New here...

  • Found this web site yesterday whilst "googling" for info on *********... which I was looking for after "googling" Trim Spa. Sigh... Yes, I'm looking for the "magic pill" even though I know there is none.

    I am an almost 45-year-old female who has battled weight all my life. I would like to lose 135 pounds (yikes! that hurt just typing that!); Current weight 275; dream weight 140. However, I just want to feel good... that is, healthy.

    See, the horse in my avatar is a retired Thoroughbred by the name of Gilder. I would love to ride him one day, but I am too self-conscious to even try now. Besides, as a racehorse, Gilder carried on average about 116 pounds. He'll be on the phone to the Humane Society toot sweet if I try to get on him! I've also recently teamed up with another lady to create and promote a rescue organization for retired Thoroughbred broodmares. I want to present a positive image, not the grossly overweight figure I feel I am right now.

    I have lost over 100 pounds twice in my life. Unfortunately, I must have given those pounds my forwarding address, because they came right back and brought friends. I have tried Weight Watchers, Atkins, and a couple of diets I bought the books for. Each works for me for a while... but I always seem to "get stuck."

    Now, here's a bit of my history that will turn the lightbulb on for you folks. My Mom and I were always "losing buddies," and we were very good at supporting each other. My Mom died last year after a 3-year bought with cancer. I know I'm dealing with mild boughts of depression, but nothing severe. I don't have a problem getting up in the morning, or anything like that. It's just this weight... I'm so tired of carrying it around, but I type that while eating my "normal" breakfast: an Almond Snickers bar and a can of Diet Mtn Dew. (Oh, hey... I mentioned candy in a post... is that allowed?) And I know I need to get the weight off to be healthy, I just need a kick in the pants to get started.

    Is it too late for me? Am I a lost cause? Any suggestions on where to start?

    Thanks for listening. It's been a while since I've gotten the chance to type my feelings out... it felt good.

    Take care,
  • Hi there, Gilder, and welcome!

    I'm kinda new here, too. Been lurking for a while and just starting posting a few weeks ago. And I'm 47 this year and 80 lbs above my goal weight.


    You have all my sympathy for the loss of your mom. Trying to lose weight, or do much of anything, while grieving the loss of your mother is just next to impossible. So cut yourself some slack there, 'k? How do I know? Oh, because when my mother died, just over a year ago, I regained all 30lbs I'd lost that year plus a few more. All in the space of about four months, too! aaaaack!!!

    So. What I'm doing now is pretty much what i did to lose that 30lbs. More veggies and fruits, stay with complex carbs, lean meats and seafood, skim milk (LOTS of skim milk!) and avoid sweets, restaurants, fast food, junk food like the plague. Oh, and exercise -- as I live in the city, I can walk everywhere I need to go, just about. Because I'm so out of shape, my doctor has recommended starting slow and walking in ten minute spurts (don't want to prompt a heart attack ya know). So, of course, I take fifteen to thirty minute strolls instead. And i do this every single day. Helps with my mood, too.

    No, it isn't too late for you and you are not a lost cause! Just start slow. think in terms of needing to lose ten pounds. when you've done that give yourself major kudos! then start on the next ten pounds.

    Also, have you had a thorough physical lately? Be sure to have your thyroid checked, because if it's even a little bit off that can make weight loss very, very hard. (btdt) It's okay to ask your doc, if you have one, for help with weight loss. Chances are s/he will be happy to help you!

    Best of luck to you! and come back often! let us know how it goes, 'k?

  • Quote: Also, have you had a thorough physical lately? Be sure to have your thyroid checked, because if it's even a little bit off that can make weight loss very, very hard. (btdt) It's okay to ask your doc, if you have one, for help with weight loss. Chances are s/he will be happy to help you!

    Best of luck to you! and come back often! let us know how it goes, 'k?

    You know, that's very good advice. Although I was there in February for my annual pap smear and gynocological check-up, I need to go back for full bloodwork and a talk. Just a talk about how I've been feeling and what the doc's suggestions are on getting started. My doc was also Mom's doctor (one of them, Mom seemed to add more and more docs to her roster as the cancer progressed), so she understands what's been going on in my life.

