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Old 08-04-2011, 10:41 PM   #1  
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Default Small Survey For you Ladies

I have a couple of questions, some random but answer which ones you want!! (ANY GUYS? Skip #4 if you wish)

1. When you get close to your goal weight, how do you feel? We expect to be happy and most issues disappear, but is this the case?

2. Does money issues get in the way of your diet? [Do you go get $1 burgers from McDonald's for dinner because it's cheap?]

3. Is it as difficult as you thought it would be to give up certain foods, or is it harder than you could have imagined, nearly impossible?

4. Do you find the Caucasian rapper Yelawolf attractive? -I do, none of my friends agree.-

5. What is the hardest thing you've had to deal with because of being overweight?

Last edited by ChubbyCheeks; 08-06-2011 at 12:15 AM.
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Old 08-04-2011, 10:55 PM   #2  
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1. I do not know, i am not there yet.
2. No i cook my own food.
3. Sometimes not always.
4. I do not know, what it is.
5. To sit comfortably in aeroplane seat.
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Old 08-04-2011, 10:59 PM   #3  
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1. I'm not close to my goal weight so no idea

2. Yes - I'm kind of frugal, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE deals. I don't *have* to really cheap out on foods, luckily enough, but I just hate to spend a ton of money on food :/. I feel that money goes farther when you eat unhealthy then when you're eating healthy. How cheap are cans of Chef Boyardee, chips, frozen meals like Banquet, etc compared to low-calorie meals, fruits, veggies, leaner cuts of meat, and all the specialty diet stuff (Ezikiel breads, Fiber One stuff, WW foods...)? It's significant.

3. It comes and goes with cravings; I don't 'give up' anything per se, but I have to limit intakes and obviously I can't have everything I want everyday (meals out, candies, blah blah blah). Right now I really want Mcdonald's for example but I'm almost at my calorie limit for the day so I'm trying to opt for a better alternative I have here.

4. He's ok, but not like crazy hot. I also don't really like rap :x

5. Being a third wheel while shopping with my straight sized friends, and getting teased like no tomorrow during middle/junior/some of high school.
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Old 08-04-2011, 11:04 PM   #4  
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1. Every pound I've lost has made me feel a little more energetic, so yes, I do feel better as I get closer to my goal weight.

2. Sometimes money's an issue, but when it is, I cook cheaply instead of hitting the dollar menu.

3. Nowhere near as hard to change my eating habits as I thought it was going to be--but then, I changed my eating habits, I didn't give a whole lot of foods up. Sometimes that just means eating less of something I like, other times it means choosing to skip the cheez-its in favor of triscuits and actual cheese.

4. Had to Google him, but yeah, definitely a hottie.

5. Getting a backache after either sweeping or mopping the kitchen floor. Sweeping AND mopping one after the other would've been out of the question; I had to take a break or my back would've given out. Fifty pounds later, I sweep, then mop, then sweep and mop both bathrooms, and my back doesn't even twinge a little. It's awesome.
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Old 08-04-2011, 11:12 PM   #5  
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Originally Posted by Michi702 View Post

2. Yes - I'm kind of frugal, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE deals. I don't *have* to really cheap out on foods, luckily enough, but I just hate to spend a ton of money on food :/. I feel that money goes farther when you eat unhealthy then when you're eating healthy. How cheap are cans of Chef Boyardee, chips, frozen meals like Banquet, etc compared to low-calorie meals, fruits, veggies, leaner cuts of meat, and all the specialty diet stuff (Ezikiel breads, Fiber One stuff, WW foods...)? It's significant.

5. Being a third wheel while shopping with my straight sized friends, and getting teased like no tomorrow during middle/junior/some of high school.
Exactly on the food cost thing. I only eat organic grass-fed beef because of my diet and I'm like.. OMG. I could fill up my pantry with Ramen Noodles for a pound of this.

And for getting teased, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm with you though. They started teasing me before I graduated because that's when my weight gain was at it's highest so I know it sucks..
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Old 08-04-2011, 11:24 PM   #6  
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1. I'm very happy and I feel a lot sexier. I do get worried that my body won't look the way I want it, but that I won't be able to lose anymore weight without being unhealthy. And I worry a LITTLE about maintaining. But mostly, I'm very happy.

