Wednesday Chat

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  • Good morning ladies,

    sounds like everyone has had busy past couple day just like me. I have been really busy at work and will continue to be until we get the Digital phone sales all together. I have been doing good eating wise but need to up my veggies and water intake and lower the almond intake!! ahahahahahaha starting to get ready for vacation too in 3 weeks it will be here before you know it! With al the pets and stuff it is usually a 3 week process to get ready.

    Gotta run hope everyone is doing great!!! B, Leenie, Morti and jane HI!!
  • Good morning!

    Brenda - Back away from the ice cream! And seriously, hon, get that ankle looked at. If the bump is still there and the bruise is gone, that should get some attention.

    Jane - Ok, I'll bite. What are pink and whites? Is that like a french manicure? I'm so lost!

    Leenie - Good morning!

    Morti - Where've you been?

    Yesterday was good. I went to find a new paint stripper after work. The cabinet I'm refinishing turned out to have about 12 layers of paint on it. The stripper I had worked great for the all but the last few layers. So I went to find something stronger and the best stuff they had at the store was $25 a gallon! I got just one can to test it out and while it works better, it still doesn't get the paint off. So, I'll be stuck sanding it down after I get off as much paint as possible. Thank god for power tools!

    So, after almost 3 hours of stripping and sanding (sounds funny, huh?) I decided that I had earned some pampering. I went to the grocery store, bought a lobster tail, and had a great dinner! I met DH for drinks after he got off work and even managed to get in 5 hours of good sleep. Yippee!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • You're sneaky, TG! Good morning!
  • Ok, I called and talked to the owner...they are going to fix them tomorrow. I hope they come out better

    Star: The pink and whites are acrylic but instead of just being a kind of foggy looking acrylic that you have to wear polish with all the time these are two different pink for the base of your nail and one white for the tip. That way you can just wear clear polish and it always looks like a french manicure but lasts forever! The maintenance is a bit much for me but I do it for at least the summer. If this place ever gets it right I may keep them for a while because you only have to have a fill every 3 weeks. That's not so bad.

    Morti: How often do you have to go? Do yours discolor? My old ones used to and that is why I went to this place.

    TG: Glad to hear you are doing well. Where are you going on your vacation? Somewhere good I hope
  • good morning all!

    Jane - I would definately go back! That is just not right! I love those pink and whites too! I just got fuschia polish on mine the last time. but boy.. they look like too. This is only the 2nd time at this shop but I am not happy with them at all.. i will be looking for another place for my next fill! (And I am a Capricorn!)

    Brenda - It isnt such a little thing! Ankle pain is the worst! (Take if from the gal who fractured both of her ankles - twice! ) Lumps arent good either! And even if it isnt anything major and they can fix it, wouldnt you want to be pain free? Make the call sweetie!

    Leenie - Dont get too bored! What exactly do you do for your job?

    Morti - Good to see you!

    TG - Good Morning!

    Star - Gosh I wish I knew you a couple of years ago! I had this Chest of drawers that my father made when he was 16 in his woodshop class. (he is 69 in september so that tells you how old it is - and he is a cabinet maker/furniture maker by trade.. it was his very 1st project in wood) Anyway, this chest was solid Mahogany with these Gosh-aweful handles. But I loved it because not only did he make it but I have had it from birth. It went to college with me. My kids used it up until last year. I finally had to get rid of it because we got my son a large platform bed. But I always wanted to strip it down and paint it some cool colors and get different handles for it and use it to store all my yarn! My dad was so far away I couldnt ask for help...

    You did good though! Power tools.. gotta love 'em! And all I can say is Mmmmmmmmmmmm......Lobster!

    As for me, Today we have another B-day party! This time Roller Skating! I am debating whether or not to get a pair on my feet too! DS wont get on them, he is terrified but DD (whose friend it is for) wants me to skate with her! So I am thinking that I will get them but only spend a protion of the time skating.. the rest of the time, Ill be with DS!

    Eating is going well, the exercise has hit an all time low! i am still having trouble with my asthma and have talked to my doctor.. It is that darn bug I had early in the month.. he said that I just have to wait for all that Junk to go away.. so no running, but Roller skating is ok!

    Anyway.. I am out of here.. I will be reading some more.. and will check in later!
  • Oh Star I forgot......have you tried 5F5? That is the stripper that I always use and have good luck with it. At the end if there are any tough spots I just put some on and scrub with super fine steel wool.....seems to work great for me.
  • Jane - thanks for the nail lesson. I do my own so I miss out on this stuff. Mine look like **** right now thanks to the stripper. Even with double gloves, that stuff gets on my nails.

    Karen - Ohhhhhhhh I can't believe you got rid of it! My first project of this sort was last year. I found an old stereo cabinet out by our dumpster. It had water stains on it and the finish was shot, but other than that, it was fine. I took it, pulled out all the wires, replaced the backing, stripped the whole thing, and stained it bright red and blue with painted yellow accents. It turned out great! I'll have to find the pics and post them for you guys.

