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ontarget 12-06-2005 08:35 PM

just looked at my temp thingee. it's 7*. curtis and i are about to hop into the hot tub. if you don't hear from me again, just know that i died in the nude outside. lol now would that make the news or what? we'd look like marg and homer simpson in that episode at the mini golf place. sorry. i couldn't resist typing this. if it's not dark enough out, we'll be wearing suits.

angela, i hope everything comes out all right. just keep pumping that fiber.

(it's supposed to get to -10* tonight and tomorrow's high is to be 10*.

septembersgoal 12-06-2005 08:39 PM

Ok, warning about the smoothie!!
I tried to make it, but I put too much milk I think. Also, I put WAY too much peppermint extract. I've never used it before and had no idea how powerful it was. Also, I think it would only be good with a candy cane in it, for the little bit of sugar. I don't know, maybe Vickie can come up with a good way to do it. But I took one taste and threw it out! :p

septembersgoal 12-06-2005 08:45 PM

OK Sandra, TMI! :lol: Just kidding. That sounds so great. When we went to Gatlinburg we had a hot tub, but it was indoors. When I was in high school we had one and I used to love to look at the stars at night in the tub!

Angela, good luck with that! Yikes! I've never heard of a child doing (or NOT doing) that!

Vickie, I'm so glad that you pampered yourself today. A new 'do and a great meal. Sounds like a good day.

I skipped my bible study meeting tonight. I just wasn't in the mood. DH is still sick, so I thought that I should stay home and tend to him. Of course now he is working on a website! Oh well, I tried. I'm very tired, so I'm going to try to go to bed early.
They are calling for a fairly big snow here on Thursday. If it snows a lot, it better just go ahead and snow me in! I hate having to get out in it, but I love to stay at home and watch it snow. ;)

Katpo 12-06-2005 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by aghiowa
Anyway, I'm plugging along here.

No pun intended, I'm sure!


Originally Posted by ontarget
angela, i hope everything comes out all right.

:rofl: Stop it! You're killing me!! Good luck with the potty training. I don't envy you!

Vickie, you do sound a little better! Maybe it's the new look but whatever it is, I hope the mental state continues to improve.

Melissa, you can stay home on Thursday. Tell them I said it was okay.

Sandra, that was pretty funny, girl! I must say I had to laugh at that one, picturing waking up in the morning and seeing the headline in the Weird News section -- "Naked Couple Freezes in Mid-Run While Dashing from Hot Tub to House" ... or something like that.

I'm irritated so I need to go to bed and talk to myself. It's not about exercise, or about eating, or even about ME! It's about Shaun. He's going to be the death of me yet. :lol: Drama queen, aren't I?

Off to bed now. Night, all!

Vickie 12-06-2005 10:39 PM

Sandra, I hope you're having fun and that you don't catch your death.

Angela, kids are all about having control at that age. I hope everyting turns out all right in the end. (Pun Intended! ;) )(Stop laughing, Kathy!) Seriously, I hope the little cutie doesn't make herself sick. Sheesh. I believe you're back on track. Keep it up!

Melissa, I missed that Aaron was sick. Hope he's better soon. We made the smoothie. It was pretty good and we were able to drink it. Everything I've ever made with peppermint extract has been kind of strong. I was beginning to think that my extract is old or something. Can it expire? Anyway, the consistency of our smoothie was fabulous. I think I'd like to try it again with some sugar free candy canes and maybe no extract. This is what I did. I always make a double recipe for me and Jim.

2 cups skim
1 package SF/FF white chocolate pudding
4 packets splenda (I think this was necessary because of the extract)
1/8 teaspoon peppermint extract
4 tablespoons FF cool whip
12 ice cubes


Vickie 12-06-2005 10:49 PM

Kath, I hate to hear that you're not happy. If Shaun is going to keep staying with you, I wish he'd at least stop upsetting you. He should realize how lucky he is.

Vickie 12-06-2005 11:20 PM

This is the death notice for our friend. So sad. I could really stress eat now but I'm going to try not to. http://www.legacy.com/dailysouthtown...sonId=15887408

Vickie 12-07-2005 08:39 AM

Hmmm.....last post last night, first post this morning. It's a drag that most of you have to work and can't play here on the boards.

I've got alot to do today. I think today will be spent making phone calls and orgainizing Christmas presents. I need to get everthing in boxes and organized. That's always a big job for me. I also have to return the outfit I bought for Christmas from QVC so now I need to go shop too. Not today.

