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Old 03-22-2008, 07:26 AM   #1  
Come on Spring!
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Default Weekend Chat - March 22 & 23

Good morning, Beach Babes. We have cold temps but a lovely clear sunrise. Snow is in the forecast for tomorrow which is going to make the post-Church Easter egg hunt a bit tricky.

I'm going to do a bit of shopping after breakfast and work in a nursing home visit later with Hershey. She's going stir-crazy with not going out in the car or for walks. As soon as this darned ice is gone, I'll take her for short strolls, both for her sanity and to strengthen my knee. She is so lucky to have a big fenced yard but it's not the same.

What's happening on your stretch of sand this morning?
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Old 03-22-2008, 07:29 AM   #2  
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Default Easter Weekend Chickie Chat

Good morning! I've been waiting for Ruthie to start us up, I know she's around here somewhere!

Jake is patiently waiting for me to post, so we can go out for breakfast. Later I'm taking the train to center city to meet my daughter for lunch, then spending the night with them so I can go to Easter sunrise services at their church in the morning. Afterwards, we'll all head back here and get ready for our Easter dinner. I'm having about 20 family and friends for dinner, and I'm serving it buffet style. It should be easy since everyone is bringing a dish and my mother is bringing the ham.

What are your plans for this weekend?
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Old 03-22-2008, 07:50 AM   #3  
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Wow, Cottage, you have a busy weekend ahead!
Ruth, hope you and Hershey have a great day! I know the nursing home residents will enjoy your visit.

We are just hanging out here this weekend working in the yard. Went to New Orleans yesterday to an oyster house. We had a late breakfast, so I wasn't that hungry and ordered "oysters remoulade". When it got to the table, the oysters were FRIED. There were only 6, so I nearly ate them, but then decided if I did I would probably be sick as a dog, so the nice lady took them back and I got a seafood salad instead and my husband ate 1/2 of it. After that we went to a nursery next door and I got a gorgeous rose bush called melody perfumee. It's a kind of grayish/pink color and is supposed to smell great. It's going close to the front walk, so the smell is important. After that we went to Whole Foods and then headed back. I can't find Greek yogurt here too easily (the 0%) and I went there especially to get it and they didn't have any out. Luckly they had some in the back and I got a couple of big containers of it. I also found some yummy flax seed crackers and a couple of different basil plants, so it was a productive trip. Oh and I got some Frankincense & Myr perfume there too...yummy.

My boys are both going to be here for dinner tomorrow. They both requested roast, so that's what they get. I asked both if they wanted Easter Baskets and both said no, so I don't have to go buy any candy...yeah! I started SB right after Easter last year and there is ONE little caramel candy that has been sitting in the bread box since then. I left it there as a "temptation" and reminder...I'm sure it's pretty much of a rock now.

Last edited by femmecreole; 03-22-2008 at 07:59 AM.
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Old 03-22-2008, 08:02 AM   #4  
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happy saturday my friends.... yesterday was tiresome.... but except for a ricotta w/pudding I was phase 1 all the way.

today i am debating going to costco.... i doubt DH is up to it and i don't go to Costco without him... don't know why... I can manage BJs just fine without him.

my only real plans this weekend are meeting a GF tomorrow morning for Coffee..... (Jewish Girls here).....

Cat girl child is 15 she said "no basket just candy!"

Cottage I do a big thanksgiving for family, DH's family doesn't really do Easter... his parents went to the campground in PA anyway this weekend.

Ruth have a nice visit with Hershey!
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Old 03-22-2008, 08:08 AM   #5  
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I am drooling over Cat's rose acquisition. Hybrid Tea roses just don't winter over around here. I guess I'll have to be satisfied with the pictures. Fried oysters Remoulade? My mouth cringes!

Nessa, I hope Brian improves quickly. I am completely overwhelmed by Costco and never go there unless I have my DD along as sherpa.

Cottage, your DD time sounds just great and you sure seem to have Easter well in hand. Family feasts are so much better when everyone pitches in - I wish I could convince my DIL of that! (She's a bit of a princess.)

