Doing your own thing-February 2004

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  • Ahh, the days of cat ownership. Our last cat found a new home after he wizzed on a new sofa. I really do like cats, just can't live with one anymore.

    Jello, we must have the same "vehicle Karma". We traded in my '99 Taurus on DH's new truck. Your's isn't Tan, is it? I liked mine. DH just needed...wanted...a new truck and I didn't want two car payments so the Taurus went byebye.

    I just got home from grocery shopping. My only weak moment resulted in a half gallon of chocolate milk following me home. Later this afternoon, I'm going to wash grapes and peel oranges so they are ready to go! But for now, I'm heading downstairs to the storage room. New shelves and containers begging to be put to use. Lift, Bend, Stretch...
  • Lori - Good for you! You get outside and get that walk. Loved the cat stories. I'm a cat girl too. My boy cat is yowling a lot lately for no good reason except that it's winter and the balcony is too cold for his taste. I threatened to get him a kitten if he doesn't stop.

    I'm SO much better after a weekend. Also, I took a long hot shower over at the gym (what a concept!) before the wedding on Friday and by the time we came home at night hot water was back in season- so all is good. And ya know what? There is only another month left of winter. OK, I admit I have seen April snow the last 2 years in a row, but I'm looking on the bright side here!! Besides, April snow doesn't count because you know it's just for play not for reals. So only a month to go - woohoo!

    Hey, anything gets a 'woohoo' on Monday Funday!

    OK, so I'm off to check my latest query and see if it will satisfy my boss. Can't linger but just wanted to give you all a "Hey ya!"
  • Yes - it's finally here! Mid-Atlantic Quilt Fest starts Wednesday. I can hardly wait. I did not have a good weekend, food-wise. Seems like periodically I just go crazy and can't stop eating. Back on track today. I would lead a demonstration to get weekends outlawed, but that's when I do the bulk of my quilting so can't have that. My problem is not eating junk - it's eating too much of good things.
  • Hey girlies, how is your Tuesday going?

    Jello: Are you going to send out "adoption" announcements? Are we obligated to buy a gift; steering wheel cover, floor mats, Armour All? Glad you found something reliable to get you where you are going. Scary when you are driving something that isn't. Had that trouble for years and years!

    Tig: Three days and I will be up in your neck of the woods. One of these days I am going to make sure I have enough time to get together with you. I don't even have enough time to go down to my mom's grave this time (she is buried in a little cemetary out in the country in Argos). I went and bought this big ole coat and now it looks like you guys are warming up!

    Lori: Butterscotch is doing fine now. At least he is not catterwalling (must be where the term came from, ya think) like he used to at night. It was awful, he would prowl around the house looking for nooky probably! He sleeps in bed with us as does the dog so we are this big happy family. I am certainly looking forward to this weekend, no dog or cat for 3 days in bed with us. Romance is almost comical for us, toss out the dog, toss out the cat and listen to them meow and bark....Does effect the mood!

    I have an eye appt in just a little while so I guess I should go and get cleaned up and dressed. I am doing really well with treadmill work at the gym. I go 2 times a day when Jack goes and once a day when he doesn't. I really LIKE the treadmill and didn't ever think that would be the case. I went this morning with one of my oldies, "Singer and Songwriters" cds and the second song was "American Pie" so you know that took me through a good third of my workout! That is one longgggggg song!

    Everyone have a great day. Susan hope you have a spectacular time at your Quilt Fest thingy. Sounds neat!

  • Man oh man. Just got the boss off to the airport FINALLY! Thought he'd never leave! I guess the good thing is that it's snowing here and I convinced him he'd better get going. Whatever.

    Tiger, actually the Taurus is beige - close enough!

    Funny story. We were just about to leave to go get the car last night and an email came in from Rich's mom. It said, and I paraphrase, "Son, your dad and I have decided to get a new car and wanted to know if you wanted the Explorer." That is, they were going to GIVE it to us. As in free of charge. Some people are insisting that we should have called the car dealer and cancelled the whole deal but we decided to get the new one and let his parents get some money for theirs. But, oh what timing!

    Faye, glad kittie's feeling better. I would guess that it takes a few days to recover from "that" surgery. But they usually feel and behave so much better afterwards!

