South Beach Diet Fat Chicks on the Beach!

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Old 02-10-2009, 04:37 AM   #1  
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Default Tactical Tuesday Twitters

Morning Ladies!!!

How are we this morning? Coffee's on if y'all are looking for a wake-me-up (before you go go)!

Clear skies but one of the coldest days in Scotland for a while. The electrician is supposed to come back over today to have a look at our leaky kitchen light! Hopefully it's all still in working order and nothing has to be replaced. The ceiling looks okay as well. I have a couple of odds and ends to do today as well.

Better hop to it What are you up to?

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Old 02-10-2009, 04:40 AM   #2  
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I stopped by thinking "no...there is no way any of the girls are up yet."....I didn't even consider the Europeans!
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Old 02-10-2009, 07:01 AM   #3  
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Good morning Jenny, gl with the electrician and getting the light fixed!

I'll be picking DS up this morning for an interview. I had him over yesterday to look for work. He wasn't going to call this one because it's a temp position and the last temp position he had lasted only a week and a half. I told him even a week is better than no money, but most positions last longer than a week. It's an assembly position at a manufacturing company. They are hiring over 30 people. I told him to make sure if he's hired to go to the job as though he's planning on being there forever, treating everyone with courtesy. He said he will.

The scale is back down by six pounds again. I'm still following Southbeach principles but following the insulin Resistance Diet formula... Link and Balance. The principles behind this are so easy to follow but it makes so much sense, and I notice a difference in how I feel! The only thing I don't like about the method is they don't restrict where you get your carbs from... only to make sure you link and balance. They do tell you how much a serving is, etc. but you can eat the white flour, white pasta, potatoes. I think I'll stick with SB on that aspect! Healthier!

My plan for the day, relax, and look for more positions to submit my resume' out too. I just LOVE job hunting! (NOT).

OK, the Jamaican Me Crazy Coffee is ready, who would like a cup?
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Old 02-10-2009, 07:33 AM   #4  
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Good morning! Not sure what today will bring weatherwise but the "Advisory" is for freezing rain and I do see a patch of something on the radar! Anyhow it'll get above freezing once more and melt away some of the white crud. Then I'll start griping about muddy paws!

Good title, Jenny. I hope your electrical problems are all over.

Zeph, we do have lots of early Chicks. Maybe Kara will start us up one of these mornings.

Lori, I hope your son lands a job that's going to last. Attitude really counts.

A couple of errands on the agenda for this morning and then an afternoon at home. I have a meeting of the darned Cemetery Board tonight and will present my financial report and recommendations which nobody will understand. What a bunch of losers! I am going to recommend we turn the management of the cemetery back to the Township as nobody but me seems to do anything. We are in excellent financial shape right now so the Township would go for it. I hope the meeting is quick and clean.

The dogs are too funny. They have been reluctant to eat their breakfasts and today I realized why. Before I got into this "leader of the pack" mode, I used to give pets and cuddles first thing in the morning rather than right outside and then back for food. This morning I did major petting before their food and they tackled it right away. Silly beasts!

Time to crank up my day! See y'all later.
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Old 02-10-2009, 07:53 AM   #5  
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Good Morning,

It's a beautiful, pink-skyed morning in Alabama. It's supposed to be a clear, warm day today. Tomorrow we are getting storms.

I am very excited about this afternoon! We are going to my very favorite fish restaurant for lunch. Even DS is excited. Tonight is a Jazzercise night.

Jenny -- Stay warm today!

Zeff -- I remember being up nursing in the middle of the night. Maybe you can nap when Baby Boy naps.

Lori -- Good luck to your son and to you in your job search!

Ruth -- Good luck with your meeting. If they don't like your plan, you could resign and let The Losers run it.
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Old 02-10-2009, 07:58 AM   #6  
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Morning Chicks It's a later start today because I'm off to take pics at a program nearby. They don't want to see me this early so I get to lounge around a bit before heading out

Jenny - I realized I never answered your question ages ago. My friend is from around Fyffe (did I misspell that?) and has lived in several places before moving to the States about 18 years ago. She has dual citizenship but still considers Scotland home.
Hope your water problem is a cheap fix.

Zeff - Was that a late night baby wake-up? I know you've got a crazy few days coming. Hope it all goes very smoothly - you so deserve a break

Lori - You are a one Mom cheering section I figure in this economy finding a job at all is good news. Hope his interview goes well.

Ruth - It's not easy being the Alpha Stay safe on those roads.

Nothing too exciting on tap today. I'm having lunch with a former co-worker and get to see her pictures from Italy then it's off to the dentist. I'm glad I have the picture taking to start my day.

