South Beach Diet Fat Chicks on the Beach!

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Old 03-22-2007, 07:26 AM   #1  
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Default Thursday's Chick Chat!

I really should call this, "Thursday's Thaw!"

The days are getting warmer, but, oh boy!, do we ever have MUD! I guess I'd rather have this than the snow though.
Today, I have to take Maggie to school, then Audrey and I are going to make an apple pie. It's her most favorite food in the world, so she says. We may go to the park after lunch, we'll see what the weather brings. Cindy is fox-hunting today, so we plan to try to go skiing again tomorrow. I think it'll be too warm and it's supposed to rain, but we'll see.
Well, I'd better make some breakfast and get ready to go, have a wonderful day!
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Old 03-22-2007, 07:47 AM   #2  
Come on Spring!
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Fox hunting? Want me to send down a couple of hounds? They did the howling routine last night but my Girls were too tired to join in.

The phone woke me at 7 so I'm running behind. Christine and I sat and talked until almost midnight after a yummy dinner. I didn't get the ginger cookies made which is just as well as I'm pretty sure my weight blipped again. Clean eats today for sure.

The early phone call was from the nursing home to tell me Harry had a few "incidents" during the night. He seems to have had several TIAs but is pretty much back to "normal" this morning. I am worried, of course, and will go out there later today. I also have Donna coming to clean, a report to prepare for the Fair Board Meeting tonight and damned taxes to start. Overbooked again!

Anyhow, today is very springlike and the sap will be running. Maybe tomorrow will be the "first taste" if they get enough "biled" - it's kind of like a redneck wine tasting!

On with the day!
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Old 03-22-2007, 07:54 AM   #3  
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Ruth, you poor dear, you must be beside yourself with worry over Harry. I will send up some prayers for you both today, and pray that everything works out well.
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Old 03-22-2007, 08:22 AM   #4  
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Release the Hounds!!!" Tally Ho and Away! heheeeee: I always wanted to say that!

Cottage: I had no idea that they still fox hunt on the Main! We do alot of squirrel hunting here. My 2 little cairn terrors that is!

Ruth: that Harry is a Tank! : sent his and your way!

Gonna be a BeeeeUtiful Day here.. I'm enjoying a cuppa cawfee. watching woodpeckers, chicadees, cardinals and finches at the feeder outside the kitchen window.I hung a big gazebo type on one of the deck posts, allowing me a birdseye view of all the pretty colored birds. (DH is not happy about the bird presents on the deck... We literally have a poop deck... )
Time to enjoy the quiet time before I head out to the Docs for a look see at me ears... and the "Can you hear me? Can you hear me now?" test. Then food shop to stock up on SB foods!

Have a Sun shiny day gals!
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Old 03-22-2007, 10:12 AM   #5  
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Good Morning, Friends!

Schatzers: Man, you slay me! So nice to get to chuckle this early in the morning! Poop deck-you kill me! Sounds like a nice morning. The birdies have started coming around here, but just the common barn swallows and the like. Not the beautiful ones you're spying on!

Ruth: I hope things with Harry improve! your way! Sounds like you and Christine had some good conversation last night...sometimes there's nothing better.

Cottage: Mmmmm, Applie Pie! Sounds delicious! Fox hunting sounds interesting...I doubt the picture in my head is how Cindy is hunting (red coats, horses, buglers, etc.), but I hope its fun!

ME: Ugh, thunderstorms in the forecast for the rest of the week and the weekend. If it does rain all weekend our trip next week will most likely be cancelled. That's not good, but there are some parts of our county that are down right life-threatening after a good rain. We wouldn't have a choice.

I've been doing well food-wise this week. It hasn't all been SB-friendly, but I have been trying my best. I've only worked out once this week, but the back injury has flared up a bit, so I'll excuse it, but just this week! I'm going to go to the track after work and see how a leisurely walk affects me. I just want to jump back in and start jogging and doing pilates, but it doesn't seem like that's going to be the case!

Well, need to run out and get some things for the office -- I hope you all have a great day!
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Old 03-22-2007, 12:13 PM   #6  
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Ruth: Sending and prayers yours and Harry's direction. Glad you had a good visit with your friend even though there were no ginger cookies.

Cottage: Mud-skiing did you say? We haven't had enough rain or snow to have mud here this year. This makes year #5 that we are down on rainfall.

Schatzi: We are looking forward to putting a bird sancuary in our backyard. Just have to figure out how to make it cat proof as we don't want a cat sanctuary. We only have the barn swallows right now but I did hear a camp robber (Blue Jay) the other morning. I am too having my morning

Kim: Sorry about your back. Maybe those storms will blow over and you can still make your trip.

