300+ And Ready to Try Again...#980

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  • Hi everyone .. well .. its definitely been 36 hours I could have lived without ... but I havent sabotaged myself too much I dont think .. actually .. Im down 100g lol .. anyway .. my daughter (she is 15 as of Aug 3) decided to ditch school again yesterday .. and instead of coming home she went missing!!! So I had the police out looking for her, rang every friend I could find in her mobile phone and nothing .. I was so upset last night I missed dinner completely and nibbled on a bit of the rotisserie chicken I did for the dogs and cat (spoilt critters I have) .. but it was the breast piece with no skin so not too bad I dont think?? Anyway .. I didnt sleep last night ... my laptop died so I have to take it in to the shop on the weekend ... Im feeling pretty tired now but fortunately at 2.30pm today Ash was located. She really doesnt want to go to school any more thinks she can do correspondence school or get a job .. so now we have to go to the school to see what they say .. in NZ you have to be 16 before you are allowed to leave school .. she is not happy about that and really doesnt want to go back ...

    I dont think I have sabotaged my diet as such .. I just havent eaten .. I couldnt eat not knowing where she was .. I also havent drunk my water .. so Im a little behind .. but at least I didnt go out and buy a bunch of chocolate I suppose. So Im feeling a little numb right now .. and very tired .. I have asked a friend of Ashleighs to come around and she is going to stay the night and go to school with Ash in the morning .. I dont know if I want to smack her or hug her and never let her go really ... sometimes it sucks being a parent.... but tomorrow is another day .. and I dont think it can be any worse than the last 2 days ... cripes it better not be .. I wasnt budgeting on getting any more hair dye this week!!

    Tonight I am going to be a little naughty I suppose .. I have ordered a pizza hut pizza for the girls and might nick a slice .. I think I can afford the kilojoules lol .. but will stop at 1 and have a nice salad with it I know I feel more relaxed now that Ash is home .. but now Im ready to go to sleep... just a few more hours then bed

    I notice I missed a birthday!! Sorry about that .. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PATTI .. I hope it was a lovely one!

    Good job to those that are staying OP and have had NSVs ... helps to keep me focusing .. I was actually thinking of giving up JC and just counting calories .. Im sure I can do it and it would be cheaper .. will have to see tho .. might give it another couple of weeks just to be sure

    Huggies all

  • Nightkatt - so sorry to hear about your last couple of days! I'm glad your daughter was found after all of that. You should get some good sleep tonight and then tomorrow you will feel much better I am sure of it.

    Darn there's this phone ringing sound that keeps going off here, but the ad for the phone thing went away - does anyone else get that too?
  • Good Morning Ladies: Hi to you all and I hope you are all well.

    Valerie: Thanks for the Curves info. I think I will check it out.

    Kimpossible: I don't know anything about yoga, but I always thought it was about sitting in meditative thought. Or going "Oooommmm".
    Really. Do you have to bend like "Gumby"? I would love to know more.
  • Good Morning All,

    It's only early here but I woke at 5.30, tossed and turned for an hour and got fed up of doing that, so decided to use my time productively and did some emailing. Now I am here catching up with all of you. I have to wake the tribe up in an hour because we are GOING OUT Ok so it's only to the shops, but for the first time in two weeks Beth and I are going out. Daren and Caleigh have been out a few times in that two weeks, to the shops and what not, but now we can all go out

    Brenda - I am not keen on brown rice at all, but the chicken, cauli and broccoli would have gone down a treat, yum

    Missy - no, not transparent at all, It's just as I was reading what you wrote it made me think of myself and all the times I have tried to convince myself it's ok to have a treat when I knew that it wasn't what I really wanted to do. I just knew you would do the same as me and not give in

    Sorry the scales weren't nice to you, but at least you know why, the extra sodium. I hope next time you get on the scales they make up for being mean last time!

    Kimberly - sorry that the muffin wasn't nice, it's horrible when you have to waste calories by trying to eat something yucky! Thank goodness lunch was much nicer. I think you are great keeping a positive attitude and realising that you can make a list of all the nutrisystem food you like and just order that in future rather than the horrible things like muffins!

