Monday's Chick Chat

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  • kara the link won't work!
  • Morning Ladies...busy day ahead (and behind) today after a super busy weekend.
    My daughter and I are going shopping for snacks for the car for her move to LA. I have a pan of Nessa's breakfast bars in the oven now to pack in the cooler for her and her boyfriend. They are taking 2 cars pulling a U-Haul...going to be a LOONNNNNG trip, so I want to make sure they have energy for it.
    We also have to get a couple of pieces of furniture moved over here that we are going to store for her and then her bf is coming here today after spending the weekend in Mobile with his parents..he and his Dad have spent many hours making a new platform bed for them. He has been spending the weekends with them just like Marie has with us. They both decided they want all kinds of po-boys for their lunch today as they won't be able to get any for a long time. So, yesterday I cooked a roast in the slow cooker and need to go get some fresh french bread in a bit (no, I won't eat any... I have some of "my" bread baking now so I won't be tempted!)
    Tomorrow, they will pack up everything in New Orleans and we are going down there to take them out to lunch and help them pack...then they leave early on the 4th. I'm trying not to think about it too much, but it's not easy. On an upnote, I haven't run for a "stress candy bar"!!
  • hang in there Femmecreole... a child leaving for so far away has to be hard. make sure to give her the recipe too she's gonna want it.
  • Good morning beacher friends...this is only my second (or third?) day of posting and I love checking in with you all, morning and night. I have a couple of questions. Do you think it is OK to follow a Phase 2 kind of program after messing up on and off for a couple of weeks without going thru phase 1 again if the cravings are under control? I really am enjoying the summer fruits, just a couple a day, and maybe a whole wheat, flax seed wrap or pita...not junky carbs. I dont want to give up fruit for two weeks in the middle of the summer!

    Also, any beachers try Alli??? Curious to know how they work together since even good fats need to be modified....

    thoughts anyone???? great day to all - Suzyq
  • Quote: Good morning beacher friends...this is only my second (or third?) day of posting and I love checking in with you all, morning and night. I have a couple of questions. Do you think it is OK to follow a Phase 2 kind of program after messing up on and off for a couple of weeks without going thru phase 1 again if the cravings are under control? I really am enjoying the summer fruits, just a couple a day, and maybe a whole wheat, flax seed wrap or pita...not junky carbs. I dont want to give up fruit for two weeks in the middle of the summer!

    Also, any beachers try Alli??? Curious to know how they work together since even good fats need to be modified....

    thoughts anyone???? great day to all - Suzyq

    if you are not having cravings go for phase 2 not a problem. phase 1 is about getting rid of the cravings nothing more. it's not magic.

    as for ALLI ummm NO. i would not touch it. SBD is not low fat and you will have to wear diapers or ruin, your clothes, your car and your furniture....
  • Suzy, I had thought about trying Alli, but here are some things that kept me from it:

    1) It's REALLY expensive.
    2) There are some very severe symptoms, such as sudden, uncontrollable urges to... potty. Abdominal cramps are in there too. Seems to mess with your GI tract a lot.
    3) I watched a Doctor talk about it on The View, and he said that as with any weight-loss drug, it's not something short-term. He said that with any diet pill, as soon as you stop taking it, the weight will come back on. I didn't want to be taking something that was going to make me poop my pants for the rest of my life.

    I'm a firm believer in healthy eating and exercise, though. Just make sure you read up on Alli before you try it. Good luck!

  • WOW! The Hen House is fullllll today! Lots a Cacklin goin on in here!

    Cottage: If I wasn't so close to your age, I'd adopt you as my grandma !

    Kara: What a wonderful cultural xperience for you and your family... sorry the pic was a nogo..

    Ruth: Enjoy a day off,, rest that knee... glad the Delta had a successful Woodstock!

    Nessa: Our own South Beach Pin up ! YOu doll look FANTASTIC!!! Love the outfit!

    Kiko: I bet you are an AWESOME teacher!

    Femme: sounds like its gonna be a bit of an emotional day fer ya hang in there dear!

