Cool Runners #18 -- September '05

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  • Since completing my last 5-k race my friend and I have sort of lost our running motivation. We still do it but needed another goal to strive for. So now I've picked out some upcoming races around our area and am very excited. We love getting the T-shirts and hopefully prizes! I did see one being held at a nudist colony called the "bare as you dare" run but I think I'll stay away from that one! Haha.. they did say NO CAMERAS ALLOWED though.
  • Liz -- Hmmm, "bare as you dare" run, ... That would be pretty funny though... Good for you on setting goals. I guess I've inadvertently set myself a goal too I will do a try-a-tri next August. I've got a great cheering section so I just had to commit...

    Sunday -- 10k...
  • I am currently up to jogging 1 3/4 mile in a stretch-which is up slightly from 1 1/2 miles in a stretch last week.

    I am going to be really happy and dancing around in here when I can make a full 2 miles at a time jogging!
  • Hey everyone

    I am still here, still running...gearing up for my race....12 more days....I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited I cant wait to just go out there and ATTACK it....hehehe

    Good job everyone, keep up the good work, it is VERY worth it!

  • I hear you're a great dancer aphil so keep dancing and running!

    On Sunday I had a great 10k run. It was finally cool outside 10c I really enjoyed the run...

    Today, Tuesday, I am running with my new running group and they run 5k... to get to the group it's 1k there and back for me, for a total of 7k......It's sunny and cool AND dry here today, it should be a good run...
  • Ilene--that is a great goal! I wish you loads of luck though I'm sure you won't need it. I'm a terrible swimmer but I have looked into doing a duathalon sometime.

    I ran my long run (6miles) on Sunday and swallowed a bug. No guts, no glory I guess! Though I wish it would cool off around here. It was 111 yesterday!! And I thought it was fall now....
  • 5k this morning, I'm really enjoying this now.
  • @ lizzbabe now THAT race would've been just a little too much for me LOL.

    Hey everybody "waving" sounds like everyone is doing great.

    I have been running for 50-63 minutes after work MOn, Wed, and hopefully friday while the kids are at football and cheerleading practice. It's not as easy as when I was running in the mornings but atleast i get to enjoy the air the environment and my surroundings. Sometimes it can be pretty spiritual out there. I also notice that tend to struggle to find my pace for the first 10 minutes that is like the hardest part of my run, and by the time i hit 20 minutes or going into my 2nd mile I loosen up a little and find my pace and by mile 3 I'm totally relaxed it's like past 30 minutes if I could I would just run and run and run LOL> But those first 10 minutes are KILLER!
  • Mrs. Dawson--the first 10 minutes are usually hardest, because your body switches the energy systems it uses twice during that time. Doing some longer speedwork--say 3 minutes at a time--will help. Most of the first 10 minutes your body functions anaerobically, as your aerobic system slowly gets itself up to speed. The anaerobic system tends to cause the most discomfort. Also, the long runs will help your aerobic system to kick in sooner. The aerobic system is the easiest to run with, so, once it kicks in you can actually enjoy your run!

    So, the best way to make that first 10 minutes easier, is to do the long intervals once a week, and keep up the long runs you are already doing! (I have to keep reminding myself of this as I am trying to get back into shape).

    Keep up the great work!
  • Thanks so much for the advice Lamariposita That makes a whole lot of sense! I'll try that.

    @Ilene I would ask him to run with me but he's getting ready for work during my morning run and he is getting off of work during my afternoon run and we works on his feet all day in a warehouse. He also has to get cortisone shots for his knee I think he fractured his something in his knee 2 years ago and can't do alot of working out for a long time. He loves basketball and gets upset cause he can't really play like he used too. He does like lifting though but never has the time to do it. We're like soccer mom and dad LOL always on the run if it's not sports it's church so I have to squeeze my workouts in when I can and he does the same.
  • I have a question for you ladies . . . How long do you let yourself recover from an injury? My BF hurt his knee running a while back, but since it doesn't hurt when he walks, only when he runs, we keep saying "Oh, well it's probably better by now," then we go run and halfway through his knee starts hurting again. I don't want to prolong his injury, but if we can't tell if it's better except by exacerbating it, what can we do? Luckily I've managed to escape injury, aside from a little soreness, but I'm worried about his knees!
  • Quote: I have a question for you ladies . . . How long do you let yourself recover from an injury? My BF hurt his knee running a while back, but since it doesn't hurt when he walks, only when he runs, we keep saying "Oh, well it's probably better by now," then we go run and halfway through his knee starts hurting again. I don't want to prolong his injury, but if we can't tell if it's better except by exacerbating it, what can we do? Luckily I've managed to escape injury, aside from a little soreness, but I'm worried about his knees!

    Has your BF gone to the doctor to make sure there's not something more serious going on?

    Bottom line, it's going to vary person-to-person. I sprained my knee running a half-marathon in May. My ortho cleared me to run after 2 weeks, but it took me another 4-6 weeks to fully recover.