    Valerie - aaah, after I read my post I thought it might sound like I was saying that you should be inspired by Zelma. I know you already are, what I was trying to get across was that I knew how you felt when you met that lady in Curves because I feel the same way about Zelma

    I am glad that Steega didn't hurt his leg by doing something nasty, I had visions of him taking a jump and landing weirdly and breaking his leg. Mind you, I guess if you knew what caused the problem at least you could make sure it didn't happen again, so it must be upsetting that he got such an injury from just everyday life. I hope the continued care he is getting will get him to recover quickly.

    I didn't see Dr Phil, but boy that bloke that was on with his wife sounds like a real jerk. Kind of reminds me of my ex. Ok so I am sure I was a lot fatter than the woman on the show, but still, I got dumped for not looking like my ex wanted me to!

    Sorry, never heard of Adrian Paul I have heard of Highlander though, but only the films not a TV series. If I ever hear the guys name mentioned in anything though I shall be sure to let you know.

    Angie - sorry I can't help you out with the rice question. I always eat white rice when I do have any. My therapist always harps on about quinoa though, that's supposed to be really good for you and a good rice/pasta subsitute.

    I rarely have the volume switched on when I am online, so not sure if I have ever had the ringing noise. I get phone ads, still got them, but no sound effects with them when I do have my volume on.

    Newsnerd - you've got a deal, if I get to your neck of the woods I shall be looking you up Actually I am determined to go to the USA at some stage after I have reached my ultimate goal, and I want to travel around and meet all my online friends that have shared my weight loss journey. Talk about the ultimate reward

    Katt - oh boy you sure have had a rough few days haven't you. I really am sorry, it's so hard being a mum sometimes isn't it. What you must have been going through when she was missing and you had to phone the police, it doesn't bare thinking about I am just glad she is home safe and sound now. I think you are wise going to the school to talk about letting her leave. Ok so she isn't old enough, but what point is there in them making her stay if she is just going to wag anyway! Far better for her to learn from home or get a job if that is what she really wants. Why doesn't she like school, is she bullied or does she just not like the 'establishment' do you know? Good on you for still not pigging out, keep strong, you will be so proud of yourself and happy that you did

    Norma - lol about your comment on Yoga and asking if you have to bend like 'Gumby' I thought yoga was a meditative thing as well, but that you had to get into weird and wonderful positions to do it

    Ok well it's time for me to wake the family and then go have breakfast. So take care all, have a great day and I will hopefully write more when I get home later


  • Ammi - Thanks, I hope I make up for it next week, too!!

    Hi Ladies - Got in another walk today...29 minutes, for a total of 48 minutes today...my goal is 60 now....so not too happy about it, but at least it was something and my calories are in check! Around 2pm I felt a headache coming on...by 3pm I had a full blown doozy of a migraine...I had to turn off my bedroom light, and put my head down in my pillow to try to subside it...ended up falling asleep and woke up with it still hurting! But I found my Tylonel around 10pm took some, and it's slooooowly getting better. Well, I'm off...quality time with DH and maybe some strength training.
    Stay OP chickies!!

  • Hi, Katt I thought I had it rough with my kids!!! Has she said anything about why she hates school so much? Does she think work will be great??? If you can I would let her get a week-end job or evening one, she might decide that school isn't so bad! Have the teachers said anything about her, maybe it's a teacher or specific lesson she hates? I know it's hard but FOOD ISN'T THE ANSWER!! says me!! every time something goes really wrong I reach for an alcoholic drink or chocolate or both !!!lolxxxxx
    Ammi, FREEDOM at last, lol! Enjoy your day out.xxxx
    Valerie, which horse is Steega, the old Morab or another one? Glad it'd not Gabriel (is that horrible of me? ) I thought you'd loaned your other horses out. Hope he gets well soon.xxxxx
    I am hoping to walk into town today and back, which will be the first time since I hurt my ankle, fingers crossed, I will make it. Though if it rains we'll get the bus there.
    Patti, a belated **HAPPY*BIRTHDAY**apologies for being so self absorbed and busy. Hope you had a fantastic dayXXXXX
    Angie I always HATED brown rice but the secret is to rinse it really well and not overcook it, once you master that it's much nicer. Nancy told me they do brown Basmati rice which is apparently really nice.xxxx
    Got to go & clear their mess up and get out for my walk.
  • Nightkatt-- Big hugs to you...I can't even imagine the stress of a missing child! Thank goodness she's been found, and hopefully you guys can work through the school issue. I didn't know many teens in high school who actually liked school...it's just one of those facts of life But at least she is in her final year, right?

