Teachers Successfully Losing Weight/happy New Year Edition!!!

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  • Learning Center for Adult Males
    Registration Must be completed by Monday 1/10/06
    New classes begin 1/15/06


    Class 1
    How to Fill up the Ice Cube Trays- step by step, with slide presentation

    Meets 4 weeks, Monday and Wednesday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 pm

    Class 2
    The Toilet Paper Roll!!! Does it change itself?
    Round table discussion.
    Meets 2 weeks, Saturday 12:00, 2 hours

    Class 3
    Is it Possible to Urinate Using the Technique of Lifting the Seat and Avoiding the Floor, Walls, and Nearby Bathtub?
    Group Practice. Meets 4 weeks. Saturday 10:00

    Class 4
    Fundamental Differences between the Laundry Hamper and the Floor.
    Pictures and Explanatory Graphics.
    Meets Saturdays at 2:00 pm for 3 weeks.

    Class 5
    After Dinner Dishes! Can they Levitate and Fly Into the Kitchen Sink?
    Examples on Video.
    Meets 4 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours beginning 7pm.

    Class 6
    Loss of Identity- Losing the Remote to your Significant Other.
    Help Line and Support Groups
    Meets 4 weeks, Friday and Sunday, 7:00 pm

    Class 7
    Learning How to FInd Things - Start by Looking in the RIght Places and not Turning the House Upside Down While Screaming
    Open Forum
    MOnday at 8pm, 2 hours

    Class 8 Health Watch- Bringing her FLowers is not Harmful to your Health
    Graphics and Audio Tapes
    Three nights, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7 pm for 2 hours.

    Class 9
    Real Men Ask for Directions When Lost- Real Life Testimonials
    Tuesdays at 6pm Location to be determined.

    Class 10
    Is it Genetically Impossible to Sit Quietly While She Parallel Parks?
    Driving Simulations
    4 weeks, Saturdays at noon, 2 hours

    Class 11
    Learning to Live- basic differences between Wife and Mother
    Online! Classes and role playing
    Tuesdays at 7pm, location to be determined.

    Class 12
    How to be the Ideal Shopping Companion
    Relaxation Excercises, Meditation and Breathing Techniques
    Meets 4 weeks, Tuesday, Thursday for 2 hours. 7pm

    Class 13
    How to Fight Cerebral Atrophy- Remembering BIrthdays, Anniversaries, and other Important Dates and Calling When you are Going to be late.
    Cerebral Shock Therapy Sessions and Full Lobotomies offerred
    Three nights- MOnday, Wednesday and Friday at 7 pm for 2 hours.

    Class 14
    The Stove/Oven- What Is It and How it is used?
    Live Demonstration
    Tuesdays at 6pm, location to be determined.

    Upon Completion of any of these courses, diplomas will be issued to the survivors.

    Enjoy ladies..................
  • Good evening.

    Okay: I still haven't killed any kids, but we're getting awfully darned close! I met with our dean today to discuss my student with the Pinnochio problems. This was after the severe disabilities teacher told me that my kids are causing a ruckus in the cafeteria and that they need more supervision... I was NOT happy, let me tell you. We've been trying to give them freedom because they are 16 years and up, and they're clearly unable to handle it. And Pinnochio is causing most of the problems!
    So, now I or my TA have to sit with them in the cafeteria. We've worked it so that Pinnochio will have to go the Dean anytime he does something wrong, immediately, and fill out a worksheet on what has happened. He's also going on a point sheet starting tomorrow. And we aren't going ANYWHERE in the community tomorrow: we're going to have a class discussion about their behavior.
    Ginny: I love your classes. Very cute. As for the student: he understands and is capable of making simple decisions on his own. Nobody is telling him what to do, and its not peer pressure... he is deciding to eat 3 cookies on his own. I guess he's allowed to do this at home, because he also has rotten table manners. He shovels the food into his mouth very quickly, doesn't use a napkin (has no concept of wiping his face at all!), and just all round poor manners. One time, we went out to lunch and he bought a sandwich: he took it apart, which is fine... I do the same because I can't eat the bread... but he also then used his fingers to bring the chicken piece to his mouth and take huge bites. I told him he needed to use a knife and fork... and would he ever eat like that home in front of his parents? He said yes. I didn't believe him, but I do wonder... especially since both classes have done table manners and healthy eating this year and last year.
    We're going to start a point sheet with him tomorrow also.

  • Yup. TGIF, Robyn!
    I am SO glad this week is almost over........last day of spending too darned many hours in a yellow tin can (midterms has me driving double).

    Mouse- gee, Pinnochio's mothers apple fell really far from the tree, eh? Sounds as though the typical mother in denial, the her kid would never blah, blah, blah syndrome. Best of luck. Don't you hate it when parents expect everyone else to raise their kids? Try not to kill anyone today. I will do the same.

