anyone like to buddy up?

  • Hi everyone! i am 18 and attending college, i have stop dieting and quit exercising for about one month. I just started up again with my diet and wanting to lose more then 50 pounds. I went from 272 down to 213.5 and down a couple pants sizes. I am trying to fit into a size 13 jeans if at all possible! So maybe if someone wants to join me let me know. I really like this site, i know it's going to be enough motivation for me.

    gw- 7/13/04- 205 my birthday!!
    gw- 160
  • Welcome Volly. You are back on track. Good for You!! You loss weight again good for you. Just take things one meal at a time and don't beat yourself up too much, we are all only human after all. I hope you have a great weekend. God Bless.
  • Hello Volleybchick,

    Come join our group. We're in the Support Group forum, & then go to the Moovin & Loosen forum. It's a great group of ladies their. I think you would be the youngest, but we need a young chick to get us going.
    Hope you drop by.
  • Hey there! First off, I wanted to congratulate you on your progress thus far! Keep with it and before you know it, you will reach your goal!

    Secondly, although I'm a few yrs older than you (25), I would love to "buddy up". I kind of need a kick in the pants myself, someone to help keep me going, so msg me back if you're interested.

    Best of luck in your journey!

  • Hey chicks! I'm in about the same place--24yo, fresh out of college, stuck around 210 right now, hoping to get down to 150-160. I've got a thread under Miscellaneous Clubs for daily motivation called One Day At A Time. There's also a Labor Day Challenge posted in the same forum that is pretty awesome. The accountability of this site is absolutely wonderful!
    Best of luck, and I hope to see you again soon!