Full time working stiff!

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  • Christina, wow way to go 2 sizes smaller!! You are doing great, and don't worry about keeping up we're all busy and can relate! I'm glad to hear your mom is doing well! Good news all around!

    Paige, I know about summer break, I drove bus for about 7 years when the kids were small and I couldn't get day care for them. I couldn't wait for summer, then I couldn't wait to go back to work! I'm a lousy house keeper myself, I kicked around the idea of hiring somebody to help with the basics but I'ld have to clean before they came or they might quit before they start! I always worked out at night when the kids were little and they were in bed, I was always afraid of going to the ER because they beat each other up with my wieghts!!

    Great Pep talk Joetta! I took my Valentines day candy from work and set it on the counter so the drivers could eat it!

    Jenn, I'm glad you got your tooth fixed before your trip, nothing like a toothache to ruin it! I had a tooth go bad and didn't realize it, I honestly thought I had a bad sinus infection, after the root canal I could have kicked myself for all those sleepless nights!! BTW, I have had MANY root canals, my dentist loves me, but I think I paid for at least one of his kids to go to college by now!

    Sue, I just finished my monthly and I noticed my cramps weren't half as bad and didn't last the whole stinken 7 days this time. (I really think working out helped)
    I'm going to pack lunches and head for bed, tomorrow is my early day!
    Chat with you all in the AM!!!
  • Pm
    My personal messaging is set up now. I'll log back in when I get home if I have time. Have to go walk first. Priorities, you know.
  • What a day, unplanned day off. DS is home with Daddy this week cause Daddy doesn't have any work til Monday. DS is also fighting a cold, well, Daddy came down with something last night and I stayed home to nurse them both. I actually stayed OP at home! Thank G for zero point soup. I am really desperate to post a loss at Thursday's weigh in.
    Enjoying getting to know you all, but it'll take a while before I can keep all the names, situations and stories straight!
  • All Is Well And Good
    All is well and and good in my little world tonight!!!

    The kids are in bed and asleep.

    I did 2 miles on the treadmill (2 days and 2 workouts , I don't even remember the last time I worked out 2 days in a row)

    And to celebrate.... a Skinny Cow YUMMY!!!!!!

    Sleep tight!!!!

  • headin' to bed...
    Great going gals! Smaller jeans, 2 nights in a row of exercise, toofies fixed, Mom's doing better, staying Op, all good stuff!!! But just a warning--if anyone starts bragging about the house being spotless--well, just please dont!!!!!!!!!!!! I can handle only so much perfection.....

    Shared a bottle of wine tonight with my other business partner (not the minister/mime) {this time the brother-in-law} and he is ready for me to start doing hearings

    In spite of this I did get in 50 minutes of sweat. Maybe I'll get back on for 10 more min----
    Till tomorrow
  • Good morning ladies! Well the root canal wasn't that bad after all. I was expecting some serious pain after the numbness wore off. Today it doesn't really hurt at all except when I move my mouth a certain way.

    Christina~ Congrats girl on the jeans!! I keep reminding my DH that this weight loss thing can get rather expensive when I have to start buying myself all new clothes!! I'm happy to hear that everything was ok for your mom. I'm sure that had to be rather stressful for you both.

    Paige~ Doesn't it feel good to work out two days in a row. I hate when I miss a day at Curves. My DH made a comment last night that he would like to have a bowflex. We might look into that once my membership is up at Curves. I would also like to buy a treadmill for here at the house.

    Well, I'm gonna go for now. I need to get to Curves and get home to clean up a little bit. Have a great day!!
  • Thanks for the suggestions about food at work, everyone. I've been working here for over a year, so I don't think I could suddenly become diabetic but I will give the other ideas a try. Talk to you all later!
  • Good Morning/Afternoon
    Hello everyone. It's been a good day so far. I just came back from my break where a coworker and I went for a good walk. We walk up and down the hills around our office for about 20 minutes. We do that twice a day. And then if I have time on my lunch hour, I walk some more. And then when I get home, my husband and I take the dog for a 2 mile walk. I have to squeeze it in where I can. But I need to squeeze in some crunches and push ups.

    I'm glad the root canal went well, Jenn. I've had a few myself, they're not fun, but there is worse.

    Way to go on the smaller jeans, Christina! That is such a great feeling. I still have several pairs of my size 12 & 14 pants/shorts. That's kind of how I guage my success. And my short term goals are to get back into the 14s, and then the 12s, and hopefully back into a size 10. I'd be ecstatic when that happens. I'm 5-10, so anything lower than that, and my face looks too thin.

    I don't know how some of you find the time to workout, have kids, work, etc. Paige, you are doing great on your workouts! My house looks like a hairy hurricane hit it. Our cats and dog are shedding, and so there is hair everywhere. And I don't have time during the week to vacuum. My husband is really good about helping out and making dinner since he usually gets home first. But still. There's always something that needs to be done.

    Anyway, have a great day everyone!
  • Well I missed the good mornings, I didn't leave myself much time at all ! I couldn't think of what to make for dinner so I made an old fast favorite. Chilli cheese dogs (low fat version) sooooo easy! 1lb gr. turkey, can of manwich, and fat free hot dogs, with fat free cheese. The kids go nuts over this one! It is such a pain to find something everybody will eat that works for me as well. Oh it's hump day, I can't wait for this week to be done, well that's not true this week is no different than the rest, I just want it to be the weekend!

