Cows under a full moooooon

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  • Sounds kinda gross actually. But I'm sure it's very dietwise.

    I hurt hurt hurt. Ow ow owo wo wow ow owowowowowowow. I can barely turn my head. It's all in my shoulders. I assume from poling, although I guess it could also be from that fall. I also feel a bit like I was riding a horse. Inner thighs hurt. You wouldn't think that would be affected.

    Yeah, Wabby, x-c skiing is much safer than downhill, just because you don't tend to be going as fast and there aren't usually any big hills. But when you haven't done it for a year or more, those muscles don't know what hit them.

    Cowpeach, I make prints. I have 4x6 and full sheet size photo paper (8.5x11). Bigger than that, no. But Bagz is right, you could email the photos to a store that develops film and they could make you whatever you want. I would suggest that you have Bagz send you the original files (larger size) if you want any bigger than 4x6, because the bigger the print, the better you want the resolution to be. Of course, I have better rates than the photo store (free).

    I've really got to go get some stuff done. The bathroom is dirty, the kitchen is a disaster, I haven't vacuumed. Good day for it, when I'm stiff as a board.

  • Well, I cleaned the bathroom. Scrubbing was good for my shoulders. Of course they still hurt.

    I'm attaching a photo I took of the computer screen after I read this post the other day:
    Quote: Two people have complimented my new earrings today. One said they bring out the pink in my eyes.
    It made me spew coffee.


  • Thanks for the spew, Kiwi.

    The fog has lifted and the sun is beeeee-you-tee-full today. Aaaaaahhhhh. Amazing what it does for my mood.

    Pass me the hummus, Peach. I love that stuff.
  • i made hummus today too===must be a spring ritual----too bad i am two months too early-------------let's all go to Flarrider and have a girls gone wild weekend----THAT WOULD MAKE ALOT OF PEOPLE SPEW!!!
  • All this hummus talk is going to make me go to the deli and buy some for lunch today. I feel a major food binge coming on. H*ll, it's been happening for the last week or two and bunco is on Saturday so I figure it's not a good time to stop now. It's a bad sign when I start wondering what bunco dessert will be and it's 2 days away.

    I did a 2 mile Leslie today, but I did the entire thing without looking at the tv. Just couldn't face the girls today. Staring out the window at the fog fit my mood better. Yes. Another foggy morning. It makes me feel practically suicidal - thank goodness the sun comes out by afternoon and then I'm so happy I can hardly stand myself.

    let's all go to Flarrider and have a girls gone wild weekend
    Bagzie, they would have to rename it - I haven't been called a girl for years - it's ma'am nowdays. I actually had a waiter tell me I looked familiar to him, an older version of someone he knew. I should have stiffed him on his tip.

    Can you tell I'm in a snit today?
  • poor wabby-----the FOG is the worst.around here it can last for two weeks or more without lifting----BUT ONLY IN THE SUMMER TIME-----the four weeks we get of summer----i can imagine the sun must be SOOOOOOOOOOOO divine!!---today is grey and mild and feels like rain or freezing rain will start soon.i am bllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh--- and most definely a ma'am----got me hair cut and me eyebrows waxed so i look like a middle aged hag instead of an old one----i miss lushhag.
  • Well, I didn't make hummus. I made fudge. Don't suppose that counts as a good thing, does it? It's sort of good because after my music boosters meeting last night I had a powerful chocolate craving, and I was thinking of going to the store and buying candy bars, but I decided I could make something at home instead. So I made fudge and I only had pan scrapings last night. I've had 2 squares today, though. Maybe I can eat the leftover salad instead of more fudge later, when we all know I will be ravenous.

    My neck still hurts. It's not too bad as long as I don't move. Unfortunately I never seem to get away with not moving for an entire day. Too bad. Today I had to mop up the kitchen--we had some thawing and the roof leaked. Many puddles. Didn't ruin the fudge though, so everything is okay.

