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Old 03-07-2002, 12:55 PM   #1  
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Default Atkings Diet ? Cabbage Diet , Slim fast?

OK .. I need to know about these diets .. (1) Atkins Diet (2) Cabbage Diet . (3) Slim Fast ....
let me know .. I have tried all but well slim fast was the best results ... need to loose about 30 more pounds .
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Old 03-08-2002, 08:43 PM   #2  
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Default name too. I have done Atkins and lost 10 to start and no more. I am 5'7", 34 y/o, and weighed 149 and went to about 139. I quit and went low fat for a week and lost 3 more. Have not tried SF, but also did the cabbage diet, I think. where you eat this soup and certain foods on certain days...lost some, but came back.

Good luck! your screen name your "signature"
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Old 03-12-2002, 04:05 PM   #3  
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Talking Thank you .

So what are you doing as for as your " New was of Life" .. ( dont like the word DIET .. U GGGGGGGGG ..
Im still on slim fast .. well to be honest every once in a while . hehe .. i have been cheating here lately but no weight gain so far .. Im hanging in there . Let me know how its going ..
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Old 03-17-2002, 01:05 PM   #4  
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Talking 'sorta atkins' worked wonders!

defender4God~ Hi! I haven't tried atkins, but I've been on a similar no carb plan that worked beautifully!!! Some people would say "It's not a 'healthy way' to lose weight"... but sometimes you get in a mood where you just don't care how it comes off! Ya know? Besides that, it's healthier to go on a strick diet for a few months & lose weight than it is to live an overweight lifetime!! Right? Well, that's what I think anyways!

So here's the jist of it: if you're interested I'll post the details later... About two years ago I came across a plan that was called "the new mayo clinic diet"... (come to find out it was just an internet diet & not actually from the Mayo Clinic) I got it from my bf's mom & dad. (they had each dropped a good 20 from it; quickly!)

Here are the 3 points that got my attention;
1. Every other Weekend is FREE!!! Eat whatever you like!!! Pack it in with no worries!!!
2. Eat as much as you like durring your 3 daily meals; no going hungry!
3. EVERYONE I knew (4 people) who had stayed strickly on this lost EXACTLY 5 lbs a week!

The first line on the top of the page that I received guaranteed 5 lbs a week to come off! The first 4 days you'll stay the same then the 5th day suddenly 5 lbs is gone! "Yeah right, but I'll give it a shot anyways" that's what I thought but I was wrong... this diet really proved itself; to the T! On my 5th day the 5 lbs were no where to be seen! Then each week from there on EXACTLY 5 lbs left me! YEAH!!! The important thing with this is that you have to be very strick with yourself... I soon found that if I cheated ONCE in a whole week, that week was shot!!! I'd keep the whole 5 lbs... or maybe just lose 1. That's extremely disappointing; once you get on a roll of 5 lbs a week, you don't want it to stop!

Anyways these are the basics;
1 glass non-sweetened grapefruit (pink or white) with each meal.
Breakfast= 2 eggs cooked however you like & 2 (or 4?) pcs bacon.
Lunch= meat (almost any meat) & salad (no cheese, croutons, etc...)
Dinner= meat (again, almost any meat works) & Veggies (there are tons of veggies you can't have due to carb-content... if your interested I'll dig out the list)
Snacks= After dinner you are allowed EITHER a glass of milk, or tomato juice as snacks! Yuck! ***Sometimes I'd cheat & have a few extra sips of grapefruit juice durring the day! (but only about once a week!) Oh, but you wouldn't beleive how wonderful that stuff is when your on this diet!!! ***The other thing I did (the 2nd time I tried this plan) was to munch on veggies & jerky between meals. But I don't advise that since the 2nd time around I wasn't strict enough with myself & it didn't work!

I'm no scientist but this basically works because the only sugar you take in is from your 3 glasses of non-sweetened grapefruit juice! As you can imagine; that's not much! And beleive me; after 1 - 2 weeks on this, you'll be craving grapefruit juice like it's a hot fudge sunday sitting on your kitchen counter & calling out to you! That sounds crazy but it's true; after the initial week, that biter, sour grapefruit juice starts tasting like honey! Two years later I still have non-sweetend grapefruit juice cravings sometimes!

The two reasons I'm not on this diet right now are; 1. I'll cost ya $$$!!! I'm too poor! Budget is too tight right now to be packing in the steak, bacon, meat, meat, meat, meat & veggies that this plan calls for. (infact I'm losing weight right now because I can no longer afford snacks or fast food, or even tastey food!) &2. I don't feel like being so strick right now. You really have to be determined & in the right state of mind when you decide to jump into this one!