    Good suggestion, quinn!! Thanks!
  • Hi Cheryl,
    I'm in Ohio too.
    If you want a kick in the pants now and then,some great support and info. plus some laughs come on over to APRIL CHICKS, we just started this group and some of us have about the same amount we want to lose as you do (me).
    Quinn,you too,

    Quinn is right about good old healthy weight lose and exercise, IF your serious about this then you know what to do.

    Now PUT DOWN THAT CANDY BAR and get busy with a plan.

    I truely believe my mom is with me all the time(I lost her when I was 7) and I know she wants me to be the healthiest, happiest woman I can be, and I plan on doing it for her and for me.
    I lost myself for awhile but I have a new husband and a new house now all I need is to get back in touch with me.
    The support is here for you,now be your own best friend.
  • Welcome!! I too belong to the "april Chicks" thread and you should definitely join us. I also need to lose a large amount of weight and I understand how hard it is to just start, thats the worst part!! But I have been taking in all the advice I have been recieving friom this site and guess what........its working! I lost 2pounds in a week and though it seems like such a small amount, Its a start and it has gotten me totally motivated. If you want to do this you can do it, with the help of all the supportive people on this site!! good luck! Stay strong
  • P.s........
    I found this site the exact same way that you did...... looking at trimspa and *********........Now I am glad I didnt waste my money on that junk!!!
  • Hi, Cheryl!!

    Quote: Yes, I'm looking for the "magic pill" even though I know there is none.
    I'd like to start out by saying you are already on the right track. You're here!! And you realize that there is no magic pill for weight loss. If it were that easy then the inventor would be the wealthiest person to walk the planet. Unfortunately, people that make these "pills" try to walk this walk, but their pills aren't doing the talk. Inticing "ads" and celebrities usually are.

    Quote: Is it too late for me? Am I a lost cause?
    It is NEVER too late, dear. Never. You are NOT a lost cause. You ARE worth it and are beautiful.
    I can tell by your post about how you talk about your horse and your mom what a loving, caring person you are. You just hit some bumps in the road, but that's OK. It happens to everyone. I still hit them every so often, but I just keep on going. The difference now is I don't let the bumps take over my life and control me... *I* am the one in control now. Granted sometimes those bumps seem like jagged mountains, but I just tell myself "this too, will pass." & try my best to work through the jags.

    Quote: Thanks for listening. It's been a while since I've gotten the chance to type my feelings out... it felt good.
    Anytime!! IMOP, this place is THE best online support system a person could have!! I find it to be great therapy to be able to come here and type out my feelings and just daily chit-chat. I hope you do too.

    Here is something I thought you could use, especially today...I wish I could take away your emotional pain 100%... But for now, maybe this will make you feel just a bit warm and fuzzy inside.

  • Baby steps...
    I've managed to go 2 work days without soda or candy bars. I actually downed a couple of liters of water yesterday. Still working on my first today.

    Thanks for all the replies!
  • Hi...Had to reply to your post. I'm 45 years old and began my new "lifestyle change" in August 2003....yes I had lost weight...gained weight....followed every diet known to women. But on that day in August I made up my mind to change my thinking...that I was the one in control....I....and only me had to make the choice to put that candy in my mouth or that second helping of food. I made up my mind to NOT listen to my endless whines and excuses as to why I shouldnt be out there walking. I started in baby steps. Today...I walk over 4 miles a day, I get my bike out and bike for miles and miles....this isn't on nice highways...this is on good old country hilly rock roads....but it feels good to feel those muscles burn. Today.....I weigh 200 pounds. I started out at 319...SO FROM ME TO YOU.....its not too late!!!!! I am .5 pounds from "onederland" I will do this. You will do this. Its your choice to make that first step...then the next. Its worth it, when that first person notices....then the second. Its worth it, when there isnt the usual daily heartburn. Just little things I've notice sometimes brings a smile to my face, that I knew I couldnt do before. I recieved two mother's day cards from my daughters...and in them they told me how proud they were of me...what I have accomplished in the past 9 months...I will frame those and carry them with a reminder to me....why I want to keep on with my journey. Mary
  • What a nice reply! Thanks, Mary!

    I agree 100%. There comes a time when that mindset is there (finally!). When you're tired of "dealing" with all the changes in your body that comes from carrying too much weight. When you know it's time for order in your life.

    I've reached it... And I'll keep reaching for it... I earned this and I deserve it.

  • YAY Cheryl!!!

    You go GIRL!!!!!!!!