Feisty & Sexy 50 & 60 yr. old #109

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  • Just thought I'd start a new thread so you know who doesn't have to do everything around here. :

    Trudy & Ann I agree with you on all your pet peeves.

    Geri Isn't it great to have something to wear that makes you feel as pretty as you look My shape problem is just the opposit my top side is larger that my bottem side. So I wear 8 & 10 on the bottem and 12 on top. My shoulders are so broad and I have the longest arms it is a curse sometimes.

    Got to get off here an get ready to go to Brainerd don't want a repeat of last weeks flying trip
  • Well, just wanted to report in. Yesterday was my birthday, my 57th, and I am so proud to be here. It was exactly 7 years ago that I was so sick and no doctor could diagnose what was wrong. It came to a point that I thought I was losing my mind and (believe it or not) I was almost relieved when I finally had a diagnosis of cancer. I have lived for 7 more years and just feel great. I have been so blessed!

    I was going to get back on track after Easter, but just had to wait until after my birthday. My office took me out to lunch yesterday and I just put WW on hold for another day, but today is a new day, a new year, and I just feel so committed! Hope that feeling is longlasting.

    Talking about shapes--I have a really weird shape. I am also a pear, but actually my thighs are the biggest part of me. And after so many abdominal surgeries I really have a protruding stomach, but a smaller waist, if that is possible to imagine. My favorite dress has a waist, but all skirts have to be A-line. Pants have always been a problem. I have to get bigger pants for my bottom and the waist is always large. Then I wear bigger tops because I am almost skinny at the top. But if I work it right, I can camouflage some of this. And if I am at goal, it really doesn't matter--the thighs get to be almost "normal."

    Karen, I hope you made it to Brainerd this time in a leisurely fashion. We get so attached to our WW leaders that I am sure they will take you out of breath and in sweats, just as long as you show up. You sound like a very caring leader.

    Geri, I am sure you looked great on Easter. You have come a long way! How is your church group doing?

    Here in OK we have had a few days of spring, but today and tomorrow we are back to winter. This yo-yo syndrome just can't last long, can it? I am wearing winter clothes today, can you imagine? If any of you are having snow today, you have my utmost sympathy. Must be winter's last gasping breath!
  • Glenda Happy Birthday a day late. Each one is very special. It sounds like it has been a good time. Trudy you know that those low cut jeans are to show off your belly button ring. You'll have to get one now that you have all those special lotions to soften your skin. I bought a pair of Liz's First Issue brand jeans and I love them. Bought them last fall at one of her outlet stores. I need Geri's little black dress for a wedding reception this weekend. Weather is so goofy I don't know what to plan for. Woke up this morning to winter - snow covering the grass. All the tulips and lilacs and flowering trees are in bloom. They will probably die tonite in the freeze. Karen glad that you didn't have the mad dash to Brainerd yesterday. Will check in later, Peggy
  • Just a quick Happy Birthday to Glenda. And I'm off again.
  • Sounds like your birthday was good, Glenda. And you are right. Today is the start of a new year for you. Isn't it great to have another oppoortunity?

    I am afraid I made my "little black dress" sound greater than it is. No matter----I like it. And it did make me feel good.

    Karen sounds like if we could put our bodies together like a jig saw puzzle that we would be a perfect 10.

    My First Place group is doing great with one exception who shall remain nameless. Any takers on who she is? My married couple has lost over 60# between them. Are they looking good!!!! In fact, I have to tell them to eat more. They aren't starving__-she's on 1400 calories and he's on 1800----but they are losing too fast. Then there is their leader. Oops I told who isn't doing so good.
  • ....thanks Karen from "you know who"
    Hi Everybody

    Went to WW today and was very happy to be down .4#, which I thought was great after all the food at Easter.
    Today at Tea Time it was just Trudy and I. We missed the other gals but still managed to talk away the the afternoon.....
    Trudy wore her new shoes, what were they called, "I Loaf You", hee hee, not sure, but the shoes are just made of the softest leather. Very nice.

    ~~~~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY GLENDA ~~~~~~~~
    See gals, wasn't that "NICE" of Karen to start our new thread.

    Geri just keep plugging away at your weight that's what I do, you'll get it off. Some days are better then others,

    Ahhh Lily where are you????

    I'll come back later, to see what's up.
  • ..guess who went up 1 lb.?......
    What with all the pear and apple shapes, we could have a nice fruit salad. Slavika and I decided that no one else sees our flaws, and we are always the hardest on ourselves. If we do put our body parts together I vote that we wear Geri's little black dress. I do wear a lot of black. I used to wear a lot of browns and rust colors, but since I stopped dying my hair, I wear black, greys and blue has become a favorite. I also like anything denim.
    Geri.. slow and steady loss is better than a fast one. You will get to goal, sometimes it just takes us a little longer. You must be proud of you group, they are really taking your advice to heart.
    Peggy ... we had some snow on Sunday, it was soooo cold, but my tulips survived. What the heck is with this weather? I had to laugh, couldn't you just see this "old dolly" with a belly button ring?
    Glenda .. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You had a lot of reason to celebrate lately. We are so glad you are still here. Now, about those thighs,... I have two of those too.
    Karen.. thanks for starting the thread... we don't need any whining going on.
    Slavika... about the muffins you gave me to take home... hubby ate both the chocolate ones, he piled frozen yogurt on them.. .. he didn't leave me any.
    .. (You know gals, she gives out "doggy bags" when we leave.... what a gal!)
  • ...our body shapes

    Hi Again Everybody

    I wanted to say that all you gals who talk about having pear shaped bodies are the lucky ones. I think the best way to describe my body shape is SQUARE

    Ok picture this: I am 5' 5", weigh 150# (on my good days), my bust is 38", waist is 33" and hips are 41".
    Now I can remember (barely) when I was a young girl, and my bust was about 35" with a AAA cup I think LOL and my waist was 25" and I don't remember my hip measurement. Isn't there suppose to be 10" between the bust measurement and the waist and then the waist and the hips. BROTHER that's it then........ this "old Dolly" is definitely square shaped!

