back door friends no. 2

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  • way to go donna
    sherree the are for you.
  • Hello Everyone..Well we went to the Doctor and got some bad news..Jim has type 2 diabetes.They think that the Chemo had something to do with it..but they are not sure..So now he has a pill to take and a brand new diet to follow... He is so upset..I told him that alot of people have this and have very normal lives..
    I also told him that I could benifit from this type of diet too..that we could do this together...I know that wasnt much help but I know he feels like he is falling apart....He says every time we go to the Doctor they find something else..I feel so bad for him but I have to keep pushing and making him see he will get through this too..We go back to the doctor in 2 weeks and he will return to work the 1st of he has alot of getting stronger to do with walking and diet..
    I really pray that he will adjust to all of this..Any suggestions from you all would be welcomed...
    Rosey and Dana..I know that you all have experience in this and any tips you both have I would love to hear about..
    As for me..I have to learn about portion controll and exchanges and all.. The doctor gave me a little book and a small guide book on meal thats a good start..
    I am sorry to have to tell you all this as it seems to never end medically with us..... but I truly believe that everything will be alright...I really do..
    Thank-you ALL for always listening to me and being here for me..I am forever greatful to you ALL for that My Dear Friends...
    Well its alot to take in tonight and I am tired.. I have alot of things to do tomorrow..I have that yard sale here Saturday to get ready for and have to get one of those Blood sugar testers..
    So its off to the store tomorrow..for suppys and all..
    I will talk to each of you tomorrow..Please understand that tonight I am just to upset and I have to get it together..
    Thank-You All..I Love you ALL....
    God Bless you ALL and Good Night..
  • from rosey
    Boy life stinks sometimes..summer and jim im so sorry..i know its alot to take in now and know how you feel..hugs to you both and am holding your hands..i will help any way i can..even tho its devastating news this is a livable disease..ask all the questions you need time it wont seem so scary..rosey
  • {{{{{Summer and Jim}}}}} I am so very sorry for the bad news you received. Man!! I can imagine the frustration Jim is feeling it's like he is probably thinking NEVER to see the doctor again. I feel it was brought on by the chemo but the chemo did do the most important thing and that is to prevent any spread or the cancer coming back. We have to be thankful for that! This is disappointing I know, you will get through this because you conquered the worse battle of them all and that is Cancer and heart disease! You both are winners and will continue to be a winner through this. I am not making light of the news but think if he can try and look at it as a small hill he must climb after he had just climbed Mt. Everest! I love ya and will pray for this life change in yours and Jim's life.

    Kris, tell us what's going on with you. Are you feeling better? My medication does not make me so fatigued any more and I am glad. Thank you for sharing and dancing with me as I met my 10% goal. Now since my target point has lowered 2 points it makes it a little different! LOL

    Glen, Rosey and Summer thank you all too for celebrating with me. I know that I did not do this alone. I had a little help from my friends!

    Dana, Daphne and Sheree WHERE ARE YOU ALL??

    I have a dentist appt today. Oh the joy! LOL It's just a six month check up so don't worry.

    Rosey! I almost forgot.............. on your winning 900 dollars the other night!!!!!!!!!!! I kept meaning to mention that and would get on another subject and would have a brain fart and would forget.

    I'll talk to you all later. Have a good Thursday!

  • Sorry to be missing in action but if the truth be known, I've gotten in deep on ebay. Not buying but selling. I'm auctioning a lot of books and such and although they pay the shipping and for the item, it's not fun keeping up with everything and having to go mail it off.

