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Old 03-09-2009, 07:48 AM   #1  
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Default Weekly Chat: March 9-March 16

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Last edited by Tejas; 03-09-2009 at 07:48 AM.
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Old 03-09-2009, 07:50 AM   #2  
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Good Morning Everyone!

I forgot to say Happy International Women's Day yesterday. It's a real event here in Canada and in Europe. I don't think it is very acknowledged down south of here??

The movers come at 9AM and I get my LR back. That might help the because the spot where I use my DVD's has been full of boxes for months.

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Old 03-09-2009, 09:19 AM   #3  
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I just wanted to get on here and say GOOD MORNING to everyone.
Waiting on a load of clothes to finish washing. Then I might do another load. And then I have a few cups and spoons to wash up. Then it will probably be about time to go to town. I need to make a couple of stops before WW.
It is windy here today. In fact it was windy most of the night. Had just a little bit of rain last night. Suppose to get some more mabybe this morning. But so far nothing.

VICKIE Hope you have a good day. Did you get a Dr appt yet. Keep you in my prayers.

BEACHBUM how are you.

TEJAS did you move. Or just having boxed moved out that packed up.

ONTARGET hope you are doing alright. And feeling better.

Well I have to go. Hubby is hunting for something and cant find it. So have to go help him.
I am thinking of everyone.
Have a great day everyone.

Last edited by coco99; 03-09-2009 at 09:20 AM.
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Old 03-09-2009, 09:27 AM   #4  
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Good Morning Chicks! I'll be back after I get some Doctor's appointments scheduled.
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Old 03-09-2009, 09:45 AM   #5  
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Happy Monday everyone. Its snowing here - the good thing is that tomorrow is going to be in the 40s so it should all melt. Good thing -- I'm done with winter. The weekend was so nice here -- in the 60s both days.. Went to dinner at mil's yesterday - had a nice turkey dinner. I did well food wise. I did have a piece of apple pie though...... oh well. Its a new day.

Tracie - welcome back! I've been following momentum for a while - I definatly needed to get my portions back into line. I did switch to the simply filling a couple weeks ago and just switched back to counting points. I was falling into bad habits -- if I ate too many non core foods I would just not write anything down. I'm doing better working with my 23 points per day and sticking to filling foods.

Maryann - how is your weather? Giant snow flakes here!

Vickie - is today wi day at JC? I hope things go well.

Coco -- good luck at ww today.

Well, got to get moving. Hit to everyone else!!
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Old 03-09-2009, 11:18 AM   #6  
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Coco...just had packed boxes moved. We won't be moving to Texas until the summer, at the earliest. If the house sells, we go. If it doesn't sell, we will go at least by late October, leaving the house here and renting in Texas until next spring...
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Old 03-09-2009, 12:28 PM   #7  
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I'm delighted. I lost 2.2 this week for a total of 15.4.

And, I have an appointment with my new Internist for 4:15 today. So I should have some information soon. Besides the kidney values, my triglycerides and LDL are high. Sigh. Diet and exercise should help some of this so I'm doing the best that I can.

I'll be back later.

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Old 03-09-2009, 12:48 PM   #8  
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Hi All!! Thanks for the awesome welcome back!!

This is my 3rd day back op and I must say, I'm starving. I made a smoothie this morning with frozen strawberries, ff milk(1 cup) and a banana and drank it on my way to work(7:30 am). Then I drank a bottle of water and an hour later my stomache was growling very loudly! So I made two slices of toast(good thing I brought them) using low fat whole wheat bread and light butter (2 points for the whole thing) waiting until 9:30 so I could make it to lunch and by noon I was again starving. I am eating lunch as I am typing which consists of a salad with lettuce & carrots and fat free croutons and fat free dressing. Also some tuna salad made with ff mayo stuffed in 1/2 ww pita(zero points for the pita). Also drinking a bottle of water with my lunch. I have grapes and an apple for a snack later. I don't know if I can keep up this momentum program but I'm going to try and stick it out for a few weeks, at least. It's just really hard. And it's not even the journaling, I just feel like I'm so hungry all the time. Everything you eat, you have to count and I don't like that. I prefer the simply filling technique.

Tejas, as far as I know, we don't have an International Women's day here is the US.

Coco, what is his bucket? You mentioned you got your son some things for his bucket. I'm just wondering.

Vickie, wtg on the loss! We can do this!

Paula, we are supposed to get some snow this week too. I was hoping we had seen the last of snow for this winter. Apparantly not.

Well, catch up with you all later. Got to get back to work.
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Old 03-09-2009, 01:05 PM   #9  
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Vickie, You are doing fantastically. I am so happy for you.

Rhonda, I'm getting excited about your moving back to Texas. I hope your home sells quickly and you can make a smooth transition.

Tracie, it's so good to have you back here. Starting Tuesday I'll be relosing everything I'd lost. Right now, I am "faking it." I'm rejoining WW Tuesday and will put a lot of focus on WW.

Coco, how did wi go? Thank you for asking about me. I'm feeling much more like my old mean self. Life is good.

I'm heading into town in a bit with a clump of daffodils for my nurse. She asked about planting some. My grandmother always said, "The best time to plant something is when you can get it." I don't think that applies where there is snow.
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Old 03-09-2009, 04:06 PM   #10  
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Hey chickies! I'm still alive, but just barely. I've had a ragin' cold/bronchitis for two weeks now, and I'm still not fully recovered. I missed four days of school, so I'm really behind. It was so good to skim all of your posts! I hope that someday I'll be back on here faithfully. In the meantime, you all hang in there!!!
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Old 03-09-2009, 05:24 PM   #11  
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Hey, wow, first Tracie, now Sloanie. Missed you Chickies. So where's Sammi and Donna?