    I got this in a spam email today:
    THE PARENT arrived back on the scene. She gave me a tape by Dr. Laura Meyers from UCLA. I listened to that tape eight times. I listened over and over and heard the same thing again and again. Ms. Meyers said, 'These kids may need to hear a word many times (perhaps 72 times) before they ever say a word. A computer can be patient and say it the same way every time.' Now I understood. I was not patient enough. I did not allow the student to hear the words over and over. I was interrupting their learning by interjecting, when they were totally engrossed in what they were doing. I was asking questions they were not ready to answer. They were just learning language. They didn't have the answers yet.
    Isn't it nice that they try to educate while annoying us?

    I took pictures yesterday of the frosty trees and the river, but they did not come out as well as Bagz'. I guess I will send you all some anyway, but gee whiz, they just don't glisten and sparkle.

  • kiwi---do you use the fudge recipe that calls for icing sugar???i need to know what recipe you use---and you still haven't tole me how you make your chicken soup taste so good-----i WANT to see your pictures!!!!send them now!!!---i was shooting into the sun .
  • I'm home today to go to dentist and clean house. I don't clean with you guys...I have new red state cleaning friends. I think they don't like me because they suspect I'm blue , but they are all too sweet to perform outright rejection.
    I make fudge, too. It is made with pb and fluff plus chocolate...I don't like chocolate but I always suffer through a few pieces like a true addict.
    Bagzie, where in Canada do they have a decent climate? When they try to draft my boys, where should I send them to college up there? Do you know of any canadian girls who'll marry them?
    Cherry must be so excited for the Superbowl. Me, not so much. Poor dd is being forced to spend her whole day at school in Eagles mania. She is trying to avoid being drawn upon by green permanent marker.
    Cleaning time. L
  • Lushy!
    Send them to Victoria! Fabulous climate. Shorts in April. Shorts in October. The city has no snow plow. It's where I went and just look at what became of me. One of my nieces is almost 13 and very cute. Can they wait a few years to get married?
  • Quote: kiwi---do you use the fudge recipe that calls for icing sugar???i need to know what recipe you use---and you still haven't tole me how you make your chicken soup taste so good-----i WANT to see your pictures!!!!send them now!!!---i was shooting into the sun .
    No way -- into the sun? The fudge recipe is the one on the marshmallow fluff container. Plain sugar, evaporated milk, butter, and marshmallow fluff, cooked in a pan. Then you add chocolate chips, vanilla and pinch of salt. For some reason it doesn't come out the same as my mother's using the same recipe -- hers doesn't harden 100% -- you can still cut it into solid squares, but it doesn't break or have crumbs if you know what I mean. Maybe she uses margarine instead of butter. Mine isn't exactly a miracle of cooking, believe me; it tends to break up if it dries too much, but it tastes good.

    As far as the chicken soup, it doesn't sound any different from yours. What I usually do is take a chicken that was roasted and still has about 2 cups of meat on it. I pull off the meat and set it aside, then throw the rest of the carcass into a pot, including skin. Cover it with about 3 quarts or so of water, plus an onion sometimes with skin, a stalk of celery and a carrot, a dozen or so peppercorns and a bay leaf. Sometimes garlic, and salt when I don't forget. I simmer that for at least an hour and then remove everything and strain the broth. I pick off any remaining meat from the bones or that fell off, and throw everything else away. For the soup, I add diced onion and celery, sliced carrots, and rice or barley usually, simmer it until it's all cooked, add the chicken back in and season it. Done. I have some good recipes that include stuff like marjoram and so on, but mostly I ignore them.

    My best piece of advice for chicken soup? Don't strain the broth down the sink.

