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Old 03-07-2002, 01:54 AM   #1  
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Default Body for Life #43

We're moving along....

From the other thread (what I can remember...I read about 10 posts at once)

1) MRP with milk: I find that I was much more able, in the beginning, to get into water by using fruity ones. My favorites: Met Rx Berry Blast and Designer Protein Abs Berry Sundae. Both are higher in protein than carbs and you can add frozen blueberries and strawberries. You can also use pure protein powder and add frozen fruit. yummmmmmmmmmmmmm

2) Steel Cut Oat: I use McCanns Irish Oats (get it from netrition) and I cook it up in my rice cooker and then I add protein powder, a few eggs, egg beaters, Splenda, cinnamon a touch of vanilla extract....and bake. I had this all this week with a few blueberries on top and I forgot how good it is....It's one of my "on the go" breakfasts.

3) Spinning: spinning is good cardio I think but MrsJim will know more about it.

I can't remember anything's been a very long day. I did an UBWO this morning...remember I said I was blowing it off Tuesday night? Well, I had to rush through it this morning...back to Tuesday night!!!!

I'm out of Glutamine!!!! oh no! RUN to the store tomorrow!!!


Sounds like everyone is doing GREAT!!!
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Old 03-07-2002, 09:46 AM   #2  
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Thanks Mrs. Jim,

I dont know where to find those pages on L&S. I am gonna try though.

I was going to do B4L a couple months ago. A friend and I decided to go with Prism instead. Deep down I know its about moving my fat butt though. So here I am again, looking into this. I did buy the book last week.I am wanting to join a gym here, its gonna be a bit pricey for us, I hope we can in a few weeks. They do have a offer 7 days for 7 bucks to try out the place. I am going to do that Monday, hoping by Friday I can join.

The eating plan in the book doesnt seem to mention cals. Do you know about how many cals it should be?

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Old 03-07-2002, 10:03 AM   #3  
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Good Morning Everyone - Blueberry Dream Pancake was on the menu this morning - Deelish! Couldn't find whole wheat pancake mix so I just used regular. I didn't look at the nutrition breakdown until after I ate it - I guess I just assumed it would be OK. Turns out there is 44g of carbs and 27g protein. So next time I make it I think I will cut the oatmeal in half.

Kelster - I found the magazine! It turns out that all of the stores I went to carry the magazine - they were just sold out. When I was looking before I had asked each one if they carried it and they looked at me like I had 2 heads - go figure! So I now have a copy of the March/April issue (with recipe). It is an awesome magazine. It's got some exercise ball demos in there and some leg exercises - which I've been wondering about. Lots of other cool stuff. It's funny - in my previous life I would have NEVER bought a fitness magazine - I have a library of cookbooks!

I think I have to go out and get some glutamine. I thought I was sore yesterday from squats! Cardio was a challenge this morning. Thank God I don't do more squats until next week.

Hope everyone is doing well.
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Old 03-07-2002, 12:24 PM   #4  
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Forgiven - On, if you go to the "Libraries & Pics" button, you'll get a page. Scroll down and click on "The Training Library" then when you get in there, scroll down again and you'll see a link called "Pam's Nutrition, Motivation, Training Information" posted in August 2001 by Pam. Or to make it easier, just click here: (man, I hope this link works!). There is a link to a Word doc. I really suggest printing it because it's great info!

OH and don't worry about calories in the least. As long as you're eating authorized foods, and using palm/fist to measure, (except for veggies - just go hog wild on those if you wanna) you'll be fine. One of the great, great things about BFL is the SIMPLICITY. I think us 'chronic dieters' here in America especially are just overly concerned with numbers - on the scale and in our food. And what has calorie counting and scale watching done for us as a nation? Why is it that we are the fattest nation on earth? just one of those mysteries I guess. But when I was in London I saw very few fat people guess is they eat MUCH smaller portions than we do, for the most part. Their candy bars are itty bitty. When my boss and I had English tea at our hotel on Piccadilly, I was surprised that their scones were so small. I'm used to American scones which are easily four times the size of the ones I encountered in London. They also walk a lot more and take public transport most everywhere - London is most definintely a walking town. Can't wait to go back!