    This cabinet is actually a child-sized armoir that I used as a kid. I'm pretty sure the thing's older than me! I'm still working out the color scheme, but I'm thinking of staining the main part of it yellow with red for the door and drawers and funky new handles. The idea is to use it for our child if/when we have one.
  • Jane - I haven't seen 5F5. I'm sure I'll be out looking again soon, though. I've got a lot of paint to get through! I've also resigned myself to the fact that I'll be doing a lot of sanding, regardless. I don't think that whoever built this thing ever really sanded it. The wood is really grooved. It's ok, though. DH thinks that women with power tools are sexy
  • Star, how come you never asked me ??? Your probably like WHAT ?? lol my husband refinishes furniture for a living, as we speak he is refinishing some ones kitchen, he does restoration as well. If you'd like, I'll ask him whats a good OTC stripper, if there is such a thing. He laughs at the stuff they advertise on TV where it peels the paint right off furniture leaving it beautiful underneith, can't tell you how many jobs he gets from people using those products. But I think your right sanding would prob be the best way to go.

    Karen, I work for a pharmaceutical company in discovery research. I'm a paper pusher, technical writer, eh it pays the bills

    Morti, every time I see your posts to me I laugh out loud, at first I thought well maybe its a typo, but I see its not look how you spell my name, cute
  • Oh Star if your DH thinks women w/power tools is sexy, he would have been really turned on when I was building my house, I mean from the foundation on up w/no contractors. Want plumbing done, need a french drain, how about sub-flooring, not to mention installing windows and siding..... yuppers thats where I got the bad back
  • Leenie - you rule! And you are now officially my idol as well. I love working with my hands - building, refinishing, fixing, whatever. I was never really taught how to do any of it, so I just fly by the seat of my pants most of the time. If your DH has any suggestions, that would be WONDERFUL! thank you!
  • I was one of only 2 girls in my junior high class that took Wood Shop. I kept doing it all through high school. I love building stuff too. I have bought a few unfinished pieces and finished them myself and have also done some restoration on a few. My favorite is this old pipe cabinet that is copper lined. My grandfather used to have one like it so I know that is what they are meant to store. I saw it at an antique dealer and it was painted white. for some reason I knew it would look nice refinished so I took it home for I think like $15. I stripped it down and it now is a corner table in my spare downstairs bathroom that instead of holding pipes now holds extra rolls of toilet paper The botton shelf on it also holds the extra hand towels.

    Star: I love your choices of color!
  • Jane: You're lucky you got to take a shop class. We were all offered metal and wood classes...but my dad wouldn't let my sisters or myself take them. he said only sluts took them. he's an idiot. lol And glad you're getting new nails done! Those things always killed my original nails so I quit getting them put on.

    Leenie: How's it going? I push pencils around and look at papers I'm seriously thinking of getting a different job. This one's getting on my nerves (well, the wicked witch boss is anyway).

    Star: Sounds like you're having fun! I would love to re-do some woodwork. But the only thing I have patience to do is our floors. I pretty much did all our hardwoods (the ones that are done). We've still got a few more to go. The original hardwood floor in the kitchen is impossible so we'll be getting laminate hardwood to put over it (someday). Unless someone can suggest a way to get off glued on linoleum?? It's a HUGE area and I've no patience to sand it. Not to mention I'm thinking sanding would weaken the wood.

    Karen: I enjoy rollerblading. It sure does work the muscles. Have fun

    Morti: how're you doing?

    Well, you'll all be proud of me. I called the doc office. But they can't get me in til tomorrow. So I'll be leaving work for a while to go there. ARGH. But at least I'll be getting it looked at. Now if they say it's nothing (like they've done a couple times for my shoulder and the LAST time I went in for my ankle) I'm going to SCREAM!!! How can it be nothing if it aches and there's a bump? jeez. Well, won't know until I go tomorrow.
  • Leenie: Oh my. I forgot we swore off exercising And here I beat my last months equator trek miles. How am I gonna do it NEXT month? lol.
  • Jane - Yes they will discolor depending upon what I do. Especially underside. I use lemon juice and a nail brush to keep my natural nails underside white. Fill every 2 week and back fill the next visit in two weeks. Three weeks is too long or they look like crap. Always carry nail glue to keep the corners down or I have issues with them.

    Leenie - Opps! I read very quickly and don't see all letters.

    Star & Brenda - The last week or so has been a really emotional week for me and I lurk but not post when I'm down in the dumps. I'm starting to come out of it now though. Fortunately, I'm usually pretty positive but when I get depressed, I get really depressed to the point the slightest little thing will put me in tears. Odd thing is, I don't always know what triggers it either. Danny is really good about spotting it and pulling me back up to my normal self.