ETA - hi Chelby

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Old 02-10-2009, 09:05 AM   #7  
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Good morning chicks,
No news from the office, so I guess I am still "unemployed" today. It's kind of stressful not knowing from day to day if I can plan to get things done, or if I will need to get back to work. Yesterday I did some filing and office organizing, and there's lots more of that to keep me busy today. Yesterday I had one kid home sick and today it's two. They're dropping like flies. Fevers, sore throats, nausea. For my kids, who never got sick and had missed less than ten days of school between them for all of elementary school, this is very unusual. We are not having a good school year in that respect. Poor DS, yesterday was the day they got to go to the movies as an honor roll reward, and he had to miss it.

We'll see what happens over the next few days, but I picked up the paint and I've got my to-do list ready to go, if I have the chance (and don't end up sick).

I am loving freecycle. I know some of you chicks belong and I'm sure this is where I first heard of it. As I am emptying out my office, I post things, and a couple of hours later, here's someone at the door to take it away! I've gotten rid of 100 VHS tapes, 6 pairs of cleats, a Raven's jacket, and a girl scout sash so far this week. And yesterday I picked up a mug tree, right near the grocery store I needed to go to anyway. I've been looking for one for a while, but I don't think they make them anymore, then yesterday one popped up in my email. Meant to be!

Jenny, I'm glad you were home and the damage doesn't seem to be too extensive.
Loriann, sounds like shaking up the program is working well for you! Good luck to DS with the interview.
Ruth, we've gotta have something to gripe about, don't we? Hope you can dump your cemetary duties.
chelby, sounds like a lovely day in store for you. Enjoy your fish!
Cyndi, have a nicy lounge-y morning. Dual citizenship is crazy. My DH has it, and his home country doesn't recognize giving up citizenship, while the US doesn't recognize dual. He has a security clearance and they sent an agent to interview him a few years ago (post 9/11). He wanted DH to say that he would give up his French citizenship, even though that would be meaningless, because France wouldn't recognize it and the US couldn't ask him to do it officially. They just wanted him to say it. Ya know, because if he was a terrorist, he wouldn't lie. Gotta love homeland security - don't you feel safer now?

Okay, I'm off to start the organizing and supplying of chicken soup and flat ginger ale.

ETA: I see we had a Nessa sighting, a Kara sighting, AND a weezle sighting here yesterday!! Hello Cat.....?

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Old 02-10-2009, 09:12 AM   #8  
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Good morning everyone,

My internet has been down since Sunday, but with the help of tech support, I was finally able to reestablish my connection this morning. I never realized just how big a role the internet plays in my life until now.

Loriann, I do hope your DS gets the job! Have there been any leads on your job search?

Zeff, congratulations on getting the house! I hope this one works out much better for you and that you're all happier. If I lived a bit closer to you I'd be happy to help with the move. I hope it goes smoothly.

We're enjoying a week of mild temperatures, and I'm loving it, even though it's a big mud pit outside. I have to work late this evening, so I'm going in later this morning. I think I'll actually get the rest of the pruning done in the front garden before I leave today.
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Old 02-10-2009, 09:20 AM   #9  
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Jenny, hope the electrical problem is a quick fix.

Lori, good luck to you and your son.

Ruth, be careful on the road.

Chelby, enjoy your lunch.

Cyndi, have fun with your friend. Thanks about the yoga tips.

It's cloudy and not sure if we are getting rain. I made the sausage and white bean soup for lunch yesterday. I added fresh mushrooms and kale. It was excellent.

Have a great day.
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Old 02-10-2009, 09:22 AM   #10  
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Good morning all!!!! Happy Tuesday!

Jenny - Nice of you to open the thread this morning. I hope all goes well with the electrician.

Zeff - go back to bed and get some more zzzzz's.

Loriann - good luck to your son this morning. Here's hoping the interview goes well.

Ruth - So have you read a book about being the Alpha??? Around my home I'm certainly the Alpha and my hubby is the pups friend. It's funny to see how the dogs relate to both of us so differently.

Chelby - Enjoy your dinner at the restaurant. Have fun at Jazzercise.

Cyndi - Have a nice slow morning. I hope the new program has some great ideas and the pictures turn out well.

Schmoodle - Hope your children are feeling better by the end of the day. AND here's hoping you get stuff done while you're in job limbo. Good luck!

Cottage - Welcome back. Have fun working in your garden before you go to work!

Pam - Try to stay dry today!

