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-   -   April Exercise - No I'm not kidding!! (https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/sonoma-diet-mediterranean-diet/80502-april-exercise-no-im-not-kidding.html)

LindaT 04-01-2006 09:46 AM

April Exercise - No I'm not kidding!!
Okay ladies and gentlemen (if we have any lurking) :) April is here. One quarter of the year is already gone. What have you done with that time? Have you kept your exercise commitment? If you haven't made one or need to recommit, what better time than the first day of a new quarter!! So C'mon in and sweat. It's good stuff!!

Clareh 04-01-2006 01:20 PM

One quarter of the year already gone??? Where did it go?

When I joined this forum in January I was walking 4.5 miles and have just done 18.

My blisters have their own blisters but I did it.

Here's to a great April.

sf40 04-01-2006 04:11 PM

No exercise today because it's planned day off, but I joined The President's Challenge and am participating in the Presidential Champions program with the 3FatChicks.com group. First goal: a bronze award.

Clareh, congrats on the 18 miles. Hope the blisters go away soon. Ouch.

LindaT 04-01-2006 06:24 PM

Sherry, I joined that site on January 1st and have really enjoyed seeing my exercise total grow. I am being really strict and not counting household chores and stuff, but just the real exercise.

Clareh.. what a difference 3 months can make, huh? :)

Mummy_Tummy 04-02-2006 05:12 AM

I've committed myself to strength training and have been using Jorge Cruise's 8 Minutes in the Morning. I dug that book out when I got serious because I didn't even have a clue as to where to begin. I've been very faithful for a week. Today is planned day off but I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow morning! I get a real high from strength moves.

I still walk twice a day, 5 days a week. It is exercise even though I can't get out of it! I childmind a little boy and have to walk him to and from school, no matter the weather!:D

Woodstock Cate 04-02-2006 12:24 PM

No April Fools Here
It seems that this group is really dedicated to moving and losing. I am pleased to be a part of such a commited group of people.

You all have encouraged me in very special ways.

I am now watching my portions, staying on plan, and exercising 5 days a week with a minimum of an hour of aerobics.

I know it will take some time for my body to adjust to the new regime, but I expected that. It has definitely gone into survival mode and isn't giving up a pound.

After reading all your posts, I realize that I am not unlike most of you, and eventually my body will start processing the fat and giving me more energy.

Last night I realized that I have been extremely tired and I think that my body is wanting me to knock off the exercise, and increase my food portions. It is my body's way of maintaining that security fat.

This can be very depressing, :( and I admit there are days when I think what's the use. Then I log on and see the posts that you send and I feel energized and committed again to continue.

:dust: Thank you all~Cate

CindyBGood 04-02-2006 02:44 PM

Happy April all - that Presidents Challenge sounds great - where is the place to sign up?

I managed my Firm Sculpted Hips and Abs tape yesterday and so far today I broke out my resistance bands which have been sitting for awhile - you really can do great things with them. I bought them for work related travel so I could toss them in my bag, but haven't done that so far. Anyway I feel like I got a good upper body workout and it was especially good for the thighs and buns.

I'm planning to get on my elliptical in a bit today, I really wanted to walk, but it's damp and raw and I came back chilled from a short shopping trip. Not appealing. We are doing a step-count program for work where everybody gets a pedometer and we will plot total steps/miles/kilometers and have a Route laid out on a big map of Europe - we'll do virtual sightseeing along the the way.

So that starts in a week or so and will be a good push to get out and walk after work, especially now that the time moved up and there's more daylight in the evenings.

sf40 04-02-2006 04:02 PM

Linda, I am also being strict and not including household chores or gardening. That is stuff I would do anyway (and got fat doing it ...). I logged my first exercises today and I'm excited to watch the numbers grow.

Cindy, I found the link in a post on the exercise forum. The post tells you how to join the 3FatChicks.com group if you'd like, or you can register without a group. Here it is: http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/showthread.php?t=80533.

Cate, hang in there; it will happen. When I first started exercising and watching my food intake back in September, I did not lose a single pound. In fact, over the course of two months I gained four pounds! But then I started losing and it's been slow and steady since. Besides, you're doing this for your health, too, right?? :)

Today I did an hour of cardio: 30 minutes on the stationary bike and 30 minutes on the elliptical.

Really wanted to go for a "real" bike ride this morning, it was so sunny and beautiful. But same excuse as last week: hubby is working this morning and took the SUV (I'd have to take off the front wheel to put my bike in my car). I don't really care to ride around the neighborhood because I can't get going fast enough to raise my heart rate. And I don't feel comfortable riding the three miles or so to the river trail because of all the traffic. But instead of whining about it like last week, I went to the gym. I miss hubby and hope this weekend nonsense ends soon!!

happytx 04-03-2006 09:27 AM

Good Morning Chickies,

Yesterday I did a 5K , miserable hot humid weather, but its good to do it, in a race atmosphere, and its yoga today!!

I do the presidentail challenge, only I forget to log my stuff sometimes, hmm I'll work on that this month, better recording of my movement!!

Have a happy Monday!!!

Clareh, your getting so close, Im getting so excited for you!!! :) Keep going sister!!!

MELODY525 04-03-2006 09:38 AM

Happy April!
Had a busy but great weekend with the extra work... especailly money wise. But I am glad the work is over 2 days early! YAY ME!! I knew I could do it. So back to :bike: business.
30 mins pedals
12 mins RS tape

Happy Monday and it was great to read all the energy in these posts. It really helps!:hug:

DonnaS 04-03-2006 10:27 AM

Exercise this weekend consisted of finishing painting the house, moving furniture, up and down the ladder numerous times.
This morning, it was pilates, great way to stretch out those painting muscles :)

Woodstock Cate 04-03-2006 10:41 AM

President's Challenge
Thanks for the mention of the President's Challenge. That gives me something else to use in my goal setting plan. I signed up this morning, and I am anxious to get moving on it.

I did 50 minutes cardio this morning, :carrot: 30 minutes on the bike, and 20 minutes on the treadmill.

I really did not want to go this morning, especially since it was storming and there was a tornado watch.:eek: Still, I made it to the gym and I was happy to see that it was very quiet. Nice for change, not to have all the noise that is usually going on in the morning.

I read something interesting this morning in a book called, "How the Rich get Thin." The author said that we don't own our weight loss for six to nine months. "This is because the body has not adjusted to the new, lower weight and, if extra calories are added too quickly to the diet plan, they are quickly stored as fat. If you add new foods slowly, you allow the body time to adapt."

This explains a lot to me, yo-yo effect for one.

Food for thought. ~Cate

Clareh 04-03-2006 04:20 PM

Hi girls! Wow, the end of Monday already. Yesterday was an hour on the elliptical doing intervals (while watching Footloose- Kevin Bacon with 80s hair!) and today has been 90 mins of power yoga, concentrating on headstands!

It will be nice to get BACK to walking tomorrow. Now it's light in the evenings, my friend and I are going to a reservoir with a conservation area- there's not much nature in the middle of town so it's lovely to get back to it. I get very jealous when I read about your hikes and lovely bike rides.

Keep up the good work everyone.

sf40 04-03-2006 04:40 PM

It's raining here today and I went to spinning class over the lunch hour. The class is 60 minutes with a few minutes of off-the-bike stretches at the end. I really sweat today and seem to be getting "faster" in that class and hope it will transfer to my real, outside biking.

MELODY525 04-04-2006 09:05 AM

The only wildlife I see are squirrels in the park! :rofl: God how I hate city life! Today's agenda:
30 mins :ebike:
?? mins of upper body closet cleaning exercises and laundry folding/storing.


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