I'm stalling so had better get dressed and out of here. For those of you that care, it's frassin' freezin' here right now! It's 14ºF and not expected to go above freezing for the rest of the week. They cancelled the predicted snow to make up for it!
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Old 03-22-2008, 08:37 AM   #6  
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Good morning Chicks

I've finally returned from the land of the stomach bug. I don't recommend a visit.

MY DD made a quick run in visit. She arrived last night and is leaving before lunch (having lunch with a friend with a new baby
She got out of work on time - a near miracle in her hospital - so she would have a little extra time to visit. Unfortunately she got directions from MapQuest. Two things to remember should you ever use MapQuest: first it can't be trusted in New England. at all. Second just because a road has a number doesn't mean it's a main road, or marked, or direct, or even paved. And it probably won't have cell phone coverage. She was a bit stressed by the time she arrived but we had a nice visit anyway.

It will be a very quiet weekend here again.

Ruth - Can you see any spots of lawn yet? We have some and I'm very excited Glad to hear you're getting your mobility back. I bet you are too!

Cottage - Sounds like a lovely weekend without too much stress for the hostess. Enjoy

Cat - I think we need more garden pictures - maybe updates every week Some of us are gardening vicariously for another few weeks (or more).

Nessa - You're a brave woman - don't think I could bring myself to tackle the grocery store today. Congrats on your Phase 1 day!

The sun looks glorious - think I'll bundle up and go outside for exercise today!
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Old 03-22-2008, 09:01 AM   #7  
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Good morning chicks.
Nice to sip coffee and wake up slow on a Saturday! Once I'm all the way awake, I want to do my WATP and then need to go feed my neighbor's cats. I've got to grocery shop today, and i didn't even think about it being Saturday AND the day before Easter. What a dummy! Oh well, it's got to be done. The kids have their plans set, so we'll be running them around, and I need a couple more things for the baskets. I want to try to do my yoga DVD later on too. I suppose DD1 will be showing up here at some point, but I haven't been able to raise her on the phone the last couple of days.
Tomorrow, we will go to my mom's for dinner. I'm bringing shrimp cocktail appetizers, some asparagus, and I think I'll make some bean brownies so I can have dessert. Thank goodness my family always does the bring-a-dish thing! I hope the YMCA is open tomorrow so we can get in a swim before dinner, since we didn't make it last weekend.
I was not good yesterday, and there has just been too much backsliding, too many little treats, so I will be cleaning out any temptations from the kitchen today, and Monday I am back on Ph1 for a couple of weeks. I really need to get a handle on this. Since Christmas I have never really managed to get back in the groove, and my rate of loss shows it. At least I have made great progress with the exercise, and that is probably the only reason I've been losing at all.

Ruth, have a fun outing with Hershey!
cottage, your weekend sounds very nice!
Cat, your weekend sounds very, very nice and low-key!
How long will you be on Ph1 Nessa? It will be nice to have some company.
Cyndi, glad you are back and better! Poor DD. Mapquest is wonderful, except when it sends you horribly wrong. I use it a lot when I travel, and it always makes me a little nervous, because you never know...
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Old 03-22-2008, 09:14 AM   #8  
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Cat - wow, you sent it back? Kudos to you, for not caving into pressure and getting something you can enjoy.

Nessa - great for you! You are doing wonderful sticking to P1.

Ruth - it's freezing here, too. Supposedly tomorrow will be warmer, but might rain.

Schmoodle - good luck with that crazy shopping today. I'm thinking of taking the kids to church tonight so we can enjoy tomorrow. It all depends on how much time I have when we get home. Glad I'll have P1 company on Monday, too. I've had too many treats, too many little slides, too. Actually, mind has been more of a "bender"!!!! I have to get exercising, too. I haven't done that very well. Maybe the temps will help out and I can go for walks outside.