Oh, yes - one more thing - when you're in the Libraries and Pics section, DO check out the Cooking Library and the Transformation Gallery for info and inspiration!

Claire - there are some WW pancake mixes out there. I'm not a big pancake person myself so can't recall the brands right off. Of course I'm extremely spoiled since I live within a short walk of the best grocery store in the whole world - Draeger's ( ) - even Dean & De Luca can't top it!

Whew! Now about Spinning. I haven't done that in eons. It is great cardio (depending on your instructor - the one I go to when I do go is a professional cyclist so he gives our butts a good kickin'.). I'm not sure as to whether to count it as a 20 MAS though. And I do agree that the bike seats on many of the spinning bikes are less than ergonomic (BTW, if you have a real bike, and looking for a comfy seat - check out the saddles from Terry Bicycles for Women at - they also carry plus-sized women's cycling clothing AND those hard-to-find maternity bike shorts!). Hm. Maybe I'll go to the class tomorrow morning and give everyone a shock - if I can do it with my schedule.

So today on my competition diet, I got to really carb load this morning after being depleted. How does my brekkie grab you?

12 eggwhites (I use 1/2 eggwhites and 1/2 egg beaters, scrambled in a pan sprayed with Butter flavored Pam)
1 cup oatmeal (that's the DRY measurement!)
I was supposed to have 1/2 c of blueberries but they cost the earth right now, so didn't buy any. Instead I had 3/4 of a Fuji apple, which I cut up and nuked with Splenda and cinnamon, then put the apple in my oatmeal. Jim doesn't even comment when he sees my crazy meals now...yesterday breakfast was 2 chicken breasts with salsa!

But I can feel myself getting stronger . I'll keep you all posted... Actually I might be changing my competition plans. I feel I need to actually see a BB competition in person before I participate, so I'm thinking of going to the 4 May one as a spectator...then aiming for the next one in the Bay Area which is June 8th...but we'll see...

After the comp I will be MORE than happy to go back on BFL eating!!!

back to work! Later y'all!
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Old 03-07-2002, 02:44 PM   #5  
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Default oats etc.

I get my oats at my local food coop for 52 cents a pound. You can soak them in water (4 parts of water to 1 of oats) and then cook them the next morning. I also use a double-boiler and let them cook on low while I'm doing other things. That said, I usually make Quakers Quick Oats in the microwave during the week.

My mother does yoga faithfully at 79. There are dozens of different kinds and they are probably all good. The folks I know here on campus in leisure studies and public health all give yoga top grades for any age or physical ability.
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Old 03-07-2002, 05:59 PM   #6  
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MrsJim: are frozen blueberries as expensive? I bought some frozen fruit at Albertsons last week and the packages were like 2/4.00.

I'm so tired today.............must be lack of glutamine.

hubby is going to the store for me tonight...until then lag and drag time.

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Old 03-07-2002, 06:07 PM   #7  
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AACK! Frozen blueberries didn't even occur to me! Brilliant!!!

Actually today I kind of wanted an apple cut up and nuked until mushy with Splenda and cinnamon in my oatmeal. Yummy!

Oh BTW, Krusteaz makes a whole-wheat pancake mix - I saw it at Safeway this afternoon. Didn't check the nutritional info though...

How's everyone else doing?
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Old 03-07-2002, 06:49 PM   #8  
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Default carbs & bars

hi all,

thunderheart - did you mean the whole pancake had 44gms of carbs in it??????? I made it yesterday with raspberries and it was delicious although I couldn't finish the whole thing.
Also - do you put anything on it to help it go down?

I need some help with finding a meal replacement bar. I noticed that the Designer whey protein bars have a lot less carbs and more protein than the myoplex lite - has anyone tried them?

Yesterday my favourite machine wasn't available when I went in, so I thought I'd give a body pump class a go while I was waiting. It turned out to be a weight lifting class - but I didn't even break a sweat!!!! unbelievable! so when I came out I when and jumped on my precor and did my cardio as well.

Today is UBWO and showing a friend who is starting how to structure their workout. Yesterday I bumped into a friend on the way to the kids school gala - and she took one look at me and said "look at you! you are fading away!" - That made me feel great! and gave me a much needed motivation boost.

tried a new recipe for a Chicken, egg white and vege bake which was delicious and will be on the menu frequently now

got to go change for the gym - hope you have a great day
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Old 03-07-2002, 09:46 PM   #9  
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Default Hey Carps!

