300+ And Ready to Try Again...#591

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  • God Bless America!

    We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
    We share laughter and tears.
    We share what works for us and what doesn't.
    We recently started a Topic of the Day.

    Monday........Motivation Monday
    Tuesday.......Tuesday Tips
    Wednesday.....Wednesday Weigh ins
    Thursday......Thankful Thursday
    Friday........Friday Facials, Fingernails and Fun
    Saturday.......Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
    Sunday.........Soup and Salad Sunday - recipes

    These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We have found them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears...joys and celebrations.

  • Morning, ladies! Just thought I would check in before going out to be a "showgirl" all day. We have to do counts for Ray again this weekend and trailer checks for The Incredibles. Don't know if we'll get time to see a movie or not. There are several out there that I wouldn't mind seeing, but I suppose I could wait for them to come out on DVD. It just hard when we're doing counts to find the time to actually fit in a movie too.

    Hope all is well for the weekend. I didn't read since last night and really don't have time to post much anyway. Gotta get outta here. I slept in.

    I'll try and catch up with you all later. Love ya bunches.
  • I was JUST going to start that new thread, too!
    Leave it to our fearless moderator! Thank you, Thin! Have fun at the theater. We saw "The Incredibles" last night. It was cute, but it seemed very L O N G. Too long, especially if this is considered a "kid's movie." But it was entertaining. I would have been happier seeing it on DVD, on my couch, in my living room, in my jammies though!

    We were going to the 7:30 show. At 5:30 I realized that I hadn't exercised yet...so I popped my Tae Bo tape in and did that for 30 minutes. That is one good, sweaty workout! Quick shower and I was ready to go. I could easily fritter 30 minutes away, on the computer, watching TV, just puttering around, so it's not hard to sneak exercise into the day. I find that it's easy to grab a quick session like that, and I feel so accomplished and more willing to stick to the rest of my plan. Oh, and? NO POPCORN for me!! I had made a great wrap before I went...spinach, red pepper, onion, carrots, red cabbage all chopped up, tossed with some Italian dressing with turkey and cheese wrapped up in a tortilla. That was an 8 point, LARGE, filling dinner!

    Can you tell I'm psyched to be back on track?

    Today, I got the best surprise!!! I was set to participate in a Philadelphia Historic Trail hike with the Boy Scouts. I was going to drive my son and one or two other scouts. At 6:30 this morning, we met with the others at a local shopping center parking lot. Fortified with coffee and figuring that all that walking would be my exercise for the day, I was ready to go. Turns out, there were less boys than anticipated and they had enough drivers, so I got a reprieve!

    <Two hour drive to Philly, with teenage boys in tow, walk around all day with said boys, two hour drive back? Yeah, I'll pass if I'm not needed!>

    As I was waving goodbye, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Kohl's was open already...Woo! Shopping! I bought a bunch of frames, all 50% off, some pillows for my sofa and a blanket. From there, I headed to Bed Bath and Beyond, but they're not open as early. So I headed over to a nearby park for a nice early morning walk. It is gorgeous out today! Sunny and cool. Actually, a bit nippy this morning, but it was great for walking. I had a good hike through the park's gardens and the woods...up and down a few hills...it was so nice! What a good way to start the day! At one point, I stopped at a lovely, inviting bench and just sat. The sun was warm on my face, the wind was blowing, the colors around me just beautiful. I'm claiming the memory of that as my "happy place" to go to when people at work are annoying the crap out of me....I'll just tune them out and remember the sights, sounds, smells and feeling of that place. Serenity now!

    I did get over to Bed Bath and Beyond and bought all kinds of stuff for the house. New quilt and shams for our bed, a shower curtain, a tablecloth, napkins, potpourri, those heavenly cinnamon scented pinecones, a basket, a cd tower...other stuff, I can't remember. I used up all the coupons I've been saving for just this occasion!

    All this activity and I was home before 11:00! This means I'll have time to get outside and do some yard work too. My kind of day! No interruptions, I can do what I want to do!

    All right, I've blathered on about myself long enough....

