LWL #202 May 9 - 15

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  • Good Morning LWL! It's beautiful and here, finally.
    I hope all the moms had a lovely Mothers' Day. I did the usual cardio, laundry, shopping, etc, then went rollerblading for a while. I actually went somewhere on the newly empty roads around our local college, instead of just practicing in a parking lot. Dinner was tuna steaks cooked by me, but delicious and totally on plan

    Let's make it a great week!

    Chest and cardio for me. Time to change my lifting plan for chest...I'm not sure what my new goals are, but I think I've maxed out on bench pressing for a while!

  • Good morning LWL!

    Mel even though you are a minimun of 7 hours behind me, you STILL managed to beat me to it!

    I have been busy revising my fitness plan over the last weeks, as I had becom sluggish and weak. The bad back this winter made me realise that I HAD to get back on track again so I have set up an ambitious (but not too) program to get really fit again: 4-5 days of which 3 weights and aero/cardio and 2 aerobic exercise (mowing our lawn with a little electric lawn mower I had to push up and dow our "rustic" lawn for 3 hours, counts, as well as painting the garage for 2 hours).
    Weights day today looks like this:
    3x20 biceps dumbell 4 kg
    3x20 biceps 10 kg barbell
    3x15 triceps dumbell 4 kg
    3x15 triceps rope
    3x15 triceps barbell bench
    3x20 side raises 4 kg
    3x15 barbel 15 kg
    3x15 back raises 3 kg
    +30 to 60 min cardio
    Eating is clean but pretty high carb (only about 25 protein), 5-6 meals day. I have noticed I become EXTREMELY hungry in between meals if I eat to little carbs, so I try to see what works best for me.
    In 5 weeks time I have lost my back ache and upped the weights easily. I get more muscle tone already. Haven't weighed myself yet, will have to do this in the long run, too...
    What do you think?

    Have already got a bit of a tan from working in the garden...

  • Vassiliki/GreekGirl Welcome back... Your plan looks good... I find that if I limit carbs that I get very hungry between meals too. I make sure though that when I do eat carbs that it's a very low glycemic carb, only a limited portion like a level half cup of brown rice, no cheating because those heaping full half cups add up after awhile...Then I also eliminate the carb from my supper and eat a LOT of vegetables...

    Today I did LEGS !! it felt good... I did many many squats on Bosu balls, I should be nice and sore tomorrow ......

    Good morning Mel ...

    Where is everyone !!
  • To Tiki from last week's thread: Enterprise is the current incarnation of Star Trek. Sadly, the writing is pretty bad and it is getting canceled.

    I'm up this morning, which is about all I can say. Rain here again, boo, so I dunno when I'll get my walking in. At least I can start lifting again this week, yay. More later, happy Monday all!
  • Hi all,

    At Bally's yesterday, I decided to treat myself to a protein shake and noticed that Sylvester Stallone has a line of nutritional products. I bought a 4-pack of vanilla protein pudding (20gs protein, 2 fat, 2 carbs). The first bite was REALLY good, the rest were okay, but it will definitely make a nice addition to my diet. I was afraid of the chocolate kind. If it is TOO good, then I'll be craving chocolate. If its nasty, then I'll be disappointed. You can't really go wrong with vanilla.

  • OK! I have a new goal! Today's gym fun was one arm push-ups. I decided I'm bored and maxed out on bench pressing. Since I had a dentist appointment right after my workout, I figured it was probably the best time to go ahead and try it. I put an airflex pillow down just in case...and did 3 on each side. Damn, the suckers are HARD! How do those fitness chickies do them so easily and smile and wave at the same time? I was scared to even try it at first. It think I probably looked more like I was going to lose it than smile. New goal: 10 each side, with a smile and wave while switching arms!

    Tiki- I've seen Stallone's products advertised all over but haven't tried them. He had a huge booth at the Arnold this year, but you couldn't get anywhere near it because of the mobs of gargantuan bodies.

    Laura- I've been a Star Trek fan for years, but refused to watch Enterprise after the first episode. It was just terrible! I really miss Jean-Luc!

    Ilene-Sounds like a great leg day

    GreekGirl- That's a lot of reps there, at the same weight.

    Gotta run,
  • Hehe.No excercise for me today.My diet is also pretty high carb too.

    Anyways the area around my shoulders and chest is a bit sore from yesterday's workout.I'm so proud of myself for the effort yesterday.I felt like this little smiley: I just need a bit of rest today.
  • hello
    Hi everybody!
    Hope you had a good week and a sunny mothers day! I took the weekend off from the gym and need to get there today....dont know if it will happen though, so i will resort to pushups and weights at home
    between unpacking from moving and my son screaming right now Ive been feeling a little
    so i will make a goal of getting to the gym 1 thing tomorrow to do legs.......
    see you all later!!
  • Hi LWL,

    I had a great mothers day, so great that I did not do anything yesterday. Hopefully I'll be able to stay on track this week. For today: 20 mins jog and 45 mins lifting. I did a full body workout with dumbells & barbell. I did not do much last week because I am lightheaded & a bit dizzy for no reason that i can see at all, so i decided to take it easy untill this dizzyness passes.