    Valerie--mmm...Adrian Paul... I used to watch Highlander every day with my dad (when they started showing the repeats on USA every evening), and I have the soundtrack on my iPod. Maybe these aren't the sorts of things I should be admitting to...

    Melissa--glad your migraine is improving. I've never had them, but I had a roommate in college who had them multiple times a week, and my mother occasionally gets "ocular migraines" (something to do with a nerve behind her eye), so I know they can be brutal. Here's hoping it disappears today completely and doesn't make a return appearance anytime soon

    Abbey--I just eat instant brown rice. I find with the instant, the cooking times are more exact, so I don't overcook it. It's never seemed very mushy to me. Then again, I don't eat it very often, and I don't actually care for white rice (tastes like little white pellets of NOTHING to me ). Sorry I can't be more helpful!

    Ammi--have fun on your day out! Even if it's "just to the shops," going out together is good. Jeff and I went miniature golfing on Saturday, and you'd think it was the first time we hermits had left our house in a year, we had so much fun. The change of atmosphere can do wonders

    kimpossible--I'm glad your lunch was redeeming after that muffin! I think you've got the right idea to try everything so you can only order what you like in the future. Such discipline to be on NutriSystem...even for just one day, you're doing great!

    Well, it's now been 9 days of sticking solidly to my eating plan. After tomorrow, I'm supposed to take 3 days off and eat whatever I want. I'm scared I know I will eat things that are bad whether you're on a diet or not (MAN, I want some ice cream ), but hopefully we will mostly eat out, so I can order a single dessert or whatever instead of having a whole half gallon of ice cream sitting at home to tempt me. Oh, and I'm down another half pound, so on Friday morning, I'll have my total loss for the firt 11-day cycle of planned eating. I may even have to nudge my ticker down slightly
  • Good morning all! This is going to be a quickie, because it's five am here, and I have to be to work by 5:45a. This board is so encouraging, I find myself feeling I just have to start my day with it!

    Nurtisystem is going much better, dinner was good last night, and breakfast today was like eating a normal bowl of cereal. I'm so glad I didn't let that muffin throw me off, so quickly too! I really thought about sending it all back after my first bite of that muffin

    Katt- I'm so sorry you've had such a rough couple of days. I'm glad your daughter is back home and safe. I know that you stilll have a lot to deal with, but I think that has to be the worst, and it's past, right? You are still doing so well with your diet to, despite all that, you should be very proud of yourself!

    Ammi- I know what you mean about waking up early For me, I'm so used to waking up at 4:30a that even when I'm off I find myself waking up that early. Today, I woke up 2 minutes before my alarm! Maybe for you it was excitement about your day? Have a great time at the shops!

    Melissa- I hope you aren't beeing to hard on yourself for not reaching your goal-after all, the headache is a pretty good indicator that you needed to take it easy, and while we don't want to let little things get in the way of staying OP, we also have to pay attention to our bodies. I do hope you are feeling better, and stay positivie

    Jill- congrats on being on plan 9 days! and you're already down a 1/2 pound! I know your nervous about the off days- but that's part of the plan right? It probably keeps you from cheating the days your OP, so take advantage of it to eat a couple of things you can't have on plan, without going crazy of course, and I'm sure it'll pay off in the long run.

    Well gotta finish getting ready and run off to work. Everyone have a great day!
  • Norma- opps, forgot to tell you about the yoga. I too, thought it was crazy positions until I tried it this week. It's more about breathing and holding your muscles in positions. I think the idea is that you use your own body weight as resistance. The instructor didn't do anything crazy, and if it gets beyond your level, she tells you upfront, to go back a step, yoga is progressive.you should try it out if you've been curious, turns out I loved it!
  • Hi Ladies - My migraine eased off...I even got in all my exercise minutes I wanted! Over the whole day I did 3 walks...19, 29, and 25 minutes. And I got in 16 minutes of strength training, too. Stayed under my calories - and I burned some with exercise, too! YAY! LOL! I hope my water weight comes off and I can get a nice loss next week...-4 perhaps? You never know...I won't count on it, but it would be nice to lose my 2 that I did see this week and 2 from next week all in one. Well, I will just eat good and move! What more can I of myself? I'm already steamin' along for my big body, lol.
    Stay OP chickies!!