2. Only in that I have a meal plan, so I end up having to stick to that - for better or for worse (usually for worse).

3. It's actually much easier than I thought it would be, except for dairy and eggs, which is only slightly easier, and sometimes just as hard.

4. I had to Google Image him. He has a nice body and nice facial features, but I dislike his hairstyle/general style.

5. Self-hatred.
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Old 08-05-2011, 12:31 AM   #7  
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Thanks for answering. I love reading your responses
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Old 08-05-2011, 09:21 AM   #8  
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1. When you get close to your goal weight, how do you feel? We expect to be happy and most issues disappear, but is this the case?

I feel great! Very energetic and happy. BUT, I still have some existing food issues- such as, I'm obsessed with eating healthy. If I eat something unhealthy, I feel like crap and feel guilty about it for long periods of time. So, minor indulgences can throw me for a loop. But I am learning that I *CAN* maintain and live a *normal* life. I don't have to let having ice cream every now and then throw me into an unhealthy cycle.

2. Does money issues get in the way of your diet? [Do you go get $1 burgers from McDonald's for dinner because it's cheap?]

Not at all. I am a poor college student, but I feel as though my health is the most important factor and I am very willing to allocate the majority of my budget towards food. I really don't spend very much grocery shopping, but I'll tend to buy high quality foods- and make them last!

3. Is it as difficult as you thought it would be to give up certain foods, or is it harder than you could have imagined, nearly impossible?

I haven't really given up any foods. I still allow myself indulgences, as I said before. Yesterday, for example, I went to the fair and ended up having fried dough, cheese fries, and an ice cream (yikes, calorie bombs!). BUT, I halved all of these things with another person and was completely satisfied (well, stuffed actually, ha). But I went to the fair with a PLAN and plenty of allotted calories, and surprisingly I feel no guilt about yesterday. And the scale didn't show a dent this morning, either!

I would not have done this earlier in my weight loss, I don't think. When I am actively trying to lose weight, I am quite restrictive. I don't say I can't have certain things, I just plan for all healthy foods and don't have room to indulge. But it's good to let yourself have a treat now and then, to remind yourself that you're eating normally.

4. Do you find the Caucasian rapper Yelawolf attractive?

Who?! No idea. *Googleing* Ehhm, I do find him attractive, but I don't like rap.

5. What is the hardest thing you've had to deal with because of being overweight?

My mother, first and foremost. And feeling unhealthy. Now that I am in great physical shape, I can't believe the things that used to put me out of breath. I feel SO GOOD when I finish a workout, and I wouldn't trade that feeling for the world.
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Old 08-06-2011, 12:14 AM   #9  
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Originally Posted by CorinneIrene View Post
1. When you get close to your goal weight, how do you feel? We expect to be happy and most issues disappear, but is this the case?

I feel great! Very energetic and happy. BUT, I still have some existing food issues- such as, I'm obsessed with eating healthy. If I eat something unhealthy, I feel like crap and feel guilty about it for long periods of time. So, minor indulgences can throw me for a loop. But I am learning that I *CAN* maintain and live a *normal* life. I don't have to let having ice cream every now and then throw me into an unhealthy cycle.

2. Does money issues get in the way of your diet? [Do you go get $1 burgers from McDonald's for dinner because it's cheap?]

Not at all. I am a poor college student, but I feel as though my health is the most important factor and I am very willing to allocate the majority of my budget towards food. I really don't spend very much grocery shopping, but I'll tend to buy high quality foods- and make them last!

3. Is it as difficult as you thought it would be to give up certain foods, or is it harder than you could have imagined, nearly impossible?

I haven't really given up any foods. I still allow myself indulgences, as I said before. Yesterday, for example, I went to the fair and ended up having fried dough, cheese fries, and an ice cream (yikes, calorie bombs!). BUT, I halved all of these things with another person and was completely satisfied (well, stuffed actually, ha). But I went to the fair with a PLAN and plenty of allotted calories, and surprisingly I feel no guilt about yesterday. And the scale didn't show a dent this morning, either!