    Good grief I'm so tired of seeing DH sit on the couch with the TV on plinking on a guitar. He went to the doctor the other day and got a nicotine patch and anti-depressants. I swear if I catch him smoking I will likely lose my **** altogether. So yesterday he came home early I swear to god "with the sniffles". And today he didn't go in at all, but he got up 5 minutes after I did so he could be in the way anyway. And now he's plinking on the couch. I think maybe I'll take DD shopping after school; I don't think I can stay around here without losing my temper. I feel like telling him to "go outside and play."

  • Kiwi, I stayed home with "the sniffles" this morning. Actually it had nothing to do with sniffles. Sometimes I just can't stand the thought of going to work. Maybe it's the same w/ the DH. I couldn't stay gone the whole day - ppl want paychecks.

    Lush, I'm crushed. I suspected you of two timing w/ cleanie friends. Why can't you hang with them and us???? We miss you. Tell us what's new besides the dentist and the clean house. Tell me what color to paint my bedroom. It's yellow and I hate it. I loved it when it was new, but now it's dirty and I'd rather paint than scrub walls. I'm thinking dirt beige because that way it would stay looking new. We don't do the Super Bowl at our house. DH will be fishing instead. He played football in high school and I think that was enough for him. He has no interest in watching other ppl play sports of any kind, and I'm afraid I feel the same way, unless our friend's adorable children are playing. I feel really sad missing all the Super Bowl food, though.

    It's horrible to admit, but I'm hoping my sis in law in Phoenix has gotten as old and haggard as I have. Of course she hasn't as she's always been tiny and stylish and adorable. I haven't seen her in about 5 years - geez, I can't believe that much time has gone by. I have a new middle aged ailment to complain about - it's called Mortons Neuroma and it makes my right foot cramp and hurt like crazy. The Dr. wants to cut into the bottom of my foot and cut it out. Youch!! I'm going to limp along as long as I can stand it. I really, really hate getting old. I'm falling apart.

    I'm planning a fun filled Bunco weekend, cows. See you monday!
  • Wabby-- isn't it illegal to cut into the bottom of somebody's foot? Owie. Makes acupunture sound attractive... And y'all writing about food... especially fudge when I'm back on the wagon. Maybe if I do and clean the cat box, I'll get over the cravings for chocolate!

    I had a good day. except for earning money. That was pretty skimpy. Oddly, staying OP, and meeting with friends, and not creating more entropy-related chaos is compensation enough. At least for today.
    Oh, and I sketched a sketch or two. Who knows, I might actually paint in the morning!! TTYSOON.
  • Quote: Kiwi, I stayed home with "the sniffles" this morning. Actually it had nothing to do with sniffles. Sometimes I just can't stand the thought of going to work.
    By all means! We're allowed to do that. DH, however, should go to work.

    So, DD and I hit the road and went shopping for her birthday present. Got her a new pair of cross-country ski boots. Hopefully she'll get lots of use out of them. Got myself a new pair of poles while we were at it. Then we went shopping for underwear and hose, with the money we got back from returning DH's Christmas sweater. And finally we went out to dinner. Love doing the girlie trip now and then. Just wish I had more $$ to do it with these days!

    Well, DH and I are off to a home show. Maybe quitting smoking is inspiring him on the housing front; that would be an excellent thing.

  • Kiwi, your poor dh. It has been 23 years since I quit smoking. It was the most difficult thing I ever did. I don't think they had antidepressants then...or I would have needed them. It felt like a nervous breakdown. I used nicorette gum for a couple of weeks then came off the gum all by myself for a week at the MGM in Reno, Nevada. It was horrible. It took 6 months to lose the feeling that the top of my head was going to blow off any minute. I was a pretty heavy smoker.. 3 packs a day.
    Wabby, I'm not friends with the cleanies....I promise. I just post a list and post what I do. If YOU GUYS would clean with me, I would be happier to do it with you, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. You guys are reformed. They don't like me and no one talks to me.
    I've strained the broth down the sink...I thought I was the only one.
    My fudge doesn't come out like my mother's either. It crumbles. I think it is because it cools unevenly.

    I must go take ds to friend's house to to sci fair...bye