I'll be popping in today. Talk to you all later. Have a great Core day.

Katpo 12-07-2005 09:01 AM

Do some for me too! It does stink that I'm having to work because there are lots and lots of things not getting done! Have a good day and hurry back.

I don't feel too swell today. I wonder why?

Vickie 12-07-2005 09:50 AM

Kath, I'm guessing that your larger Coke today is related to your stress with Shaun?

Katpo 12-07-2005 10:03 AM

I was thinking that it was going to take me a long time to get to work this morning because we're having freezing rain and I have a lot of overpasses ... so I figured I might as well entertain myself along the way!! I should have taken a big cup of hot cocoa instead.

I left him a note to call me. We'll see if he does.

Vickie 12-07-2005 10:09 AM

Well, that's wonderful that it was a calculated rational decision and not an emotional one.

I'm off to my budget now!

Vickie 12-07-2005 03:22 PM

Wow, you are all working entirely too hard. No one but me has posted since 9:09 this morning! Sheesh. Now I have to go back to work. You guys didn't give me much of a break.

Kathy, I hope you didn't get real sick.

Katpo 12-07-2005 04:21 PM

I don't feel well but it's nothing that some chocolate covered cherries won't fix. Yes, I stopped at the store on the way home and got some. I've been working longer hours so I left early today to get a few things done around the house. One is a little "invention" that I'm working on. Hopefully when I'm done, Judd will take a picture of it and I'll show you. It is a crocheted neck scarf. Nuttin' new, huh? This one is about 10 inches long and has a button. It overlaps in front just an inch or so and buttons around your neck. It's like the turtle part of a turtle neck. I started thinking -- I always think, you know -- about scarves and how if you're not wrapping them around you a few times, the hangydown parts get in the way. I thought why not just make something to go right around the neck and nothing more? This weekend I'll go to JoAnns and get some ultra-swanky buttons (rhinestones?) to dress them up a bit. If they work out, I might make some for the SILs, MIL, my mom, coworkers, etc. for Christmas. Heck, why not? It could be a nifty thing to have, and is also small enough to fit in a coat pocket unlike a regular neck scarf. Okay if you've read this far, thanks. That must have been pretty boring.

The house smelled good today because the pinto beans are cooking nicely in the crockpot. I added an envelope of Lipton onion soup mix.

Poor widdle Zuki had his cone on when I got here and looked mighty uncomfortable, so I took it off and now he's sound asleep (snoring!) in the recliner beside me. It's a little hard to type with my elbows so close into my sides, but he needs some lovin'. Precious, who usually sleeps in the spot where Zuki is now but takes up 1/3 of the room, is having to sleep on the couch but she's curled up really tiny on the couch. When she's curled up like that, she's about the size of a saucer. Such a teeny cutie! Kate's friends make fun of her (call her a rat) but I tell them HEY! She didn't stand in line and pick out her size - it's how she was born so LEAVE HER ALONE! :lol: Kids!

Frouf, come-out-come-out-wherever-you-are!!!!

ontarget 12-07-2005 06:44 PM

i know i'm normally a positive person, but i need to talk negative a minute here. i am having a very difficult time staying on core today. i am eating wayyyyyy too much. i am going to go back on flex for awhile but try to eat mainly core. i just need to count points i guess.

now that i've said that i'll jump back into my positive clothes.

melissa, these men and their illnesses. we passed up on going to a bluegrass thingee last night with friends cuz curtis was sick. well, he's looked pretty well to me and we did hot tub. i don't think he was very sick.

kathy, i hope shaun gets things straight soon. he's too old to be causing you this kind of grief. it sounds teenage-ish, doesn't it? hang in there.

vickie, i didn't get back here last night cuz i was addressing christmas cards. curtis and i made it back into the house without incident. one time i accidentally locked him out. thank goodness he had on swim trunks that time. he's used to living with "lucy." bless his heart. i'm finished with shopping/wrapping. we've even mailed our packages to texas already. now it's kind of lonesome and non-holidayish around here.

kathy, i hope your roads were all right today. those ice storms are awful down there. it is 1* here right now. brrrrr let us know how your scarves turn out. yes, i read it all. i am impressed with your talent. i still haven't finished that first darned potholder. my friend couldn't figure it out either. did you use a crochet hook/thread? i don't have any. maybe i need to get some and figure out what to do next. :lol:

frouf? where are you? you can't be doing any worse than i am. come back here. we need you!!!

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