Stay At Home Moms # 242!!!

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  • Hey guys just got back from the gym and my legs are killing me! I don't think I will be able to walk tomorrow but I guess that's a good thing right? Whoops baby needs a nap! I'll post a little later!
  • well, this thread is going by fast.
    Spryng, so sorry you are bored!!! I sort of wished I was bored. I mean, I can NOT do anything and consider myself bored, but bored is when you really don't have anything to do.
    We went to Home Depot this morning and were home by 940. Not bad. We schooled and it took about an hour and a half. Andrew didn't nap this time which made it harder, but I'll get to nap this afternoon when he does.
    I cleaned the bathroom except the floor, which I will later.
    I'm getting sleepy even after that sleep. Of course, that sleep wasn't perfect, but compared to mine usually it was, huh?

    Kristin, that's a great question. I would have to really think about my favorite recipe. I love to cook and try new ones too. I have a library of recipe books. A great website is Try that if you haven't already.

    My mom's kitchen is done except for the floor and one corner cabinet. I've ordered the curtains and I'm checking on the floor. I am going over there tomorrow to start hanging stuff up and filling her cabinets. I told her that she doesn't cook enough for it to matter. I'll pretend it's my kitchen and put things where I think they should go.

    Well, I'll chat later, getting ready for that nap.
  • Ok I'm back, I had an omlette with avocado, tomatoes and fat free cheese so it was pretty good. Baby is napping so I need to get some bills done and then get my flylady stuff done. I didnt do the mission yesterdays so I have to double up today but it's ok I can get it done. Spryng I know what you mean about not having any cleaning to do! I have been cluttered and messy for so long it's weird to have a clean house all the time!

    Kristin AHHHHHHHHH that's late! I'm sure you are dead today. Try to get a nap in sometime today. Good luck on organizing your closet, sounds fun LOL! I have a recipe I love to make for my family but it is not low fat by any means. It's sour cream chicken enchiladas. It is similiar to Spryngs recipe for the casserole but a little different. Let me know if you want it. It's definitley not an OP meal!

    Julie good luck on the SBD if you start it. My mom has lost 6 pounds since Sat. doing it!

    Spryng that's cool you would be near Kansas City! How fun! I hope you find something to do LOL! Oh and you can crochet me a blanket if you really don't have anyone to give them to! Take advantage of this free time and do something for yourself.

    Crystal good job on being so productive today, I am trying to do the same.

    Need to get off here and utilize baby nap time! TTYL!
  • Hi, everyone. Just a quick post right now since I am trying to fix my computer. DH found out someone at work sent him an email with adware in it, and we think thats whats wrong.Anyway, Spryng, hope your dh getst that job. Leigh, I am glad your feeling better. Crystal, sorry you had such a horrible day yesterday. Hi to everyone else. QOTD: I am 5'7" I will post later.
  • Ok, I finally got my blanket pics to upload!! So I will post them now for you all. I took two pics... this is the first blanket I ever did that had an edging, I don't think the pic does it justice because it is so light and airy and pretty! But then again, maybe I am biosed! LOL.

    Here they are:

  • Beautiful Spryng!!
  • As soon as I posted those pics my photo program starting messing up and now it says error again and won't let me click on anything... so I'm glad I was able to post those before it did that!

    Ricci, I may have to re-scan my computer for adware again too.. maybe that is one of the problems. But I know for sure it just needs to be reformatted and re-installed, DH has promised to do that when he comes home next. I hope so because I'm about to tear my hair out because of this thing lately!!! So besides computer woes, how have you been? I don't think you ever told me how you like that new denise austin workout video and did you break your stall??

    Jill, sometimes I find it easier to do the missions on the weekend when there isn't any zone work to do, you know? But my pantry stays clean so I didnt have to do that yesterday and today I onlyhad two things to throw out of the fridge so that took 2 secs.. but I usually do missions on saturday. What workouts did you do at the gym today? Wish I was there!

    Crystal, sounds like that kitchen is coming right along! are you taking progression pics?? I hope you can share some with us!