I would not have done this earlier in my weight loss, I don't think. When I am actively trying to lose weight, I am quite restrictive. I don't say I can't have certain things, I just plan for all healthy foods and don't have room to indulge. But it's good to let yourself have a treat now and then, to remind yourself that you're eating normally.
You seem made to diet. You handle everything nearly flawlessly. So many people struggle with weight loss and you seem to be enjoying the ride!
I'm doing my best to pick up a diet mentality like yours.
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Old 08-06-2011, 01:59 AM   #10  
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1. I haven't been close since I passed it. I was definitely much happier then, though

2. It only gets in the way when I'm eating at a fast food place (like mcdonalds day with playgroup.) it definitely did before my hubby was on board with eating healthy. It's actually cheaper now on my grocery budget, but much more work to make it that way cause I have to cook a LOT more and plan my meals in advance.

3. I'm counting calories so I don't HAVE to give up anything. In most cases I've figured ways to re-work my favorite recipes to be healthier. I'm cutting back carbs, though and I do have a pretty hard time with those sometimes. What I do indulge in I'm careful to measure. And what I can't resist doesn't stay in the house.

4. Who? Ok googled him, he's hot in a few of the pics, but a big NOT in most of the ones on google images

5. The hardest thing has to be dealing with my husband. Let me preface what im about to say with it all sounds like hes a horrible guy, but he's totally not. We've gone through a lot but God has totally healed my marriage. Its just unfortunate my weight was the easiest thing for him to use to make excuses for his own behavior. When we met I was 16 and anorexic. My ribs were starting to show and I was starting to get sick from dehydration around that time. Then he would tell me I needed meat on my bones (his way of trying to help me out of the anorexia). Anyways, that should give some perspective of what he liked. I weighed 115 then. Last year we went through a rough patch including him cheating on me twice. In the middle of fights he would say my weight drove him to it. That he just wasn't attracted to me at this weight. Again please don't think of him as some abusive person. He would never say that unless we were fighting and basically just trying to cut each other down. Another hard thing has been that I just always was the center of attention and the first one boys would come to when I was out with friends. Now I get almost no guys looking at me, and those who do are gross.
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Old 08-06-2011, 10:12 AM   #11  
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1. When you get close to your goal weight, how do you feel? We expect to be happy and most issues disappear, but is this the case?

I don't know, hopefully I'll find out

2. Does money issues get in the way of your diet? [Do you go get $1 burgers from McDonald's for dinner because it's cheap?]

A lot, I don't buy my own food as an unemployed recent college grad living at home. So I have to fit my food in a budget around everyone else's processed food.

3. Is it as difficult as you thought it would be to give up certain foods, or is it harder than you could have imagined, nearly impossible?

I haven't given up anything really. I just changed how often and how I made those foods and added new things. I occaisonally have bad binges but most of the time this isn't part of weight-loss I struggle with. But I cook almost everything from scratch now, so I can make healty versions of old favorites, especially since I'm not on a specific plan, I just try to eat balanced.

4. Do you find the Caucasian rapper Yelawolf attractive? No idea who that is.

5. What is the hardest thing you've had to deal with because of being overweight?

Just internal stuff, like feeling like everyone will think I can't control myself when they eat half a peice of pizza and are full and I'm still so hungry.
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Old 08-06-2011, 07:43 PM   #12  
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Originally Posted by NotJustALittleFat View Post

5. The hardest thing has to be dealing with my husband. Let me preface what im about to say with it all sounds like hes a horrible guy, but he's totally not. We've gone through a lot but God has totally healed my marriage. Its just unfortunate my weight was the easiest thing for him to use to make excuses for his own behavior. When we met I was 16 and anorexic. My ribs were starting to show and I was starting to get sick from dehydration around that time. Then he would tell me I needed meat on my bones (his way of trying to help me out of the anorexia). Anyways, that should give some perspective of what he liked. I weighed 115 then. Last year we went through a rough patch including him cheating on me twice. In the middle of fights he would say my weight drove him to it. That he just wasn't attracted to me at this weight. Again please don't think of him as some abusive person. He would never say that unless we were fighting and basically just trying to cut each other down. Another hard thing has been that I just always was the center of attention and the first one boys would come to when I was out with friends. Now I get almost no guys looking at me, and those who do are gross.
Gahhhdd! Okay, trusting your judgement, he's not a bad person, and there's two sides to every story but Jesus. He made some bad decisions for a good person.
I'm sorry he wasn't supportive of you but I can tell he's into skinny girls, because he started dating you when you were going through anorexia.
If that's what he likes he may have had trouble being attracted to you, but he should love you for you. No other reason.
What's love? Wanting to make someone happy, for the sole purpose that they make you happy -no other reason.
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