April showers bring cows' flowers

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  • I was getting more and more exxxxcited as I was Reading about DD and Co.'s WIN!!!!!!!!!! Just FABULOUS!!!
    Like Bagz said: This is just the BEGINNING!!!!
  • Congratulations, Kiwi! I could read the excitement in your post!!! Yea to all the talented Kiwiette friends, and of course to the most talented Miz Kiwiette!!!!
  • Ooops! I forgot to tell Bagzie what's blooming here - daffodils, tulips, cherry trees, flowering magnolia trees, azaleas and rhododendrons--- spring has sprung!

    Oh, and by the way, I made it to the other side (of 50 that is), and I guess it's not so bad after all. One of my very good friends sent me a card that said "welcome to the 50's, you're going to love it!" So that's my new attitude about it--- embrace it, cause what else ya gonna do about it????

    Schatzi, I'm jealous of your weather -- even tho things are blooming all over the place, we have rain predicted for every day this week.
  • WABBY!!! When was yer Bday???? How did I miss this???????

    Ooops, I fergot to report in on the Bloomins in the South East! letseee

    Tulips, hyacinths, Azaleas, dogwood Trees (lover-leeee!) Bearded Iris...lilies are beginning to sprout....Camellas, johny Jump ups and Panseys....oooh and beeeeautiful Phlox...oh and Wisteria in full GAWJUS Liliac!!! My Clematis is climbing like a weed up the mailbox post, the Lantana has got new growth...

    Still too early fer me to plant though...last night we had frost!!! And a few years back in Joisey, I planted stuff in the beginning of May and we got hit with a few frosts... What a nutjob I was running out and covering the sweetpeas, portulaca, etc with plastic...I'd rather wait now... what a pain that was.... and the fretting like a worry wart momma...

    DH is home, and gloating over how his grass has really taken off.. We had these huge barren crap areas and he tilled, limed , seeded and it really is beautiful now..

    Schatzi report : Over and Out
  • Forgot -- a sweet little clematis named "willy" is blooming, buds on my pink clematis montana are almost poppin', white bleeding hearts just starting, candytuft, pansies, aubretia, wisteria buds are formed, not bloomed yet, iris are a month away. In other ppls yards - creeping phlox, camelias.

    I got to babysit my sweetie pie, Kayden on Saturday---- 4 hrs, and I was exhausted!!! I don't remember baby care being that tiring....and that was w/ DH's help! She's the purdiest flower blooming around these parts.....
  • Happy Birthday to Dear Wabby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Went and snuck that birthday in over the weekend, didn't you? Nevertheless, you cannot escape!

    on reaching
    "A Certain Age"

    How did you celebrate?? Details, woman!

    Thank you for all the kudos for the kids. They are very happy. And we're very proud of them. DH wants the school to get them something, like state champs jackets or something like they do when a sports team wins a state trophy. At least I think they'll get a big banner in the gym.

    I'm most jealous of the flowering everythings. We got nuthin but brown hereabouts, although it sounds like Bagz is having worse weather. At least it's been fairly clear, sometimes sunny. This morning I had to scrape thick frost off the windsheild.

    Must go think about dinner or walk the doggie or something. Yesterday the little monster got away from DD while she was bringing her inside, and ran off up the driveway (typical) and would not come back for anything (not so typical) -- before we could get up there she was stopping traffic. Several people had to stop for her and she just kept running after one car or another. It was a nightmare. Maybe we should put her in police school so she could get a job stopping traffic... I might have to start doubling up on collars and leashes for her or something. A halter and a collar and 2 leashes? Makes me want to scream.

  • There is this scrumptious taco chickn... loooove it: here http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/showthread.php?t=47848

    also: warning warning warning Bill Robinson: Tooting my own horn here:
    you may scroll thru my diatribe to the end:


    Too lazy to retype it...
  • happy birthday wabbo ... you're no longer young and beautiful .. you're only beautiful now .

    my kitty is like jet .. the kitty who never goes outside saw a squirrel run across the yard. I opened the door to go out and ZOOOOOM kitty is chasing away. kitty is dumb and kitty does not climb trees. I circlied around him to herd him back to the house when another squirrel ran up another tree and ZOOOM to that tree. He just sat stupidly next to the tree waiting for the squirrel to come back. I scooped him up and put him back inside.