ME: Yesterday's party went really well. Everyone swam and had a great time, DS included. Everyone was too tired after swimming to come back to the house, so now I still have a clean house that I get to ENJOY!!!

TOM is approaching, which might explain why I've been a bottomless pit. I had a BAD BAD thing for breakfast (won't even mention what it was), so I really SHOULD get a better hold of my day.

Hmmmph. I feel kind of stuffy and sneezy this AM. Hope I'm not getting my kids' colds!
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Old 03-22-2008, 09:42 AM   #9  
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ah ladies... P1 is easy for me.... really. i could do only p1.

except i am really really really missing my oatmeal and banana.

the scale was so kind to me this morning... 225.6 nearly back to my lowest... but i'm very concerned it's just water dumping....and as such thinking of adding back my oatmeal and banana and a sweet potato... .these are things i miss terribly.... although i would do well without the dinner grain...
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Old 03-22-2008, 09:50 AM   #10  
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Nessa, Ph1 doesn't bother me too much either. I was surprised to find I could do fine without the fruit. Sometimes I'd like some crackers or something, but even when on Ph2, I find I have Ph1 days thrown in here and there unintentionally. The worst for me is the detox part, and that's what I really need, so I haven't decided if I'll do one week or two. I'll probably just keep going until I feel like I've gotten rid of cravings again. I'm not looking forward to those first few days, but I've got nobody to blame but me! I'd love to get back to that place where the sweets aren't calling my name anymore. I put that Beck book on reserve at the library - I can't wait to check it out - are you finding it very helpful?
Great job on the loss! Who cares if it's water or not?
Hooray! Fluffy, I'm not glad you have to do Ph1 again, but misery loves company, ya know?

Last edited by Schmoodle; 03-22-2008 at 09:51 AM.
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Old 03-22-2008, 10:20 AM   #11  
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Ruth, thanks for merging the threads this morning, I knew that would happen! I don't know about you, but I'd rather deal with the freezing temps than with the snow! Dress warmly and enjoy your day.

Cat, I love your new rose bush! It's so hard to find scented roses nowadays, I hope yours has a wonderful fragrance. I have an apricot rose that looks very similar to yours, and it's supposed to have a scent but doesn't. Good for you for leaving that piece of candy in your breadbox all year, and also for sending back the fried oysters!

Cyndi, I quit using mapquest after it gave me some confusing directions. Now I use AAA, and they haven't failed me yet.

Nessa, I had to do a bit of last minute shopping this morning, too, and went right after breakfast, thinking no one would be there yet. Well, everyone had the same idea as me and the store was packed! Enjoy your low-key Easter weekend. What campground, would it be Muddy Run or Flossie's? My parents like to take their camper to both of them.

Schmoodle, you are becoming quite the "exercise chick"! I'll have to check out those WATP videos. They seem to be quite popular. Enjoy your holiday and enough with the backsliding!

Fluffy, you've got me really curious as to what you had for breakfast! I hope it was really good and worth the cheat! Time for you to get yourself back on board, too! Looks like you're going to have lots of company!

In case I don't get a chance to check back in again,

Last edited by cottagebythesea; 03-22-2008 at 10:22 AM.
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Old 03-22-2008, 10:30 AM   #12  
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Schmoodle... there is a BECK thread in the general diet area here.... we post our days there... it really is a huge help and works GREAT with sbd in most cases.

