said she didn't need me today so she went by herself. She will text me as soon as she is done. I had a hemorrhagic stroke a little over 5 years. Not only did she save my life at the time, but she took wonderful care of me in my recovery. With that, plus her being older, we are both much more used to her taking care of me than the other way around. So, it's a process.

Have a wonderful day, everyone!
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Old 03-22-2018, 02:42 PM   #20  
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Hi again. Some of you have mentioned posting her while in the car or other outside place. Do you have an app that you use on your phone? I've used Tapatalk for other forums but can't find this one on it. Thanks in advance!

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Old 03-22-2018, 04:57 PM   #21  
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Good afternoon, chicks.

Another dry sunny day for us, and the temperature is slowly trending upward. Spring may show up yet! Regular day of work and exercise which is always fine. Same old same old works for me.

Kathy, I have never used my phone but I log into the regular site and post on my kindle, fwiw. It's great to hear you had your help ready this morning AND that you didn't need him! Congrats on the WL.

Pearlrose, hope you had a productive day. Good luck to DD!

Jennifer, hope you had a quiet day at work and weren't too buried in snow! DS2 (on Long Island) said morning classes were cancelled while snow cleanup continued. He sent me a picture of his car buried in his driveway.

Debbie, how is the new help working out?

Thinking of you Ruth, enjoying the nice weather!!

Have a good evening, all.
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Old 03-23-2018, 06:57 AM   #22  
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TGIF Chicks!

I'm off from school for a teacher's workshop. I am hoping it will be worthwhile; there is nothing worse than being away from my classroom (and having to think up productive things for the sub) to have a workshop that isn't applicable.

Small blip up on the scale this morning but I know that is due to indulging in a fish fry last night. As long as I am back OP today it will go back down.

Have a great day chicks and I hope you get to see some sunshine!
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Old 03-23-2018, 08:32 AM   #23  
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Good morning and TGIF!

This work week seemed so long. The vet called in sick yesterday so got rescheduled to next Tuesday for kitty. I did get my teeth cleaned and then we went to the school play. They did really well, I think everyone will enjoy it. Today is wfh and I have a few reports to work on and only a couple of conference calls so should be fairly quiet. Not sure what is on the agenda this evening, DH wants to go to the Drive In but I think it is still too cold to do that so we shall see.

Beth hope the workshop is a good one for you.

Kathy glad the weatherman got it wrong for you all. Hope your sisters appts went well.

Have a great day everyone!
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Old 03-24-2018, 07:11 AM   #24  
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Good morning a few crazy days here and super early bedtimes caused me to be absent. Like Kathy the snow was a bust, so thankful!!! We actually hit 53 the next day so I let Mother Nature take care of it. Jim and Nancy come home late tonight. I know Rylee missed them but she has been pretty perky the last two days which is great.

Kathy glad the snow missed you too. Hope your sister’s appointment went well.
Beth I had a blip too but back to good choices so I am not worried. I track my WL and exercise too. My Lose It app looks like mountains LOL.
Pearlrose I bet Sussical was a fun play to be in for DD.

The luncheon was really nice the other day. Yesterday I got all my errands done after work. I slept in today until 6;30! Going to linger then go for a ride. It is a little chilly for my liking, but I really need to get my outdoor miles in. Tonight I am going out for Mexican with my girlfriends from college. Usually we go to a little cafe afterwards for dessert. I’ve already decided to have the veggie fajitas (I don’t use the tortilla). I’ll ask them to hold the rice but I will enjoy the retried beans. If I can avoid the sangria and tortilla chips I should be OK. Luckily the cafe pastries are really small LOL because I am having one. Tuesday we are having a luncheon for my administrator who is retiring. Nothing is OP the guys planned the menu. No slacking with exercise this week!

Hope everyone enjoys the weekend.
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Old 03-24-2018, 09:18 AM   #25  
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Good morning,

I slept in til 7:30 a.m. looks like it is going to be a rainy day here. I have cleaning to do and a grocery run. DH is going to a comedy show this evening with some of his friends so I will have an evening to myself as DD2 has last show tonight. She is having a blast doing. Last night DH and I ended up getting carry out and just stayed home and watched tv since it was raining. I have noticed I am emotionally eating so I am going to be very conscious about it from now and reverse the pattern I have fallen into.

Jekel your brave for going out for a bike ride, it would be bit to chilly for me.

Have a wonderful day everyone!
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Old 03-24-2018, 09:27 AM   #26  
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Good morning chicks!

A nice sunny morning. I am sipping coffee and gearing up for laundry and cleaning. We are having friends over tonight; DH will grill steaks so I'll limit my wine to 1 glass and be mostly OP.

Pearlrose, rainy days make me want to stay in bed. When I need to be busy it really helps to have the sun out. I think my weight has been tracking down because I am really thinking about my snack choices. I also can fall prey to emotional and boredom eating.

Jennifer, hope you get a good ride in. Glad the storm was gentle on you. DS2 sent me a picture of his car buried in snow; they probably got 8-10 inches there.

Debbie and Kathy, have a good Saturday!

Enjoy the day!
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Old 03-24-2018, 04:09 PM   #27  
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Hello everyone!

I just got off work and I’m sitting in the car in front of the grocery store resting my feet before I go in for a few groceries. The realtor called and need some paper signed so I’m going to stop by her office before I go home. I think that means I can take a rest before dinner. Having dinner with my sister again we still have corn beef and cabbage left over. We just keep adding cabbage and potatoes.

Oh yeah, forgot I need to stop by the laundromat before I get home then everything should be done for the day!

Have a great weekend everyone!
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Old 03-25-2018, 07:41 AM   #28  
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Good morning Debbie and chicks to come. Thanks for starting us off this week. Isn’t it great when you can stretch a meal for a few days with add ins. Hope you get some down time today.

We had a really nice time last night at dinner. I stuck to my plan somewhat. I had 1.5 glasses of sangria. We elected to have dessert at the restaurant. I know fried ice cream is definitely not OP LOL. Scale is up today but will make good choices all week in hopes of hitting my goal. If not I am good with maintaining this month since I am under goal.

I did go for the shortest training ride ever. The cold got me. I certainly was dressed for a winter ride, but once my hands went numb I was done. Going to try again today but waiting for it to warm up slightly. Going with my rechargeable gloves so that should help tremendously. I think I will get my food prep done for the week first.

Hope everyone has a great Sunday.
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