Happy Hump Day!

  • I just wanted to introduce myself. I am new to these boards. I was on the WW board a while ago and had dropped off for a while. I just started my new WL plan on 2/1/04 and am totally committed (I think ;-)....no really) to do this!

    I am now 33 years old and I have been slowly getting fat for 10 years now. Why did I do that ? I am always curious why so many things end up taking priority over ME.

    Well, after living my life for everyone else for years, and now that I have completed my divorce (5/04/03), I am ready.

    I hired a personal trainer, which is totally NOT me. I am shocked I did this but after a month, I can honestly say it is hands-down the best investment I have EVER made in my life. I can't believe the level of accountability. It is just what I needed.

    Anyhow, I started 2/01/04 at 5'9" and 217 pounds. Today I weighed in at 207 (Yippeee). I am just doing my own calorie and fat counting. I am starting at 1650 a day and going to knock off 110 calories at each 20 lb loss.

    I work out hard three times a week (1 hour of weight training and 1 hour of brutal cardio)....sometimes I think I am going to die, but it feels good by later that day. I work out another three days - just an hour of moderate to difficult cardio. My reward at the end of each session is to sit in the hot tub at my gym. And at each ten pound loss - a massage and facial.

    Anyway, I am so glad to find this board. You all seem like great support which I need now that I am on my own.

    I am in Arizona, so if there are any fellow Arizonins out there, or anyone for that matter, who want to buddy up, feel free to send me a message.

    Good luck to all of us......140 here I come!
  • Hi, I am also in AZ and new to this board. I am back on the diet ride myself. I hope this is the last time. I have gained and lost more times than I care to remember or admit to. (get the yoyogirl part).Anyway, good luck to you.
  • Hi There,

    I saw your post and had to respond. I am not new to 3FC, I've been posting here forever. I am 34 (ugh!!) single with 2 cats. I have 70 pounds to lose. I can't stay motivated. I lost 20 pounds last year and felt like a million bucks. But then I got sad and well, you know how the rest goes. I havne't gained all of my weight back (knock wood) but I want to get back on track.

    I have a very stressful job and often turn to food to combat lonliness and ease the stress. :/ I'm just a wreck really.

    AZ girl, I'm up for giving a little suport if you (and anyone else) is interested.
    I applaud you for getting that trainer and working out. You should feel proud!!!

    I am going to the gym tomorrow!!! I have to do this. I'm not getting any younger and I need to stop all this destructive behavior.

    Thanks for letting me rant