As for us we are off to the coast after we cook a large pick up order for a doc's office. The restaurant we are eating at this afternoon has a fish plate you can order with just salad and fish and they will broil the fish with seasonings. My problem is they also have really good razor clams. I will need my
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Old 03-22-2007, 01:26 PM   #7  
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Good afternoon chicks - the day is going really fast here (definitely a good thing!). I'm taking a break from work and eating tuna w/ light mayo over lettuce & baby spinach. Not exactly what I want, but it's what my body needs. I made it through day 1 of P1 and am proud of myself for sticking to it even though a few obstacles have come up. I know it's only one measly day, but little things are what have been hanging me up, and I handled them this time without going way off track!

Ruth - Hope Harry is okay!
Schatzi - It's so good to have you back in the mornings :-)
Cottage - We're having a mudfest here too - yuck - but you're right, it's a lot better than snow!
Kim - I hope your back is all better soon so you can get back into your exercise groove.
Bunna - Have a good day!
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Old 03-22-2007, 03:05 PM   #8  
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Thanks for the good wishes and vibes, my pals. Harry is definitely not OK - he keeps having these little "spells", yet all his vitals seem OK. I met with the doc when I was out there and he says we're in a wait and watch mode at the moment. Who knows what the next few days will bring? I'll let you know if there's any change. In the meantime, I carry on.

My house is clean, thanks to Donna. We are muddy but warm and windy at 60ºF!!!! Rain is expected so I am going out with a putty knife to clean off the "poop deck" - nice expression, Schatzi! I figure the "fertilizer" will help the plants below the deck and the rain will clean off the remainder. There is still snow around but my snowdrops are in bloom and other stuff is coming up in the clear spaces. It's here!

I'm going to try for a wee nap after I de-poop the deck, an early supper and then will be off to the Fair Board meeting, cell phone on.
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Old 03-22-2007, 03:43 PM   #9  
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It's gorgeous today!!! But I'm scared for you, Cottage, and all the others downriver of us. With all the snow that's melting today and the predicted downpours we'll have tonight, it sounds like flooding for already swollen rivers. I really hope not!!! Just take care, okay?

I have a couple women from our Newcomer's club coming over tonight to play games and have chocolate fondue. I was hoping there'd be enough of them that they wouldn't notice me abstaining...but there's only going to be 3. So I'm going to make a tiny container of SF chocolate for me to dip a couple strawberries in, and then I'll just enjoy a mug of cawfee. I don't mind missing out, but I hate how uncomfortable others get and how they start thinking I'm some kind of saint. While I sit there feeling incredibly fat already! What a crock!

Anyways, I hope we'll have a good time. I also hope they go home early so I can go to bed...I'm still fighting the end of this infection and I'm wiped!

Hope everyone is having a great day and enjoying the beautiful weather!

Kim, I'm glad you're being gentle with yourself about the exercise thing. Not worth hurting your back worse...but it's great that you're searching for other options. Have you tried water aerobics? Not sure if that would aggravate your back more or help, but it's pretty low impact and lots of fun!

Ruth, sending tons of prayers and {{{{{{{{{healing}}}}}}}}}} vibes for Harry and peace for you that everything is okay. I'm SOOOO glad that he's nearby now so you can just pop over to appease your worry. Good luck with the first taste...sounds amazing!

SO good to see you, Schatzi! You crack me up, as always! I hear you on the poop deck...nature doesn't usually come without a price, but I'm usually willing to pay it. Good luck on the test!
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Old 03-22-2007, 07:29 PM   #10  
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The good news: I get a 3 day weekend!

The bad news: It's due to my youngest having pink eye. Aaaargh!! I got a call from the daycare at 2:00 this afternoon. Picked up the girls early and headed to the minor emergency clinic (couldn't get in to see any of the docs until tomorrow afternoon).


Hope you're all having a wonderful day.
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Old 03-22-2007, 08:43 PM   #11  
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Jetsetter sorry to hear about the pink eye. Nice thing is a trip to the doc will clear it up in a day or two.

Schatzi good to see you on the board again. My Dh does not like the little 'gifts' our feathered friends leave for us either. Men! ump--just think about the mess they leave behind. HA HA!

Ruth Donna sounds like a blessing. Prayers and hugs for you and Harry.

Beachgal sounds like a good plan. Have fun.

I have been working really hard on my exersizes. I acutally made goal. Tonight I can feel it in my arms. Working on getting rid of the 'jiggle and wiggle'. Knowing that my Flordia trip is coming up in June sure is motivating. Working on being a bathing beauty instead of a beached whale
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