Normal for 9 year old son to hug mom?

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  • My 12 year old boy hugs me all the time. He also gives me a kiss on the cheek every night before bed. My 6 year old and 5 year old boys love giving mom hugs but wouldnt think of hugging dad cause thats not "cool". You are very normal.
  • I've asked my 11yr old son if he's embarrassed to hug me, he said 'no way!' He'll hug me in front of his friends even. When my 9yr old daughter says 'I'm not a baby' the 11 yr old says 'we'll ALWAYS be momma's babies, no matter how big we get!'.

    I think it's all in how they're raised. Maybe your hubby didn't get alot of hugs from his mom after a certain age? Mine, like most of the posters here (I've just read the first page) have been hugged and kissed every single day of their lives and many, many times over the course of a day! There's nothing wrong with it! We also say 'I love you' constantly, just in passing or something.

    Hug him while you can. Soon he'll be off in college or galavanting with friends...enjoy him! Hug him as often as you can!

  • Forgot to add, we regularly pile up in our bed (all 5 of us!) and read. Either seperately, or Dad reading to us, or me if I'm talked into it. There's nothing at all wrong with you reading to your son!!!

    What sort of relationship does DH have with his mother? Guess that's it makes me wonder!

    Some families just aren't physically affectionate! When my cousin got involved with her (now) husband, he made the comment that we hug alot. We hug to say hey, hug to say yay, hug to say goodbye...everything warrants a hug! He wasn't raised like that.

    My husband and I hug a thousand and one times a day...I agree with what someone else said that we all need 4 hugs a day! It's stress releasing or something.

    It's so funny how people are different!

  • I was raised by non-hugging grandparents. I determined that my children would be hugged as often as possible (or something like a knee pat or hair stroking). My almost 17 yr old loves hugs and asks for them and he likes to hold my hand once in awhile and tells me he loves me a LOT. I enjoy it while I can. My 14 year old doesn't ask often, but likes it when I hug him.

    I think my life would be different if I'd been hugged and told I was appreciated instead of geting the feeling I was somewhat of a bother.

    Hug away I say!
  • Yeah hugs is good

    I still hold my Mum's hand now, when we are together (I'm 23!!!) We were out in the supermarket one day, holding hands, like you do, I think I was about 18-ish and this woman tutted at us. So I threw my arms around my Mum and yelled, "I love you Mummy!"

    We also cuddled in the biscuit aisle - strange supermarket hug related story! I think I hugged her once and she asked why, and I said, "'Cos we're in the biscuit aisle..." Good a reason as any I suppose... So then we often hugged in the biscuit aisle!!!
  • Quote: ... We were out in the supermarket one day, holding hands, like you do, I think I was about 18-ish and this woman tutted at us. So I threw my arms around my Mum and yelled, "I love you Mummy!"
    Completely awesome. I love it!

    That and the designated-biscuit-aisle hugging.
  • My son is 16 and hugs me every day!