Change Your Habits Update

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  • Oh, I'm a creamer addict, too! I take a little coffee with my cream. I'm going to add that to my list of habits to change...someday.
  • I almost just gave up coffee since it did not even remotely taste the same without all my creamer, but I missed not having a cup in the morning. I am a cup a day drinker. Well, a big cup. I'm so glad there are others out there who have the creamer problem. My husband used to think I was nuts at the amount of creamer I put in my coffee. I did not know there were others who did the same thing. Glad to know I'm not alone.
  • I am the same with my creamer. I prefer the powdered kind too. I have given up a lot but I still have my mug in the am and just add it into my calories for the day. It is worth it to me. My mug of coffee with cream and sugar add up to 175 cals and I don't regret drinking it every morning.
  • Mind if I join. I have some habit I'd like to change. There are 2 I'd like to change right now.
    1. No eating after 8. ( I did have it after 10 I'm going to try and work it to 7)
    2. No seconds of main dish. ( Huge problem when I make anything with pasta) I buy only wheat pasta now and my family LOVES it!
  • How did the third week of changing habits go?

    I'm still doing about the same with eating at the table, which is most of the time. I am changing a habit that I didn't even intend to change, though. Every Friday I go to Trader Joe's to shop, and I always have a cup of free coffee and some of the treats they put by the coffee (usually little cookies). I'm pleased to say that it's been three weeks since I've taken any of the treats. Still take the coffee though--what coffee drinker can pass up free coffee?
  • I never pass up free coffee!! Passing up the sweets is a hard one. Good going on being able to do that.

    I've kept with my coffee creamer change. I think I am starting to get used to it. It has been 80 degrees here the past few days. Well, not today, but the few before. Anyways, I don't drink much coffee when it gets warm out. I'm sticking it out though and making my coffee more healthy. I wish I could stomach it black. I don't ever see that happening though.

    I'm doing well with not eating after 7 though. I only eat a snack that late, but I can't seem to give that up. I'm not so sure that a healthy snack is going to be that bad for me. I don't ever eat anything heavy after 7. I think as long as I am having something healthy it is ok. What do you all think?
  • I'm starving...Help!
    Okay guys I need help it's only day one of my weight loss journey and I feel like running into the kitchen grabbing a bag of chips and barricading myself in the bathroom so that I can eat as many as possible before my fiancee' breaks down the door to save me from eating myself to death! I've already eaten a half a bag of baby carrots with Italian dressing but I'm still hungry! What can I do to get over this horrible craving to stuff my face after 7pm? I really need some input guys..please save me from myself!
  • Lisa, I can feel your pain. Been there. The first couple of weeks might be like that. Keep eating those carrots!! Don't give up. Some of the cravings will lighten up. Others you just have to deal with one way or the other. Getting some exercise helps. Doing anything to take your attention away from eating is a good thing. I push exercise because it really works for me. I've had to take some walks at really odd times before to beat down cravings. Try not to let it overwhelm you. If it is so bad think about changing just small things for now and make it a gradual process as opposed to all out going for it. It would be far better for you to start slowly then to get to fed up and just quit. You can do this!! I promise it gets easier.
  • This is great topic. I am starting from today. I will not eat sweets, except one thing a week. And I willl sit and eat. If I dont have time to eat in peace, I will not eat.
    This week I will be off my job, so it will be a start...
  • Tammy - quite some months ago I started a thread on eating late in the evenings (I tend to have a 10pm ish healthy snack). The consensus seemed to be that this was absolutely fine - and a number of people quoted research that shows that the time at which you eat (late or early) makes no difference to weightloss - its what and how much you eat that makes the difference. So I would stick with the healthy snack!

    Lisa - it gets easier, it gets easier, it gets easier, I promise! Fight those cravings any way that you can - carrots are good! - and set yourself up for success by having lots of healthy food in the house and chucking out the junk. The approach I follow means that there is always something I can eat (fruit, veg, low fat yogurt/cheese etc), and I find that this does having lots of things to do other than think about food.....I'm with Tammy on the exercise front - its a fantastic way of diverting those cravings! Hang on in there!

    As to my change in habits - cooking more - I am getting there. Made a very nice tomato & mushroom pasta sauce this week, and last night a friend showed me how to make a great vegetable curry. Slowly but surely....
  • Ok, I completely forgot about this (maybe intentionally?), I've been doing better, not 100%, but I've also been kind of off plan, so I don't know..
  • One thing that helps me with late night cravings or cravings anytime actually is a hot drink. It can be coffee, tea, sugar free hot cocoa; anything as long as it has minimal calories and it tastes good to you. It helps you feel like you at something but not have many calories and usually it has a sweet taste to curb the need for sweets. Also when I first started out I relied on many dishes of sugar free jello to help me through the night snacking.
  • Julie, I do the same thing! I found this Vanilla Almond black tea that I love, and it has no calories or caffeine. Even though it's not technically sweet, it smells like dessert, so it helps satisfy a sweet craving. Sometimes I think my "sweet" cravings are just cravings for *something*, so it really helps.
  • Well, well, well - Look at all you fine ladies and all you're changing habit momentum!!

    Congrats to all of you who succesfully have changed or are on the way to changing those bad habits!!

    As for me, I've gotta say, my bad habit change has been quitting smoking! On Monday, it will be 2 weeks and I honestly have amazed myself.. I can't believe I'm doing it for real this time. I feel great.. I can push myself even more at the gym! And, I'm proud... I feel like I can accomplish anything I put my mind too and I know each of you can too!

    So with all that said - YAY! for all of us!
  • I've been brushing my teeth two times a day now so I'm doing well on that front.
    I'm now working on journaling all I eat and that is going great too. I need to pick another item from my list to start working on. I've started doing some early spring cleaning so I guess I'm going to try tackling that and not letting the house be so cluttered anymore.