"Every-Day" 21-Day Challenge -- Counting the days to victory!!

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  • Days 15 done
    Yesterday I completed day 15 of each of my challenges: 1406 calories and a ton of exercise (40 minutes of walking, plus 30 minutes on the elliptical).

    It is snowing in New York. It was sleeting earlier, so I am sure the streets are perfectly icy by now. Glad I brought my sneakers so I don't have to navigate the sidewalks in heels.

    Carla - try to enjoy a little break and come back to us soon. I miss my cyber-drinking buddy

    Red - Good to hear that you squeezed in your crunches!

    Back to work! One more day without my hubby, and then he is coming up to see me tomorrow and over the weekend! I hope everyone had a wonderful day.
  • day 13---> 59 carbs

    looks like everyone is moving right along on their challenges!!! i miss carla ... now who can i complain about the zelle 2???
  • Day 3 completed for me!!! (Sticking with eating plan)
  • Dang!
    Hi Y'all!

    It's been ages since I've been here... and you all have been BUSY!!!!! I was having serious internet problems all last week. I was so sad. But I had the Guy come fix me up and after $135, I am back online! LOL

    Well I am beat tonight... my son is teething, my daughter's best friend is here while her parents are on holiday.... and I am jsut flat tired. SO I need to cut it short. Welcome to anyone new... Congrats on everyone's challenges.... Thanks Red for kicking me in the butt and missing me! I nixed out the exercise challenge... i just don't put it in my schedule like I should. I had to start the H20 challenge over... but I am on day 5 now. And I am on day 14 for journaling. So I am moving along.... slow but steady.

    Tomorrow is my weigh in day... here's hopin' I've passed the 5# mark! take care all!
  • Hi everybody... just waving hi.

    What can I say... my week hasn't been going well and I'm feeling quite miserable at the moment and very sad and disappointed. And worried and concerned and so on. It's not so much about the challenges, as about everything else that has - and hasn't - been happening. :

    I'll be back tomorrow. Either things will be somewhat better or much much worse, depending on what other people do or don't. Won't be saying anything right now, will give the people a chance to redeem themselves...
  • Quick good morning as I head out for the day. Yesterday, day 2 on all three challenges - met. Though it was a close save. Was getting ready for bed, and realized I needed one more fruit serving Sugar free applesauce - to the rescue.

    Good to see you back, JCT, and too bad on the teething. I had a broken piece of tooth work its way out a few years back after my wisdom teeth were removed, and boy can I feel your little one's pain.

    Red, Fish, Joy, Curly - glad to see you made your challenges for the day.

    Sushi - hope you are feeling better about things soon. Hopefullly things will work themselves out.

    Have a great day all
  • Days 16 done
    exercise = 40 minutes walking; calories = 1380.

    It is sunny today, but so, so, cold.

    Sushi, I'm sorry that your week has been so rough. I hope everything gets better soon for you. It's hard to stay focused when nothing seems to be going right.

    JCT - welcome back, and good luck on your weigh-in.

    Gotta go! But hello to everyone and have a great weekend!
  • Hello Ladies
    Sorry for not posting in a week or so. Seems like it's been forever. I would like to give congrats to those of you that have completed your challenge/s and to those who have lost some weight. I would also like to welcome all the newbies and wish them goodluck.

    I am on day 17 for my 3 challenges and I have not taken any pause days.
    My Challenges are:
    LVL 1- To not eat chips.
    LVL 2- Drink 8 glasses of water.
    LVL 3- Walk before every shower no matter how early or late in the day it is.

    Last week I lost 2 lbs, which brings my weight down to 236 with a total loss of 9 lbs. My weigh in is Sunday so I will post an update then.

    Goodluck & see you soon
  • Es angel!! Way to go!! I'm sure you will meet your short term goal no problem!!
    Nice to here from you too, JCT. It's really hard to fit exercise in with a whole pack of kids around, isn't it? Although I would prefer a long work out (even if its just a walk) sometimes I just take 10 minutes here and 10 minutes there. It still counts!
    Jolly, sounds like things are clicking for you!! Keep up the momentum!!
    Sushi, I hope you week ends on a good note!!
    Fish, have a great week-end with your hubby!

    I'm off to the big city (SF, not Sac) for a night on the town with a friend of mine. This happens maybe once a year, so I'm excited!!
  • Day #4

    one set of 9 and one set of 7 push-ups...do I get extra points for doing this with a HUGE WHOPPER OF A HANG-OVER???
  • Hi Ladies, I am on day four of my water challenge, I think.I am on day 2 of two stealth challenges. Say a little prayer for me. I love that song.
  • I'm doing the happy dance!!!!!
    OH yeah... I am down to 207!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah baby!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've lost 6lbs. I really don't think I will be able to get down to my mini-goal before my son's FIRST birthday on Monday... but I am ok with that. I will be enjoying his special day anyway!

    On a fun note.... my son took his first steps last night!!!!! HEE HEEE "step, step" right to Momma's arms!

    Thanks Jolly, Apple, and Fish for the welcome back!!!! I am glad to be here!!!! Life is going well, and Fish I agree... exercise is so hard with a gaggle of giggling (sometimes arguing) girls and a baby in tow. But I am taking your advice and as soon as I get through all of my email... I will be taking my kids out for a walk.

    Take care all!!!!!
  • Good morning, all. I'm very late already, just wanted to say I did the crunches yesterday early at the gym before work, so another day done!

    I've read all your posts. Thank you for writing! Sorry I can't comment now, but will try to get caught up real soon. Sushi, what's wrong? I hope things get better for you, in any case. I certainly know what it's like when everything but the weight loss is screaming for attention and bringing you down. Hang in there!
  • Way to go JCT! Sushi hope u are feeling better soon!

    good going with the crunches red! Tia hang in there!

    Best wishes to all challengers!!!

    day 14 carb challenge 34 carbs
  • Hello everybody Sounds like it was an awesome day for challenges for everybody. Hurray on the weight loss, JCT.

    Day 3, all 3 challenges - met.

    It is funny, in a good way - I am not even putting a limit on my calories at this point. The "challenge" is just to start paying more attention to them. But the simple act of looking up the portion sizes and the calories, is making me limit them. And I now am REALLY noticing the physical side effects if I do eat too much of things. Hey, finally listening to my body. what a strange and novel concept.

    See you all tomorrow.