    I miss napping. Going to take a nap now. Will look at recipe when hungrier.
  • Way to go on the firming up and losing lbs. at Curves, Schatzi!!! Good job, girlie! You kick *ss!!!

    Details on the birthday festivities: DH brought me 2 dozen roses and took me out to dinner, DD had to work, so we're going out to dinner tonight, along w/ DS and DDIL and Sweetpea. DD's birthday is tomorrow so we usually celebrate both on the day between. It was a pretty quiet celebration, ppl must have taken me seriously when I said I just wanted to ignore this one.

    Happy napping, Peach, you deserve one after working so much lately.
  • Happy Birthday, Wabbilicious!!!!

    My kids have Easter holidays and have been hogging the computer and I have swollen lymph nodes and I'm fat and lumpy and there's dust everywhere and I need a new life.

    I will go back and read all yer posts tomorrow when I get back from taking the kids shopping (= checking out GameCube, XBoy, PSP whatever thingies for hours on end) downtown.

    See yas!
  • Sugar, are you feeling better? I read your blog earlier and I totally think you are suffering from all the cleaning. Cleaning is bad for you. The only cleaning I did today was to empty Rosie's dirt cup and rip the accumulated hair from her brushes.

    Quote: I circlied around him to herd him back to the house when another squirrel ran up another tree and ZOOOM to that tree. He just sat stupidly next to the tree waiting for the squirrel to come back. I scooped him up and put him back inside.
    What a very silly kitty.

    Jet is feeling the wrath that is the dog owner badly wronged. Until about 5 PM I didn't let her do anything but go out for a pee now and then. She got to sit on the steps and chew a stick briefly. Finally I decided I would try a walk and took her on leash down to the lake, where I let her run with the leash attached and she chased a tennis ball and got some exercise. Then I sat there on a log and waited until she cooperated by sitting near me, gave treats and took the leash again and walked (got pulled by) her, back up to the house. I wish I could make her understand she's ruining her own good time. I need a better trainer than I am to fix this. But at least she got some exercise today that didn't require stopping traffic.

    Hee Hee I like this: I live with puddles of drool.

    Schatzi, I'm going to look at your post and recipe. Since I already had dinner (meatloaf, spinach, twice baked potatoes for everyone but me) I think I can safely read it without doing this , well at least not too much.

    Quote: On a positive note, I finished my first month at Curves.... Drumroll please!!!

    I lost over a FOOT (thankfully not vertically, as that would put me in the oomplaloopah category ) Yes 14.25 inches gone! and 3 pounds of FAT of the 8 pounds I'm down..
    Way to go, you Wonder Woman you!!!

  • Shatzi------------you Rock Our Fat World!!!!----------waabbyyyy----happy Darling Bee Day!!! I Hope Everyone Ignores Mine Next Year Too---although I Like Your "new Att--ti--tude'=====i Think I Will Get You A Woomba For Your Birthday!!!
  • Whatsa Woomba?
  • Ewww. Send her the video, Bagz. It's hilarious. Be sure to watch it when the guys around the office to share...

    It's hot out, here in the frozen north. How did that happen? Weird, man.

    I lost my KEYBOARD aGAIn
  • Bagzie, thanks for the woomba clip, that was hilarious!

    Kiwi, my dogs are feeling the dog owner's wrath too. On Saturday I let them out to do their business and they took off running. The next thing I knew they were at the neighbors fighting with something, but I couldn't see what because they had it pinned to the ground and they really did look like they were tearing it to shreds. I freaked out, thinking it was the neighbors yappy little terrier. I went running over there, and my dogs let the critter up. It was a big, malamute/husky/german shepard mutt. He went trotting off, so I assume he was ok. My dogs were too. I guess it was just a lot of snarling and territorial posturing, but it freaked me out. So now I'm not letting them off leash which is a major pita. I'm trying to remember why we wanted dogs and when did they become soley my responsibility?