According to the nutrition breakdown - yes the whole pancake was 44 g of carbs! And yes I did eat the whole thing! I was starving this morning after waiting an hour after cardio. I don't know why - it's the first time I've got up that hungry! And I was hungry again 2 hours later. I've read that this could be a good sign - building muscle maybe? Could it have anything to do with how sore my lower body was today?

Anyway I'm going to adjust the ingredients next time to make it more balanced. Hate to say this - but I'm hungry again and it is time for Meal 6 - gotta run.

PS - I didn't put anything on it - I don't really care for really sweet food in the morning - kinda of a plain jane that way.
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Old 03-07-2002, 10:27 PM   #10  
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Default I have to laugh


I am so glad you found it..........I haven't seen the new issue yet.........the store I buy it from did not get a delivery of mags until I will check tomorrow...........I find it very interesting as well......

I have to tell you something work today two of our sales reps were asking me how my workouts were going......they work out as well but aren't doing BFL.........I said great that I couldn't believe how much my muscles were the male said really let me I flexed my bicep.......and get this *I was wearing a sweater*........he said is that a shoulder pad falling down......then he felt my muscle........and said wow......that is solid..........LOL........I just about died laughing......

I am seeing the definition coming out in my shoulders and arms..........I am absolutely thrilled......the tum tum.......well if I tense my muscles you can tell that they are there........just that the new muscles hasn't gotten around to chewing up the gross fat globuals yet...... *LOL

Each time I see this progress it motivates me......I find myself not saying.......Kelly you have to workout now.....*I workout in the evenings*..........I just come home.......sitdown for about 15 relax a tad......then I automatically get up.....get changed........and workout............I LOVE IT!!!

I keep telling everyone I want to be fabulous at 40.......because I knew my change would not happen overnight.......I am currently 37.5.........and I know I will reach my goal......

I have to laugh..........because the first question everyone asks me is how much weight have you reply...........I don't know.........I don't own a scale.........I tell ya do I get some weird looks.........*shrugs*.........if all that ever happened was how great I feel..........*such a natural high*......I would still stick with this.........I can't express to people enough.......the other benefits - not only the really is a TOTAL package deal with BFL............and I ain't lookin back now baby........
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Old 03-08-2002, 01:27 PM   #11  
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Kelster, LOVED YOUR POST!!!!

I had been on a different hormone throughout Jan and part of Feb. My doctor is still sorta experimenting with trying to even out my hormone levels...they are up and down and all over the place (peri menopause is supposed to be more horrid than actual menopause and I sorta can't wait for the real deal!!!) Anyway, I gained almost 15 lbs of almost water weight on this pill. I looked TWICE the size of my first C1 before. Honestly. (I took pictures ) I stopped the hormone and dropped a few pounds of the water weight but those six weeks distorted my body shape (it's hard to explain, you'll have to see the pix) because everything just settled in the middle. I was so depressed. I THREW myself into my workouts at that point


and it's so weird...I don't know if it's muscle memory or from being on a challenge most of last year...but my progress was almost immediate.

I too can see the definition coming's nice. I love body for life. LOVE IT!!!!
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Old 03-08-2002, 03:07 PM   #12  
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Default Hey you guys!!!

Happy to see that everyone is doing pretty well!

Claire - thought the carbs were a bit high on the pancake myself. But you gotta remember, that Energy for Women, like Muscle Media, is not necessarily geared specifically towards BFL. Pam actually is not doing BFL at the moment as she is getting ready for the summer's BB competitions. You might try tweaking the recipe a bit to include more protein and less carbs.

I'm doing great myself. My workouts are getting better and better and I'm lifting heavier weights...the only bad thing for me is all the veggies I have to eat on the comp diet. I am NOT a big fan of veggies but 'if I must, then I must'.

