Diabetes #9

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  • Glad you made it here. I think you will like the WW plan. I do.

    I used to take 140-170 units of insulin a day....now I usually only take 5 in the morning and sometimes 2 in the evening. Some days I don't need the evening shot.

    For the past few days my blood sugar has been up. I'm taking 3 shots a day until it gets back to normal, 3 units lente/3 units humalog in the AM and 2 units of humalog with lunch and supper. I'm not sure what's making it higher at the moment, but I may be getting an infection or something. I've increased my exercise a little too, to help it go down. I go through this every once in a while...no matter how good you think your control is, it is so easy to get out of control with illness, stress, or just a lack of exercise. I've had a headache for the last 3 days and haven't felt like myself, but that could be from the higher blood sugars too. Who knows? It will go back down again when it's ready.
  • Hi All - Janet, my BS has been up, too. Of course this would happen when I have to go to the doctor next month! I want my HbA1C to be low!!!

    I haven't felt too hot and I haven't been sleeping well, so that is probably why. I've got some kind of crud in my sinuses - I think we have "sick building syndrome" at work. Our A/C was out for a few days, and now that it's fixed, we are all coughing and sneezing :-(

    I've had really strong cravings for cookies the past few days - hot, chewy oatmeal cookies! Lord, help me - make me think about celery or something - haha!

    I'll be glad when this week is over. We are really busy at work and everyone is stressed out! I'm going to "boot camp" tonight at the Y and I hope to relieve some stress!

    Talk to you all later -

  • Info on a book

    I don't have diabetes but I have been put on the diabetic exchange program. I was wondering if there is a book someone could suggest that lists the exchanges. I have a limited sheet with some of the exchanges but would like a better book. I am in Canada and some products have the exchange info but not a lot. If someone can help me.....I would appreciate it.

  • Diabetic Exchange

    This is a site that I found some time ago that has helped me with exchange. It's one, big, long page with lots of reading, but it's all there.


    Check it out. Hope this is a help to you.

    Take care,
    - Jim
  • Marie,

    You can order a book about exchange lists from the American Diabetes Association's web site. They have an online store with books on exchanges and meal planning. I checked and they have one called The Official Pocket Guide of Diabetic Exchanges for less than $5.

    Their web site is http://www.diabetes.org

    I also got a book called Exchange Lists For Meal Planning at a local pharmacy a couple of years ago. I think it is just an older version of this same one. It was published by the ADA too.
  • Jim,

    We were posting at the same time.

    I will check out your page too. Thanks.

    ***Wow, I am printing this out as I type (22 pages), and I also bookmarked it too. This is very helpful. Thanks again!
  • Guess I should have said its The American Diabetes Association Exchange List. It should be real similar to your booklet. If not, they've changed something. But it is a freebie, so to speak. :-)

    - Jim
  • Free is good!!

    Are you still eating fish? How's it going?
  • Dimples (Marie)
    Here's another site that you can feel comfortable with. It's the Canadian National Diabetic Site. Alot of really good information here. Several large buttons on the main page, click one and it will keep you busy with diabetic info for hours.
    Check it out.


    Take care,
    - Jim
  • Fish is good!
    So far, it's working. Saturday is WI, so we'll see if I've really moved from the mark.
    Had Tuna for lunch today. The wife gets burnt out on fish, but I could have it for breakfast with no complaints.
    Tomorrow, I see my doc for my quarterly check-up. I get the official bloodwork done. I should have that back Wednesday of next week. He emails me my results.

    - Jim
  • Thanks

    Thanks so much for the information. I didn't expect such a quick reply but it is much appreciated. I will check out everything that was suggested to me.
    Thanks again.

  • Well good luck on the weigh-in and the doctor's appointment too! I hope both go great!

    Let us know if you've broken the plateau. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!!
  • Hi : I am on NPH and Humalog right now. I was diagnosed in 1987 and was on glyburide until last year. I find it so hard to lose on insulin but of others can lose I will be able to I hope.I gained around 20 pounds since going on it. Of course I was eating too much along with it so that didn't help.
  • Pat,

    I know what you mean. I really gained a lot the last couple of years before joining WW. I was taking 4-5 shots a day, but was very insulin resistant. The more insulin I took, the more I gained, and the more insulin I needed! It was such a relief to break out of that cycle.

    I take humalog too, along with Lente. I have tried the different pills through the years too, alone and with insulin. I finally refused to take them any more. I'd rather take shots than the pills. I feel like I have more control with the shots....I know when to expect my insulin to peak and when it will be wearing off. I use a sliding scale with my shots, up to 4 a day if I need that many. But most of the time I only have to take 1 or 2.
  • Insulin Inhaler
    This story came out in late January, but I don't know if everyone (meaning Diabetics) had seen it. I think this is really neat. Check it out.


    I was at Rick Mendoza's site yesterday and he has a list of maybe 7 or 8 non-intrusive glucometer manufacturers that would be unveiling their glucometers this year. No more sticks! Yeah!

    All went well at the docs. He said I was down 10 pounds from my last visit. I don't know how he came up with that number, but I'll take it. Staying on the same meds for the time being. He may cut down on my Glucophage if I have a significant weight loss (30 pounds). That's doable. I just need to move my butt. :-)

    Take care,
    - Jim