    Lianne, Sstambler, Nora to the daily cackle!!!
    Nope - cant say as I tried that Alli either.... and only you know how your body reacts Stambler... you can try to stick with phase 2 but if you find you are craving sugar or bready things you might want to hop over to the phase1 beach...

    Weezie: No Whiners! Winos..well, thats okay

    The morning just got away from me today.... I got the warsh done.. and chicken thawing for dinner... now the furbabies are lookin at me like WALK ME NOW!!!! So let me glub down a cuppa joe and hit the trails!

    have a good day all!
  • Hi all! Happy Monday! Good to hear from everyone. I did really good this weekend and can report that for the first time on a Monday, I actually weigh my ticker weight (rather than a notch up from a weekend cheat)

    Unfortunately, my back was super sore yesterday so I have to go easy on how much time I spend sitting in front of the computer so I might be off and on a bit this week but I'll be checking in at the very least.

    Have a great week all!
  • Wow, the Beach is very 'chirpy' today!

    Glad to see so many people up and at 'em on a Monday morning! Just dropping in to say Hi...hope everyone has a great day! I'm off for snack, shower, and then grocery shopping.
  • It's another wet day in Dallas. Seems like the thunder has died down a bit but I am certainly tired of the rain. I had a headache all day yesterday which I think was from getting up and working from 1AM to 4:30AM Sunday morning. I stayed in bed late but really didn't sleep well. I'm secondary oncall this week so my pager is back on. Hopefully it won't be too bad.

    It wasn't fun taking a cold shower this morning. I'll be glad when the hot water heater is installed but I hope it doesn't get in the way of working out. I'll just have to see what happens. I've got a good phase 1 dinner planned tonight. I probably won't do 2 weeks of phase 1 since I won't need that much to get cravings under control but I'll play it by ear.
  • Happy Monday everyone! I totally forgot to check in this morning. This week has thrown me way off already and it's only Monday. Still forgot to eat breakfast...2 pieces of turkey bacon, salad for lunch, few snacks. Not sure what dinner will be. I want something different and yummy. Maybe tacos, though those aren't very different.

    DH and I discovered a new park near us and went for a walk around the lake. It was such a beautiful day to be outside, I didn't even mind the exercise.

    I hope everyone is having a good day on the Beach!

  • Hey ladies! I'm getting ready to head home but just wanted to say hi. Nessa, I've been drooling over your oatmeal bar recipe today. No wonder it is so popular around here! Only 13 more days til Phase 2!

    I've rediscovered that wonderful feeling of not being hungry on Phase 1! Although I do like being a little hungry for my meals. I did have a lapse where I forgot carrots are not phase 1. But I figure it's definitely not the *worst* thing I could have eaten today!

    Everyone have a wonderful and restful night. I need to get some laundry done but other than that I plan to cook dinner, do Bible study (I am leading one tomorrow night), and watch TV or a movie.

  • Kara It is a good thing that you "challenged" me to exercise today.... I have been tired all day and really didn't feel like it. The kids and I just went for a walk. Now that DD can ride her bike without her training wheels, I can walk at a great pace. It was awfully hot and I managed to leave the water at home, so I only went for 30 minutes. Better than nothing!

    Salad for dinner tonight... I have been pretty hungry all day and have already eaten plenty. (All OP though!
  • Oh, Kiko, the challenge is on. I've got my exercise clothes packed and I'm hitting the gym while Connor is at his martial arts class. I'll check in later!


    P.S. Sorry about the link. How do you resize a picture so it will post?
  • Quote: Also, any beachers try Alli???
    I don't see the point in it if you are following SB..other than getting the runs! I went to their site a couple of times out of curiosity and read the boards..pretty "funny" reading if you get board sometimes...

    I got so tickled at a question someone asked.(I believe you are supposed to take a pill before each meatl) . The question was along the lines of:
    "I'm going out to eat a big dinner with friends and will probably get the "effects" if I take a pill before I should I just skip the pill?"...

    Uh, why in the world would you spend that kind of money for a pill that gives you the runs if you cheat..then go out and stuff yourself with "bad" stuff?..
    How about not take the pill and not stuff yourself...kind of defeats the purpose of a "diet" doesn't it?

    That's what I love about can go out and there is usually something on a menu you can eat.