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Old 11-17-2001, 05:25 PM   #1  
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Default Question about BFL..please!

I know there are seperate threads for BFL, but I wanted to post here w/ questions hoping some would respond ...I will eventually go back and read all the threads..but I had specific questions...

I have the book (somewhere)...i have to find it. I did it at one time, but quit for some reason????can't remember! Anyways..I remember some, and will read up on it..but

1. There is NO way I can get to the gym in the morning to exercise..before I had my son, yeah, but now..NO WAY!
Afternoon...3;30ish before problem!! Is that workable?

2. I am not taking any supplements b/c we plan to start trying for baby # 3 in about 4 or 5 months..I want nothing like that in my system. Is it easy to get all 5 or 6 meals in w/ food?

is there anyone just following the exercise portion and just eating healthier,not really following his diet?

Last, does 45 minutes of aerobics count? I love aerobics more than walking...

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Old 11-17-2001, 08:31 PM   #2  
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Default Hi there!

First off, feel free to post at the latest BFL thread anytime! Now on to your questions:

1. Of course, working out in the AM is preferable - for me, it prioritizes it and gets my workout out of the way every morning. But I do know a lot of people at (a GREAT place to visit for BFL info by the way!) do work out later in the day, because of work, kids or whatever. I'm not 100% certain of this, but I believe as long as you workout at least 1 hour after your last meal and wait 1 hour before eating after cardio (after strength training, you are encouraged to eat immediately afterwards) you'll be okay.

2. you do *NOT* need supplements to do BFL. A multivitamin is encouraged - but you would be taking that anyway right? BTW, meal replacements (such as Myoplex Lite) are NOT considered supplements...I usually use 2 Myo Lite shakes (NOT the bars) a day...but many people at L&S do 6 'real food' meals per day. Just stick to lean proteins, whole unprocessed carbs and lots of veggies - using the palm/fist method of measuring, and you can't go wrong!

Speaking for myself, I am doing the six meals a day. Usually no problem for me (except for yesterday - that was due to bad planning on my part!). IMHO, if you want results, you really should do BFL as outlined in the book - just commit to it for 12 weeks - read the book again (ESPECIALLY the chapter on "Crossing the Abyss" - SO important!).

As far as the 20 Minute Aerobic Solution - if you have an aerobics class that you enjoy, by all means keep doing it - but IN ADDITION to your 20 MAS. Pre-BFL, I was a total cardio bunny - 1+ hours on the elliptical 6 days a week, an INTENSE Spinning class twice a week, plus lots of cycling (and wondering why I wasn't losing weight the way I wanted to!). When you do the 20 MAS or HIIT the way it's outlined in the book, and you hit those 9's and 10's, believe me, you will hardly be able to stand at the end of 20 minutes!

Hope that helps - some of the other BFL gals may chime in here.

Another place to check is this site:
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Old 11-18-2001, 05:50 PM   #3  
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Default I'm just getting started but...

why would you follow a program that doesn't seem to suit you at all? It sounds as if you want to change everything before you start!

I don't intend to work out first thing in the morning but I have scheduled a time three hours after a meal when I can fit in my visit to the gym. I've been researching the program for six weeks so I know what to eat...six meals NOT a problem! And why on earth would Myoplex or glutamine affect your pregnancy? There are more additives in food from the grocery store than most BFL stuff. If you're organized and don't mind repeating the same meals, it could be really simple. Definitely read the messages over at Lean and Strong.

You might do better to adopt a weight training program, find a healthier eating style, etc. Maybe this plan just won't work for you right now. I know I wasn't ready for it when I ordered the book two years ago.

Best of luck to you. My signature line says it all for me.
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Old 11-18-2001, 07:14 PM   #4  
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Default adding...

I never said anything would affect my pregnancy, I simply said I didn't want anything extra like that into my system...I don't know anything about them...which is why I said that.

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Old 11-18-2001, 07:51 PM   #5  
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Default Hi Trishlyn

Just my 2 cents in answer to your questions ---

BFL does recommend doing your workouts first thing in the morning, especially your cardio. But IMO, working out anytime of the day is better than not working out, right? If you absolutely can't do your workouts in the morning, then do them when you can fit them in. Some of us find it easier to do it first just gets it out of the way and it's not hanging over your head all day. (Plus, if you're anything like me, the longer you put it off the easier it is to talk yourself out of it!) I started going to bed earlier and getting up much sooner than I used to.

I did my entire first challenge without any supplements or meal replacement shakes. The key to this is planning, planning, planning! I usually cook up a bunch of stuff on Sundays, pack it in single-serving containers and freeze and/or refrigerate it. I try to always have a meal or two on hand, both at work and home. Is it easy? Not exactly...but the more you do it, the easier it gets. And remember, a meal does not necessarily have to be a big production...a can of tuna and an apple can be a meal.

As far as just doing the BFL workouts without the nutrition plan (PLEASE don't call it a "diet"!) --- that may work for you. Depends on what you hope to accomplish. I work with a lot of people who go to the gym every night after work, but eat whatever they want. They have the "as long as I exercise, I can eat whatever I want" mentality. I've watched them for years now, and most of them are basically firm but fat people. They aren't getting the results they want, despite the hours at the gym and, in more than a few cases, the personal trainers they hire. To paraphrase the BFL book, if you're working out, what you eat matters even more!

BFL is a great program, and I would highly recommend that, if you decide to do it, you do your 1st challenge "by the book". It's not easy, but it does work. And best of luck with whatever direction you choose.

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Old 11-18-2001, 11:38 PM   #6  
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Default Right on about the nutrition!

I'd say the nutrition is at LEAST equally as important as the workouts.

Marci makes an EXCELLENT point. I see lots of people at my gym who have been daily regulars for years...they are there for at least an hour, working out...and have made absolutely no changes - and the only reason for that is that they have not changed their nutrition - they're still eating at McDonald's and Krispy Kreme - you get the picture.

Actually I eat McDonald's myself - on my Free Day! Which is one of the sheer genius points of BFL - you get a day off every week - especially during the first Challenge, knowing that you have less than a week at most before you can eat pizza, chocolate cake or whatever it is you're craving kept me eating clean during the week. Hubby Jim used to scoff - UNTIL he saw the results - now he LOVES my Free Day - after years of my diet phobias of not eating this or that, Free Day means Freedom to choose! But by day's end, it is so great to wake up the next morning and eat chicken breasts, veggies, fruits, rice etc just taste so good!
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Old 11-19-2001, 01:27 AM   #7  
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Another BFLer signing in.

The strenuous workouts of BFL demand some kind of nutrional plan that will build and not eat up lean muscle. The rhythm of glycogen and insulin and all those other things that affect fat loss and lean muscle gain are taken into account with the portion size (fist/palm) and the frequency (5-6 meals a day). It all works together. To do the workouts without the proper nutrition is to court injury.

If you commit to one challenge, you will learn so much about how this all works together.

I don't take any supplements except meal replacement protein drinks (not really supplements), a multivitamin and l-glutamine and I believe you can take l-glutamine if you're pregnant. You can check with your dr.

I don't always work out in the a.m. and I never do a weight training on an empty stomach...I usually eat a light meal and work out with weights an hour later.

If you haven't read the book, it will help a lot to do so. Read Crossing the Abyss and then decide. If you decide to do it, join us on the BFL thread!!!

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