Samhain Challenge Anyone?

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  • How's everyone doing?

    I'm on track so far -- lost 2 lbs this past week! I now have a scale that gives me the same readings as the one my mom uses at work, and I'm feeling a lot better.
  • Congrats on the 2lb loss!

    I'm doing well too - I lost 2lbs and I've stepped up to 2 yoga classes per week!
  • Ok, I am failing, I won't even get on the scale right now, I just can't get motivated to get back on track. I think if I can lose 10 pounds it would be the kick I need, what is wrong with me? I beat myself up everyday over how fat I am and then I sit on my *** and do nothing about it. What gives with that? I don't think I want to hate myself but yet here I sit doing nothing about it. What keeps you motivitated?
  • however, congratulations to you both!!!

    Sorry that should have been the first post, not the second,
  • buono - don't lose heart. You can do this, you just need to find your motivation. Try writing down what your reasons are for losing weight it might help you see things more clearly and regain your focus. Also if you need to exercise try something that you enjoyed doing when you were younger. Revisiting that might make you enjoy exercise. You can always try taking a class or picking up a DVD that involves dance if you like to do that - that was what worked for me.

    My motivation is health related. I'm not worried about not being thin etc. It's more that I don't want to have the health problems that my parents have. My dad has angina, my mum had breast cancer (10 year survivor!) and she also has arthritis which is affected by her weight. Some friends of mine have knee and joint problems and are borderline diabetic and they are not even that old yet. Some of my family members are diabetic and my mum's sister had osteoperosis and IBS. I don't get wrapped up in worrying about all of that but it is the reason I want to take care of myself now to increase my chances of having good health when I get older.

    Having said that I'm going with more of a whole foods diet and a holistic approach to taking care of myself and my exercise focuses on strengthening my body (yoga, pilates, bellydance).
  • Hola Ladies. I've spent the last week trying to keep from falling COMPLETELY off the wagon - with some success. Didn't weigh myself this morning - between the eating over the past few days and TOM, I just didn't want to know what the scale had to say. But I'm doing well today. The weather here has been ungodly hot - so it's hard to have ANY motivation to do anything, and my evil trainer has been in and out town so I've had a whole lot of couch time. But it's back to having him kick my butt 4x a week starting tomorrow *sigh*

    Anyway, keep hanging in there!!
  • Hi everyone--

    I'm new to this forum--I usually post in the 300+ thread. I would like to join the Samhain challenge with all of you. I want to lose 40 lbs. by Samhain. I figure that I can do it if I can actually get myself back to the gym. I have to admit that I've been slacking in that department. Well, I'll start in the morning. Wish me luck.

  • Welcome Vicki! and good luck!
  • Aww, buono...I'm so sorry you're having difficulties. I completely understand, because sometimes it's so hard for me to get motivated!

    What does it for me is health stuff, really. I like my life, and I want to live long enough to enjoy it to the fullest. I just remind myself of that whenever I feel the urge to fall off the wagon. So far it seems to be working better than trying to motivate myself by thinking of how thin I want to be...which is what I did in the past. You'll find your niche too -- you can do it!

    Also, welcome Vicki!
  • Hello! I have not been around in ages (because I commited to a weight loss program and then promptly fell on my face), but I'm back with a vengeance and determined to do it!

    I would love to join your challenge! My goal is to lose 30 pounds by Samhain, which would put me at 200. OH no, i take that back. My goal is 31 pounds so I could get down to 199!!!!

  • Hi Ladies - Hope you don't mind some company....I would like to "unofficially" unofficially I mean I hoping I can remember to check in and post here, lol, but I'm on the 300+ board ALOT, lol. My goal for Samhain is -24 pounds (starting from my Tuesday weigh-in so I have an updated current weight...and that'll be a 12 week challenge for me from then. ) I will try to remember to post my start weight after I weigh-in on Tuesday. My goal is always 2lbs a week, so I thought -24 would work. So, my plan is eat no more than 1900 calories (on average) each day, along with my usual walking, and some light strength training. I also have a personal "Home For The Holidays" goal....there's a 85% chance I will be visting my family for Christmas and by then they wouldn't have seen me for a year, so...hoping to surprise them! Well, I think I've yammered long enough.
    Hope you all are doing well!

  • Welcome Vilandra!
  • mauvaisroux - Thanks for the welcome!!

    Hi Ladies - I will be back on Tuesday to post my "official" starting weight, then I will have 12 weeks to lose my goal of 24 pounds.
    Hope everyone is doing well!

  • Can I join you guys in the challenge? I know I'm a little late but I'd really like to take part. I have alot to lose but I am going to set my goal at a 15 lb loss
    for Samhain. I think that as long as I stick to the exercise that it's doable. (I lose very slowly) My official weigh day is Monday, so I will be able to post then on whether or not I have a loss for this week. I look forward to getting to know everyone and good luck on your goals!
  • I doubt any of you remember me, but I'm a very ashamed and self-hating fat chick, who would like to straighten my act up, pull myself together, and join in your Samhain challenge.

    I don't want to say how much I weigh.

    I posted on the Alternachicks forum a few times about two years ago, but quit dieting and got even fatter.

    So! Here I am, with high trigs and Insulin resistance! Yay! :-(

    I'd like to lose 10 pounds by Samhain. Here goes (hopefully) something . . .