    Maria is your family still visiting you? How was your Easter? I guess Margot is still away on her holiday. It seems there are a few others missing.
    My friend I ALWAYS SEE ON WEDNESDAY'S is leaving tomorrow morning for a wedding out of town so I will be at loose ends.

    Night all.
  • I am still here.......
    Just very quickly a very happy birthday to Glenda. Sounds like you have had a few tough years but life is sweet now
    Son and partner are still here, leaving friday. It has been good having them here albeit very hectic.
    After they have left will have a good read of all the posts.
    Are you all describing your figure types??
    Post again soon.
    Cheers all
  • Just got this in mail. Hoping by passing it on that it works.This is a specially-formulated diet designed to help women cope with
    the stress that builds during the day.

    1 grapefruit
    1 slice whole-wheat toast
    1 cup skim milk

    1 small portion lean, steamed chicken with a cup of spinach
    1 cup herbal tea
    1 Hershey's Kiss

    The rest of the Hershey Kisses in the bag
    1 tub of Hagen-Daaz ice cream with chocolate-chip topping

    4 glasses of wine (red or white)
    2 loaves garlic bread
    1 family-size Supreme pizza
    3 Snickers bars

    1 whole Sarah Lee cheesecake (eaten directly from the freezer)

    REMEMBER: "Stressed" spelled backward is "desserts"

    Send this to four women and you will lose two pounds.
    Send this to all the women you know (or ever knew), and you will lose 10
    If you delete this message, you will gain 10 pounds immediately.
    That's why I had to pass this on -- I didn't want to risk it!
    Have a good day, Peggy
  • I've been wondering where Lily is. Could Tom have escaped from Slavika and kidnapped Lily and taken her to Hawaii? What do you think? Or maybe the Easter Bunny ----------. You all seem so tiny. I think my leg is a size 12. I am tall 5'9". It is evenly proportioned all over. My arms are long and I am long waisted so it is hard to find one piece dresses that fit. I am like Trudy - I like black. It goes with everything. I can get into 16 pants and I just got into a pair of 14's - they must run large. It depends on the brand. Geri your First Place group is doing great - the leader must have something to do with it. Getting my hair cut tomorrow. I was letting it grow but now it is driving me crazy. Talk later, Peggy I stayed the same this week.
  • ...ok, who's watching "The Weakest Link"

    Hi Everybody Ok, you guys, confess now, who's all watching, "The Weakest Link"? I think the gal that asks the questions is funny but I sure wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of her tongue.

    Well today I went out to lunch with another friend of mine that I don't get to see too often. She came over to my place and we had tea around 11:00 and then she asked if I would like to go to lunch at the Gambling Casino, they have a nice buffet. She thought we could take a couple of dollars with us and maybe play the slot machines for awhile (which is something I don't do) but said sure I would like to. After a nice lunch, we got some quarters for the machine and almost immediately I won 60 quarters ($15.00). That was a nice way to start off, but I could see it wouldn't take long to lose it all........and then, I won another 240 quarters, I put a few more quarters into the machines and thought I'd better just stop. I found my friend, and told her I was going to cash out before I lost all my winnings and I got just a little over $70.00. It was a fun way to spend an afternoon but you sure wouldn't want to be doing that to often.
    Peggy I get my hair cut tomorrow too. I really should get it cut every 4 weeks and it's been a bit more then that and its kind of ratty looking. Someone sent me that "cute menu" a short while ago.
    Lily I sure hope you are not sick or anything. In this week's issue of "Woman's World" magazine they listed two web sites that were kind of neat that I told Trudy about. One is for custom made blue jeans or you can send them a pair of your favorite ones and they will make you another pair...www.ic3d.com
    and the other is a place that will make you a custom swimsuit according to your measurements...
    Well, time for bed, night all.
  • Just stopping in to say "hi". I am exhausted. I got home at about 5:30 and fixed a quick supper. DH had to eat early because he had to start fasting for some bloodwork in the morning. Then I had to put 4 dozen ears of corn in the freezer. Of course I had to clean and silk it first and cut it off the cob. My better half (or should I say other half) doesn't like corn on the cob very much. The grocery store here had fresh corn for 8 for $1. After paying .69 an ear this winter I couldn't pass up a bargain. It took me a little over 4 hours to do it. I must work slower now than I used to. Wonder why

    I really am proud of my First Place group. They are doing so well. I had a couple of bad weeks (2 in a row) that I just flat couldn't do it and ate lots more than I should have. You know how I react to stress. Anyway, I am back on track.

    I will have to get my DH to take my picture in my "little black dress" and post it. I am afraid I made it sound better than it is, but I sure do like it.

    Off to bed now. Nighty night.
  • Hi Slavika we must have been posting at the same time. I got that diet the other day too. That is my kind of diet.
  • Hi all:
    Karen thanks for the new thread.

    I don't need the special stress menu. All I need is Slavika's Tropicolada cake. This is wierd weather all over. we are going to be in the 40s tonight.

    I'm half asleep, as I stayed up to instant message with a grandson stationed in Japan. So will continue this tomorrow. Ann