    Jen, Nice picture! You look lovely and hubby is quite studly in his uniform!

    Michelle, One question...You don't actually make PBJs in the middle of the night do you?????

    Terri...Thanks for the Dr Phil pep talk. I love that message...TIME TO GET REAL ABOUT YOURSELF. Have fun with the girls today. It's a great day here for a ride...I hope it is there too!

    Lucky, get yourself a bullet proof vest and get out there and bat your eyelashes at those hunters!

    Andria...I could have written these words myself: I spend so much time and energy beating myself up for things that I am perfectly willing to forgive in others. Time to treat ourselves like we treat others...kind of a reverse Golden Rule, huh?

    I know there are so many others that I should reply to, but I've been here so long already....

    I hope that everyone has a fun filled, productive, lazy, whatever you want it to be Saturday!

  • Hi
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm not sure if people got a chance to backtrack enough to read this or not, so I am reposting it.

    Hello ladies,

    Well, after a hiatus of a few days, I am back. Things are pretty much back to normal now. I chalk my mood the other day up to mostly "monthly" stuff, stress and not enough sleep. Thank you so much for your supportive posts, I deeply appreciate it.

    I have read every post and am caught up with everyone's news. Glad to see that everyone seems to be doing really well with food, water intake and exercise.

    Terri: Sorry about your awful night, hon. I bet we can all relate to having had some idiot who got their license out of a Cracker Jack box run into us and then all of a sudden it's OUR fault. The way I keep sane during those kinds of things is to imagine that in their next life, those nitwits will return as crash test dummies!!

    CD: Ahhhh...sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Gosh, with a 2 1/2 year old I've almost forgotten what it's like to be able to roll over and say "what the heck" and go back to sleep in the a.m. Enjoy it!

    I have done pretty okay with food, awesome, as always with water (I drink about 100 oz./day and always have) but exercise has sucked BIG time. I went to Curves on Monday and haven't gone since. DH doesn't work until 10:30 am tomorrow, so I plan to get my butt there by 9 a.m. so I can claim at least 2 days of exercise this week.

    I guess that's about it. Oh, unless of course we count the phone call I got last night from DH's psycho sister from **** in England. She should be hospitalized but no one in his family will deal with her. She called last night to inform me that I should never have married her brother because he's a no good, rotten S.O.B. and that he doesn't deserve to be happy. She then threatened to kill me and our daughter. She has been nuts her whole life, but lives on her own now after going off her medication and divorcing her husband last year after a year of marriage. He is a saint to have put up with her that long. Needless to say, my DH was fit to be tied last night. After she "disowned" him (like he cares) awhile back, he wrote and told her to NEVER contact us again. He now wants to get our phone number changed and unlisted, but I am refusing. I will not let her dictate how we live our life.

    Okay, enough of that crap. Gotta run, little one is up from her nap. Have a great evening!
  • Whew! I'm happy to see our thread so active! Great to see everyone posting!

    I'm happy because yesterday I did very well - Worked out (even though for some reason it was so hard! Its sad to think that just a few weeks ago I was doing the same workout routine every night with ease, and now I can barely get through it a few times a week - I want to get back to how I used to be), I drank ttonsss of water, and ate very nicely.

    Today I'm off to good start too - I've been convincing myself to eat my non-fat vanilla yogurt when I want to "snack". I usually add some cornflakes (or grapenuts - I love grapenuts but forget to buy them ) to it to make it more interesting and last longer.. so I'm happy with it.. I just forget its there! I thinking about doing my Bellydancing tape instead of my WATP - hoping to get some stretching done.

    For those of you who have tried WATP - do you think that Leslie doesn't give a good enough warm up? Maybe its because I've had tons of dance lessons all my life (art schools) and we always warmed up a bunch.. sometimes I wonder if her lack of proper warm up makes my bones hurt Richard Simmons always seemed to do a great warm-up from what I remember. I'm thinking if I get caught up again maybe I'll do the bellydancing and the WATP so I can get proper stretching and aerobics in.

