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Vickie 12-11-2005 09:07 PM

Well, here I am back after my shower and talking to my Sister. Jim is wrapping my presents so I think I'll go watch another Christmas movie.

Melissa, it's funny that we were posting at the same time. Your day sounds really restful. Too bad you and Aaron are not feeling on top of your games. I certainly understand how that feels. I love the idea of the picture for your Grandmother with a beautiful frame. What about gift certificates of time. Like you and she spend the afternoon together at the show and have lunch or have a girls day out shopping and lunch. Hmmmm.....everything involves food. I'll keep thinking.

septembersgoal 12-11-2005 09:15 PM

Thanks for the suggestions Vickie. I think I'll go with the picture. Those are the things she really likes anyway. I thought about sending her for a manicure but I don't know how she would like that! Have fun watching your movie. Christmas is sneaking up on me more quickly than I thought it would. I have actually been fairly prepared this year as far as cards and gifts go but I haven't had time to do lots of the Christmasey activities that I wanted. I'm going to make time though. I hope that you are feeling well and enjoy the rest of your evening.

I think I'm going to head to the shower for awhile. DH is working on a website that he is doing for a local business, and I'm feeling restless. I got a gift in the mail today that I need to wrap but it is going to be tricky, as I don't have a box for it. I'll have to ponder that. Anyway, I'm also pondering a way to jumpstart my motivation. DH and I just came back in from walking the dog and he was talking about how much he wants to lose weight to help with his BP and other various problems. I know that if we can both get disciplined and have some willpower that we will do well. It's just committing, I guess. I'm definitely going to quit buying some of the things that I've been getting for "him" though. I think I'll put him on core without him knowing it. :lol:

Froufy 12-11-2005 11:10 PM

Hi there,

Starting to snow here again - yuck!!!

Vickie - hope you get all your gifts in time - sounds like the wrapping is going well?

yes - this year chanukah and xmas end up very well synchronized - altho chanukah lasts 8 nights and we light the menorah (an 8 slot candlebra) for each of the 8 nights - traditional food is potata pancakes (latkes) fried in oil of course!

We generally give gifts altho not really a high holiday in the jewish religion so not a big focus on gift giving or otherwise.

So much for the nutritionist talk yesterday as I began stuffing my face early today and went very overboard at dinner tonight! We were out shopping this afternoon - yes I got dd her "hoodie" and some other stuff - we did stop to get a cappuccino chiller to drink - very yummy and fatteining I'm sure!

Then dh and I went out for dinner tonight to the new neighborhood Milestone's (replacing the previous Outback) - very fancy shmancy - and filled w/people - having only been open for 2 weeks.

Had to have the signature Bellini drink - then we shared the spinach dip and I had the fire grilled salmon w/garlic mashed pototoes and veggies - we also had wine - so when I left I was suitably bloated! Thankully we had no room for dessert.

I still feel full and very thirsty and my fish tasted pretty salty to me. Need to drink some water and get to bed soon!


Katpo 12-12-2005 08:35 AM

Morning, chickies. How's everybody doing today?

Me -- not so grand. You can see by my ticker that the scale was up this morning, so I decided to go for broke. I went to Jack-in-the-Box and got food, then ate it all. LOL! That'll show 'em! Or ... er ... show me? Um, wait! That's not how it's supposed to work!

So the next meal is my startover time. Two weeks of clean living and Christmas Day I might allow a snack or two. I'm making a list of food I want when I reach my 145 goal, so maybe that'll be incentive enough to make me stay on plan. The main one is that darn steak finger basket from Dairy Queen. Do you guys have those? Ugh -- if they don't stop playing the commercial for it, I'm going to have a nervous breakdown.


Vickie 12-12-2005 09:22 AM

Good Morning Chickies! I only have a moment because I have to eat, shower, and go to WW.

Too bad we don't live closer to each other, Melissa. I've got plenty of boxes. I buy them after Christmas when they're are reduced and I start saving the brown shipping ones in October. Yeah, I'm nuts....but I always have the boxes I need. Hope you're feeling better today.

Frouf, it sounds like you ate alot but sort of healthy? Of course, your beverage list sounded quite dangerous! Today is a new day.

