LAWL & Friends # 84

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  • Hi everyone!

    Welcome Auditgirl - boy, you are sure doing great! Keep up the great work!

    Kristi - I totally agree with you about the biscotti and the breakfast bars - I can't give up a fruit and a starch for 1 of those items. Tried it once and they didn't fill me up like the others do.

    Sammy, can't answer you about the pill as I haven't been on it in over 20 years. Okay, now I sound old - but don't feel it! LOL! I do remember feeling great once I stopped taking it but don't remember losing weight.

    Karen, have a great time at the race. It must be exciting seeing it live! Can't wait to hear the details. We (DH & I) were invited to a NASCAR party on Sunday - that will have to do.

    Beach and June - I didn't know they sold any other color pants (but black), at least for the past 4 years. LOL! I'm wearing the beige pants today (and I truely think it's the first time in my life since I was in my 20's). I'm telling you, it feels good wearing a different color. I also purchased a navy pair of slacks, I have been looking for navy for some time. There are lots of browns in the stores, must be the new 'hot' fall color. I'm not a brown person - it looks horrible on me. Maybe I could get away with wearing slacks but nothing near my face in that color. They would be calling the morge to pick me up.

    June, you amaze me that you were down 1.6 in the evening. You can handle anything! With all the stress in your life, all the running around and you are still sticking to plan. How awesome! You will make it to 25 lbs in no time.

    Pink - glad your going and got all those goodies at startup. I know, in the end we do pay for them. I wish I would have received the cookbook when I started. I will have to checkout the other suggestions on where I can get a cheaper copy.

    Starr, sounds like the Biker Bash was a blast. If you can attend one of those events and only end up having 2 cocktails - you did great.

    Well, got to run. Sorry if I missed anyone. Will catch up later. ~Sy~
  • Good Morning Everyone,
    I have just a moment before I am off to school and wanted to check on any new posts.

    Britt: Congrats on joining LAWL!!! I think that you can now be comfortable with your decision because you really put a lot of thought into making your decision. That will help tremendously in sticking to the plan. Glad you got all those goodies. Wish I'd received a cookbook. I browse through the one they have on display in the center when I am there - but really should purchase one of my own. Thanks also about the infor on LA Shapes - hopefully there's some sort of discount on fees in addition to the waiver of the sign-up fee. There really should be. I'll be interested to hear about that. Good luck on your new journey!!!

    SY: You sound so happy that I can almost see you smiling in those new slacks!!! You must be so proud of yourself!!! And thanks again for the words of encouragement. You ladies have really been supportive, and without that support I might not have been able to stick to this program, especially now that life is so crazy. I'll try to check back later, but as surgery is tomorrow, I'm not sure what the rest of my day will be like.

    Hugs to everyone!!! Have a wonderful day on program.
  • Help! I think I'm having one of those mind-blowing, self-sabatoging moments! Granted, I do get up about 4:30am, but today - it's not even 7:30am and I have already ate a starch, dairy, fruit and my mid-morning LA Lite and I'm working on 1 of my veggies with salsa. It better be TOM because I'm starving or feel like I am. I'm glad that the jar of peanut butter is at home right now. Maybe it's the fact that I have those beige pants on. LOL! Glad I brought to work some fresh radishes and fresh califlower. After this POP binge so early this morning, I hope I'm on target for the remaining of the day! Please send me some staying power, or staying satified power - I need help today! ~Sy~
  • Morning Chicks,

    164 - Down from "Biker Bash"weight yesterday. Only .4 but since I don't have the over-achiebver gene - hey I'm happy!
    There are so many of us on here now - great for motivation!!
    Someone ask me if I was still gonna weigh in at LA. The answer is yes but haven't been in quite some time. I still want to get stabilization and maintenance, I don't really know why - but one can never have too much diet information......right?
    I haven't cheated on this plan, (other than Smirnoff Coolers at Biker Bash) I don't seem to crave anything. I think it's becuz I'm always full.
    HUGS to everyone......
    Oh I was trying to change my avatar (for kicks) and I can't get the "Bad Hair Day" one to come up......hum?
  • Morning all!!

    Well i go in two hours to get all my stuff for the 2 day take off plan and im gonna ask them if i can just start today i havent had anything to eat so i dont see why that would be a big deal. Anywho ill let you know how things go this morning.

    Thanks!! Im glad i will be here for my journey as you all are great support.

    LOL why on earth do you get up so early! Im not the best morning person even though i have been getting up earlier for school and work but still if i could sleep till 9 every day i would be set lol. Congrats on the pants and dont panic about being so hungry so early in the morning im sure things will pan out for you the rest of the day. Maybe if you drink some water that would help lol.

    Congrats on the loss!! Keep up the good work.

    Ok i need to run for a few i have some work to do before i head over to LAWL.


  • Britt - Congrats on your well educated decision to join LA.....I know you will do great! Plus it sounds like you got the best deal in town, they probably wondered where this chick came from

    Sy - you hang in there girl, your doing great. How about some lemon water?