    Summer I would say I"m sorry for jim and I know that sounds harsh but Donna is so right, diabetes is a piece of candy compared to cancer. I'm thrilled that he's cancer free and that's the important thing. There are millions of people with type 2 diabtetes and are really lucky to control it with diet and a pill. Some advice for you (rosey's may differ), your insurance should pay for the glucometer. We have 4 of them and 1 of them isn't worth anything. I would suggest you get the One Touch Ultra by lifescan/johnson & johnson. My grandfather has type 2 and couldn't believe how the one touch worked the other day. It sips in your blood and takes just a tiny bit and only 5 seconds to get results. We also have a Precision QID but with it you have to "mount up" blood to put on the top of the test strip rather than let the meter sip it in. My grandpa has that one and it takes too much blood which means your finger pricker pokes a little too hard. Also, don't settle for what your general dr. tells you. He needs to take up with an endocrinologist. They will fill you in on all you need to know to take care of yourself. I couldn't tell you the things my grandpa has learned from our 3 1/2 month experiences and he's been a diabetic for 12 years. How high has his sugar run? You will find it's not that difficult to control it. What meds is he on? You have to watch your colas for the most part and only tea sweetened with splenda or something. Count your carbs. It is an excellent eye opener to help you both out on your weight. I was thinking the same thing here this morning about the carbs I put in my mouth a day yet my 10 year old can do better.
  • Also summer with type 2, it isn't so much an issue with your pancreas as it is your cells not allowing the natural insulin to get in there to convert the sugar to energy. It's fat that prevents it from occurring naturally. So what you're looking at is (not knowing how much weight jim should lose), he could shed 10 to 20 pounds or so and technically not be declared a diabetic cause it should allow his body to work with what he has. The negative side to that is that he's pancreas could suffer in the long run and he end up on insulin in a few years. That just happened to my grandma's 85 yr old sister just last week. She's type 2 but has to have a shot in the morning now. If you don't try to control it by food and exercise then you will have to go to the shots. The balls actually in his court right now. My question is do they know definately that it's type 2? After what brett went through it makes me wonder. I wonder the affect of chemo on your internal organs.

    To change the subject a bit, Donna you are doing awesome. I commend you on reaching your goal. I have a question for those of you who "are even" overweight, do you feel fat normally? I realized today that I don't feel it until I see it. I don't see myself overweight in my mind but only in the numbers and then in the mirror. I'm wondering if that's my cause of lack of will power cause I need to feel miserable to myself in order to stick with it.

    I still haven't heard from daphne and a girl from our other thread who lives on the west coast too is suppose to call her. I will let you know if i hear anything.

    Rosey when your grandchildren visit you do they not have to go to school? I had often wondered how people visited family out of town with school children. Are you making them anything special for christmas this year? I'm glad you got the stamps and take your time. I was really wondering how to color those babies? Aren't they cute? I guess you can make them black babies. I'm just not good at coloring the flesh on something.

    Well at any rate, I'm rather chilly this morning in my shorts and it's probably a good 50 out there now. We're suppose to have frost tonight. I have a feeling we're in winter already and may get to have a real snowy season! Yall have a good one. Can't believe it's nearly weekend already.
  • Hello Everyone..Its another chilly day here..I have been doing things around here and making calls about Yard Sale thing.
    I cant wait for that to be over with this Saturday.. I thought I was ready for it but now I am trying to get it al togther to take to the club house Tomorrow..Whewwwwww I am tired already.

    Rosey..Thank-You for all your caring and kindness..You are right in time we will have this down..Its all the info I have to learn right now that makes it scarey..but with your help and Dana and everyone I can learn all I need to do this.. I Thank The Good Lord above they found the Diabetes early and for Wonderful YAYA's friend like you..I know you will have fun with your Grand Babies and your family..God Bless you sweetie..

    Donna.. I hope that your Dr.s appointment goes well today.
    I am so glad that your meds are not making you tired anymore..thats wonderful as I know that you need them to help you..You sound so much more upbeat..Thats a good thing
    I am not saying that you were not upbeat before..I just mean that you sound like you feel better and for that I am happy for you..Cause I know how bad you felt awhile back..
    Thank-you so much for all your caring and words of incouragement.I loved the one about MT Everst..Its so so TRUE
    I know that you are right about beating the cancer thats the most important thing and I do belive that too.. Its like you said Jim is really depressed about this..He has been through so much and now this..but we will get through it and life will be good..Thank the Good Lord and wonderful friends and YAYA's like you.God Bless you Sweetie..Again Thank-you for all your sweet caring words Donna..
    Have a great day and again Way To Go On the weight loss..You Rock..