    SNuck in a real (outside in the cold) 1 mile walk this am........oh did that feel good!
    Another busy day, my day to help out at Dd's school (I volunteer teach computer there, no I am NOT a helicopter mom, just do this one day a week) and then the miserable mid terms driving. So I will ge gone all day.....Ds has a basketball game tonite, if they let him play. I will fill you in on that one later.
    Gotta go join the exciting world of pupil transportation! (yes, a state training memo actually said that!)
    See ya and have a great Friday.
  • Are we having fun yet?
    Got a few minutes to myself. Sort of. Dh called me to inform me that his dad was in the hospital....sounds like pneumonia- he is in fragile health, emphesema......so getting some major medical care is the best thing at the moment. So, I might be MIA here for a day or so.
    Hope everyone has a great weekend! It's Friday!!!!!
  • Just a quick stop to say Hi and TGIF!!!! I have been busy with school and home stuff the last few days. But I did get weighed at school today for our contest and I am down a pound. So I am happy about that. I have to go workout with my sdd and then drop her off to her mom at her work. Then my dh and I are going to our friend's sister's varsity basketball game then out for pizza with some friends afterwards. Tomorrow my dh and I are going to get our taxes down and do some other errands. So I will try to stop in sometime to get personal with everyone. Ginny loved the classes. Got a kick out of and made a copy of it to hang in our office. Hope your fil makes a speedy recovery.
    Have a great evening ladies!
  • Evening, all.

    Well... Pinnochio didn't get his point sheet today, but everything is ready and raring to go for Monday. He knows he is not allowed to sit with 2 specific students: one because that is the kid he "touches", the other because his mom says that is the kid that always gets him in trouble. Now, this last kid has a Mom that is very realistic (and very open... she came to school today to reinforce that he needs to take his meds, and to also discuss his behavior so far this morning!). This Mom recognizes that while her son does get himself in trouble, he doesn't usually set up other kids... and she's right. He's a big helper in class, and has really improved the social skills of my student that speaks mostly Spanish. So, I've told both the child and the other Mom that I will not require the other child to sit by himself at lunch so that her child can sit with the group. Her son will need to move if the other child sits with them. Fair, right? Her son mostly doesn't move then complains. :sigh: Anyway, today he sat with the kid he likes to "touch", and I went and pulled him out of the cafeteria. I guess I'll have to give up my break on B days now, too, because the other adult that was supposed to watch them wasn't.
    It was a very long day. I know I have difficulty eating 3 meals a day, but today I really planned....! I packed a protein bar for breakfast (wound up eating a turkey ham sandwich on wheat instead), and had a nice lunch: cucumbers, celery, cheddar cheese, tuna, blackberries, and 4 triscuits! It was all sliced neatly, packaged appropriately... And then I had to deal with my students and their behavior during the lunch shift so I didn't get to eat.
    Worst of all, I wound up having to throw away one of the cheese slices and my celery... I forgot about it being on my desk, and my students put their after-lunch work on top of it. :sigh:
    I treated myself to a nice dinner, though... I have a Red Cross class all day tomorrow and Sunday. I can swim tomorrow night when I'm done since I have to go to my gym to teach, then I'll try to get to the rec center I swam at the other night since the Red Cross is right up the street.
  • went to my weigh in.... stayed the same.....i'm bummed
  • Well, survived today so far. FIL had a horrible night- and was very critical last night and this morning. Around lunch time he improved quite a bit. Not even close to being out of the woods, but measurably improved. Now I just have to deal with all the raw emotions flying around here.....Dh, Dd... need a week in a rubber room.

    Susie- sorry about the scale. We all have those weeks, everything done right and the darned scale does not budge. My doctor once said " the body sheds weight at its own rate"- and sometimes you just have to accept that.
    Next weeks WI will be better!! Hey, at least the scale did not go up.

    Mouse-sorry your day was so long, and that you had to chuck out your snack. Big bravo to you for all that meal planning!!!!!! A lot of effort, but big payoff in health benefits.

    Kerry-hope your taxes came out with a nice refund! Congrats on the loss! Thanks for good wishes for FIL.

    Better go........see ya!
  • Pam: CONGRATULATIONS!!! You go girl!!! Sorry about your bottom. I haven't read back very far...how did you get hurt?! I fell on my tailbone over Christmas break carrying laundry down the stairs, and I pretended it didn't hurt like h*ll and sat on ice occasionally. I was able to walk and by the time vacation was over, I was okay...so apparently it was just a bone bruise. I love your sense of humor over the ribbing you received from your coworkers..."This faculty meeting is being sponsered by the letter 'O.'" You're a hoot!!!