    Jen - You look awesome

    Barb - Great job sticking to your food plan! Now if Only I could learn from your example

    Terri - I sortve "plan" things out. Often in the morning I'll decide what I'm in the mood for that day.. but since I'm so picky (and lazy, and a bad cook!!) its usually either salad, wraps, soup, or chili - so theres not much to plan. I will try harder though. I'm just such a munchy person - it drives me nuts. I love having something in my mouth crunching. I've really realized that I don't eat out of need or emotion, but rather just because I'm bored sadly. Awesome advice by the way

    BarbPA- Oh I LOVE Pampered Chef! I went a long time ago when I was younger (hah "long time ago" I act as if I'm old ), and I lovveed all the different "devices" they had. I bought a crust cutter or something, a soup draining bowl.. and all this craziness. Ah, I miss those parties - even if I was always too young and poor to buy all the cool things, they were fun.

    Michelle - You are absolutely right I shouldn't beat myself down too much on it, and I'm realizing that. Where I used to eat bags of chips and tons of icecream or candy... I realize now that I only take a handful of nuts or similar and I'm doing so much better compared to then, and I need to be grateful for that. I hope WW works out for you! I've never been to a meeting.

    2cute - don't forget that even the smallest task is still exercise. Whether its lake lifts while watching tv, breathing a little deeper and holding in your abs, sitting in your seat and moving your feet onto your toes to stretch your ankle/calves. There are tons of things you can do. I find when I haven't worked out all day, usually in bed I'll try to get a few situps and leg lifts in.. I mean you're already in the position - why not! You can do it

    Kat - I love hearing about where you live! Being in a "big city" of Florida is so boring. I live right across from my university in the middle of the city.. not to mention FL doesn't really have much of seasons, mountains, or anything too interesting (at least not until a few hours away from where I live)

    Chris - I'm sorry to hear about your phone call from your DH's sis My sister has the ex-boyfriend that she was with for many many years who is a complete psycho as well, tried to kill some of our family members and has a ton of DUI's and he's stolen tons of my sister's money. He always told her he'd kill her and anyone she's with and us as well Its just so sad that the world can have such people, its saddening. I hope everything is okay otherwise.

    Okay, I'm off to do some hobbies and clean up around this place Have a great weekend everyone.
  • Hey everyone

    Everyone sounds so up! It is really great to hear all the excitement. I was thinking about my posts just a few days ago and how down I was on myself for not staying on my program. Well, today I feel totally empowered. This is day 3 OP, and I'm rockin' my plan! There have been plenty of temptations, but it feels so good to walk away and not even feel as if I owe anyone an explanation. I DON'T owe anyone an explanation! Other people pass up food all the time, and no one questions their motives. All these things can be worked in eventually, but for one more day (the introductory phase on this diet is 3 days), I'm saying no and feeling stronger by the minute for it.

    The closest I can come to explaining how I feel is a post 2cute put up a long time ago about how proud she was of herself for turning down a treat. She sounded so strong, like a St. George out slaying her dragons. I remember thinking at the time that she didn't need to go that far. She could have allowed herself one bite and gone down the path of moderation. I have really come to understand what she was talking about, though. Sometimes to get to moderation, that balance, you need to tip the scale all the other way so there is a reason for it to pull back and find a center.

    I've got to get out of here and back to bed. I came out after 2.5 hours of sleep to find that the girls hadn't even begun to do their chores. The ensuing adrenaline rush needed a bit of time to dissipate before the sleepies could return. Since my head is nodding now, I'd better take advantage.

    Have a great weekend!

  • Sorry Kat, but YES I do make the pbj at 3 am with a cup of milk! Both nights he didn't eat dinner so I knew he was really hungry when he came to the side of my bed with his sweet little 4 yr old voice saying "Mommy I'm hungry"! Whats a mother to do?

    I had a very successful day today. Water, food, exercise and JOURNAL!! I still have 4 points left for the day too and my belly is full! Its still early but I plan on having one of those WW chocolate drinks for 3 points. Making it with milk makes it 2 milk servings and since I didn't do milk (YUUKKK!) I need to get it in! Besides, that calcium is suppose to aide in weightloss no?