Cottage mom and dad went to Circle M in Lancaster.... it's their favorite one... i went up with them one year for halloween OMG even the dogs dress up!
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Old 03-22-2008, 10:39 AM   #13  
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Its kinda brutal cold here too. Not temperature wise just feels clammy with the winds. I'm cooking a texas style post roast today. It's my salad meat for the week. Tommorow I'm cooking a very exotic Morrocan dinner. My hubby was worried that the lamb would taste gamey so I"m soaking it overnight which should improve the flavor. I managed to scare up the ingredients for the spice mix used in the couscous. I decided to forego the honey thats supposed to go into it. I think it will make it too sweet after having no sweets for several months. Its a bit of a cheat but not too bad. The little store close to us had a special on roasts I picked up a very lean sirloin. There was absolutely no fat visible on it. I only lost a pound this week but I think that its deceptive because the doc took me off the diuretic blood pressure med I was on. My blood pressure was normal on the visit. He gave me something instead to try to slow my heart rate down until the cardiologist can take a look at me.
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Old 03-22-2008, 10:43 AM   #14  
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Good morning fellow beach lovers. I usually don't get myself up and organized enough to post in the daily thread, but I read them. I guess that makes me a bit of a "lurker".
I've been chasing a "new" 9 month old weimaraner pup around the house for a week now. We picked him up from rescue last Sunday. He likes to try to help me on the computer and loves to hang out in the kitchen waiting for the opportunity to counter surf. He is beautiful. Still has bright bluish eyes--they are dreamy.
SBD is going well with the occasional "planned" meal off plan. The scale finally moved again in the right direction. I am doing better with exercising, although because of a few lazy days this month, I may not reach my goal.
I will be working 12 hours tomorrow for Easter. Someone has to, and I think I was off last year. No Easter dinner here, DH will probably cook dinner, but just one of our regular meals.
We are headed to PetSmart to try out various kennels/crates for the new puppy. He doesn't like the wire one we have. It is big, it was big enough for our huge greyhound, but this pup was used to the plastic, more enclosed kind. I have to get us signed up for obedience classes too.
We'll probably make a trip to the new house construction site and see how things are coming along. We are hoping to be able to move in May. Had our pre-drywall meeting last Friday. I REALLY must start packing up the house.
DH just went to take a nap. I think I better find something for breakfast and play with the pup.
Have a blessed Easter weekend everyone!

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Old 03-22-2008, 10:47 AM   #15  
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Happy Saturday!

Ruth: Yikes, it's cold up there! Hope you and Hershey get to wrap up with some warm blankets after your nursing home visit. Thanks for posting the link for Cat's rose - may have to go see if our nursery has them - it's beautiful!

Cottage: Your weekend sounds really nice - I wish we could have our family for an Easter visit. There's nothing quite like a sunrise service with family and friends. Enjoy your visit with DD and her family!

Cat: That rose is beautiful! Most of my roses are pretty, but their scent doesn't really catch you as you're walking by. I'm going to have to look into melody perfumee roses at my nursery. You're such an inspiration. A piece of candy in my bread box would ave been gone in no time! Enjoy your visit with your boys (and the duck )!

nessa: Wow! A whole weekend and the only plans are coffee with a GF, I'm very envious! Although, out of all of us, you're definitely one of the ones who needs a good break. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Cyndi: I'm glad DD got to visit you and I'm sorry about her driving ordeal. Situations like that really stink. That's why DH and I tend to be old-fashioned map and road atlases. Hope you enjoy your quiet weekend and bundled-up exercise.

Schmoodle: You're doing a great job - I'm sure you can get your eating back on track in NO time! Enjoy Easter with your mom and family!

Fluffy: I'm glad you have a nice, clean house to enjoy! I don't know why, but having a clean house when Aunt Flow is here makes it easier - less stress! Hope you have a great weekend!

Me: Well, the bathroom is now a lovely color of blue. I'll post pictures as soon as I finish with the final touches - wall art, shower curtain, etc.

Today will be laundry and cleaning. MIL will be here next weekend and I really need to clean up and organize the room she'll be sleeping in. Tonight is a "get-together" at our friends' house. The hostess is throwing a party as a ruse to play matchmaker for some other friends. Should be an interesting evening - too bad I can't have a glass of wine after dinner. May need it later!

Tomorrow is church - "sunrise" service at 8 am and regular service at 10:55 am plus FPU at 6 pm. For lunch I'm making a ham steak to split and some roasted sweet potatoes plus salad. Not too shabby, but probably not the best for my first day of P2. Well, off to start some laundry and get prepped for a workout. Have a good day!

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