    Ginny: I'm sorry about your FIL. I hope things get better for your family. Re: Your post on 1/26...HILARIOUS...How can I sign up my husband? I think he needs remedial training in every class...no kidding...it is like you wrote your post based solely on him...I mean, I know men who have some of those deficiencies, but he's got EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!!! Does this mean that they are ALL like this, and there is absolutely no hope for the female race?!

    Kerry: I'm dying to go do my taxes too, but DH doesn't have his W2's yet.

    Mouse: You shouldn't have to give up your break if the other adult isn't doing his/her job. I've missed my lunch in the past because of a few morning kids getting picked up late and afternoon kids coming in early. Now I give it 5 minutes, call the emergency numbers, and then leave them in the office. I refuse to let anybody take my break time away except for an emergency. There must be something you can do to avoid that. You need your time.

    Robyn: I guess I've got to read further back to see how you're doing...I'll be back...
  • Well, I've been pretty good with the workouts considering I haven't had much free time. The eating hasn't been great, but it also hasn't been horrible, hence the maintenance of my weight loss. I'm relieved that I didn't gain, and I'm not surprised that I didn't lose. Under the circumstances of all the chaos and lack of support, I'd say that is pretty okay.


    I wish "The Biggest Loser" was on every night of the week. I do so much better after watching that. It really helps keep me motivated, but once a week isn't cutting it. Hopefully now that I can get back to teaching instead of testing, I can also return to eating better and exercising more often.

    I'm going to Disneyworld during February vacation, and I was hoping for more of a weight loss. The next three weeks, I must kick it into HIGH GEAR!!!

    DD's parent/teacher conference was Thursday. She is now reading above grade level! Remember last spring when I found out her teacher hadn't actually been teaching DD how to read and I spent the entire summer getting her from a DRA level 6 to a DRA level 18?! Well now she is a DRA 24!!! So thanks to myself and this better teacher, DD is doing really well. The constant chatting has finally lessened, and the teacher gave her a perfect rating for behavior.

    I'm looking for tutoring clients. I've advertised with colorful laminated flyers and business cards around town and the more affluent areas hoping to attract a couple of parents. I'm going to place a newspaper ad or two as well. I can't tutor in my district, because the parents are accustomed to getting everything for free. (In the city where I teach, preschool is free and a part of the public school system. I used to pay $8000 a year for DD's preschool education.) So, I have to tutor in other communities. I only want a couple of students for now, but in the summer, I'd like to tutor every morning. Hopefully somebody will be interested.

    I'd better go deal with the PILES OF LAUNDRY I have to do.
  • Evening, all.

    Ginny: Hope your Father in Law is doing better and you haven't needed the rubber room for too long. I do know where you can find one, though.
    Susie: I'm in the same boat; I actually lost .03 pounds, but that isn't enough to count in my book. Although, this was also my equivalent of PMS week, so not gaining anything and showing .03 pounds was kinda good.
    Summer: I have a planning period on A days, but not on B days. I don't have any break at all except lunch on B days unless our flex period (which changes every B day; its used for remediation) is the period I have planning or some of my kids get pulled for speech. So, since I now have to have lunch with the kids on A days, the dean of our department and the dept. chair shifted some of the rotating aides schedules so my TA and I would have that break. But she wasn't watching the kids, and had asked the severe disabilities teacher about the seating arrangements instead of listening to what I'd told her. I said that this child is absolutely NOT allowed to sit with the child that he touches. I did admit that wasn't a problem usually, because the child doesn't normally sit there. But he did on Friday... so my student's instructions are to get up and move to another table. Another student came and told me that the two of them were sitting together. I went in, and sure enough they were. There was another student (my class cutter who forges notes and lies at the drop of a hat when convenient!) between them... but with Pinocchio, things must be BLACK AND WHITE. He doesn't understand gray areas, so I have to say that he absolutely NEVER sits with this other child.

    My Red Cross class has been pretty interesting so far; most of the other people in the class haven't been doing it as long as I have, and I am trying very hard to keep my mouth shut and not always answer the questions... but a lot of times I find myself nodding or smiling at anecdotes the instructor is telling because Ive been there too. I feel very noticed, but... And for some reason it took me darned near forever to get home from the gym tonight. I need to get a swim in tomorrow because I'll have to go to the pharmacy to get a prescription filled Monday... My endocrinologist is out of town for 2 weeks, and the mail order pharmacy dragged their feet over getting her office to refill a prescription. Actually, the mail-order goofed, because my doctor always writes it for 4 refills, dispensed 3 months at a time. They lost the refills somewhere so we needed another 'script. Fortunately, I have some left at the Target near her office... but they'll be closed tomorrow by the itme I'm done with class if I swim too.
  • Good Morning....
    Anyone interested in grading papers, writing lesson plans and go grocery shopping for me today????Any takers???????????No? Geez, thanks a lot....
    I managed to clean part of my house yesterday....But, think I did a little too much bending cause I'm feeling it this morning. I think I am going to try and start walking this week....I put the total gym on the lowest level yesterday and tried to do a couple of things to see how it would feel...Can't do it yet....So, maybe I will atleast walk. I am walking pretty normally anyway.