Kathy, God Help Me but I LOVE Jack in the Box. They aren't in the Chicago area any more. I'm sure I'm still carting around a couple of their items on my body. I used to love the Breakfast Jacks, Bonus Jacks, and tacos. I could drool at the thought of them. Whenever I'd get sent to Dallas for work, I'd make sure to visit a Jack in the Box. We do have Dairy Queens here but I guess I haven't seen the commericial. Actually, I don't see hardly any commercials since we DVR everything and Jim usually fast forwards through the commercials. It's actually pretty funny. I'll go to the store and find something new and cool. I'll call my Niece to tell her about this new item and find out it's been out for months and I just didn't know because I never see commercials. Pretty funny. Seriously, though, I'm really proud to hear that you are getting back on the wagon with the next meal. I think so often we write off a whole day or week because of one blown meal. You'll be back to 148 in no time.

Well, gotta go! Don't know when I'll be back as I have a VERY full day planned of shopping and errands.

Have a great Core day.

septembersgoal 12-12-2005 09:25 AM

Frouf, start chugging that water! :D

Kathy, don't let the scale get you down. You are still very close to your goal! I haven't seen that DQ commercial and hope that I don't! I'm a sucker for fried food. Um...Jack in the Box...yum. ;)

I'm hoping to have two weeks of "clean living" too. :tree: I'm off to an okay start, but I just had my oatmeal and I'm already hungry! I think it is mental/emotional from being at work. :p

Well I guess I'd better get to work. It is snowing pretty heavily here today, but it isn't very icy which is good. They said on the radio that it wasn't going to accumulate very much but it looks like it is to me! :coolsnow:

septembersgoal 12-12-2005 09:28 AM

Vickie, good luck with all of your errands today. You didn't mention feeling badly so maybe you aren't in too much pain today? Or is that wishful thinking?
Thanks for offering your boxes. ;) I was saving shipping boxes but I ordered a cap for my step-father and they mailed it in a large envelope! So I don't have a box to fit it very well. I was very surprised that it didn't come in a box.

OK enough rambling, off to work! :candy:

Vickie 12-12-2005 09:30 AM

Melissa, be careful driving in the snow. It's clear here and I'm grateful because I have all those errands to do. If you are a stress eater then it's no surpise that you're hungry at work. Terrible place. My holiday wish for you is that you get out of there.

Hey Frouf, I noticed that you spelled Chanukah instead of Hannukah. Is it just personal preference? And by the way, I've had traditional latkes and they are fabulous.

Vickie 12-12-2005 09:31 AM

Thanks for asking, Melissa! I'm much better than Saturday but not great. I'm hoping the exercise of my errands will help.

Katpo 12-12-2005 09:47 AM


septembersgoal 12-12-2005 10:08 AM

Thanks for the info Kathy. :stardav:

Vickie, thanks for your holiday wish! :wreath: I would love for that one to come true.

I'm trying very hard to remain positive and upbeat today! But I do think I'm going to have to eat some applesauce. I'm really hungry.

Italy 12-12-2005 11:11 AM

Hello :)

How are You? :^:

It`s just 2 day on Core plan,but I think that Core plan is very good,I can eat my favourite dishes,I haven`t count nothing (just except foods points which aren`t core ) It`s really amazing,and I had lost 2 lb. :dizzy:

septembersgoal 12-12-2005 11:25 AM

Italy, that's great! Congrats! I was just looking at your menu. I don't know what kind of bread you are eating, but are you counting points for it and the rice cakes? I don't know of any breads that are core. But it sounds like you are doing a great job!

Italy 12-12-2005 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by septembersgoal
Italy, that's great! Congrats! I was just looking at your menu. I don't know what kind of bread you are eating, but are you counting points for it and the rice cakes? I don't know of any breads that are core. But it sounds like you are doing a great job!

Thank you ,for greeting :)
Yes,I counting points for bread ,and rice cakes.But I`m not sure or fat free curd is core food?

Katpo 12-12-2005 01:23 PM

If curd is what I think it is -- sort of like cottage cheese -- I'd say yes, it's Core (the fat-free version, that is).

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