South Beach Diet Fat Chicks on the Beach!

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Old 10-25-2008, 10:22 PM   #31  
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Rikki - no....I was washing windows and didn't want to kill the houseplants below it....or, should I say DH was washing windows

Cottage - thanks! Just mix it up and pour it on?

Cyndi - You're telling me Thankfully DS really likes to water plants or they would never get the water they need.

Weezle - congrats!

I just made 100 cream cheese stuffed, bacon wrapped jalapenos for the many men that have invaded my house. My fingers are on fire. They are cranky men too because the ppv that they ordered is really distorted. Thankfully I called the cable co. and had it credited - free crappy ppv is better than $50 crappy ppv.

Off to soak my fingers in milk. oww.

Last edited by zeffryn; 10-25-2008 at 10:25 PM.
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Old 10-25-2008, 10:47 PM   #32  
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I figured it was something like that(windows)

When I used to eat meat I used to love those!!!
Hope your fingers lose the heat soon
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Old 10-26-2008, 07:06 AM   #33  
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Good morning. I woke up this morning with Jessie on my mind. I wonder how's she's doing, whether she's had her baby yet?

We're going to try to get the leaves raked this afternoon, the winds we had yesterday brought a lot of them down. Too bad they weren't all blown out of the yard. After taking a day off yesterday, today I have the laundry and lots of cooking for the week ahead. I'm going to make my butternut lasagna for today's supper for myself, and stuffed shells for the rest of the family. I just love that butternut lasagna, I'd rather have that instead of the real thing!

How about them PHILLIES!
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Old 10-26-2008, 07:09 AM   #34  
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Good Sunday Morning! Missed you all yesterday, sure wasn't for a lack of time, I was up at 4 am unable to sleep so I read for awhile. DD lost a hard fought Volleyball Tournament so we are done with that. Her pictures went well, no rain, a little chilly but after 3 hours I think we got some good options.

Today, I have no idea, this time next week we are supposed to be moved and I am trying very hard not to freak out because the guy doesn't have the house ready yet. Now we are down to the wire and to make things even better I have to attend classes Tues, Weds and Thurs this week in Indianapolis with my boss. Someone please just wake me when this week is over!

Lisa yeah on the money, what a welcome suprise I am sure!

Hope you all have a peacful Sunday!
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Old 10-26-2008, 07:15 AM   #35  
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Up at a normal hour this morning and about to soak in the tub a bit. Church isn't until 10:30 which is a break. Today will feel strange as Sunday has been nursing home day for years but I'm sure I'll rise above it. I plan to bake a rum cake for the funeral lunch and will be going to my sister's for dinner.

Have a happy and healthy Sunday, Beachies.
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Old 10-26-2008, 07:31 AM   #36  
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Good morning all. Cottage, rained all day yesterday, I'm waiting to mulch those leaves! I'm hoping to get a walk in before it rains...
((Pacer)), you'll get through it even though right now it seems impossible!

((Ruth,)).... you can come visit me!!!!!!! And meet the new pup!

puppy woke me up at seven and when I let him out of his crate he immediately went to the back door and scratched!!! Last night he went to the back door so I let him out and yup, he did his business! This one is too easy to train! The two of them just had a good half hour rough housing with their tales wagging! Jade just loves her new pet... My sister says I'm nuts cause I told her I got my dog a pet! Although I know by now some of you think I'll get rid of puppy as I did last dog (at the time we weren't allowed two) and kitty (due to allergies). I'm not one to go through animals like that! I had my cats well over 15 years! One was 19 the other 17! Anyway, Cody's a great choice for our home!

Today, hoping the rain holds off so I can mow the lawn! Otherwise I might have to mow after work some night and that wouldn't be fun in the dark!

Today I'm planning on making a beef stew Ruth posted in the recipe forum! I got the beef, the sweet potatos, onions and green beens! I also picked up the package of beans for 16 bean soup but forgot the ham so I'll wait till next week to make that! I will need to find a recipe for chicken casserole to make up this week.
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Old 10-26-2008, 08:03 AM   #37  
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Good morning The coffee rotation is back to Fogbuster which always makes me happy.