    I'm so motivated right now I can't stand myself. How do I get this to stay like this for a year or so!??? I know...2Cute has to keep sending turkey type stuff to keep me going! Its been so much fun adding feathers to my turkey...gobble gobble!!

    OK nuff said...I need to finish up my school postings for the week! I did get rid of two more boxes in the kitchen so my kitchen is now spotless! Wa..la...one room complete!

    TTFN Michelle
  • WE WON !!!! WE WON !!!

    It was a nail biter all the way. The game began with us LOSING 0-14.
    We went into half time losing 21-28.
    We scored within one minute coming back.
    The last nine seconds we lead 35-28 ... but the AGGIES almost scored TWICE.
    I thought I was going to just collapse from STRESS !!!!

    BUT ... WE WON !!!! WE WON !!!

  • I'm glad we are all so easily entertained Now ole Alvin is in on it. I started to cheat, without thinking what I was going to do, and he says are you sure you want to do that? That will mean you can't put a sticker on your turkey!!!

    I am pleased to announce that I exercissed today! I rode my stationery bike for 20 minutes!!! And I weighed myself this morning, and so far so good!!!

    2cute, I watched the game until halftime, and was suprised when I woke up and found out that OU won!!!

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday!

  • Hello again.... did not mean to cheer and run but I was STARVING.
    Hubby and I went out for a nice Mexican dinner. MMMmm good.
    Came home and watched the Oklahoma State University team go from a 35-7 lead .... to losing 35 - 5? to Texas A&M

    Barbg ... I LOVE your Commando Turkeys. I wanted to find some to post.. but never did. Thanks
    Tell you hubby THANKS from me for helping you earn your wings.
    I am proud of you.
    Your AGGIES played great football. I had my doubts we would win... but hung on to my FAITH in them. We were one lucky team.

    I wrote this off line so I have not read anything all day.
    Just could not help seeing Barbs Turkeys.
    I have enough to share without doing replys.

    This morning when I was here I shared I was going to go exercise this morning.
    Well... things changed. Kat, Barbs and Terri's tales of walking their dogs always sounds sooo nice. I decided I would take my dog for a walk too. It was a beautiful day here... so I loaded us in the car and headed for a nice pond I knew of with a trail around it.

    Well... when we arrived. I realized this pond was MUCH larger than I remembered.
    Plus .. it had no benches to sit and rest if I needed it. FEAR started taking me over. Fear of falling and not being able to get up... Fear I could not make the entire walk. Fear of the PAIN.

    I just sat in the car and cried.
    I cried for all the lost years from this obesity.
    I cried for the damage done to my knees and legs and back and overall health.
    I cried for a life I have never gotten to live.
    I cried that I have the physical abilities of an 80-90 year old.. and I am only 53.
    I cried for my marriage that has suffered from my obesity.
    Basicly .. I just cried.

    I did not gain any great insight from my tears.
    I did not come out the other side empowered to change.
    I did not feel any better.. nor any worse.
    I just felt sad.

    Well... I decided that the bottom line is... yes I am fat.... Too fat to walk around the pond ... so go home and dig out your "Sit and be Fit" exercise videos and GET OVER IT.
    That is what I planned to do. I bought me an ON PROGRAM lunch and headed home.

    But .. the BIG GAME was starting in 30 minutes and hubby was home .. so I did not get to exercise again. After the two games and dinner out.... I could feel the DREAD of exercising at home to a video. It was 10:30 pm and I did not want to exercise now..... BUT I also felt the need to follow through on my commitment to all of you.... to the Commando Turkey ... and to myself ...to exercise.