    Joetta, don't worry you'll never hear the words spotless and my house together, it's just not going to happen! Although the laundry pile is going down, but that never last long! The poor kids, they are sitting in the living room in their underwear playing playstation 2! (boys, they could care less) I made them strip when I got home from work, they were sooo muddy!
    Well, I'm going to make some polanta for work tomorrow, I'll be back!
  • Hey, it's nice to see so much good news lately! Congratulations on losing weight, staying OP, and workin' those bodies. Most of you do this while dealing with hubbies, kids, pets, too, I really admire you. I only have to organize myself, and I have trouble doing that

    I'm trying to work up momentum after maximum (I hope) stress at work and hurting my back. Things are a bit slower at work, and my back, arm and shoulder are getting better, so it's time to go back to my master plan. So far today I've been EPP, although I'm not going to Curves tonight, I'll take a long walk on the way home. I've been eating too much at night--all healthy, just extra, so I will have to stop it, starting today. I'll think about Christina and her new jeans, that should inspire me!

  • I am alive and well here worked out again today and it felt great. i was on a workout high all day. it sure helped that I walked into a crisiss at work and sent one of my new residents to the hospital and several other things went bad and I managed them just fine. I feel more incontrol. My workouts are hard but strong I need to start cardio not just weight next week I think but if I di cardio I want to run and I am too heavy to do that now so I may just wait a bit longer. the eliptical machines are so hard to get on.

    christine I can not wait untill the day I say I fit into my small jeans or even some of my smaller sizes. soon I hope.

    Wish me luck with the pizza tomorow. (though I did great with BK today I got a salad) and passed on the chinese
  • What a day!
    Today was so hectic!!!! Work was insane which means there must be a full moon because I saw way too many kids in my office today. I called 2 parents and made them come and get their kids, I suspended 3 more, paddled 2, and called 4 more parents (and we only have grades K-4)Yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Then I had to pick up the kids and rush home so I could get my daughter ready for dance class and get her there. It is so cute to see 7 four year olds do tap and ballet. They are trying to learn their dance for the program in June. They are going to be black birds in the Wizard of Oz.

    So we just got home and I am eating as I type. I don't know if I will make it to the treadmill tonight or not.

    Tomorrow is weight in day. I am so nervous that I didn't lose anything. My scale sure doesn't indicate that I did. Our WW leader says we have to eat all of our points or we won't lose any weight. I can honestly say I have trouble most days using all mine. I may have to start eating food with more points. For breakfast I usually have a 2 point bagel with 1 point of FF cream cheese. I may have to find a bagel with 4 points for example so I can get all my points in. It seems like I usually have to eat at least half if not more of my points when I get home from work. I guess I will have to wait and see what happens tomorrow. Wish me luck!!!!

    Sleep tight everyone!

  • Hey! Only have a quick second. Hope everyone is doing well. Not a bad day for myself.

    Paige~ You mean to tell me that you can still paddle kids in school?? I remember getting the paddle waaaay back in 5th grade for not turning in my homework for like the 4th day in a row. I just really can't believe that with the way things are now days that you can actually still paddle kids. I have a 5 year old in pre-k and I think that if I ever found out that he was paddled at school I would have a fit.

    Well, the other nurse just came in to relieve me so I'm gonna head home. good night everyone!!
  • Good morning all ! I don't have much time, I can't wait till the weekend, oh I think I already said that! I fell asleep last night, didn't even get to see the end o my show .
    Paige, must be in your area, the paddle in PA is a huge no-no, it's a very hot topic. Sometimes I think that the threat of the wood would be better than the pschyco crap they dish out at the kids now! I saw a little kid rip the princaples office apart one time. He was threatening to stab kids on the bus with his pencil and was hitting everybody. The driver took him back to the school (this had gone on for weeks mind you) they just kept calling his parents who apperantly weren't doing anything. Well the display in the office got him a one way ticket to private transportation. But to think they had weeks of videos of his fits on the bus and nobody would do anything. I don't admit to having the answers, and thank goodness I'm only responsible for my own children, Paige I don't envy you what so ever. I tell everybody that my 7 years driving bus was fun and I enjoyed the kids, just not some of the parents. When I hear somebody say "Not My Kid", I would love to know where they bought their rose colored glasses??? I could go on about this forever so I'll stop and get ready for work!!!
    I'll chat with you all later!!!
  • Good morning
    Just quick note to say good morning. Today is weigh in! @#$!$%%&!@~

    Oh, well I guess whatever happens, happens and then we are on to a new week.

    And yes we do still paddle. In our district it is up to each school whether we do or not. I wouldn't say I am at an inner city school, but.... We have a large part of our students that tend to not be very stable in that they move from apartment to apartment (whoever has free rent that month) and alot of our kids have parents or family in jail. So it can be tough. Paddling isn't something I do with everybody. Some kids I could paddle 3 times a day and their behavior is not going to change. Some just try to see what they can get away with and are followers. It works for those kids. If I have to paddle a child more then a couple times in a school year then it isn't working so they get sent home instead of paddled. Enough about my soap box!! Have a great day everyone!