Overall I highly recommend it! If anyone's interested let me know...

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Old 03-22-2002, 03:17 AM   #5  
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Hi! Well since I posted here last I've had a couple people ask about this diet, so I thought I'd post it for everyone! Let me know how it goes if you try it! Your success may get me motivated to get back on it!

Allrighty! Here it is...

New Mayo Clinic Diet (not really from Mayo Clinic)
In 2 1/2 Months you should lose 52 pounds

1/2 Grapefruit or juice (unsweetened)
2 eggs, any style
2 slices of bacon

1/2 Grapefruit or juice (unsweetened)
salad with any dressing
meat, any style, any amount

1/2 Grapefruit or juice (unsweetened)
meat, any style, any amount (fish may be substituted)
vegetable, any green or red (cooked in butter or any seasoning)

glass of tomato juice or skim milk

1. At any meal, you may eat until you are full.
2. Don't skip bacon at breakfast or omit salad; it is the combination of foods that burn fat.
3. The grapefruit is important because it acts as a catalyst that starts the burning process.
4. Cut down on coffee; it affects the insulin balance that hinders the burning process. Limit 3 cups per day.
5. Don't eat between meals. If you eat the combination of foods suggested, you will not get hungry.
6. Do not eat dessert, breads, white vegetables or sweet potatoes. You may double or triple helpings of meat, salad or vegetables. Eat as much as you want. The more you eat of the proper combination of foods, the more you will lose.

1. This diet completely eliminates sugar and starches which are lipids and form fat. Fat does not form fat. You can fry foods in butter and use butter generously on vegetables.
2. You can lose 10 pounds in 10 days. There will be no loss the first 4 days, but you will lose 5 pounds on the 5th day. There-after, you will lose 1 1/2 pounds every 2 days until you are at your desired weight.
3. All soft drinks need to be diet and caffeine free.
4. You may not have white onions, potatoes or celery.
5. You MAY have: red onions, broccoli, lettuce, tomatoes, bell peppers, green onions, cabbage, radishes, spinach, and carrots.

Stay on the diet for 12 days. The stop dieting for 2 days. This diet is given to heart patients who need to lose weight quickly for by-pass surgery.

Notes & tips from me & my bf from our experiences:
1. If you start on a Monday, you'll have every other weekend off!
2. My bf doesn't like eggs so he had 4 peices of bacon instead of eggs & bacon. That didn't stop or slow his weight loss.
3. Don't snack between meals! I know it says that above, but I just want to mention that even when I ate jerky & veggies between meals it slowed my weight loss.
4. This is a great diet if you like meat... if you can afford lots of meat... and if you're ready to be strick with yourself.
5. Eat whatever you like on the 2 days off! I never gained a pound on my every-other weekend that I had off & I stuffed my face with everything I was tempted by!
6. Good luck!

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Old 03-28-2002, 04:49 PM   #6  
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Kalypso ,
I read your post .. hmm might just try that .. I love grapefruits .
I have heard a wonderful new tape " Make the Connection" by Bob Greene and Oprah Winfrey .. Its a wonderful audio tape . I listen to it last night and I LOVED IT .. Makes alot of since .
TRy to get it from your Library and read it .. ITs great ..
Hope to hear from you ..
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Old 03-31-2002, 01:17 PM   #7  
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Kalypso, I tried the Atkins diet and this diet sounds extremely similar, besides the grapefruit juice. I qiut after a few weeks because I got tired of eating the same foods every day. But what you said sounds so motivating that I think I may try it anyway. But I wanted to ask you one question, much did you exercise while on this diet (if at all). I absoluttely hate excercising and I hope you didin't have to do it every day. Well, hope yo hear from you soon, as I would like to start right away!

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Old 04-02-2002, 10:54 AM   #8  
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How much grapefruit juice do you drink at each meal?
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Old 04-02-2002, 10:51 PM   #9  
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Question Wanna try it all together?

Hey guys,

I just read the diet and it sounds interesting! I'm 18 and willing to try anything to lose weight quickly for prom, graduation, summer, and just life in general. I'm thinking that if we all start on Monday, April 8, then we can all like share what's happening, what we're eating, any questions, advice, motivation, support, etc. Anyone interested? So the rest of this week can be devoted to getting the groceries, answering the rest of our questions bout the diet, and getting our morale boosted in preparation. So I have a couple questions...well the first one's already been asked but yah I wanna know how much exercise should be done as well. And how can it guarantee the same weight loss for EVERY person? Cos I'm not seriously overweight so I don't lose as much weight as other diets I've tried have guaranteed. So should I assume that I will only lose, say, half of whatever everyone else loses? What happens when you "reach your desired weight"? Do you go back to eating normally and, if you do, will you not gain back all the weight? Sorry for the overload of questions but I figure if I'm gonna devote at least 12 days to this I might as well know if it's worth it right? Thanks!!!!
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Old 04-05-2002, 02:26 AM   #10  
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Talking Hi! I'm SO excited!!!