    I went and found my exercise video... I got my chair and set it smack dab in the middle of the living room and I put in the tape. I did a 30 minute workout and now I don't have to feel disappointment in myself... I can feel .... glad it is DONE.
    I left the chair in the center of the living room so I can do it again tomorrow morning and I won't have to dread it all day. LOL

    Okay... this has been a longgg post. I doubt if I will reply to anyone tonight.
    Please don't feel I don't care about your posts ... I do.
    I am just trying to get my life together into a manner that will get my life back.
    Right now... that may mean being a little selfish. {{{hugs }}}
  • OK ladies!! I have my coffee and am settled in to write a nice long post for you. I will be sure to copy it before I submit because I think we all know that long posts have a tendency to get sucked into a cyber black hole, never to be seen again .

    First.... THE BALL...
    Really, it was a long string of errors and screw ups, but it the end we had a wonderful time. There was a babysitter fiasco, and the bus to pick us up was 45 minutes late. I was frozen by the time it came since I didn't have a coat. Then the photographer was a no show.

    The good news, we got seated at a table with a lot of great people. There was free wine LOL , and everyone had a fabulous time!! I was pretty nervous in the beginning because it was so very formal until the dinner was adjourned. I'd never done anything like it. I felt like a princess. I felt good about how I looked for the first time ever. I got compliments left and right. I didn't know what to make of it. My husband said I was the "Belle of the Ball".

    There was a dedication to my husband's SGT James Lathan, who on July 4, only 5 days before the end of their long 15 month tour in Baghdad, was struck by a mortar fragment in the spine and was paralyzed from the neck down. Had it only been moments earlier, it could have been my husband. These things hit so close to home. I know you girls don't know him, but I just wanted to mention him and maybe you can send some thoughts or prayers to his family.

    TERRI: Sorry. My hubby doesn't have any brothers . He is one of a kind.

    Barb: Now to answer your barrage of questions LOL. I have lost in total 110 pounds. As for how much longer we are in Germany...well, your guess is as good as mine. If my DH gets accepted to flight school, we could be out of here before the summer. We are scheduled to leave in September '05. HOWEVER, this unit (1st AD) is scheduled to deploy for ANOTHER year in Iraq by November '05. If it goes like last time, they will stop all moves 60 to 90 days prior to the deployment and he will have to go back. It kills me to think about it. ANOTHER WHOLE YEAR!!! If that is the case, I am going to have the Army put all our stuff in storage and go back home for the year, then meet him at our new duty station when he comes back. I can't stand the idea of spending another year here alone. My DH is in until Feb '08 unless he re-enlists or gets accepted to flight school. Going to flight school automatically puts us in until 2011. If he doesn't get accepted to flight school, we will be heavily considering what to do next. To early to say for sure.

    Oh, I forgot to tell you this little story from the Ball ..... later on in the evening, when everyone was feeling pretty warm and fuzzy from the wine , I was in the rest room and one of the ladies just comes right out and asks me if I'm PREGNANT!! So, without hesitation, (it's so automatic after so many years) I just blurted out with a smile "No. I'm just fat. Thanks for asking!" and went into the bathroom stall. My husband was waiting for me outside the rest room and KNEW what must have happened cuz he says, "This lady came out before you, all red-faced, ran to her husband and said "NEVER ask a woman if she's pregnant!". My DH said she felt awful. Well, she should!! That became my automatic response so many years ago. I found that I could redirect my hurt right back at them for saying something so stupid. I am the same person I was 110 pounds ago, and that person spent her whole life being fat and taking all the crap that goes with it. I am still very defensive. People who have only met me over the last year, didn't see me overweight, and lord save 'em if they make any comments about someone that is overweight. I take those comments to heart because a year and a half ago, they would have been saying that about me without even knowing me. I give a lot of lectures LOL .

    That leads to this..... I do look pretty good from the front, by my profile does leave a lot to be desired. I have a LOT of hangy skin on my belly. The doc says about 6 pounds worth. I had a consultation with a plastic surgeon last week and am waiting for insurance approval this week. If I get approved, I would be having surgery in January. Now I am left with another big decision..... when I lost all my weight, I lost my boobies too!! I wear a padded A bra!!! I told my husband that when I lay down, they look like two fried eggs with nipple yolks!! Totally FLAT!!! I am considering getting implants at the same time. I would only have to pay for the implants and the surgeons fee if I get them done at the same time since the insurance would already be paying for the hospital and the anesthesia. I'd look good then huh???? Otherwise, I guess I'll just be flat all over the front of me LOL. The surgeon is going to tighten up my abs and everything. You'll be able to bounce a quarter off my tummy. Now.....I just have to keep my fingers crossed for the approval .