Tracie, your body will get used to it again...probably in just a few days...hang in there. go girl!!!!

We're very tired around here today...DH is sleeping:


Last edited by Tejas; 03-09-2009 at 05:28 PM.
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Old 03-09-2009, 10:32 PM   #12  
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Hi Everyone
Well weigh in did not go well. I gained 1/2 a pound. I am really bummed about it. So I am going to really track this week. Guess I was eating more than I thought. I am so upset. And I had been drinking my water. The only day I didnt get much in was yesterday.

SLOANIE Hope you are feeling better Glad you posted.

BLESSEDWITHSARAH The turkey dinner sounds nice. I have a turkey breast in the freezer. Maybe I will fix that one day this week.

ONTARGET Glad you are feeling better.

VICKIE CONGRATS ON THE LOSS. That is awesome. You are really doing great. Hope some of that rubs off on me. How did the DR's appt go. I know when hubby's triglycerides were up. We started to watch the sugar intake. And it helped him. Thinking of you.

TWESTRA I got me one pack of the WW smoothie mix tonight. Have you ever tried those. I got a vanilla chai. But I forgot to look and see how many points it is. And if I make it with milk or water. I think if i make it with water it is core. I dont know. Will have to try and find out before I make it. Or if I make it I will count 3 points for it. 2 for the milk and 1 for the mix. I know you and I think Blessedwithsarah asked about my sons bucket. It is what he takes his lunch in. He uses a small igloo cooler. We just always called it a bucket. I guess some call it a lunch pail. But that is what it is.

TEJAS Hope you get rested up.
Well I guess I will get off here for now.
Just checking in.
Will check in tomorrow.
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Old 03-10-2009, 04:03 AM   #13  
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Can't sleep...

Made 2 dishes for a lady in our church who lost her husband
this week. He was snow skiing with his 14 year old son and had a heart attack. The poor son isn't eating so everyone is sending his favorite meals.
I fixed the same for our dinner and it was like ANTI-CORE food!!!

I have a busy day tomorrow and I am going to need alot of

Sloanie...glad you are getting well. You left me in the dust with our competition but I am glad for you!!

Coco... 1/2 pound could be a lot of things... You may be on track
and see results next week.

I am going to try to sleep...
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Old 03-10-2009, 09:13 AM   #14  
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Morning Everyone
Just thought I would get on here before I got busy.
Got several things to do today.

NANCY237 Sorry about your friend lossing her hubby. Hope you got some sleep.

Guess we are to get some rain today. It is starting to look like it.
I hope we do.We really need it. It is so dry. Been having several field fires around. Cant believe people would try and burn stuff with as dry as it is and the wind blowing.
Well I am going to get off here.
Just wanted to tell everyone GOOD MORNING.
I am thinking of each of you.
Will be back later.
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Old 03-10-2009, 09:41 AM   #15  
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HI Ladies

Well I got to jury duty OK even if it was[6:45] early in the morning, with rain & glare of the incoming traffic.The rotary was as scary as I though it would be no traffic.and arrive at the courthouse at 7:45. The waiting around for a trial was the hardest & frustrating thing to do. After 2 hrs they moved 25 people me included to the district court and we waiting another 2 hrs when the judge came in to tell us the there were no trials here but the bailiff told us he wasn't sure that the superior court did need us. So we waited around to that until noon,and we let go.

This morning I got on the scale and I'm up 1.5.Will I ever lose this weight.Going down to 1300-1500 this month and see what happens.

Have you thought about peanut butter for breakfast on some toast? I've heard it has a lot of protein.
I do use PB in the morning with a banana in A WW Eng Muffin.

Maryann, I got tickled at your talking about tunafish for bfast.
I don't think I could eat that like my DD does. When I was ow carbing I had turkey and meats but ever fish.

I woke up with a rotten headache. After taking sudefed and caffiene and
and using a cold pack it went away.
I can sympathize with you.I get this migraine headaches also.Had on last month.Glad they went away.

the carb queen has done worse that last night.
I tried lowing my grain carbs but to no success. I rather just eat them but only in portion sizes. Have to find my balance.

TRACIE-Welcome back.
I rejoined ww yesterday and gained 20 pounds back. But my leader told me if I wanted to start the simply filling plan before the 6th week, just ask and they will give me the materials early.
Oh My sorry about the gain.One thing I don't understand is why you just can't start the core foods the first day and not have to wait until the 6 week. That why I quite WW and doing on my own. Hope you stay awhile as I missed you and the rest of the old gang.

Now for the new week.I told you that I gained and now I back to where my doctor saw me last. Going down to 1300 and using a strike portion control plan. when my WW food scale.

COCO-I'm fine the ordeal of the rotary is now behind me,and now it my weight that I have to control. Sorry about your 1/2 gain its probably nothing that you done its more of a fluctuation of water or other retention,please don't Kick yourself for it.

PAULA-It stated to rain when I went to the courthouse and buy the time I came out, we had a down pour and it was hard to see, but the time I got home[45m later] the ice started and than big flakes of snow.Just sticking to the trees grass and patio furniture..The morning the snow is gone.

VICKIE-BIG CONGRATS on your 2.2 and total of 15.4 you're really doing terrific on the JC program.I see you change your ticker, the fisst 15 are gone Yipee!!!Very proud of you.

TRACIE-How many points are you on???? When I was going to the meeting my leader told me to stay on my 1000 c [20p]per day and it was too low for me now I'm counting calories. I really think you should be starting the simple foods now before you hit a plateau. Just a thought.

SLOAN-Its so good to see the old gang again Welcome back. Sorry about your bronchitis,that's a bummer,with all that coughing.

NANCY-Sorry about your friend losing her DH.That was a good turn cooking for her.

Got to go have my breakfast,Will come back later
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