    Dana.. Thank you for all your great info about Diabetes..I appreciate the info on the One Touch.. I saw so many brandes..I wasnt sure which one to get so I didnt get any yet..So I will get the one you recomended..yes I do agree with you about he is so blessed being cancer free and that thisd can be contolled with doet and a pill right now..He is taking Avandia 4 mg a day..The Doctor thinks that if Jim eats right and walks he will be off the pills soon and be normal..He told us so much yesterday me head is spinning.. I will have to play catch up and read an learn before our next vist in 2 weeks. He spoke of a specialist but first he took more blood for testing and spoke to the specialst on the phone.. I will let you know when we go back what is what.. This is the 3rd round of blood tests that says he has we are hoping that it can be contolled with a pill and diet.. Again I appreciate all your help Dana as you have been through so much with Brett..Bless his heart.and knows first hand about all of this like Rosey too...Like I said before..He is such a strong little boy that has been through so much and you have been such a wonderful Mom with him..I am so proud of him. I told Jim about what he has been through and he said that is really something and if a little boy can do it and alot of others.... Like... Rosey...your Grandparents so can he...Like you said he beat Cancer and that was really something..He can do this..Thanks again for all your support and caring..and I understood completly what you meant about saying your sorry for Jim.. What you said is right..We have to count our blessings and believe me WE DO..I Thank the good Lord for YAYA Friends like you..God Bless you sweetie.. and all the wonderful people in here..You ALL have made this bearable for us..PS..I hope that you find out about Daphne and that she and her family are alright..I can understand that Ebay can keep you busy..Is it hard to get started to sell on there??....Jim has lot of Nascar Cars and trailers he wants to sell..He has alot..He has been collecting for along time now..and now he only wants to keep and collect Petty Enterprise stuff and Richard Childers and Dale Earnheart I was thinking of selling it on Ebay?????

    I hope that the rest of you post soon..Hoping that all of you are alright and having a good day..
    The are on the hunt..
  • good morning barbies.
    summer sorry to hear jim. what else is going to happen to your ken doll (jim). they say things come in threes. i'm hoping nothing else goes wrong.
    talk to you lighter. glen
  • akrosey49
    Hi everyone..just a quick post...its CRAZY around here...raining buckets so weve had to be inside..boy have the gr kids grown..weve been playing games and watching movies and visiting and hugging and snuggling..i love it ..the son in laws have decided i needed new steps into our thats been the project..with my dh supervising..they are almost finished.. im really blessed with agreat family..hope you are all ok and when theyre all gone will address you each..till then have a good weekend..rosey
  • Hello Everyone..
    Well its a beautiful Sunday here today..Its a little chilly but the sky is the bluest I have seen in a long whlle..I am having coffee and reading the paper and trying to rest up before I have to go do some errands today..Grocerys and other things..
    The Yard sale was fun with everyong from here..We had a ball laughing and selling. All the people that had not seen much of all summer was there..I sold about 90.00 worth and the rest went to the "Good Will " store.. I went to dinner last with some of the money and today I am going to try to find a weigh scale for meat and some kind of better measuring spoons to have to measure all of Jim's food..All in all yesterday was good but I am very tired today from all the lifting and carring things up and down stairs with othe people..This old fat bod is sooooooo out of shape..although I got a good workout yesterday

    Mr Ken..Yes you are right about things coming in 3's and I am praying that the next thing will be a good one..I am still so blessed that the cancer is cured and we will get through this too.
    This is nothing compared to we will diet and lose weight and feel so much better..
    Thank-you for all your kind well wishes..
    I hope that your weigh-in went well..Heres that it did..Have a great Sunday..

    Rosey..Sounds like you are having a wonderful time with your Grand-babies and family...and your son-in-law sounds like a real nice guy to fix your steps..Thats so wonderful to have such a thoughful son-in-law..I know that your Sunday will be full of love and fun..Enjoy..

    Donna..Dana..Sheree..Daphne..Kris.. Where are all of you?????
    I MISS YOU ALL...Here is looking for all of you...
    PLease post soon.... ....
  • Hi there I am sorry to be MIA for so long. I have been busy stressed ya name it. I would love to personalize each of you but I am to lost. I did go to a stamping party last week. I loved it and I want to do it now. SO Rosey and Dana how do I get started? Where do I buy the card stock at and the inks and all that? I even did a card that I embossed. I am hooked on it if I can get going. I also made a halloween card and a red card with dragon flys that I stamped in 2 colors and crimped the bottom of the card. I wanna do more.
    I missed my ww meeting last week but have decided to stop the meetings now. I cant afford it and the meetings havnt been that great lately. I also wont pay for themeeting that I missed and I miss my lattess now and then.
    I hope to be posting more again and I love ya all!
  • welcome back daphne. yesterday we talked about liquid calories and latte were 1100 calories.
    summer i gained .3.
  • Daphne I'll start by telling you that it will vary in each state as to who has the better deals for what but the card stock is cheaper here at walmart and you find it with the office supplies at our super walmart. The ink, you want pigment ink for embossing. I'm not sure if rosey ever told me that (probably did and I ignored it ) but I feel I learned it the hard way. Dye ink dries too fast. You can buy the heat gun at walmart cheaper as well. Check on ebay. You'd be suprised at the deals you can get on any supplies. If you're not sure if it's the right price, just ask rosey or me. I've gotten a lot of stamps from there as well as the powders. You'll want the fancy scissors too. They aren't expensive. You can get some that are though. Do you have a michaels craft store? If so, you can buy the scrapbooking paper for less than $20 for 180 sheets which is a bargain. You can pay 30 cents a piece or more if bought separately. Anyway, Rosey has been a super teacher and I would be happy to help you get into it. It's my favorite past time. In fact, I just got an order for some cards from a lady who won an ebay auction.