    OK then. I've written you all a book. I think I've covered most of the questions LOL!! I will pop in again later.

  • Well ... here I am again.. I'm like a bad penny.

    Just came in to post that I have completed my exercise video this morning !!
    I journaled my on program breakfast and have drank 3 of my 8 glasses of water.
    I think I am pretty much on course.
    I did read this morning too.

    Andria. .. I am glad you can now understand what I was saying earlier.

    Jen... I am glad you did not let that lady ruin your evening.

    Michelle... I am brainstorming for new contests in Dec and Jan as we speak.
    The Commando Turkey gave me STRICK instructions to keep this up for my own recovery. I am glad you are willing to do it with me.

    CD ... yes i agree. ANY movement is better than nothing. But if I am going to do this... I want my money's worth.
    I love the idea of belly dancing. That would be under that FUN exercise list. A couple here have done that too. Does anyone remember who?

    Chris... how about a new post ?? Did you get your 2 days of exercise in you were aiming for ? I used to make my exercise goal be... I cannot miss more than one day in a row. If I missed a day.. I HAD to exercise the next... NO MATTER WHAT.
    I plan to get back to that routine soon.

    Kat... your last post was FULL of accomplishments. It was inspiring to read.

    Thin.. did you get to watch any movies ?? Did you hear anyone talking about how well they liked theirs ?? I can't wait until next Friday when I am going to the first showing of "Bridget Jone's Diary 2". I don't know it's real name. LOL

    Okay.. now I am going to go DO SOMETHING productive or FUN.
  • Hi everyone! This will be pretty much a drive by post. I'm on my little break from the theatre.

    Over the past couple of days I've spent at the theatre I've been able to catch almost all of Shall We Dance. That is definitely one that I will be buying on DVD. If you get a chance to see it, go. I absolutely loved one of Richard Gere's lines in the film. It was when his wife had found out that he had been taking dance lessons. She felt very betrayed. The line went something like: I was ashamed to tell you I was unhappy sometimes, especially with all we have. OMG! I couldn't believe it. I was just thinking last night about how, I don't want to say "unhappy", but more like "not happy" I've been for so long. That line just kind of slapped me in the face.

    Oh well, enough of this crap.

    Jen: Your picture is beautiful! You and hubby must be sooo happy that he is back with you and for your wonderful weightloss accomplishment. * Nice comeback for the woman in the restroom. Gotta love 'em, because you just can't shoot 'em!

    2cute: I'm sorry you had that moment yesterday at the pond. But gosh, girl, I sure do know how you feel. [[[hugs]]] All those lost years! *sigh*

    Barbg: I'm glad Alvin is getting in on the action. It's always easier when the DH pitches in and stops the sabbataging.

    Michelle: It's good to see you with such an upbeat attitude and motivation.

    Andria: You're sounding much more positive too. Good for you!

    CD: It's awful to realize how out of shape we are....and I'm not talking about fat or weight, I'm talking about huffing and puffing after walking a few yards. I'm with you. I need to get back in shape, where I don't feel like I'll callapse if I have to walk a little ways. I had gotten to that point a few years ago, where all of the stairs in my house didn't bother me and where I could tromp around college campuses while the "baby" decided where he was going to attend. I need to work on getting back to there. It wasn't that I was so much lighter then, just that I was in better shape.

    Chris: It is good to see you posting again. Did you get back to Curves by the end of the week? * I'm sorry about your psycho sister-in-law. At least she's "across the pond" and you don't have to feel like you're in imminent danger.

    Katrina: Sorry to beat you to the new thread! I just saw that 2cute was post number 30 and was surprised she didn't start it. You sound really enthusiastic. That's wonderful. Keep up the good work.

