The Weekend Cluck - January 29 and 30

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  • Welcome to the Beach, Active, I'm so glad you're joining us. Yep, I have absolutely NO sympathy with you RE your weather! Yesterday it got to a "high" of 11*, and supposed to warm up to the 20's today! Sounds like you're good and ready to begin Phase 1, just remember to drink, drink, drink. Good luck, and it'll be exciting to hear all about your progress!
  • How do I add a weight tracker, I have it set up and have copied it , where do I paste?
    I am so compute illiterate, maybe just posting with you girls will help me.,
  • Wanda~Once you copy your tracker, go to Quick Links (at the top of the page) and chose Edit Profile. There, under your signature, you can paste it.

    I found the SAD light website for those interested.
  • Thanks for the reminder, SIL. I've not been "SAD" this winter but have been using it as a sewing light. It's even better than my Ott light! I hope you don't get too much freezing rain! Stay safe.
  • Oh boy, oh boy, another computer illiterate!!!! Now I won't feel so alone out here!
  • Ruth~Sewing and light therapy at the same time: wonderful multi-tasking!!!!
  • Hey Cottage~~ our weight trackers have the same current and goal weights!!
    Please have alittle sympanthy for us Southerners because nobody here knows how to drive on this ice and the salt trucks don't get to our country roads
  • Wanda~~I was wrong, sorry. Under Quick Links, go to Edit Signature and paste there. As you can see, I'm also computer illiterate
  • It's me again, I typed this a little while ago,but I think I failed to hit post. How do I add the cutsie weight tracker, I designed one , copied and don't know where to post?
    Anyone of you is smarter than I on a computer!!

    Thanks for all the WARM welcomes, I am excited to see such avid beach buddies !!
    It sounds like some of you are in major home projects, that can be fun and challenging.
    I bought a new dining room table about a year ago and it was too large for the dining room, I had to add a bay window area to create enough room for the person at the end of the table to sit. We still have to sand and finish it, this will not happen today.
    My DH still laughs about this, sweet guy that he is!!

    Cottage, I just found your deep dish pizza recipe, that should help with the regular Friday night pizza, Thanks in advance, it looks yummy!!!

    One more question, are lentils Phase I ?

  • Sorry,
    Please forgive an impatient idiot, I will try again.
    Sil you are so right about drivers in the South, and living on country roads. I wouldn't trade it for anything though!! I too love to garden and can almost smell the warm soil now.!! How large is your garden and when will you start to plant?

  • Hello chickies. Are we all having a good OP day today?

    Welcome Active/Wanda. Where in SC are you? You might find this thread interesting:

    Sending ((((OP vibes)))) to you all!!
  • I am in Prosperity,SC this is between Spartanburg and Columbia. Great thread, the beaches of SC and NC should look better this summer with all of us skinny chicks!!!

    Thanks for all the help. I am being force to hand over the computer to the children!!LOL!! Have a great beach day all!!

  • Ta Da---Success!!

  • Wanda
  • Hey gang - I've been here before, briefly, in the Fall, and had great success on P1 and P2, but the holidays got the best of me. Didn't gain everything back, but enough...

    Anyway, just wanted to drop by and say "Hi!" - I'll be starting P1 either tomorrow or Monday, depending on social plans, so I'll be here with you more often.

    Today I'm making Taco Bake and Sirloin Tips and Mushrooms, from the recipe threads, for my food for the week. I do love Taco Bake, so can't wait to have it again!