  • OK so let me ask this question what the heck is up with the lemon water? Is this something that is required to drink cause i hate lemon!!!!!!!!! Just thought i would ask lol Oh yeah by the way i have had the first 10 oz of water already

  • Britt,

    I think lemon water does a couple of things. First, I always heard it shrinks your stomach (in which case we should just pour it over our bodies). Also, it flushes the salt out of your system. One of these technical chicks probably has a better answer.
    It's not really required that you drink it, but when you eat something off plan they always tell you to drink it.....
  • Sy - how are you holding up? Sounds like you need some protein to slow you down!

    Britt - congratulations! I can't wait to cheer on your successes! Also, the lemon water is a diuretic - it makes you pee. Which helps with bloating, holding water weight, and also continues to flush the fat out of your system. I've heard that if you plateau, drinking hot lemon water every night for a week will help jump start things again. (Haven't tried this myself as the thought of hot lemon water makes me gag, too.)

    Star - congrats on the loss! Biker Bash sounds like it was a blast, I'm glad you had a good time! Also glad that your new plan is working for you!

    As for me, I will be weighing in at lunch and updating my stats when I get back - that 10 lb avatar is so close I can taste it. I WILL have it by the end of the week! Also, I'm officially between sizes - my 20s are all saggy, but the 18s are still pinchy, and I'd rather be comfortable, so...hanging in there for a few more pounds. Wish I owned a belt.

    Have a great POP morning, everyone!

  • Okay has anyone ever seen the "Bad Hair Day" avatar? I can't get it to come up....
    Fiona - isn't it great when the clothes get lose......that alone makes me feel skinny. Oh, and good luck at weigh-in....
  • Another question, has anyone on here done a weight spread sheet to keep up with their loss? If so was it in Excel?
  • You guys are going to die. You know, I started putting my last post in a 'quick reply' - and decided to cut it and paste it into the regular reply spot as it's more user friendly. Well, after all that (as I'm at work) - We had a webcast conference call. You can send private messages to others who are attending - similar to IM. Someone sent me a message, and somehow - I pasted my post from here in the message back to him and didn't know what happened until I saw it on my screen. OHG, not only am I embarrassed about that, but he had to come to my desk to do some DBA task, and saw that I had radishes and califlower on my desk so he knows I was talking about myself. Ugh!

    Fiona, your probably right about the protein, I just had cottage cheese for lunch and I'm full! Finally. Wish I would have figured that out earlier. Thanks! Congrats on the baggy pants, don't you love that feeling. You will be at the 10 lb mark before you know it.

    Britt: I get up at 4:30am because I work about 45 minutes to an hour away (depending on weather) and I start work at 6:30am. I'm not a morning person - that is if I have to talk to anyone. So, I get up and take my time getting ready for work, have my coffee and after that - I'm ready to start my day, and at that point - I'm a pretty friendly person. LOL! We had a choice on who at work would be here at 6:30am, and I selected it because I can leave at 3:00pm. It works out great in the winter months because I can be home before dark, mainly so I don't have to drive home in a snow storm after dark. It's an added benefit the remaining part of the year.

    Kristi and Starr - after my second cup of decafe I was getting over munchies somewhat, I should have grabbed for the water and will do that next time. Will have to bring some lemon to work.

    Hope I have enough food for the rest of the day. Later. Sy
  • Hello all!!!

    LMAO on posting the message at work. Computers are not also that nice are they lol. Glad you are full now see told ya that it would pan out lol.

    Thanks for the support. Im actually not going to start till tomorrow since the juice isnt chilled she said it would be betterto just wait. So i will officially start tomorrow but i have started with my water today might as well get started lol.

    Thanks for the support. Ugh i hate lemon i mean i guess if i had to have something lemon i could do it but if i dont have too i dont plan on it lmao. Congrats on the clothing being baggy you almost to the next size that is great!! I cant wait till i have that problem.

    Thanks for the info on the lemon water hopefully i wont have to do that any. Yuck!!

    I have my window open here at the office and i have a nice light breeze coming in how nice i love spring and fall. Talk to everyone later

  • Sy - whew, man that's early to get up!

    Welcome to Brit!!!!

    I weighed today and according to my scales I'm down 1lb. I go in tomorrow for my mid-week weigh in.

    I forgot my fruit and LA lite today for work, so maybe that should knock me down some.

    I do drink the Lemon water, my counselor said it is a natural diuretic.
  • New stats! Down .4 - not bad for me, for over a weekend. I start RE class this weekend so for the next eight weeks it'll be just like weekdays - breakfast before I go, couple breaks for snacks and a lunch break, no time to mess around and eat things I'm not supposed to eat, lol! I plan to check out the cafe/sandwich place in the building where the classes are sometime this week, to make sure that I can eat what they serve (or plan to pack some lunches!). Either way, hopefully I'll have some really great weigh ins and be able to make up some lost ground.

    Sy - I don't know how you do it - I'm dragging myself out of bed at seven, and I hate that! Also LOL at the computer mixup - I know I'd be wishing the floor would open up and swallow me!

    Britt - good for you! I know you'll do great - like someone else said, having a positive proactive attitude takes you a looooong way toward success!

    Tammy - I hope your "real" weigh in goes well!

    Have a great afternoon....