    BarbPA: Did you get to the party? I really enjoy demonstrations....for the most part. But I guess I'm too old to get invited to them anymore.

    Lucky: So the lawn is mowed, the leaves are raked, the garden is winterized, now all you have to duck wayward bullets and wait for the snow to fly!!! Put on your orange overalls and get out there and bag you a dear!

    Terri: You must be tied up with the girls today. I would think that all that riding and grooming would count for exercise as well.

    Angela: Ok, you should be getting back from that conference today sometime. I hope you stuck to some sort of reasonable plan and had a wonderful time being away.

    Debra: I know how you feel about needing a greenhouse. Actually, I would be happy with just a bay window or something. I don't keep any houseplants because I have nowhere to put them. The bedroom side of my house faces North, so no sence putting anything up there. My living room/dining room has a South window but there's really no place to put any plants. And I only have a patio door facing East. *sigh* Maybe my next house will have room for some greenery.

    Susie: Glad you were able to get away from the hustle bustle of the office to have lunch....always a pleasure.

    Skittles: Sorry you were so sick. Hope you're feeling HUGELY better!

    Lisa: Where are you chickie???

    Well, my dears, that is everyone that was on this thread and the last. A few more people have come back out of the woodwork since I posted about the Christmas Card Exchange so I think I will mention that again here. I have a list started and would like to get it out to anyone who's interested, probably by Thanksgiving. If you would like to be added to the list, please PM me and I will make it happen. (If I have your address from years past, please PM me if you would like to be included THIS time. I will not assume you want to be included unless you let me know.) Also, don't forget to think about enclosing a picture or two in your cards...purely voluntary of course, but we'd love to see your shining faces.

    Gotta run. I'm fixin' one of those new Crock Pot helper things from the freezer and it's time to add the noodles. Then off to the theatre once again.

    Love ya bunches!
  • Hey everyone

    I am so tired, but there is a challenge afoot, and I'll be darned if I let a day go by without doing everything in my power to fill all those slots.

    Today has been a tough one. Work last night was a super fatty, yummy breakfast to prepare. We made biscuits and gravy and eggs scrambled with sauteed onions, bacon and cheese. This afternoon was a baby blessing combined with a brother's birthday party. I'm still not allowing any sugar in because it seems to matter too much and there is this constant struggle and bartering action going on in my head -- have just one bite, it won't be enough to matter. You know the sort of thing. Anyway, that meant turning down not only cake and ice cream, but it meant having a 1/2 cup portion of spaghetti and no dressing on my salad because all they had were full fat/calories. I didn't want to go over on my food plan. That sticker means something to me!

    Anyway, I'm trying to get in the rest of my water and get to bed while there is still some time left for that elusive thing called sleep. When am I going to get in my exercise... I haven't figured that one out yet. Too bad holding babies doesn't count. My one nephew weighs in at 22 lbs. already. Lifting him should count for something.

    I'll try to catch up with you all once more before heading off to get that scope. Bye for now!

  • Geesh, this is so much fun! I forgot how much I enjoyed posting here each day! My turkey is sitting here in front of me gobbling and squawking to post something! I guess I had a good day, at least food wise. I still have 7 points left but I need to do that WW chocolate thing with milk so I can get credit for my 2 milks for the day, actually I could make it with water cause I did have a non fat yogurt with breakfast this morning. A cherry cheesecake one! I did journal and I did get my water in but.....that dreaded exercise! I will definately get out there tomorrow morning as soon as Andrew gets on the bus for school, and walk! I wish I could find my headset, but even without it I will walk and talk to myself and maybe cry my eyes out and release all the pent up stuff inside!!

    So, I guess 3 feathers for the day is better than one or two!! I'm really too tired to post individuals tonight, I still have to finish up some posting on my school stuff and then take a shower. The boy is already fed, bathed and asleep on the couch next to his daddy! He has been off the wall lately! Such a handful!! I wish I had 1/4 of his energy! I know once I get this weight off again I will be able to keep up with him for the most part. He never stops though, always on the go!

    OK enough babbling! I'll catch up to you all later!
    TTFN Michelle