Cottage - I should rake but not sure I'm that motivated. We mow a lot of our leaves and use them as mulch for the gardens. I'm going to have to find that recipe. All of a sudden I love butternut squash!

Pacer - Good luck with the move! Hope it breezes by.

Ruth - Tell Disney to take good care of you

Loriann - Hope you get your walk in! I'm so happy to have a day to walk outside. I'm already sick of the treadmill. Puppy sounds like quite a find

So I'm thinking about taking it easy today. I, of course, have a list, but am thinking I might actually have earned a relaxing day instead. I'm going to see what really needs to be done. I know I need more refried beans, but that's easy, and another set of apple rings and some vacuuming and laundry. I could pass on more cooking though. I want to get outside for a nice long walk and play with my Facebook a little.

What's on your list this fall day?
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Old 10-26-2008, 08:34 AM   #38  
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Morning all!

Boy, but I miss checking in every day! I hate just poking my head once a week. But the gym is worth it and I feel a lot better now when I go to work in the mornings.

School has been a real challange lately. I now have all of the "inclusion" kids in my room. Some with major problems. But you just do the best you can for everyone and go day by day, right? Friday, one of the kids came to school without having had his meds that morning. He stuffed about 4 yellow crayons in his mouth and was chewing away with yellow "stuff' coming out of his mouth, then later ate some plastic money we were counting with. Oh, yea, a challange indeed! Come on Thanksgiving holidays!

My oldest son rented a bobcat for the weekend and has been moving a sand pile all around filling in low spots and covering the "pond" he made this summer that is draining water that gets under our house. He is going to try to dig up a huge privet and an azalea that I hate. He got the thing stuck in mud a few times yesterday and my yard looks like it's been through a bombing. But like he said, it will have to look bad so it can look better. sigh.

I need to go head to the store to stock up on food and plan meals for the week. Not doing a whole lot of cooking these days since it's just my husband and I eating now and I'm exhuasted when I get home from school.
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Old 10-26-2008, 09:15 AM   #39  
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Hello Cat Missed you! Sounds like quite a place you are working in. I hope there is enough rewarding to balance the challenging. Wishing you a lovely, mellow day off.
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Old 10-26-2008, 09:41 AM   #40  
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Hiya Cottage-
How about them PHILLIES!
How bout em?! woot woot! Have fun raking- is that butternut swuash lasagna recipe on here? I am going to have to check it out! It would be fab for me and mom isn't a big fan of pastas so I bet she would love it too(She is a vegetarian too)

Pacer- hope everything goes smoothly with your move- Some people just work better under pressure Maybe thats the case-either way I am sure everything will be fine!

Ruth- Enjoy your bath

Loriann- Glad the new pup is a fit, sounds like a good one!

Cat- Bless you for working with your challeneged children! and I've missed you around here! I *hate* the mid process of most refinishing/redoing projects anywhere around the house- until I can see the light at the end of the tunnel I am a ball of nerves, something about anything looking like a disaster just stresses me out! But as soon as I start to see how things are finally shaping into something I am good!

Cyndi- I think you deserve to take it easy today too! Seems like you are always on the go! Enjoy your walk!

For me, I am getting ready to run to whole foods, joannes, and home depot... My mom and dad are coming up this morning and we are going to those stores and out to lunch as well as me cutting their hair... Neither one can seem to get a consistent haircut since I moved so I suggested we just make it an every 6-8 week thing that they can come up and we'll do their hair and have lunch/dinner. Oh, and they are taking us to olive garden, I am on p1... salad for me I suppose... I was wondering if I could pick the pasta out of their minestrone soup and it be legal... I definitely don't wanna screw it up since I am actually down a few lbs this week! I think I am finally getting it. Calorie King has been a big help. If I see I have had too much all day no heavy snacks at night. anywho- I am babbling now...

