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Old 11-19-2016, 09:15 AM   #1  
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Default Weekend chat November 19 and 20th

Good morning,

Did everyone sleep in this morning. Other than waking up at 4 a.m. for bathroom, I went back to bed and slept til 7 a.m.

Did my yoga and just now finishing breakfast. DH and DD2 want the Christmas decorations up before we leave so we made room for the tree and brought it up and set it up but no decorations yet. Will slowly put up stuff today and tomorrow but will not light up anything until after we get back next weekend.

What's your plans for today other than it is cold, brrrr
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Old 11-19-2016, 09:53 AM   #2  
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Good morning, Rose, and sleepy chicks to come.

Jazz woke me at 6 this morning which was not appreciated at all by Millie and me! All the Book Club socializing was fun but I'm not used to midnight bedtimes but coffee is helping. It was a most successful night and I did manage to get 12 people seated around the table by serving the meal buffet-style in the kitchen. The actual buffet in the diningroom was too small for 12 platters of food! (Seems like everyone brought food for 20 but I sent the leftovers home with all of them at midnight.) The dishwasher has run twice and is now empty so the day is mine until I go to the Mill Christmas Shop at 5.

By the way, I did get the leaves swept out of the barn yesterday so the car can go in there tonight. Our weather is nuts! It's going to 59ºF this afternoon and then will plunge as the storm moves in Sunday evening. I see snow in the first few days of next week.

Plans for the day? I am just going to relax after a busy week and get myself organized for some Christmas shopping. I need lists organized by shopping locations. The gifts for the family in Nanaimo, BC, need to be in the mail early. Once the snow is over and the driving is good, I'll be outta here.

Have a great weekend and stay safe if you are in the first snowstorm of the winter.
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Old 11-19-2016, 01:38 PM   #3  
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Good afternoon, chicks!

DH and I got up early (well, 7 is early for a weekend) and took off to BJs to get groceries before the crowds hit. We not only got a turkey for this week but picked up a beef roast for Christmas. We were home around noon but it always takes a while to organize and put away everything. We also bought some pumpkin spice flavored coffee that was on special. Now I just need to review my strategies for handling holiday eating. It is all too easy for me to spend the time from now until Jan 1 overdoing it.

Now I'm doing laundry and will try to workout a bit. We are also slated to get a snow storm tomorrow; can't help but wonder if the weatherman knows what he is talking about.

Pearlrose, forgive me but where are you going this week?

Ruth, glad you can put the car in the barn! We are also beautiful and sunny right now but that is supposed to change....

Have a good day, chicks!
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Old 11-20-2016, 06:43 AM   #4  
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Good morning yesterday got away from me. Work tends to do that from time to time. I spend my work time getting our supply room organized. You couldn't even walk in there! I blame it on the guys. I actually emailed our admin and advised not to order any office supplies for the rest of my lifetime lol. I did burn a lot of calories and certainly got my steps in lol.

Today I am staying put. Possibly I may clean the house (no promises) Guess the weatherman was wrong as we got snow. Not a lot but it is heavy. Took out one of my bushes in the yard.

Ruth sounds like your book club went very well. I too serve buffet style from the kitchen when I used to entertain. It was so much easier. I would ave everything in dishes over sturno burners keeping the food warm. Whatever was left just had to be put in the fridge if it wasn't given away. Since I don't have a dishwasher I would buy fancy plastic plates and utensils . Now I just go to other people's homes lol, much easier.

Pearlrose have fun decorating the tree today. When do you leave for your trip? If it dries up later I may lug the decorations up from the basement. I only have access to the basement from the outside.

Beth I too need a strategy especially this time of the year. With DS not here I don't want to bake at all because we know who will eat all the cookies lol. Its the goodies people bring into work are the hardest to resist. Ill just try to deal with the temptations as they arise. I am at my goal weight so that is reallly good incentive for me to get under goal before the new year (hey even if its only a pound I'll take it )

Hope the northern chicks don't have too much white stuff!
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Old 11-20-2016, 07:33 AM   #5  
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Good morning from the snowy north!

Woke up to about an inch and a steady snowfall; we are slated to get 10-15 inches by tomorrow night. I am thinking we may use our first snow day tomorrow...Luckily our school calendar includes 5 days so we don't have to give up vacation days until we exceed those.

Today I will stay put and probably do more laundry and some cleaning; maybe I'll look for a new book to start as well since I may have time to read this week.

Jennifer, sometimes I wish lived alone so I could not bring in temptation. All my men love to eat, and DS1 and 2 can pack it away without worrying about gaining. I need to be conscious of my choices.

Ruth, how's the weather this morning?

Pearlrose, did you get the tree up?

Debbie, are you back to working Sundays?

Have a great day, chicks!
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Old 11-20-2016, 07:53 AM   #6  
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Good morning. Beth, no snow yet, just rain. I am sure glad I put the car in the barn last night.

It was the first night for the Christmas Shop at the Town Hall but, when I got there, two friends took a look at me and sent me home. I guess I didn't use enough blusher and looked as tired as I felt. I sure appreciated it and hit bed at eight with my book. Felt great to wake up at 7 a.m. - "sleeping in" is relative.

Not sure what today will bring but I do need to start gearing up for Christmas.

Cozy-in and enjoy the day whether you have snow, rain or nada!
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Old 11-20-2016, 09:29 AM   #7  
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Good morning,

It is a sunny and very cold day outside 26 degrees right now but no snow and none in the forecast for us for the upcoming week either. I did get all of the decorations up, even the outside ones (I was sad to put away the pumpkins and fall decorations). We normally do not do this until next weekend but since we leave on Tuesday afternoon for Atlanta and won't be home til Sunday figured I would go ahead since DH and DD2 really wanted them up.

We also went to the Victorian Christmas the town over had and went for a horse carriage ride and listened to Carols and DH and DD2 got hot chocolate and I got green tea. It was nice and then we came home.

Today we are going to DS Hockey game at 2 pm and have nothing else on the agenda other than call my BFF in Florida to catch up.

Ruth so glad your friends sent you home and you were able to rest up. Sounds like book club was a success.

Beth- normally we stay home for Thanksgiving but my half sister is coming from Germany and we are having a family reunion at my sister's house in Atlanta. My other sister is coming from Florida and my Mom and Dad are coming from Mississippi. Only one missing will be one of my sister has she could not come. Last time we were all together was last year in November when we went down to my Mom and Dad's to meet our half sister. (Long story)

Jekel- the family decluttered the kitchen, I was able to get rid of the free water bottles that DH collects (How many do you need) and a few other things, the entire kitchen table is now empty. If it was up to me there would be a lot more stuff thrown or given away in the entire house

Have a great day everyone and stay warm and safe if you are getting snow.
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Old 11-20-2016, 10:04 AM   #8  
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The snow has just started so I have now officially accepted winter and gave decided to celebrate (?) with a jammie day. I have showered and have Christmas earrings on so am ready for drop-ins. I also have a list of small Christmas tasks to do so I don't feel a complete slug.
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Old 11-20-2016, 10:15 AM   #9  
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Good Morning!

It's been such a busy weekend and I need to keep moving as I go back to work tomorrow then leave for Glenwood (with my mom) on Tuesday right after work.

I had a great meetup with my sorority sisters Friday evening. Most I had not seen for almost 30 years. Yesterday to Denver to pick up a cabinet I purchased for Kirk and today I must get some stuff done outside since it's warm enough and I think the ground will be too hard for the bulbs to be put in once we return at the end of the week. Sunny and warmish here. I will take it.

Ruth, yay for a jammies day. Enjoy it!

Maybe I'll get back later.
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