    Quilter, have a great time at the 'fest!

    Cafe, you're right. April snow doesn't count. And the stuff that's currently falling here isn't sticking to the roads so it doesn't count either. :P Now if it starts freezing later as the temperatures drop, that's a different story.

    But I'm off tomorrow! Mental health day. I simply cannot decide what I'm going to do with my free day but I'm taking it anyway.

    Better go and finish up so I can get outta here at 5. Hope to be able to check in with you tomorrow. Weigh-in tonight so send good vibes!
  • Hump Day. And it's a tall hump! Hope the ride down to Friday is easy.

    Jello, wondering what you are doing for your mental health day. How was weigh-in?

    Faye, weather is improving here. Suppose to get into the 50's Friday. The only drawback is all the mud that comes along with it. Bring on the green!

    Quilter, you make me want to quilt. I have two old sewing machines that have been given to me. Evidently, I'm not the only one that thinks I should sew. I have a fantasy of making quilts for my family for Christmas.

    Does anyone know anything about the weightwatchers online program or the at home kit they sell?

    I'm off to run errands...
  • An upbeat post!
    Hey all! Remember my story about how we found our new car because we stopped at the Home Depot so Jello could use the ladies' room? Well....

    Yesterday, I decided at the last minute to go to Delaware Park and play the slots for a while. So there I was, just wandering around, playing a few machines here and there, having fun but not winning . Finally, I decided I should just go home - I've lost enough of the grocery money for one day.

    Well, I was actually at the door but then I thought about the hour-and-a-half drive home and thought I should use the ladies' room quick before I go. So I went back in and on the way to the bathrooms, I saw there was no one at this machine that I'd played and won at before so I thought I'd throw a $20 bill in....

    ... and I won $250! Got my money back and then some. Not bad for a couple hours' work.

    OK, so add that to the 2.8 lbs I lost at my Tuesday night weigh-in and I'm a happy camper.

    Girls, I highly suggest a day off mid-week just to do whatever comes to mind. I'm thinking I'm going to do that at least once a month. Didn't get the housework done that I'd hoped but .... well who the heck cares!!!!

    No boss today but I've got a guy coming in at 10 to try to sell me stuff. I hope he's a good salesman 'cause I'm feelin' ornery. In a good way. And lookin' forward to a warm (OK "warmER") weekend. Time to start thinking about gardens and flowers and such.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Wow
    Jello: Congrats on your win and the weight loss!! It's nice to come back and see you here, and as funny as usual.
  • Okay so where is everybody? Was it something I said?......
  • Hi Dyan! It's been on 'n off busy 'n slow around here lately.
    How are all those kids? Have you been OP lately?

    I'm trying to clean house for guests coming tomorrow. I'm not making too much progress and can already see myself running around the house like a chicken with my head cut off in the morning.
    I'm gearing up to start WW. I guess I'm going to do it on my own to begin with. See how that works for me. Monday is going to be Day One.
    I guess that leaves me open for cake and icecream at the birthday party this weekend. I know, I know...I wont over do it.
    Messy house calling my name.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • Tig: The kids are fine. Getting on my nerves, every chance they get, but I love 'em. I was holding my baby (Zoey ~ 2 months old now) last night and thinking about how lucky we are and she is. I got a morbid thought in my head, about all the poor children that were screaming their heads off, because no one's feeding them, holding them, or caring for them. All the children that were being abused. I got tears in my eyes and then on the 11 o'clock news there was a story about a teenage boy killing his girlsfriend's 22 month old daughter. That kind of stuff really gets under my skins and deeply saddens me. I had to change the channel quick. But on a brighter note, I am doing well OP. Slowly but surely I'm working on it. It's all about the baby steps. Trying to walk 3 miles a day, but haven't quite got there yet. I am up to 2-2 1/2 miles.