    Well, I've really been looking into Slim In 6 lately. I think I want to buy it next month. I have slacked off so bad in the exercise department and every time that info mercial is on I stop and watch it, such great results!! I even visited the message boards there today to see what people really thought about it and everyone seems to like it and are getting great results. What do you all think about it? Just another infomercial gimmick?? I know that lateral thigh trainer was for the birds... so I'm skeptical about other things now.
    Well anyway.. nap time started early today so I think I'll grab a nap too. TTYL!
  • So I just got done doing my 2 zone missions from today and yesterday and wanted to know if anyone needs some Jello Pudding or Popcorn? LOL! I had like 25 boxes of pudding and about 1.5 boxes of loose bags of popcorn! It's amazing how much you buy when you have no idea what you have in your pantry. I really am going to keep planning my meals for the week cause it makes such a big difference when you are shopping. If you just have what you need and don't buy a bunch of stuff that you are not sure if you are going to use or not, it can really add up. Ok that's my thought for the day! Have fun with whatever you are doing and thanks for being here to listen to me!
  • The best on the web to me. You will be busy for hours here, so be careful! Oh, and I have 1 child at home and it is heavenly!!

    Jill and Leigh...I agree, I need to start small again...I have done this and I can do it again! Thanks for all the input everyone so far. I am having a good day wit NO junk yet. Tom is next week, so that's saying alot!!

    Spryng... My routine is still in the works, so I will post it another time...but my evening routine is CRUCIAL with kids going to school. I have figured that out!! My morning still needs work, I am not a morning person at all. If you can't find anything to do, start making the rounds to our houses and give us a hand, will ya??

    Jaymi...Just imagine if someone tried to stalk me or rob me...they'd have all of my big guys to get through once they tripped over the toys, shoes and backpacks in the foyer. Then when they got to the top of the stairs, they'd have a busted ear drum from my watch bird's LOUD screeching! They wouldn't stand a chance if Hope saw them and did her 100 questions routine and her look what I can do to get all the attention routine. LOL! they would run screaming from this zoo! With Damien's comedy routine it would be sudden death, hope he gets a real job!! TEE HEE!!

    Gotta go work on this house some, IM me if you want to challenge with me anyone!! Yahoo cindicanfly!

    Love to you all!!
  • Cindi what are you kids' names and ages? Just curious!
  • Hey, spryng, I have the power 90 system, its also from the same people that does the slim in 6. Some of those people get amazing results. I am not one of them. I like the denise austin video. I trade it back and forth with her ultimate fat burner video,a nd that about kills me. I did lose two lbs my first week of ww, but haven't since then. Granted I have only been doing it for 3 weeks. I too am bored here tody. Its nice and cool outside so I have the windows open airing out the house. Gotta go. My boys are throwing crayons at each other.
  • Oh MY GOODNESS!!! I don't sign on for a day and a half and there are hundreds, I think, Literally, POSTS!!!! I haven't had time to read through all of them yet, don't know if I ever will, but will try.

    As for QOTD-- I think I'm the giant of the group at 5'9". Before I joined the army I was 5'10".

    I tried a great recipe last night from the WW site. It was the barbecue pork sandwiches, Hubby and I absolutely loved them. Very easy and quick to make and very yummy!!! We've been staying very busy here, went to the pool Monday and Tuesday, Gym-Tuesday and Wednesday and Tomorrow is playgroup. I've been running errands and getting DD ready for her german kindergarten which she starts next month.

    SPRYNG- your blanket is beautiful!!! Someday I would like to learn how to crochet and knit, but definitely not during the summer months!!! At least not in Germany, the land of No- A/C!!

    Crystal- Sounds like you're having a great time redoing your mom's kitchen. Someday I would like to buy a fix-er-upper and be able to remodel everything. We'll see!!

    Mel- Congrats on the 1 lb loss!! My kids slept through the night last night too. Absolutely amazing. Granted they didn't go to bed until 11pm, but they didn't wake up until 8 this morning. I stayed up last night to watch kill bill vol 1 because DH bought Vol2. Didn't go to bed until 1230 but slept straight through until 7 am this morning. It was so nice!!