    Mouse: A/b day. Yuck...Our science and social studies teachers have A/B day. They hate it. ON Fridays they end up seeing both groups of kids for 45 minutes. Rumor is, that next year we are leaving our 90 minute blocks, and going to six fifty minute classes. That will mean that they need more science and social studies teachers and less math teachers. Glad I'm not certified in Science......

    Ginny: Hope your father in law is better today. Hugs to you and your family.

    Summer: You all have a February break? Do you also get a spring break too? I've never been to Disney WOrld....Sounds like fun....

    Kerry: Hope the taxes went ok. I miss going to all the games with my oldest. Youngest doesn't seem to have an interest in sports....So, it's been different.

    Susie: Better to stay the same, than to gain......

    Ok: let me get dressed and start my day.....

  • Well no point dwelling on it- I"m just gonna start the week off right and hope for a better weigh in next week! I did a nice uphill walk on my treadmill yesterday! That was fun (ug) The highlight of my weekend was the Fred Penner concert I attended yesterday with my 2 year old! He found Fred much less entertaining than the Wiggles and wanted to go play in the park instead! LOL. Ended up having dinner at a friend's house and was very good to myself! 1/2 glass of wine, 1/2 cup of rice and a cup of shrimp- the salad dressing was more points than my whole meal probably!

    Today is baking day again- more bread, more cookies- God help me!!!!!!!!!

    It's exam week for us this week! (i'm doing the happy dance) LOVE EXAM WEEK!

    Thanks for the kind words everyone- Hang in there!
  • Hey!

    Went and purchased new dryer yesterday! Got one with a bunch of bells and whistles... I figured IF I have to spend 1/5 of my life with the darn thing... It had best be good! AND considering that the last one lasted for 15 years...sigh... THIS one should be WHAT I wanted as the last one was low end budget thing.... and I'd been WAITING for its death so that I could get a "good" one! I"m great with rationalization, aren't I? Actually, the appliances were all on sale -10% this weekend...WITH another $25 rebate... SO....

    Susie, did I read some where else...another thread that your inches changed in spite of the scale not moving? Perhaps it was a different week.... but it is the INCHES, dear, that matter! Muscle weighs more than flab....but you know that! Muscle is smaller than flab....but you know that too! You're doing great!

    Mouse, sorry to hear of the scheduling woes...and lack of UNstudent time for you! We always get ourselves in these messes... we care too much to allow the "others" to do less than a 1/2 way good job while they supervise our kids... We KNOW what is going to happen to our kids! We ANTICIPATE the troubles.... and so, when we've been given a moment to ourselves... we do whatEVER it takes to prevent the kids from "falling apart"...and taking advantage of the lack of adequate supervision.... and WE end up not getting our lunches, bathroom breaks, etc.... and THIS is because we are good teachers who have the CHILDREN'S needs before ours! ....AND if we demand a break or appropriate supervision.... then WE come off being UNprofessional demanding a chance to pee..... sigh... double edged sword.....

    Gin, hope FIL and DH are both doing ok! Isn't it horrible to NOT be able to help.... and to have to be careful of everything you do / say in an effort to not stir the mix..... and not be able to DO anything......... (((Hugs)))

    Summer, check your email... I've sent you MY report cards to complete! Since you don't have ANYthing to do now that yours are done! I've missed you girl! 3 weeks.... YOU can make a difference in 3 weeks! (Just in time to have a WONDERFUL time with your family visiting the MOUSE!) Yahooo re: DD's DRA level! Keep up the great work! Keep her reading and writing stories and sentences at home to help maintain her progress and strengthen her confidence! (OMG... sounds like a report card! LOL) February vacation.... :P Your darn Northern thing that I get jealous over EVERY February! We don't have anything ....NOT EVEN AN hour....in February or March off from school! I hate hate hate hate February because of this!

    Kerry... so how did the taxes turn out? To your liking, I hope! We just got the last of the missing forms from others this weekend... so I have no excuse... I will do them next weekend! With DH's changes, I'm not sure how all of this will turn out!

    I'm sorry if I've missed someone! My time on here has run out! I've got to get back to my wonderful (NOT) duties! So, If I've missed you...."Hello! Hope all is going well with you and yours!"

    take care,