  • thanks everyone i had a great birthday i felt good and stayed up all night playing a new game lol. sinuses are bad today so i am gonna back to bed see you later!
  • AMMI – Pencil me in on your trip to the U.S.!!! That would be SO much fun!

    SHARON, Steega is my old Quarter Horse. I’ve had him since he was a yearling, did all his training, and I’ve always been very proud of him. He’s the sweetest thing on 4 legs (even if only 2 of them are any good anymore.) The morab is leased out, and then Gabriel of course is just loafing about. I’m really glad it isn’t Gabe that hurt his leg. That would be devastating!

    NORMA, I think you’ll like it there. All the ones I’ve been to have been really friendly.

    KATT, I’m SO sorry your daughter is going through this spell. It must be making you crazy! I know the day will come when she wishes she’d listened to you and stayed in school. I hope you can find the root of the problem and find a way to deal with it. It always breaks my heart to see a kid give up on school.

    MELISSA, I sure hope your head is feeling better! I was thinking you were doing great with all that walking, but you’ve set an even higher goal. Good for you… and you ARE doing great! ***OOPS * REVISED: YEAH! on the walking AND the strength work!!! and I'm SO glad you're feeling better!!

    JILLY, speaking of things we shouldn’t admit to, I have several seasons worth of tapes, and even had the t-shirts among other things. I still have a little sword necklace that I love that came with the tapes. <huge blush> EXCELLENT job on the 9 Days! Hang in there – you’re almost to the double digits!

    DOGPAL, Where are you Annie? I know – the thread moves so fast, and you’ve got all that packing/moving to do. But I’m missin’ ya!

    KIMBERLY, I’m glad it turns out that your NutriSystem money was well spent after all. Your description of Yoga makes it sound more interesting. I guess I didn’t really know what it was, just thought I did.

    Well, my wedding ring is pretty tight this morning. I even took it off to sleep after it woke me up last night. Gee, do ya think it could have been the chips & salsa, plus the movie popcorn last night? Duh. It’s a suitable penalty for my crimes I think. I’ll just have to drink like a fiend and wash it out, like I should be anyway.

    Remember why your doing this today – for you. For your health. For your loved ones. For the fun of it!!!
    Have a great day!!!!!
  • Good morning, everyone! Just passing through as it is 5 AM... yeeks I hate getting up this early.

    Wooo the FFM was here again last night... when she comes, she come! I am down another pound. Strange how they just stuck right in there and suddenly decided to turn loose!

    Hope everyone has a good day!!!!
  • Quote: Remember why your doing this today – for you. For your health. For your loved ones. For the fun of it!!!
    Have a great day!!!!!
    Valerie-- I love the ending of your post. I am going to write it down and put it in my wallet to keep with me. Thanks so much.

    Hello Ladies-- I am wishing everyone a great day

    Kimberly- I am happy you are sticking with your plan. I always wanted to try Nutrisystem but just not in the budget right now At least you know not to order that muffin again
  • Wowsa, this thread is fast and furious! So much in less than 2 days!

    I am back home and ready to go back on plan. I am about 2 days behind in exercise, so I need to get that under control.

    When I got back home last night hubby and I decided to go out to eat to a tapas place and have a "date night". Even though my trip was technically over, I decided I was worth a treat. So, last night, for the first time in 1 year, I didn't worry about what I ate (and drank). I didn't log my food for the first time in a year! (okay, 364 days to be exact!!)

    It felt freeing. I actually didn't go totally crazy, but I did have 2 glasses of wine, and my own dessert. The tapas we ordered was mostly veggies and seafood and I know we ordered less than we would have in the past.

    Ammi had posted recently about someone (patti?) not having a cheat meal and talking herself out of it... something like that. I have talked myself out of plenty of meals in the past year or so. I had actually thought I might eat worse on vacation, but just didn't. This just felt like good timing, because I knew that I could get back on plan today. Had I really gone off plan on my vacation, I might have stayed there the whole time I was gone and gained.

    The scale this morning showed no movement, though I think by Sat weigh in I might be down a little bit. Now that I've learned how to lose weight, I need to know that I can indulge myself every now and again and then go back on plan.