Off to get ready! I love going to whole foods- I try to go once every couple weeks to get all my tofu(they have super cheap store brand organic tofu), and lots of my veggie meats. I have been thinking about thanksgiving meal ideas as well, I was thinking I was going to allow myself to cheat that day, but now I am thinking-nope, not anymore! I am going to start a thread *lightbulb goes on*
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Old 10-26-2008, 10:12 AM   #41  
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Cottage - she was posting on Twitter 5 hours ago...she mentioned that she had been nauseous all day. That is probably a good sign. I hope she isn't too uncomfortable!

Cat - good to see you, dear! Have a great day!

Cyndi - you've definitely earned a relaxation day! You're always on the go!


Not much on the list this morning - same as yesterday. DH has to go into work for a bit this afternoon. I would like to find something to do with DS while he is gone, but it doesn't look like there is much going on around town.
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Old 10-26-2008, 11:07 AM   #42  
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HI everyone, popped in for a quick hello as I need to run. I am feeling sooooooo much better now! I am very happy about that!

Lorianneeeeeeee, omg! lol Your puppy is absolutely adorable!!!!!!

HOpe you are all having a great weekend, enjoy the day : )
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Old 10-26-2008, 01:44 PM   #43  
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I'm glad you're feeling better, fullsteamahead! I hope you're enjoying what's left of the weekend as well!

Zeff, thanks for the news on Jessie. Nausea is usually one of the first signs of early labor, so I'm hoping this is her weekend!

Cat, it's so good to hear from you!

Cyndi and Rikki, I don't think I've posted my butternut lasagna recipe, it's just one I made up in my head to suit my tastebut there must be similar recipes like it around. I'll go ahead and post it in the Phase 2 Entrees. It's become my favorite recipes!

Ruth, Stephanie, Loriann, and anyone else who is around! I hope the sun is shining in your neck of the woods and you are all enjoying the day.
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Old 10-26-2008, 02:26 PM   #44  
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Hello everyone. Just a quick stop to say hi. DH and I went to dinner last night. The kids were at a Halloween party with Grandma & Grandpa, so we snuck away for some adult time (we had 4 hours... we were done with dinner in 1 hour and had no idea what to do with ourselves, so we ended up back at the party with the kids!!! Still can't beleive that! We were an hour from home, so we couldn't just go home and veg out!) We went to an Italian restaurant that we used to visit frequently when we were dating. I told myself I could order pasta. When I got there, I couldn't get off the salad section of the menu!! They all looked so good! So I ended up with a chopped salad with fresh mozerella. And I felt great about the choice I made! I did treat myself to a glass of wine and a few spoonfuls of DH's tiramsu.
Today we are off to my mom's house for a birthday dinner celebration for my brother. More wine in my future! We were out late, so we are all dragging a bit today.
The yougurt thread looks so interesting. Love all the crockpot recipes and thinking of attempting to make my own yogurt.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday. Nice and cool here today, sun is out and it is a wonderful fall day.

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Old 10-26-2008, 04:18 PM   #45  
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Cottage - another update on Jessie - 5 hours ago she posted that she had been having contractions for 9 hours. Not frequent enough to go to the hospital....

I wonder what has changed in those 5 hours?

I'm excited for her! It is such a thrilling time.


I still want to go get pumpkins! DH is being lazy. He is supposed to go to work this afternoon, and will probably be gone for a few hours. I would go while he was away - but my car needs to be cleaned out and he hasn't done it yet! We have a birthday party for our nephew tomorrow night - it is going to be awkward with the in-laws acting the way they are. MIL has completely disappeared off the face of the planet and FIL up and left the state to go run a marathon. My SIL is upset because she doesn't want to ruin her son's birthday party and is worried that it will be.

In other news. My mom is coming in three days and I have so much still to do. There is no way it is going to be done by the time she gets here...I'm not even going to try.

Last edited by zeffryn; 10-26-2008 at 04:21 PM.
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