    Jaymi- I'm so jealous!! It seems like you guys get to go the beach every day. I haven't been to the beach since 1999!! 5 years ago, when we were living in texas and DH and I were only engaged, with no KIDS!!! AH- the memories!! Sounds like you guys are having a great time!! I just ordered Little Mermaid on DVD on ebay for DD. Hopefully it'll come in before her bday. She's been talking about it ever since our visit to the states and she watched her cousin's Little Mermaid video!!

    Jill- you feel like the odd man out around your sister and cousins?!! Picture this, me- 5'9" with my sils and mil who are all under 5'2 and under 120 lbs!! My MIL is 5'0 and less than 100 lbs!! I'm the Jolly Green Giant when I go to visit

    A big "HI!!" to all the ladies I missed. But I have to put the Wee ones to bed. They're both sitting on the couch with me falling asleep and then DH and I are going to watch VOl 2!! Will try to post later and get current with all old posts!!

    Hope everyone is having a nice week!!!
  • Good Afternoon Gals Thank you all for the recipes so far! I had a greatr OP lunch w/ MIL! WE went to Samari Sams Teriyaki grill and I had the low carb yaki soba....mmm

    Jill - I would definately like the Sour cream enchilada recipe - you have to have a few days where there is just a good hearty meal - especially if I do really well all day and then have a big salad with it or something..PM it to me, when you get a minute !!! Your Omlette sounds wonderful!

    Spryng - I will check out the moms board, I saw some recipes on there once and I forgot to write them down! The blanket is beautiful as soon as I get pregnant again, I want you to make me one! I'll copy and PM you my "weekly schedule" that I made up for cleaning my house. I still go and do some missions and things at fly lady, and I love the the little things like the "15 min, declutter" and stuff, so I do that, but I have this HUGE issue with doing something and having it be done for a while. Like laundry, I do it all in one or 2 days and then I don't do it again for a week. Otherwise I have this weird thing about nothing ever getting completed! haha! Also it works best for me to get one room done at a time, not all the dusting in the house, and then all the vacuuming. I don't know why i am weird like that! haha!

    Mel - I love lemon chicken, that sounds like a great recipe, thanks again!

    Crystal - thanks for the website, it looks like it has a lot of good redipes on it! I love "surfing" for recipes!!! Sometimes dh gets all weird about trying new things that I find, and so its always nice to say "well this is really good, so and so makes it too" haha! Always got to have amunition! Have a nice nap!

    Ricci - Hope you get the puter fixed all up! What else are you up too today! ?!?

    well I want to get this closet finished, almost done, all of my 'fancy shoes" are in clear plastic shoe boxes and all my shirts are organized by sleeve length! SSSOOOO easy now to find a shirt that I want! and not tough to is all of my non-dressy god...I was pulling them out and pairing them up and i stopped counting at 103 pairs. I definately am the shoe grandma (the shoe queen) started it and passed it to my mom (the shoe duchess) who passed it on to me..especially flip-flops, I probably have 20 pairs! I live in those things!
  • Jill,

    Justin 18, Damien 17(really my step, I didn't name him that!!!), Jared 14, Logan 9, Seth 5, Hope 4, and Christian will be 2 in Sept!!

    My 14yo is the biggest of the 3 teens, lol!! He's over 6 ft! Don't ask me how that happened!!

    Got my living room done and vacuumed and my hall is vacuumed, and I am in the middle of making a grape salad for dessert tonight. Got 2 loads of laundry done so far, too! Can't stop for long or I'll fizzle out!!!

    Back soon!
  • I knew I would miss someone!

    Lori - Hi to you! What is Vol 2? Is is a tv show? You have 5 kids? wow! Tell ema litle about yorself if you get a minute! are you and hubby in the military? how ling have you lived in Germany!?!?!

    Cindi - Thanks for the site! I bet it is heavenly having only one home, and I bet that one loves it too!

    Spryng - I forgot to tell you that if you move to Olathe, you will only be like 3 hours away from me!!!!!!!!! That would be soooo cool! KC is only a 2-2 1/2 hour drive for us! we go down to the blues festival every year there! I'll definately keep you in my thoughts about the job, not just for my own selfish reasons, I promise !