Just tried yogurt for the first time.

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  • Quote: Now, I know there are the sugar-free varieties that are only about 60 calories a serving. But oddly enough (since I eat so many other sugar-free products) the sugar-free yogurts leave a nasty aftertaste in my mouth. Yet the ones WITH sugar have too many calories. So I just avoid it altogether.

    I don't know why I don't like the "sugar-free" taste in the yogurts. Something that sour just wasn't meant to be made without sugar, lol. And I know it's not just me because, like I said, I eat sugar-free everything else. SF koolaid, SF pudding, SF soda, SF ice cream, SF jello - my whole life is sugar-free!
    you know, i eat a lot fo sugar free things, but I could never eat sugar free yogurt!!
  • I adore yogurt, but hate hate hate hate hate chocolate yogurt

    I buy blue bunny 85 that only has 80 calories a serving or big tubes of dannon light and fit strawberry that only has 90 cals a cup. Blue bunny makes the best key lime, a great apple yogurt (who's a thunk it would be good?), and several other awesome flavors. i try to eat a yogurt a day because i don't like milk except on cocoa puffs or with other junk.
  • Quote: you know, i eat a lot fo sugar free things, but I could never eat sugar free yogurt!!
    That's good to know cuz I thought it was just me.

  • Yoghurt does indeed taste sour. It is supposed to. It's a function of the acidophilus bacteria you find in it (I'd be willing to bet the varieties without this taste lack live cultures). Yoghurt does have calcium, but the bacteria it contains help to keep your digestive tract healthy, and possibly even to guard against yeast infections.

    All that said, I wouldn't force it on anyone. I love the stuff, but I love sour things to begin with. I use buttermilk instead of regular milk in almost everything these days (buttermilk also has bacterial cultures in it, I believe).

    Of course, I do not have much use for commercial flavored yoghurts. The regular ones are simply loaded with sugar, and the diet ones are nasty. (I don't like chocolate flavored yoghurt, either.) What I generally do is buy a big tub of plain yoghurt--Stonyfield Farms has a nonfat variety with added fiber, so I'm buying that these days--and add things to it myself. Half a cup of frozen unsweetened blueberries (thawed, of course) and a packet or two of SteviaPlus, and I'm happy. I give my daughters plain yoghurt flavored with a little sugar free DaVinci raspberry syrup; gives it a pink color they like.
  • Oh dear...

    I am so addicted to yoghurt it's gone far beyond funny!

    I adore plain natural yoghurt with frozen mixed berries folded through it. I will honestly eat 500 gms of that in one sitting as my lunch (or breakfast, or even dinner depending on my mood! In fact, its tonights dinner hehe)

    I wouldn't call it "sour" so much as "tart"

    My mum couldnt stand it either...she assumed it was more the texture than flavour but then she'd always eaten those yoghurts bought in supermarkets...Yoplai or Skii etc. One day I got her to try some homemade natural yoghurt and now she is almost as hooked as I am :P

    I will say one thing I have noticed since I starting eating so much yoghurt...I am very very very rarely ever sick. And when I am it's hardly worth dignifying it as more than a mild sniffle. Yet whenever that same sniffle hits anyone else they're out on their backs for days.
  • I eat low fat storebrand fruit on the bottom yogurt and mix ground flaxseed in it. It's awesome. Strawberry is my favorite. I eat the stuff practically every day. Great source of calcium and dairy. It also helps you rebuild "good" bacteria after you've been sick and on antibiotics.

    I agree you just need to find the right brand. Yogurt is good food.
  • try the yaplait whips. they are delicious!
  • I hated it too....
    But I've found a couple things that help - I also add a few spoonfuls of Grape Nuts to change the texture (which is part of the reason I didn't like it) - the cereal also helps to cut the sour taste. Yoplait also has a new variety that's called 'Thick & Creamy' - I can actually skip the cereal in those because the texture is more like pudding - I think they're really good on their own. I try to eat it every day because the health benefits are so great....
  • How do I eat it?? I grin and bear it. :P Try mixing some plain or vanilla with some fresh fruit and granola---it truly can be good! lol

    P.S.I tried the chocolate as well, and it was horrible, i didnt even finish it. The fruit varieties are better.

  • I think I'll just stick to oatmeal with blueberries, lol.
  • I love Dannon Light and Fit Yogurt, the have like banana and strawberry thats really delicious. They also have light and fit smoothies which are to die for
  • I love to make my own smoothies using plain nonfat yogurt, fruit, splenda, and milk to thin them. I really love the tang of a good yogurt
  • I love yogurt and I only eat one kind. Nonfat plain yogurt. No artificial sweeteners, no sugar, no flavoring, just plain old yogurt. I add some berries and I'm good to go. I like the tang of yogurt as well and it is one of my favorite tastes.
  • I never thought I would ever eat non fat plain yogurt, but that's what I eat. It was very gradual process. I started with the Yoplait lites and as I learned more about nutrition (yogurt cultures GOOD, high fructose corn syrup BAD), I moved over to organic Stoneybrook or Horizons with fruit and finally made the move to plain with fresh fruit. It was definitely a change over time, as I cut out processed foods and sugar, natural foods just started to taste better. I had a Horizons raspberry yogurt last week (grabbed it instead of plain by accident) and it was almost sickeningly sweet - I didn't enjoy it much at all.

    Of course, if you hate yogurt, don't eat it! I hate cauliflower and I'm not going to eat that!
  • Quote:
    Chocolate comes from a plant. Plants are vegetables!
    ROFL, bees, you ought to copyright that and put it on a T-shirt. I'd buy it! I can just see it, a kelly-green shirt with coca plant with oversized coca beans and some "ripening" into chocolate... and the saying.

    Re yogurt, those Yoplait Whips are so sugar-filled and so low in what you need from a dairy serving, you might as well eat a candy bar instead.

    I like yogurt better in sauces than as a sweetened food, though I eat both kinds. In sauces, the sourness goes away and you get a low-cal, low-fat creamy sauce. I don't think yogurt was ever meant to be sweet.

    Indian raitas are wonderful, too. Instead of sugar and fruit, they use seasonings and vegetables -- and sometimes fruit. Banana raita is very good.

    OTOH, Turkey Hill Frozen Yogurt and Columbo, too, is just great.