    Greek girl, what is "triceps barbell bench "???

    have a great day,
  • Good morning all!

    went to the gym yesterday and did arms and shoulders.
    I try to do a lot of reps these days, Mel because I am one of those rare females with a tendency to get pumped up easily, no sweat. In addition to this I have a lot of excess bodyfat at this moment + I am very strong. I am also at the beginning of a new program after being a a semi-couch potato for health reasons this last winter. I try to max out with the highest weight with generally 15-20 reps in 3 sets for the moment (which I agree is generally way above average, only it works so well for me at this point).
    4Rabbit, triceps barbell bench, forgive my slightly rusty English after a year in France, means: you lie down on a bench, with the barbell in outstretched hands. You then lower the barbell to your forehead by lowering and bending your arms at the elbow. I kinda forgot what this exercise is called in English, it's a classic anyway.

    I have been doing my program for 5 weeks now and seen fast results: I have lost part of the cellulitis on my legs, my waist is thinner and my bra straps don't slide down my arms any more. I am changing the program every 3 weeks so eventually I will go down on reps per set. This is the first time I have tried oing it this way, But I am seeing fast results so I am going to stay o on this track a little more. it's starting to show to strangers at the gym too, got a compliment yesterday...

    Today i have to take one of the kittens (female) to the vet to be sterilized, which will set me back a whopping 230$ including microchip. This really hurts!
    Anyway, they are worth it. I taught them to "sit" on command last week in no time. Now, everytime I say "sit", they sit back on their haunches like dogs. It's adorable.

    Have a nice day, it's spring!

    Glad to be back,

  • I am recovering from Mother's Day and getting back on track. DH's B-day is next week so I havre been in Stealth mode gathering all the necessary prezzies. Last night I went to a Knife class and ended up getting a set of good ones (Wusthof Grand Prix II). Finally. The last straw was last week when I cut an apple and it went flying across the room. Pretty good clue it is time to invest in some good ones So, after doing the cost/benefit analysis I decided to get the 9 piece set. Now I just have to figure out what to use the 5 I've never heard of before last night. Is there a 200 level class??

    Exercise is going very well. I am trying to get into the DCFit swing and trying to figure out how to balance with other cardio. Should I be? I lift 3x a week, run 4x a week - should I be tring to get in 2-3 days of elliptical, walking or bike, too?

    Thanks - wishing you all a great week.
  • GreekGirl- Now the lifting scheme makes sense The tricep barbell exercise is a "skull crusher" in English.

    Good morning!

  • Hi all,

    For some reason I shot out the bed this morning like a bullet from a gun, all fired up and ready to workout. I got my Tae-Bo in am planning to get in a walk at lunch. Last nights dinner was VERY filling, but too high in starches I think. I had green beans w/salsa as soon as I got home. The actual dinner was chicken breasts, grilled onions and corn and a yam with cinnamon and nutmeg. I was totally afraid that I would not be able to get up this morning on time to workout. Maybe that's why I was so eager to leave the bed.

    I love skull crushers! I feel so strong when I do them! I've seen people do them with a barbell but I am not that brave....YET!

  • Hey, LwL! I've been a naughty lurker lately after a sorta bad stretch with my eating (vacations do me in every time!) where I gained (gasp!) 5 pounds. Luckily, a lot of it must have been water because I lost 2 1/2 right off the bat. Anyway, I do know that these are the times when I REALLY need to post, but I get embarrassed...

    I'm in a bit of a rut this month and need a jolt, particularly with cardio, which has been boring me to tears. I'm really enjoying things like my belly dancing class, which are good exercise but aren't hamster-wheel repetitive. When spring gets in full swing, I'm sure I'll do more outdoor stuff too. Mel, you've inspired me -- I used to be a fantastic rollerskater. Maybe I'll get some rollerblades!

    Eats have been really good since I got back from Florida. My husband made the best salad with seared scallops last night -- it has almost zero fat but so much flavor!

    Glad to hear everyone is well. Sorry I've been a stranger.

    p.s. Mel, I feel like such a weakling when I hear about your gym exploits! Body-weight benchpressing? One-handed pushups??? You're my hero!
  • Hi all,
    Skullcrushers make me nervous. I would have to do them with like 2 pound weights.

    Ellen, I'm still fiddling with my schedule that includes the marathon training. My instinct is that it's the only cardio I'm going to do, aside from my Nia class, while I'm training. Of course, I'm walking so it takes a lot longer and I don't really have time to do much else

    Had Nia class yesterday and got some walking in; did my legs/back new split this morning. With a late work start on Tuesdays and Thursdays now I'm working out in the morning which I normally never do. Went ok once I got myself up and to the gym, though!