    Rosey we need some back steps desperately. DH made some new ones last week but I'm not using them. They aren't braced very well. We got our new washer today and it was brought up the steps so I guess they will hold up for now. I've asked my mom to get my DH a Lowe's gift card for x-mas so he can buy a new saw and some wood for the steps. Heck, I'd like a porch back there while he's at it.

    Summer that was some good money for a yard sale. I have loads of clothes I need to sell. I may try advertising some of them on ebay. Ebay is a good place to auction stuff off for but you have to be prepared that you may not get quite what you'd like out of it and on some things you get more. I sold a Blue's Clues paper back book the other day for over $6 and it wasn't worth that but they were fighting over it. Did you get Jim a tester? Brett noticed something strange while ago. He asked me if my feet ever felt scratchy? I thought a lot about what he could mean and I told him to go test and he was 77 which is low for him. he was on his way down and that probably was an indicator that he'd never noticed. My sister in law's mother in law told me her toes burned when she went under 80.

    Donna what have you been up too? Our weather decided to warm up a bit over the weekend didn't it? I know you're looking foward to weighing this week. Inquiring minds are out and about to hear the new total too.

    Well I hate to post and run but I want to catch the rest of the Braves game to see if they make or break their chance to continue on in the play offs. I hope you all have a great night and make it through monday.
  • hey guys...very busy. I am alive. Will catch you all up on my life tomorrow.
  • Hey there everybody!

    I really should be doing some blessing but felt I needed to post since I don't believe I have all weekend! So ! Glen that wasn't a big gain and I know you are glad of that. Summer, congratulations on your 90.00 earnings from the yard sale. I know that everyone who hasn't seen Summer for a while was so glad to see you. Daphne, I was so happy to see a post from you. I'm sorry you have been under so much stress. I am also sorry that you will not be able to continue the WW meetings but you can still do it on your own and if you need any information from me at all don't hesitate to ask. I plan to be doing this for another 10 pounds at least. Dana, great advice to Daphne about the cards. I read it too. There is the cutest shop that just opened up in town called "Paper Moon" and they specialize in scrapbooking and things of that sort. I have a good friend who is trying to get me into scrapbooking and it looks like a lot of fun but I have so many projects I need to do first. Yes the weather was wonderful this past weekend. We rode up to Caesars Head on Saturday to see if there was any neat Fall sights but the leaves are just now turning. I love Fall. As for my weigh in this Wednesday I'm afraid we all may be disappointed. I am having a hard time with my new point target which is only 2 points lower but still I am having a tough time. Rosey, sounds like you are having a blast with your grandkids. I know I've told you this before but I really envy your grandchildren because my daughter does not have that kind of relationship with her grandmother and it makes me sad. I want her to have the kind of relationship I had with my grandmothers. They were both very precious to me. How is Steve coming along?
    Sheree, how is the house coming along? You are busy I know. Kris, sure would like to know what's going on with you. If you would rather not discuss it I will understand but I sure do care about you. Not being nosey at all! I promise!
    This coming weekend Jim and I and Elena are going to the beach. We will be celebrating our 18th wedding anniversary and we will be taking a couple who has two boys. Their anniversary is on the 9th as ours is on the 11th so we wanted to celebrate together this year. With kids! LOL Anyway, we will have a good time I'm sure.
    I have a cousin who lives in another state I am wanting to say Virginia but he moves so much because he is a pastor that I'm not really sure. He is only a couple of years older than I am and he suffered from a heart attack last Thursday while cutting his grass. They did the balloon thing to his arteries and that only caused blood clots and had to keep him in the hospital for observation. He is 100% blockage in a couple of arteries and he is having by-pass surgery today. I would appreciate you keeping my cousin Alan in your prayers. I will update you when I find out anything. He is so young but the last time I saw him I was thinking he looked like a balloon as round and plump looking he looked. He had gained so much weight.
    Sorry I did not post this weekend. I'm still not happy about my Braves.... But happy for the Cubs. I hope they win in the world series if they make it there.