    Like you I should be cleaning. We're having a birthday party for Lucas (he'll be 3 on the March 20th) and Kaleigha (she'll be 2 on the March 8th), NEXT weekend. We have so many birthday's in March that every weekend is pretty much booked! I SO need to shampoo this carpet, it's gross and totally getting on my nerves. I find alot of things are starting to get on my nerves , oh well. We have so much to think about. DH flew to Utah on Monday for a job interview and he accepted the offer that they gave him. So they are moving us out there. He starts work March 15th, but the kids and I are going to try and hang out here (California) until the end of May. Cheyenne, my oldest is in dance and has her retical in May, and we got other things going on. Not only that, our lease isn't up until July, so this should be fun. We haven't even been in this house for a brain is on over lead. But right now I'm making my weight loss #1 on my list. I want to be around to see rug rats, have rugrats, ya know?
  • LOL. Actually Dyan, I've poked my li'l nose in here at least half a dozen times today meaning to post but got interrupted. How dare they expect me to do work ... and on a Friday! Humph!

    Boss is back in the office today after flying the red-eye from Calif. overnight. He's tired and moody and grumpy. More so than usual. What a baby.

    Anyway, it's great to see you here Dyan!

    Tiger, aw gee, you don't have to clean the house for ME! I'll be over first thing in the morning! Seriously, good luck with the new WW plan!

    I was at Curves and they're doing some sort of food drive thing. The sign (I was only able to glance at it and not get all the details ) said 1. Bring in a bag of groceries. 2. Come to Curves 3 times a week for the entire month of March. 3. Lose 5 pounds or 5 inches. Win a T-shirt. Now I don't know if you have to do all three of those things or just one of the three but I'm taking it as a challenge to do them all. So that's my goal for March.

    And I've vowed to get in all my water every day during Lent too. And we all know that good things happen when Jello drinks her water!

    And suddenly, I have to run. No, it's not the water. It's the boss man.
  • WOOHOOO The weekend has arrived! I logged on and it said I had not been in here for a week......and that kinda tells you about my week! Seems like there was something going on all the time.....and someone/something that needed my attention every spare minute......but that does make the week go faster! Hardly had any time to eat!

    Jello.....with the weight loss and the slot winnings, you had a great week too! A mental health day sounds like a good idea.......though I am never that lucky in the casinos!! you sure have your hands full! How many children do you have? did I count 4 in your post? I am impressed.....always said there was a reason the good Lord only gave me 2 kids.....and He was pressing his luck even then!

    The weather this weekend is supposed to be in the 50s and yes, Tig, I know all about the mud......don't dare slow up coming in the driveway here or I will be stuck until spring! Tomorrow, we have lunch with friends and are going to a play....then Sunday the kids & grandkids will be here to celebrate birthday #4 for youngest.

    Well.....just heard something suspicious hit the floor in the kitchen.....better go check on the cat!
  • Hola Chicas!!

    Jello: I've been thinking about joining Curves, how's tha working for ya? I had lunch w/ an old co-worker. I hadn't seen her in 2 1/2 years. She goes, and was telling me that she's only lost 5 pounds, but she's lost 17". I was blown away. As a matter of fact my sister is thinking about appying for a job at one. Maybe she and I should take a trip to one and check it out. I am assuming that they would give a free pass for the day to see how we like it.

    MsRD: Yep, I have four children ! The oldest is 5 and the youngest is 2 months. I have no idea what happened . Had to see a specialist for my first two (Cheyenne & Lucas) and then when Lucas was 4 months old, I discovered that I was pregnant w/ #3 ~ Kaleigha. All I can say, is that I am finished . Had the ole tubes tied the day after Zoey was born . ****, I'm no spring chicken (gonna be 37 this year)....Still like to think I'm in my late 20's, but my body is telling me I'll be hitting 50 soon, hence the motivation to lose all this fat. I'm already thinking about being a sad is that?

    Well gotta get Cheye ready for ballet.....
  • Ah, beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon. So what am I doing inside on the 'puter instead of outside enjoying the day? Beats me. I've been up since 5-ish and did some running around earlier. Now I'm already pooped. But I'm going to head back out in a couple minutes to fill the bird feeders and see what else I can plan ahead for.

    Spring's coming girls! Crocuses are already poking their little heads out. Hope this weather lasts!

    Just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all. Rich has been working all weekend AGAIN but has promised me that next weekend he's all mine. I've got a week to come up with some projects.

    Yesterday, I painted the dining room while he was gone. It's yellow now. Very very yellow. But it's bright and clean anyway.

    Talk to you all tomorrow!