Kel - I LOVE your attitude! Don't worry, the definition will come. One of the reasons I'm doing the comp diet and set a goal for doing a competition this year (maybe not in May - I still want to see a live comp first before participating) was to finally get my thighs, butt and abs in line. In retrospect, I really feel I took a step backwards by doing Jeremy's nutrition program during C3. As I've stated before, the problem with that one was having to have that post-workout shake every morning. I just COULD NOT make that work. Pam's menus work much better for me (but can't wait to get back to BFL eating later this year...).

My opinion on that belly and thigh fat is, that it's CAKED IN there. Kind of like an oven if you haven't cleaned it in awhile (like mine ) you really have to scrape and scrape for a long time to get the gunk off. My thigh fat's been hanging out there for at least 20 years so it's not giving up easily...but I DO see's getting there...
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Old 03-08-2002, 11:19 PM   #13  
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Talking crazy walking/climbing lunges

I have been a house hermit the past couple of days (I'm needing a rest before the final push on my writing requirement) and have done my workouts at home. I just ordered some resistance bands (of varying resistance) to add more stuff to my home workouts AND ordered a yoga mat. I am so psyched to go back to yoga/Pilates class on Sunday.

Today I did some swiss ball non weighted leg exercises, then I did some powerblock deadlifts, then some swiss ball/powerblock squats and then I did walking lunges. I walked/lunged all over the downstairs and then I walked/lunged up the stairs (YOW) and then walk lunged all upstairs. I did that 3 times with successively heavy weights. I was DYING...especially coming down those stairs with the weights...the part I thought would be easier. yow.

Mrs Jim: I tried the exercise where you put the ball between your knees and lift (for abs) but I think my ball is too big. What size ball do you use?

Also do you know where to buy used Universal equipment in CA? I'm really interested in an old style vertical leg press with the weight station on the right. You skootch underneath it and raise the plate up (the one I'm thinking about was wooden) and you can pull the pin on the weight station to change weights without moving. I used one of these years ago at a women's gym I belonged to and I loved it and would love to find one. I can't find one anywhere on the net and I know it's such an old piece of equipment, my only hope is a used place. Oh well...just thought I'd ask.

Time for some protein powder (I'm using MetRx Protein) and some frozen peaches and strawberries. YUM.

cardio in the morning, yoga on Sunday and definitely free meal on Sunday night (with some GS cookies!!!)

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Old 03-09-2002, 01:57 AM   #14  
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Default Sugar Cravings!

Hello all! I've been lurking for awhile now and started BFL 3 weeks ago. The workouts hae been wonderful and I have loads of motivation as far as they go, but the food thing is killing me. I have had the worst sugar cravings since starting this program. Is this normal? And if so what do I do? I have never had sugar cravings in my life but now I'm going bananas. Once they start I want to eat candy and any thing else not nailed down, resulting in binge eating.Ahh! Please help if you can. Thanks
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Old 03-09-2002, 06:46 AM   #15  
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Default sweets, sweets and more sweets

Kassie - Hi there and welcome to the board.

(I may be disagreed with) but I find that the protein shakes really help with my sugar cravings as it is just like having a milkshake (I make mine with 0.5% milk) I really love the optimum nutrition chocolate one and the eas strawberry one is delicious too. - thats what works for me anyway. if I'm really wanting sugar I have a shake for my next meal.

Went to the speedway tonight and soo wanted a hotdog and fries, but didn't get anything, drank water and I'm sooooooo glad I did. I know I will be thankful when I do my official weigh in tomorrow morning..

i don't know about you guys but I find it really hard now to listen to people talk about these crazy diet plans (even the not so crazy ones) cos I truly feel like I have the answer now! I have to keep reminding myself that when I have proven its success then I can share it with people - but in the meantime just zip up my mouth (this is doubly effective as it keeps stupid remarks IN and bad food OUT!) and hope that they come to their senses before they waste a whole lot more time and money.
I love body for life!!

Was absolutely, completely and utterly exhausted today - combination of not enough sleep - too many things on, and getting my 'P' so i didn't even go and do my cardio which I think is the first day I've missed in five weeks. But I wil definately do it tomorrow even though its free day.

Got to run its 12.45am and I have to sing in the morning
so better get some rest or I wont be sounding so angelic - probably more ish

catch you later - Carly

Last edited by carps; 03-09-2002 at 06:57 AM.
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