Hi! Sorry it's been so long since I've posted... I started a new job, so I've been pooped for the last 2 weeks. Everyday I go to work... come home... have a quick dinner... sleep... & go back to work!!!

But I'm finally getting used to it! So here I am again.
I wanted to say 'sorry'... sorry that this post is so very looooong! But I wanted to answer everyone's questions as thoroughly as possible!

Defender~ thanks for the tip... I wrote your tape's title down & I'll be checking to see if it's in my town's library!

Qukeky~ hey! great question! Actually when I started this diet I wasn't exercising at all! (besides working full time at a moderately active job... half the day was desk work, the other half was walking/running around, I didn't do much of anything! My home life was pretty sluggish!)
But after about 2 weeks the quick weight loss had made me really happy & it got me motivated to live a more active lifestyle! I've never been much for scheduled exercising... but I still lost the guaranteed amount of weight each week!
And to further answer the question... My boyfriend has worked out 5 - 6 days a week since he was in high school. Before, durring, and after this diet he stayed on his regular workout schedule & he also lost 5 lbs a week (when he was strict w/himself!)

Semo~ When I first started I'd drink a little glass... probably only a cup or 3/4 cups. (because it tasted sour) But after being on the plan for a few days to a week it was a much bigger glass! Probably about 8 oz. (because it was so very very SWEET!)
Go with what you think is good... I'm not sure what the correct amount is because what I typed up in my last post was all the info I have, besides my own experiences.

Neiko~ Hey! I really like your idea of starting this on Monday! I was going to go with calorie counting... I did good on that for 7 days, then I trailed off the path 4 days ago & haven't been able to find my way back! But if you all would like to do this together, I'm sure we can help each other stay on track!!!

This will be perfect because I get paid Friday & I can go grocery shopping over the weekend! Plus we'll all have a few days to get ourselves & each other reved up!!!

I'll tell you again that i didn't do any exercise when i started this. Plus my bf's mom & dad both did it for a month & both lost 20lbs without ANY exercise! And my bf's mom is really little! She didn't even look like she needed to lose weight!... but after losing the 20 lbs she looked really great! And his dad wasn't obese or anything... just moderately overweight. And when my bf started he just had the littlest pooch! He only did it because he wanted his muscles to stand out more... he didn't really need to lose weight; but he did.

I don't know how it manages to take 5 lbs off everyone! That's obviously really weird because everyone's body is so different. But what I do know is; the variety of people who I've seen do this have claimed to drop the exact 5 lbs! And that's what I did.

About regaining the weight... bf's mom & dad didn't gain any back (to my knowledge). And they aren't on exercise or diet plans now. bf himself didn't gain any back. Unfortunately I eventually gained back... but it was nearly a year later.
And the reasons I gained weight back were; a hectic work schedule, lack of money for healthy food, no exercise, mood eating... the list goes on! But I didn't gain it back quicky, and I didn't gain it back right after getting off the diet. I still have a lot of faith in this diet! Like I said before the only reasons I'm not on it now are;
1. I wasn't ready to be so strict
2. it's expensive!

Well I've rambled for days! I'd better let you all go. I can't wait to hear from you! Are we still on for Monday?

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Old 04-05-2002, 03:55 AM   #11  
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Default Atkins Diet

I'm just starting out myself, but I've read numerous review and critiques on diet pills, plans, creams, ab-doers, programs. you name it,... here is what I found out from a significant number of unhappy costumers:

The Atkins diet can cause kidney stones (if you've never had it, consider it to be one step under the pain of childbirth, one very small step under childbirth). It causes this because of the amount of protein you have to eat to make up for the lack of carbs. Some people have said they got so bored eating no carbs, that they got sick of eating and just stopped (NOT healthy and lowers your metabolism too whenever you touch food again) and I'm sure others would turn the other way and binge like they've never binged before. But the worse thing is the Kidney Stones.

I really wouldn't suggest this, although its not half as bad as some of the other products/programs on the market today, I wouldn't put myself under serious risk of kidney problems, and I hope you wouldn't want to do that either.
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Old 04-11-2002, 04:31 PM   #12  
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if anyone wants to make the journey more interesting, i have a msn site where ppl gather&set mini weight goals or "challenges" for themselves. for instance, the current challenge just started a few days ago,&ends memorial day. the goal of that is to say, well, lets see if i can lose 10 pounds by then. come join us!!
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