Me - So I had yesterday off from work, so I took advantage and cooked and cooked and cooked. I made turkey breakfast patties, deep dish spaghetti squash pizza for lunches this week, Mexican chicken soup, Laurie's chocolate peanut butter cake, and Beef Burgundy for dinner last night. I am set for food this week!
But on the exercise front, I've been failing. And this morning was no better, but not because I didn't try. My "on demand" was not cooperating, so no exercise again this morning. I know a lot of my minimal weight loss is because of a lack of exercise. I need to get my arse in gear!
It's going to be a cold one today, but I think we are free of least until tomorrow. I hope you all manage to stay warm and dry today!!
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Old 02-10-2009, 09:28 AM   #11  
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Good Morning Ladies! a gloomy but 60 degree day here... I am going to be so sad in a couple days when the nice weather leaves me...

Jenny- hope the ceiling is fine and stay warm chica!

zeff- I hope you're napping!

Loriann- good luck to you and ds with the job hunt... its never much fun, but I look at every interview as an opportunity for more experience interviewing! lol, I am probably one of the few people who don't mind it too much!

Chelby and Pam-

Ruth- I think that is the first time I can recall you calling names!!! haha, but I agree with chelby, if they don't like it they can start doing the work!

Cyndi- enjoy the dentist! LOL jk, thats almost as bad as where I have to go today! and speaking of I am taking a mental note to make a dentist appt. ugh. But Seriously, Enjoy dinner with your friend! I love looking at travel pics!

Schmoodle- I am going to have to check out freecycle... Hope you and your family get and stay well soon!!!!!

Cottage- glad you got your computer working! funny how much we use them and don't realize it!

Heather- sounds like you cooked for hours yesterday! yum! I love cooking my lunch ahead of time and not having to rush around the morning to find something! Thank goodness for my pyrex dishes~!

me, I have a not so fun OBGYN appt. then its off to the gym and home to finish the chores and make up some lunches for the rest of the week! I have a couple questions about oatmeal but I think I will post them in a separate thread! have a good day ladies!

Last edited by rdw1; 02-10-2009 at 09:31 AM.
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Old 02-10-2009, 12:00 PM   #12  
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Good Afternoon ladies.... can you hear the silence, finally everyone is napping and i have time to get on the computer. Trying to finalize some fundraising plans, I will be glad when this NYC competition is over.

[B][elusivekoolaid/B]- Thanks for getting us started this morning and good luck with the electrical problem.

zeffryn- hope you got a wee nap in today. I remeber those nursing days.

Loriann- Good luck with the job hunting for both you and your ds

Ruth- Good luck at the meeting tonight. Hope the weather stays clear til your home safe and sound. I think we are getting it tomorrow night and into thursday

Chelby- Enjoy your fish and your exercise class

Cyndi - hope you got some great pics.

Schmoodle- sorry to hear about the unemployment. Hope everything works out for you. Organizing.... please come to my house. If your rates are really cheap I could hire you.

cottage,hmacneil6,rdw1 hope you chicks have a great day.

ME- not much, just enjoying quiet time and excited that I could actually make a real post. Eating has been pretty good and I have not had any diet coke in a week. yeah me. I am just taking it one day at a time. DH finally goes back to work next monday so hopfully life will feel normal again. Other than that life is smooth right now. I like smooth. Well my quiet time is over the first wee one is awake.
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Old 02-10-2009, 12:41 PM   #13  
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really, nursing in the middle of the night isn't that bad. He wakes up once, stays up for about 20 minutes and then we're both back to sleep. He doesn't fool around.

I usually take that time to peruse blogs as I can't concentrate on reading a book.

hi girls! Hope everyone is having a good day.

back to packing!
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Old 02-10-2009, 01:03 PM   #14  
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Good afternoon everyone,

Jenny- hope the ceiling is fine and not too expensive

zeff- Your a busy mom- hope the packing goes well.

Loriann- good luck to you and ds with the job hunt..

Chelby- Enjoy your fish lunch today

Pam- Have a great day.

Ruth- Your doggies are something else, too funny!!!

Cyndi- Have a good day today

Schmoodle- I have been doing freecycle in my area for over two years now, love it.

Cottage- glad you got your computer working!

Heather- sounds like you cooked for hours yesterday and had fun doing it.

rdw- hopefully the obgyn appt goes smoothly, hate them too.

Little chick- I need to lay off the diet coke as well. Good for you.

As for me- I am at work today looking forward to Friday when I go down to my parents in Gulfport, MS for long weekend with the family. Not too bad at work today and it is supposed to be 70 outside. Really enjoying this weather.

Have a great day Ladies!!!
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Old 02-10-2009, 01:47 PM   #15  
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I'll be back later with personals... tired and going to nap. DS's interview was a waste of time! They said he didn't qualify for their services because he hasn't worked in the past six months! ARGH! they went through all the paperwork, an interview, and an hour and a half later, the very last thing they said, was he didn't qualify. Now when he called yesterday they could have just asked him!!!!!!!
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